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March 17, 2025 Mist | 49°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

FY 2014 Budget FY 2014 Final Budget

About this step

The Governor has 10 days to review the budget and take action to either approve or veto the budget. The Governor may approve or veto the entire budget, veto or reduce specific line items, veto outside sections or submit changes as an amendment to the budget for further consideration by the Legislature.

Following any legislative overrides to the Governor's actions, the budget is finalized and is commonly referred to as the "General Appropriations Act" for the upcoming fiscal year.

Final Budget


Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is immediately to make appropriations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013, and to make certain changes in law, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows:

SECTION 1. To provide for the operations of the several departments, boards, commissions and institutions of the commonwealth and other services of the commonwealth, and for certain permanent improvements and to meet certain requirements of law, the sums set forth in sections 2, 2B, 2D, 2E and 3, for the several purposes and subject to the conditions specified in sections 2, 2B, 2D, 2E and 3, are hereby appropriated from the General Fund unless specifically designated otherwise, subject to the provisions of law regulating the disbursement of public funds and the approval thereof for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. All sums appropriated under this act, including supplemental and deficiency budgets, shall be expended in a manner reflecting and encouraging a policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for members of minority groups, women and handicapped persons. All officials and employees of an agency, board, department, commission or division receiving monies under this act shall take affirmative steps to ensure equality of opportunity in the internal affairs of state government, as well as in their relations with the public, including those persons and organizations doing business with the commonwealth. Each agency, board, department, commission or division of the commonwealth, in spending appropriated sums and discharging its statutory responsibilities, shall adopt measures to ensure equal opportunity in the areas of hiring, promotion, demotion or transfer, recruitment, layoff or termination, rates of compensation, in-service or apprenticeship training programs and all terms and conditions of employment.

SECTION 1A. In accordance with Articles LXIII and CVII of the Articles of Amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth and section 6D of chapter 29 of the General Laws, it is hereby declared that the amounts of revenue set forth in this section by source for the respective funds of the commonwealth for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 are necessary and sufficient to provide the means to defray the appropriations and expenditures from such funds for said fiscal year as set forth and authorized in sections 2, 2B and 2E. The comptroller shall keep a distinct account of actual receipts from each such source by each such fund to furnish the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means with quarterly statements comparing such receipts with the projected receipts set forth herein and to include a full statement comparing such actual and projected receipts in the annual report for said fiscal year pursuant to section 12 of chapter 7A of the General Laws. The quarterly and annual reports shall also include detailed statements of any other sources of revenue for the budgeted funds in addition to those specified in this section.

Revenue: By Source
SourceAll Budgeted Funds*General FundComm. Trans. FundMassachusetts TourismOther**
Alcohol. Bev. $78.4 $78.4 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Cigarettes $443.2 $443.2 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Corporations $1,691.0 $1,691.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Deeds $188.1 $188.1 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Estate Inheritance $261.7 $261.7 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Financial Institutions $51.3 $51.3 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Income $13,056.7 $13,056.7 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Insurance $381.9 $381.9 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Motor Fuels $667.5 $0.0 $666.6 $0.0 $0.9
Public Utilities -$10.8 -$10.8 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Room Occupancy $131.5 $85.5 $0.0 $46.0 $0.0
Sales-Regular $3,700.9 $3,700.9 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Sales-Meals $957.5 $957.5 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Sales-Motor Vehicles $696.5 $241.0 $455.5 $0.0 $0.0
Miscellaneous $17.0 $17.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
UI Surcharges $21.6 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $21.6
Total Consensus Tax Revenues: $22,334.0 $21,143.4 $1,122.1 $46.0 $22.5
Transfer to School Modernization and Reconstruction Trust (SMART) Fund -$703.6 -$703.6
Transfer to MBTA State and Local Contribution Fund -$799.3 -$799.3
Transfer to Pension Reserves Investment Trust Fund -$1,630.0 -$1,630.0
Transfer to workforce Training Fund -$21.6 -$21.6
Total Consensus Tax Revenue for Budget: $19,179.5 $18,010.5 $1,122.1 $46.0 $0.9
Revenue Changes
Transportation Finance Tax Changes $439.6 $344.2 $95.4
Amazon Tax Agreement $36.7 $36.7
Delay of FAS 109 $45.9 $45.9 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Tax Settlement Revenue $35.0 $35.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Tax Revenue Enhancements $35.0 $35.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Increased Tobacco Excise to CCTF -$31.3 -$31.3
Increased SMART Transfer -$28.4 -$28.4
Total Taxes Available for Budget: $19,712.0 $18,447.6 $1,217.5 $46.0 $0.9
Non-Tax Revenue
Federal Reimbursements $8,554.6 $8,549.0 $0.0 $0.0 $5.6
Departmental Revenue $3,569.1 $3,001.7 $547.7 $0.0 $19.7
Consolidated Transfers $2,022.8 $2,159.5 $0.0 $2.3 -$139.0
GRAND TOTAL $33,858.5 $32,157.9 $1,765.2 $48.3 -$112.8

SECTION 1B. The comptroller shall keep a distinct account of actual receipts of non-tax revenues by each department, board, commission or institution to furnish the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means with quarterly statements comparing such receipts with projected receipts set forth herein and to include a full statement comparing such receipts with projected receipts in the annual report for such fiscal year pursuant to section 13 of chapter 7A of the General Laws. The quarterly and annual reports shall also include detailed statements of any other sources of revenue for the budgeted funds in addition to those specified in this section.

