Budget Amendment ID: FY2013-S4-194-R1

Redraft ENV 194

Cape and Vineyard Electric Cooperative

Mr. Wolf moved that the proposed new text be amended <w:p><w:r><w:t xml:space="preserve">by inserting, after Section 161, the following new section: -


SECTION XX. Section 139 of chapter 164 of the General Laws as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the word “megawatts”, in line 73, the following words: -


“provided, that a cooperative corporation organized under section 136 that is comprised solely of municipalities or other governmental entities may qualify as the customer of a net metering facility of a municipality or other governmental entity and such cooperative corporation may allocate the facility's generating capacity to a municipality or other governmental entity with the written assent of (1) such municipality or other governmental entity and (2) the department.  A municipality or governmental entity may not exceed 10 megawatts, whether as a customer of a net metering facility or from allocated generating capacity from such cooperative corporation.”