Amendment #450 to H4100

Winery Farm Licenses

Mr. Straus of Mattapoisett moves to amend the bill by adding the following section:

"SECTION  XXXX.  Section 15F of chapter 138 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following paragraph:-

(b).  A special license under this section may be granted by the local licensing authorities for a portion of premises that are licensed under §12 of this chapter provided that: (a) the special licensee documents the legal basis for use of the §12 licensed premises; (b) the area in which a special license is approved must be physically delineated from the area remaining under the control of the §12 license-holder; (c) the holder of the special license and not the §12 licensee, shall be solely liable for all activities that arise out of the special license; and (e) the special license holder shall not pay any consideration, directly or indirectly, to the §12 license holder for the access to or use of the §12 licensee’s premises.”.