Non-Tax Revenue:Department Summary
Revenue SourceFederal RevenuesDepartmental RevenuesBudgeted TransfersTotal UnrestrictedTotal Restricted
Supreme Judicial Court $0 $2,940,288 $0 $2,940,288 $0
Committee for Public Counsel $0 $8,950,000 $0 $50,000 $8,900,000
Appeals Court $0 $447,409 $0 $447,409 $0
Trial Court $0 $113,369,740 $0 $113,369,740 $0
TOTAL: $0 $125,707,437 $0 $116,807,437 $8,900,000
District Attorneys
TOTAL: $0 $0 $0
Secretary of the Commonwealth
Secretary of the Commonwealth $0 $224,431,948 $0 $224,416,948 $15,000
TOTAL: $0 $224,431,948 $0 $224,416,948 $15,000
Treasurer and Receiver-General
Office of the Treasurer $20,000,000 $79,068,200 $192,765,434 $271,601,805 $20,231,829
Cultural Commission $0 $2,044 $8,082,439 $8,084,483 $0
State Lottery Commission $0 $155,000 $1,036,646,478 $91,384,716 $945,416,762
TOTAL: $20,000,000 $79,225,244 $1,237,494,351 $371,071,004 $965,648,591
Attorney General
Office of the Attorney General $4,116,870 $51,623,124 $457,582 $54,197,576 $2,000,000
TOTAL: $4,116,870 $51,623,124 $457,582 $54,197,576 $2,000,000
Inspector General
Office of the Inspector General $0 $650,000 $0 $0 $650,000
TOTAL: $0 $650,000 $0 $0 $650,000
Office of Campaign and Political Finance
Office of Campaign and Political Finance $0 $72,800 $0 $72,800 $0
TOTAL: $0 $72,800 $0 $72,800 $0
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination $2,134,500 $241,000 $0 $116,589 $2,258,911
TOTAL: $2,134,500 $241,000 $0 $116,589 $2,258,911
State Ethics Commission
State Ethics Commission $0 $50,000 $0 $50,000 $0
TOTAL: $0 $50,000 $0 $50,000 $0
Office of the State Comptroller
Office of the State Comptroller $23,009,651 $25,376,657 $313,814,754 $362,201,062 $0
TOTAL: $23,009,651 $25,376,657 $313,814,754 $362,201,062 $0
Executive Office for Administration and Finance
Secretary of Administration and Finance $0 $16,186,813 $237,585,741 $252,622,554 $1,150,000
Division of Capital Asset Management & Maintenance $0 $65,309,779 $0 $48,509,779 $16,800,000
Bureau of State Office Buildings $0 $4,522 $0 $4,522 $0
Civil Service Commission $0 $15,000 $0 $15,000 $0
Group Insurance Commission $0 $702,641,235 $201,882,876 $902,024,111 $2,500,000
Division of Administrative Law Appeals $0 $45,000 $0 $45,000 $0
Department of Revenue $53,999,407 $144,951,168 $0 $192,403,295 $6,547,280
Appellate Tax Board $0 $2,203,433 $0 $1,803,433 $400,000
Human Resources Division $0 $2,690,645 $0 $5,000 $2,685,645
Operational Services Division $0 $19,062,264 $0 $12,163,244 $6,899,020
Information Technology Division $0 $564,730 $0 $0 $564,730
TOTAL: $53,999,407 $953,674,588 $439,468,617 $1,409,595,937 $37,546,675
Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs
Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs $0 $4,802,000 $0 $4,417,000 $385,000
Department of Environmental Protection $0 $36,945,380 $0 $30,674,335 $6,271,045
Department of Fish and Game $5,600,000 $11,183,339 $130,000 $16,495,350 $417,989
Department of Agricultural Resources $2,500 $5,707,155 $0 $5,709,655 $0
Department of Conservation and Recreation $0 $23,285,924 $0 $9,144,251 $14,141,673
Department of Public Utilities $0 $16,349,799 $0 $13,974,799 $2,375,000
Department of Energy Resources $0 $4,915,982 $0 $4,636,596 $279,386
TOTAL: $5,602,500 $103,189,579 $130,000 $85,051,986 $23,870,093
Executive Office of Health and Human Services
Department of Veterans' Services $0 $580,000 $0 $15,000 $565,000
Secretary of Health and Human Services $5,221,189,408 $818,915,425 $1,000,000 $5,816,104,833 $225,000,000
Division of Health Care Finance and Policy $0 $30,717,824 $0 $26,717,824 $4,000,000
Mass Commission for the Blind $3,291,773 $3,000 $0 $3,294,773 $0
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission $3,737,992 $40,000 $0 $3,777,992 $0
Mass Commission for the Deaf $161,478 $4,300 $0 $165,778 $0
Chelsea Soldiers' Home $10,929,089 $3,390,740 $0 $13,719,829 $600,000
Holyoke Soldiers' Home $11,897,392 $4,293,482 $0 $14,921,005 $1,269,869
Department of Youth Services $5,267,480 $0 $0 $5,267,480 $0
Department of Transitional Assistance $406,807,796 $39,505,000 $0 $446,312,796 $0
Department of Public Health $132,745,760 $108,665,333 $1,500,000 $152,446,712 $90,464,381
Department of Children and Families $182,389,521 $10,960,459 $0 $189,272,861 $4,077,119
Department of Mental Health $93,809,408 $2,752,100 $0 $96,436,508 $125,000
Department of Developmental Services $535,707,844 $6,812,003 $0 $542,369,846 $150,000
Department of Elder Affairs $1,582,271,555 $1,058,000 $0 $1,582,579,555 $750,000
TOTAL: $8,190,206,494 $1,027,697,666 $2,500,000 $8,893,402,791 $327,001,369
Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Massachusetts Department of Transportation $0 $546,415,580 $0 $546,415,580 $0
