Amendment #286 to H4100

Cameras in DMH and DDS Facilities

Mr. Ross of Attleboro moves to amend the bill by inserting, after section xx, the following section:—


“SECTION XX. Chapter 19 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by adding, at the end thereof, the following new section:—


Section 25. (a) For the purposes of this section, the following word shall have the following meaning: ‘common areas’, an area of a facility that all residents share, including but not limited to dining areas, recreational areas, meeting areas, and hallways.


(b) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, video cameras shall be installed at all entrances, exits, and common areas of private facilities licensed by the department of mental health, pursuant to section 19, and at the entrances, exits, and common areas of all facilities under the authority of the department of mental health and the department of developmental services, including community-based residential homes, group homes, and inpatient facilities, for the purposes of continuously monitoring the entrances, exits, and common areas of these facilities. The commissioners of the department of mental health and the department of developmental services, in consultation with the executive office of public safety and security, shall establish a system for maintaining the recorded images produced by continuous video monitoring and shall coordinate in promulgating rules and regulations consistent with this section.”.