Budget Amendment ID: FY2012-S3-113

GOV 113


Mr. Tarr moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after Section __, the following new Section:-


“SECTION ___ Except as required by law, a state agency, executive office, department, board, commission, bureau, division or authority of the commonwealth, or of any political subdivision thereof, acting in its capacity as an employer, may not enter into a contract, severance or settlement agreement with an employee or former employee directing that employee or former employee to agree to keep confidential the nature and terms of the agreement or not freely express an opinion about the employer or an agent of the employer, unless the employer shall create and make publicly available, as specified by section 10 of chapter 66 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2008 Official Edition, a detailed statement declaring why it is in the public’s best interest that the employer and employee or former employee include such language into the contract, severance or settlement agreement.  The detailed statement shall be made available within 24 hours of the contract, severance or settlement agreement becoming enforceable.”