TOTAL: $0 $546,415,580 $0 $546,415,580 $0
Board of Library Commissioners
Board of Library Commissioners $0 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $0
TOTAL: $0 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $0
Executive Office of Housing & Economic Development
Department of Housing & Community Development $0 $2,732,711 $2,602,560 $2,800,268 $2,535,003
Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation $0 $1,350,175 $0 $850,175 $500,000
Division of Banks $0 $27,012,864 $0 $24,362,864 $2,650,000
Division of Insurance $0 $94,861,683 $0 $94,861,683 $0
Division of Professional Licensure $0 $16,320,047 $0 $15,495,047 $825,000
Division of Standards $0 $3,138,095 $0 $2,082,344 $1,055,751
Department of Telecommunications and Cable $0 $5,272,811 $0 $5,272,811 $0
TOTAL: $0 $150,688,386 $2,602,560 $145,725,192 $7,565,754
Executive Office of Labor & Workforce Development
Labor and Workforce Development $0 $2,553,530 $23,208,153 $25,208,833 $552,850
TOTAL: $0 $2,553,530 $23,208,153 $25,208,833 $552,850
Executive Office of Education
Department of Early Education and Care $196,680,710 $1,810,521 $0 $198,491,231 $0
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $0 $10,355,741 $0 $8,513,329 $1,842,412
University of Massachusetts $0 $132,386,639 $0 $132,386,639 $0
Bridgewater State College $0 $1,291,886 $0 $1,291,886 $0
Fitchburg State College $0 $1,270,253 $0 $1,270,253 $0
Framingham State College $0 $945,682 $0 $945,682 $0
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts $0 $235,920 $0 $235,920 $0
Salem State College $0 $911,704 $0 $911,704 $0
Westfield State College $0 $442,252 $0 $442,252 $0
Worcester State College $0 $1,133,851 $0 $1,133,851 $0
Berkshire Community College $0 $156,051 $0 $156,051 $0
Bristol Community College $0 $490,000 $0 $490,000 $0
Cape Cod Community College $0 $400,000 $0 $400,000 $0
Greenfield Community College $0 $149,564 $0 $149,564 $0
Holyoke Community College $0 $630,709 $0 $630,709 $0
Mass Bay Community College $0 $808,592 $0 $808,592 $0
Massasoit Community College $0 $634,467 $0 $634,467 $0
Mount Wachusett Community College $0 $219,221 $0 $219,221 $0
Northern Essex Community College $0 $234,183 $0 $234,183 $0
North Shore Community College $0 $725,758 $0 $725,758 $0
Quinsigamond Community College $0 $370,443 $0 $370,443 $0
Springfield Technical Community College $0 $701,579 $0 $701,579 $0
Roxbury Community College $0 $659,502 $0 $129,659 $529,843
Middlesex Community College $0 $291,333 $0 $291,333 $0
Bunker Hill Community College $0 $424,354 $0 $424,354 $0
TOTAL: $196,680,710 $157,680,205 $0 $351,988,660 $2,372,255
Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
Executive Office of Public Safety and Security $0 $5,000 $0 $5,000 $0
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner $0 $2,577,700 $0 $2,577,700 $0
Criminal History Systems Board $0 $12,505,065 $0 $9,505,065 $3,000,000
Criminal Justice Training Council $0 $1,202,000 $0 $2,000 $1,200,000
Department of State Police $1,974,300 $31,639,600 $0 $419,400 $33,194,500
Department of Public Safety $0 $32,619,378 $0 $22,727,625 $9,891,753
Department of Fire Services $0 $25,558,109 $0 $25,549,609 $8,500
Military Division $0 $1,400,000 $0 $0 $1,400,000
Emergency Management Agency $7,500,000 $740,270 $0 $8,240,270 $0
Department of Corrections $5,900,000 $6,502,500 $3,102,001 $10,504,501 $5,000,000
Parole Board $0 $800,000 $0 $200,000 $600,000
TOTAL: $15,374,300 $115,549,622 $3,102,001 $79,731,170 $54,294,753
Sheriff's Department Hampden $925,000 $2,687,000 $0 $354,812 $3,257,188
Sheriff's Department Worcester $110,000 $57,480 $0 $167,480 $0
Sheriff's Department Middlesex $930,000 $169,000 $0 $174,000 $925,000
Sheriff's Department Franklin $2,450,000 $41,000 $0 $41,000 $2,450,000
Sheriff's Department Hampshire $270,000 $230,200 $0 $50,200 $450,000
Sheriff's Department Essex $2,035,000 $12,800 $0 $47,800 $2,000,000
Sheriff's Department Berkshire $37,000 $750,000 $0 $37,000 $750,000
Sheriff's Department Association $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Sheriff's Department Barnstable $250,000 $75,000 $0 $75,000 $250,000
Sheriff's Department Bristol $9,011,360 $0 $0 $0 $9,011,360
Sheriff's Department Nantucket $2,500,000 $0 $0 $0 $2,500,000
Sheriff's Department Plymouth $16,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $16,000,000
Sheriff's Department Suffolk $9,000,000 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $8,000,000
TOTAL: $43,518,360 $4,022,480 $0 $1,947,292 $45,593,548
Total Non-Tax Revenue: $8,554,642,792 $3,568,851,846 $2,022,778,018 $12,668,002,857 $1,478,269,799



