Amendment #739 to H4100

MBTA and Regional Transit Authority Fare Increase Mitigation

Mr. Garballey of Arlington moves to amend the bill by adding the following section:- "SECTION XX.  Section 7A of Chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended in the seventh paragraph by striking the third sentence and inserting in place thereof the following new sentences:- Amounts credited to said fund shall be expended at the direction of the registrar in consultation with said commissioner, without further appropriation; provided, however, that any such expenditures shall ensure that the costs of the implementation, administration, oversight and enforcement of the inspection program instituted by the registrar pursuant to this chapter are offset by the fund. Amounts credited to said fund in excess of the program costs may be transferred to the Massachusetts Transportation Trust Fund to be used for any other expense of the registry of motor vehicles and the Massachusetts department of transportation necessary to carry out its purposes, provided that in FY2013 not more than $51,000,000 be allocated to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority operating budget and, provided further that not more than $3,000,000 shall be allocated to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority for the expressed purpose of mitigating the RIDE service fare increase and, provided further that not more than $6,000,000 be allocated to other regional transportation authorities."