Supreme Judicial Court.

For the operation of the supreme judicial court, including salaries of the chief justice and the 6 associate justices
For the operation of the clerk?s office of the supreme judicial court for Suffolk county
For the operation of the commission on judicial conduct
For the services of the board of bar examiners

Committee for Public Counsel Services.

For the operation of the committee for public counsel services under chapter 211D of the General Laws; provided, that the committee shall maintain a system in which not less than 25 per cent of indigent clients shall be represented by public defenders; provided further, that to the extent feasible, the committee shall assign public defenders to district and superior courts; provided further, that the committee must approve by majority vote any increase in the base salary or rate of compensation for employees holding management positions including, but not limited to, chiefs, deputy chiefs, directors, assistant directors, and managers; provided further, that the committee shall submit a report to the clerks of the house of representatives and senate, the joint committee on the judiciary and the house and senate committees on ways and means on November 28, 2013 that shall include, but not be limited to the following, which shall be delineated by type of case and courthouse when applicable: (a) the number of clients assisted by the committee in each month of the prior fiscal year, delineated by public defender and private bar advocate; (b) the total number of cases handled by public defenders in the prior fiscal year; (c) the total number of cases handled by private bar advocates in the prior fiscal year; (d) the total amount of counsel fees paid to the committee by clients for services rendered in the prior fiscal year; (e) the total amount of indigent but able to contribute fees paid to the committee by clients for services rendered in the prior fiscal year; (f) the number of public defenders that have been hired, both to date and since the previous fiscal year; (g) the number of public defender vacancies to be filled; (h) the total billable hours of private bar advocates in the prior fiscal year; (i) the average cost for public defender services rendered per client in the prior fiscal year; and (j) the average cost for private bar advocate services rendered per client in the prior fiscal year; provided further, that the committee shall submit a report to the clerks of the house of representatives and senate, the joint committee on the judiciary and the house and senate committees on ways and means on October 1, 2013 and March 3, 2014 that shall include, but not be limited to the following, and shall be delineated by type of case and courthouse where applicable: (a) the number of clients assisted by the committee in each month since the start of the current fiscal year, delineated by public defender and private bar advocate; (b) the total number of cases handled by the committee in each month since the start of the current fiscal year, delineated by public defender and private bar advocate; (c) the average cost for public defender services rendered per client since the start of the current fiscal year; (d) the average cost for private bar advocate services rendered per client since the start of the current fiscal year; (e) the average number of hours spent per case by public defenders since the start of the current fiscal year; (f) the average number of hours billed by private bar advocates since the start of the current fiscal year; (g) the total amount of counsel fees paid to the committee by clients for services rendered since the start of the current fiscal year; (h) the total of indigent but able to contribute fees paid to the committee by clients for services rendered since the start of the current fiscal year; (i) the current percentage of indigent defendants represented by public defenders by division and court house; (j) the current number of public defenders and private bar advocates assigned to each court house and division; (k) the number of former private bar advocates that have been hired as public defenders since the start of fiscal year 2012; (l) the total number of support staff, investigators, attorneys in charge and management personnel currently employed by the committee and the total number employed by the committee at the end of fiscal year 2012 and fiscal year 2013; (m) the caseload of attorneys in charge compared to the caseload of public defender staff attorneys; (n) the expected surplus or deficiency for fiscal year 2014 of items 0321-1500, 0321-1504, 0321-1510 and 0321-1520; (o) the number and cost of private investigators used since the start of the current fiscal year, delineated by firm; (p) the number, cost and cost per hour of psychologists and psychiatrists used by private bar advocates since the start of the current fiscal year, delineated by firm; and (q) the number, cost and cost per hour of psychologists and psychiatrists used by public defenders since the start of the current fiscal year, delineated by firm; provided further, that the committee shall continue to work with the division of capital asset management and maintenance to ensure that public defenders hired during the committee?s expansion shall have access to adequate office space; and provided further, that the committee shall provide full cooperation to the evaluator selected under item 1599-1300 of section 2 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012 and shall make available to the evaluator any information and data needed to assist with the requirements of the item
For the payroll costs of the committee?s public defenders, attorneys in charge and appeals attorneys, including fringe benefits costs; provided, that funds appropriated herein shall be expended only in the AA and DD object classes; and provided further, that funds appropriated in this item shall not be expended for administrative support staff or services of any kind
For compensation paid to private counsel assigned to criminal and civil cases under subsection (b) of section 6 of chapter 211D of the General Laws, under section 11 of said chapter 211D; provided, that not more than $2,000,000 of the sum appropriated in this item may be expended for services rendered before fiscal year 2014
For the chief counsel for the committee for public counsel services which may expend an amount not to exceed $8,900,000 from revenues collected from fees charged for attorney representation of indigent clients; provided, that no less than $2,800,000 shall be spent on the salaries of employees that were hired as a result of the committee?s expansion; provided further, that no funds from this line item shall be spent on bills encumbered in line items 0321-1510 and 0321-1520; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the committee may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For fees and costs as defined in section 27A of chapter 261 of the General Laws, as ordered by a justice of the appeals court or a justice of a department of the trial court on behalf of indigent persons, as defined in said section 27A of said chapter 261; provided, that not more than $1,000,000 of the sum appropriated in this item may be expended for services rendered before fiscal year 2014

Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation.

For the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation to provide legal representation for indigent or otherwise disadvantaged residents of the commonwealth; provided, that the corporation shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than February 3, 2014 that shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) the number of persons assisted by the programs funded by the corporation in the prior fiscal year; (b) any proposed expansion of legal services delineated by type of service, target population and cost; and (c) the total number of indigent or otherwise disadvantaged residents who received services of the corporation, by type of case and geographic location; provided further, that the corporation may contract with any organization for the purpose of providing representation; and provided further, that notwithstanding the first paragraph of section 9 of chapter 221A of the General Laws, funds shall be expended for the Disability Benefits Project, the Medicare Advocacy Project and the Battered Women?s Legal Assistance Project

Mental Health Legal Advisors.

For the operation of the mental health legal advisors committee and for certain programs for the indigent mentally ill established under section 34E of chapter 221 of the General Laws

Prisoners? Legal Services.

For the expenses of Prisoners? Legal Services

Social Law Library.

For the expenses of the social law library located in Suffolk county

Appeals Court.

For the appeals court, including the salaries, traveling allowances and expenses of the chief justice, recall judges and the associate justices

Trial Court.

For the salaries of the justices of the 7 departments of the trial court

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the central administration of the trial court, including costs associated with trial court non-employee services, trial court dental and vision health plan agreements, jury expenses, trial court law libraries, statewide telecommunications, private and municipal court rentals and leases, operation of courthouse facilities, rental of county court facilities, witness fees, printing expenses, equipment maintenance and repairs, the court interpreter program, insurance and chargeback costs, the Massachusetts sentencing commission, permanency mediation services, court security and judicial training; provided, that the court shall expand and maximize usage of videoconferencing whenever and wherever applicable, including in cooperation with the offices of the county sheriffs; provided further, that the court administrator shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than January 31, 2014, detailing the number of court officers, per diem court officers and security personnel located in each trial court of the commonwealth; provided further, that not less than $30,000 shall be spent for the ?Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Project? to provide legal services to such grandparents in the areas of family law and public benefits, and further requiring the chief justice of administration and management to make a report to the General Court on or before January 1, 2014, of all grandparents who requested legal services, their eligibility for such services and whether or not they were denied due to insufficient resources, including the legal problem for which they sought assistance; provided further, that the trial court shall record all fees that are collected pursuant to subsection (e) of section 2A of chapter 211D of the General Laws and shall record said fees in a separate source code entitled ?indigent misrepresentation fees?; provided further, that the trial court shall record all fees that are collected pursuant to subsection (f) of said section 2A of said chapter 211D and shall record said fees in a separate source code entitled ?indigent counsel fees?; provided further, that the trial court shall record all fees collected under Supreme Judicial Court Rule 3:10 (10)(c)(ii) and shall record said fees in a separate source code entitled ?indigent but able to contribute fees?; provided further, that 50 per cent of all fees payable under Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure 15(d) and 30(c)(8) shall be paid from this item; provided further, that the trial court shall submit quarterly reports to the house and senate committees on ways and means on revenues collected in the trial court; provided further, that the report shall provide the following information for the previous quarter for each court division and court house: (a) the total amount ordered in fees and fines; (b) the total amount dismissed in fees and fines; (c) the total amount paid in fees and fines; and (d) the total amount outstanding in fees and fines; provided further, that in the report due April 1, 2014, the report shall describe efforts by the trial court since the start of the fiscal year to: (a) partner with other public or private entities to maximize revenue collections; and (b) ensure that all court locations apply similar standards for revenue collections; provided further, that notwithstanding section 9A of chapter 30 of the General Laws, or any other general or special law to the contrary, the rights afforded to a veteran, pursuant to said section 9A of said chapter 30, shall also be afforded to any such veteran who holds a trial court office or position in the service of the commonwealth not classified under chapter 31 of the General Laws, other than an elective office, an appointive office for a fixed term or an office or position under section 7 of chapter 30 and who: (a) has held the office or position for not less than 1 year; and (b) has 30 years of total creditable service to the Commonwealth, as defined in chapter 32 of the General Laws; provided further, that the trial court shall submit a report to the victim and witness assistance board detailing the amount of assessments imposed within each court by a justice or clerk-magistrate during the previous calendar year pursuant to section 8 of chapter 258B of the General Laws; provided further, that the report shall include, but not be limited to, the number of cases in which the assessment was reduced or waived by a judge or clerk-magistrate within the courts; provided further, that the report shall be submitted to the victim and witness assistance board on or before January 10, 2014; provided further, that the court administrator shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than January 31, 2014, that shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) the amount of money transferred from any item of appropriation; (b) the line item number of the appropriation making the transfer; (c) the line item number of the appropriation receiving the transfer; and (d) the reason for the necessity of the transfer; and provided further, that the trial court shall provide full cooperation to the evaluator selected under 1599-1300 of section 2 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012 and shall make available to the evaluator any information and data needed to assist with the requirements of item 1599-1300
For expanded use of video teleconferencing for court appearances by persons in the custody of houses of correction; provided, that the court administrator shall distribute funds from this item for proposals to increase video teleconferencing that are most likely to result in cost savings; provided further, that proposals shall be developed by 1 or more district or superior court in partnership with 1 or more house of correction; provided further, that proposals shall include: (a) the type of court appearances proposed for video teleconferencing; (b) the constitutional, statutory, fiscal, procedural or other obstacles that may limit the use of video teleconferencing; (c) the estimates of initial costs related to the proposal; and (d) the estimated annual savings from using video teleconferencing; provided further, that funds from this item may be used to ensure equitable distribution of savings between both the court and house of correction; provided further, that not later than March 3, 2014, the court administrator shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means on the distribution of funds from this item; provided further, that the report shall include: (a) a summary of proposals received; (b) a summary of proposals receiving funds from this item; (c) a summary of estimated first-year costs and savings; and (d) an analysis of constitutional, statutory, fiscal, procedural or other obstacles to the further expansion of video teleconferencing; and provided further, that the court administrator may transfer funds from this item to item 0330-0300 within 10 days after submitting written notice of such transfer to the house and senate committees on ways and means
For a probation pilot program that administers high-intensity supervision that promotes successful probation outcomes and reduces recidivism; provided, that the office of the commissioner of probation shall partner with an external research organization that is responsible for monitoring program fidelity, designing and implementing the experimental model and collecting and analyzing the outcome evaluation; provided further, that the pilot program shall be conducted at both a district and superior court; provided further, that the office of the commissioner of probation shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 14, 2014 that shall include, but not be limited to: (a) the site selected for the pilot program; (b) the research organization selected for the program; and (c) any relevant data on participants and initial outcomes; and provided further, that any unexpended funds in this item shall not revert but shall be made available for expenditure until June 30, 2015

Superior Court Department.

For the operation of the superior court department; provided, that funds shall be expended for medical malpractice tribunals under section 60B of chapter 231 of the General Laws; and provided further, that the clerk of the court shall have responsibility for the internal administration of the clerk?s office, including personnel, staff services and record keeping

District Court Department.

For the operation of the district court department, including a civil conciliation program; provided, that notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, the district court of Chelsea shall be the permanent location for the northern trial session to handle 6 person jury cases; provided further, that all personnel within said district court whose duties related to said northern trial session shall report to the clerk magistrate of said district court; and provided further, that the clerk magistrate shall utilize whatever space within the facility-at-large he deems necessary to comply with Supreme Judicial Court Rule 3:12, Canon 3(A)6

Probate and Family Court Department.

For the operation of the probate and family court department

Land Court Department.

For the operation of the land court department

Boston Municipal Court Department.

For the operation of the Boston municipal court department

Housing Court Department.

For the operation of the housing court department

Juvenile Court Department.

Forthe operation of the juvenile court department; provided, that in fiscal year2014 the department shall not reduce the amount allocated to the CASA programsas appearing in items 0337-0300, 0337-0400, 0337-0600, 0337-0700 of section 2of chapter 182 of the acts of 2008 by more than 5 per cent

Office of the Commissioner of Probation.

For the office of the commissioner of probation; provided, that associate probationofficers shall only perform in-court functions and shall assume the in-courtduties of the currently employed probation officers who shall be reassignedwithin the probation service, subject to collective bargaining agreements, toperform intensive, community-based supervision of probationers, including theintensive supervision and community restraint services in item 0339-1003;provided further, that funds from this item shall be expended for the costsassociated with full implementation of chapter 303 of the acts of 2006 andchapter 418 of the acts of 2006 to ensure effective supervision of probationerswho are monitored through global positioning system bracelets; providedfurther, that no funds shall be expended from this item to cover the costs ofbuilding leases; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or speciallaw, rule or regulation to the contrary, probation officer personnel andprobation clerical support staff assigned to the courts shall be provided withsuitable office space in their current location in and around the variousdivisions and departments of the trial court, as the case may be, or insuitable office space as appropriate, with the advice and consent of the commissioner;provided further, that the office shall enter into an interagency serviceagreement with the department of revenue to verify income data and to use thedepartment?s wage reporting and bank match system for the purpose of weeklytape-matching to determine an individual?s eligibility for appointment ofindigent counsel, as defined in chapter 211D of the General Laws; providedfurther, that the office shall submit quarterly reports on indigencyverification to the joint committee on the judiciary and the house and senatecommittees on ways and means that shall include, but not be limited to: (a) thenumber of individuals determined to be indigent; (b) the number of individualsdetermined not to be indigent; (c) the number of individuals found to be misrepresentingassets; (d) the number of individuals found to no longer qualify forappointment of counsel upon any re-assessment of indigency under section 2 ofsaid chapter 211D; (e) the total number and amount of indigent counsel feescollected and the total number and amount of indigent counsel fees waived; (f)the average indigent counsel fee that each court division collects; (g) thetotal number and amount of indigent but able to contribute fees collected andwaived; (h) the range of indigent but able to contribute fees collected; and(i) the number of cases in which community service in lieu of indigent counselfees was performed; provided further, that the information within the reportshall be delineated by court division; provide further, that the office shallsubmit quarterly reports to the joint committee on the judiciary and the houseand senate committees on ways and means that shall include: (a) the office?sdefinition of supervisory and nonsupervisory cases; (b) a detailed descriptionof what each level of supervision within these classifications entails in termsof responsibilities of the probation officer; (c) the average time commitmentfor a probation officer for each level of supervision on a monthly basis; (d)the overall number of individuals on probation; (e) the number of individualsadded to probation and the number removed from probation for each month withinthat quarter; and (f) the total number of full-time employees who administerprobationary cases; provided further, that these figures shall be delineated bylevel of supervisory and nonsupervisory probation and by court division;provided further, that the overall number of individuals on probation and addedto probation each month shall be separately delineated by originating court orreferral source; and provided further, that the report shall include the numberof probationers served by community corrections centers and electronicmonitoring including, but not limited to, global positioning systems, anddelineated by level of supervisory and nonsupervisory probation
For the office of community corrections and performance-based contracts for the operation of community corrections centers; provided, that the office shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than February 26, 2014; and provided further, that the report shall include, but not be limited to: (a) the performance standards used to assess the success of community corrections centers; (b) a description of how each community corrections center rates based on performance and utilization data; (c) the amount of each contract awarded to community corrections centers on a per client-day basis; (d) standards for terminating contracts with underperforming community corrections centers; and (e) a plan for increasing the use of community corrections centers by the courts, the department of correction and the sheriffs

Office of the Jury Commissioner.

For the office of the jury commissioner under chapter 234A of the General Laws


Suffolk District Attorney.

For the Suffolk district attorney?s office, including the victim and witness assistance program, the child abuse and sexual assault prosecution program, the domestic violence unit and the children?s advocacy center; provided, that 50 per cent of fees payable under Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure 15(d) and 30(c)(8) for appeals taken by the office shall be paid from this item; and provided further, that no assistant district attorney shall be paid an annual salary of less than $37,500
For the overtime costs of state police officers assigned to the Suffolk district attorney?s office

Middlesex District Attorney.

For the Middlesex district attorney?s office, including the victim and witness assistance program, the child abuse and sexual assault prosecution program and the domestic violence unit; provided, that 50 per cent of fees payable under Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure 15(d) and 30(c)(8) for appeals taken by the office shall be paid from this item; and provided further, that no assistant district attorney shall be paid an annual salary of less than $37,500
For the overtime costs of state police officers assigned to the Middlesex district attorney?s office

Eastern District Attorney.

For the Eastern district attorney?s office, including the victim and witness assistance program, the child abuse and sexual assault prosecution program and the domestic violence unit; provided, that 50 per cent of fees payable under Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure 15(d) and 30(c)(8) for appeals taken by the office shall be paid from this item; and provided further, that no assistant district attorney shall be paid an annual salary of less than $37,500
For the overtime costs of state police officers assigned to the Eastern district attorney?s office

Worcester District Attorney.

For the Worcester district attorney?s office, including the victim and witness assistance program, the child abuse and sexual assault prosecution program and the domestic violence unit; provided, that 50 per cent of fees payable under Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure 15(d) and 30(c)(8) for appeals taken by the office shall be paid from this item; provided further, that no assistant district attorney shall be paid an annual salary of less than $37,500; and provided further, that $323,320 shall be expended for rent and lease costs and other related expenses in fiscal year 2014
For the overtime costs of state police officers assigned to the Worcester district attorney?s office

Hampden District Attorney.

For the Hampden district attorney?s office, including the victim and witness assistance program, the child abuse and sexual assault prosecution program and the domestic violence unit; provided, that 50 per cent of fees payable under Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure 15(d) and 30(c)(8) for appeals taken by the office shall be paid from this item; and provided further, that no assistant district attorney shall be paid an annual salary of less than $37,500
For the overtime costs of state police officers assigned to the Hampden district attorney?s office

Hampshire/Franklin District Attorney.

For the Hampshire/Franklin district attorney?s office, including the victim and witness assistance program, the child abuse and sexual assault prosecution program and the domestic violence unit; provided, that 50 per cent of fees payable under Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure 15(d) and 30(c)(8) for appeals taken by the office shall be paid from this item; and provided further, that no assistant district attorney shall be paid an annual salary of less than $37,500
For the overtime costs of state police officers assigned to the Hampshire/Franklin district attorney?s office

Norfolk District Attorney.

For the Norfolk district attorney?s office, including the victim and witness assistance program, the child abuse and sexual assault prosecution program and the domestic violence unit; provided, that 50 per cent of fees payable under Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure 15(d) and 30(c)(8) for appeals taken by the office shall be paid from this item; and provided further, that no assistant district attorney shall be paid an annual salary of less than $37,500
For the overtime costs of state police officers assigned to the Norfolk district attorney?s office

Plymouth District Attorney.

For the Plymouth district attorney?s office, including the victim and witness assistance program, the child abuse and sexual assault prosecution program and the domestic violence unit; provided, that 50 per cent of fees payable under Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure 15(d) and 30(c)(8) for appeals taken by the office shall be paid from this item; and provided further, that no assistant district attorney shall be paid an annual salary of less than $37,500
For the overtime costs of state police officers assigned to the Plymouth district attorney?s office

Bristol District Attorney.

For the Bristol district attorney?s office, including the victim and witness assistance program, the child abuse and sexual assault prosecution program and the domestic violence unit; provided, that 50 per cent of fees payable under Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure 15(d) and 30(c)(8) for appeals taken by the office shall be paid from this item; and provided further, that no assistant district attorney shall be paid an annual salary of less than $37,500
For the overtime costs of state police officers assigned to the Bristol district attorney?s office

Cape and Islands District Attorney.

For the Cape and Islands district attorney?s office, including the victim and witness assistance program, the child abuse and sexual assault prosecution program and the domestic violence unit; provided, that 50 per cent of fees payable under Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure 15(d) and 30(c)(8) for appeals taken by the office shall be paid from this item; and provided further, that no assistant district attorney shall be paid an annual salary of less than $37,500
For the overtime costs of state police officers assigned to the Cape and Islands district attorney?s office

Berkshire District Attorney.

For the Berkshire district attorney?s office, including the victim and witness assistance program, the child abuse and sexual assault prosecution program, the drug task force and the domestic violence unit; provided, that 50 per cent of fees payable under Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure 15(d) and 30(c)(8) for appeals taken by the office shall be paid from this item; provided further, that no assistant district attorney shall be paid an annual salary of less than $37,500; provided further, that $96,895 shall be expended for increased rent and lease costs in fiscal year 2014; and provided further, that funds shall be expended for the operation and management of the Berkshire County Drug Task Force
For the overtime costs of state police officers assigned to the Berkshire district attorney?s office


For the operation of the Massachusetts District Attorneys? Association, including the implementation and related expenses of the district attorneys? offices automation and case management and tracking system; provided, that expenses associated with the system may be charged directly to this item; provided further, that no expenditures shall be made, on or after the effective date of this act, which would cause the commonwealth?s obligation for the purpose of this item to exceed the amount appropriated in this item; provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be spent on procuring a vendor for a new case management system; provided further, that the department shall work in conjunction with the disabled persons protection commission and the 11 district attorneys' offices to prepare a report that shall include, but not be limited to: (a) the number of abuse cases that are referred to each district attorney?s office for further investigation; (b) the number of those referrals resulting in the filing of criminal charges, delineated by type of charge; (c) the number of cases referred to each district attorney's office that remains open as of the date for submission of the report; and (d) the number of cases that resulted in a criminal prosecution and the disposition of each such prosecution; provided further, that the report shall be submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate not later than March 14, 2014; provided further, that the association shall work in conjunction with the 11 district attorneys' offices to prepare and submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the clerks of the senate and house of representatives not later than February 28, 2014 detailing by district for calendar year 2013 the following: (a) the number of criminal cases initiated by arraignment; (b) the number of criminal cases disposed; and (c) the number of criminal cases actively managed during the year; provided further, that the report shall separately identify the number of criminal cases initiated by arraignment, the number of cases disposed and the number of cases under active management where the case includes charges for drug offenses under chapter 94C of the General Laws, motor vehicle charges under chapter 90 of the General Laws or firearm offenses under chapter 140 of the General Laws; provided further, that the association shall submit these reports to the house and senate committees on ways in means in a standard electronic format; provided further, that the association shall work in conjunction with the 11 district attorneys' offices to prepare and submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate not later than February 14, 2014, detailing all district attorneys? offices' use of drug forfeiture funds collected pursuant to chapter 94C of the General Laws; provided further, that the report shall include, but not be limited to: (a) the amount of the funds deposited into an office's special law enforcement trust fund in fiscal years 2011, 2012 and 2013; (b) how the funds were used in those fiscal years; and (c) the balance in the fund as of January 3, 2014; provided further, that the department shall work together with the 11 district attorneys' offices to submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate not later than January 31, 2014, detailing the total number and use of private attorneys participating in any volunteer prosecutor program; provided further, that the report shall include, but not be limited to: (a) the total number of personnel from private law firms participating in the program at each of the 11 district attorney?s offices; (b) the name and address of the law firms; (c) the duties performed by the personnel; and (d) the benefits and cost savings associated with the program; and provided further, that each district attorney shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means at least 30 days before transferring any funds from the AA object class of each district attorneys? administrative line item and means of its intention to make that transfer
For the costs associated with maintaining the Massachusetts District Attorneys? Association?s wide area network


For the offices of the governor, the lieutenant governor and the governor?s council; provided, that the amount appropriated in this item may be used at the discretion of the governor for the payment of extraordinary expenses not otherwise provided for and for transfer to appropriation accounts where the amounts otherwise available may be insufficient; provided further, that funds may be expended for the governor?s commission on intellectual disability; provided further, that funds may be expended for the governor?s development coordinating council; and provided further, that the advisory council on Alzheimer?s disease and related disorders, as established in the office of the governor by section 379 of chapter 194 of the acts of 1998 and section 80 of chapter 236 of the acts of 2000, shall continue during fiscal year 2014

Office Of The Child Advocate.

For the operation of the office of the child advocate


For the operation of the office of the secretary; provided, that the secretary may transfer funds between items 0540-0900, 0540-1000, 0540-1100, 0540-1200, 0540-1300, 0540-1400, 0540-1500, 0540-1600, 0540-1700, 0540-1800, 0540-1900, 0540-2000 and 0540-2100 under an allocation schedule filed with the house and senate committees on ways and means not less than 30 days before the transfer; and provided further, that each register of deeds using electronic record books shall ensure that all methods of electronically recording instruments conform to the regulations or standards established by the secretary of the commonwealth and the records conservation board
For the secretary of the commonwealth, who may expend revenues not to exceed $15,000 from the sale of merchandise at the Massachusetts state house gift shop for the purpose of replenishing and restocking gift shop inventory
For the operation of the corporations division; provided, that the division shall implement a corporate dissolution program; and provided further, that the secretary shall file quarterly reports with the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing the total number of annual reports filed as a result of this program and the amount of revenue generated for the commonwealth
For the operation of the archives division
For the operation of the records center
For the operation of the archives facility
For the operation of the commonwealth museum
For the secretary of the commonwealth, who shall contract with the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute to provide the commonwealth with technical assistance on United States census data and to prepare annual population estimates; provided, that the contract shall be for not less than $325,000
For the operation of the address confidentiality program
For the printing of public documents
For the operation of the elections division, including preparation, printing and distribution of ballots and for other miscellaneous expenses for primary and other elections; provided, that the secretary of the commonwealth may award grants for voter registration and education; and provided further, that the registration and education activities may be conducted by community-based voter registration and education organizations
For the operation of the central voter registration computer system; provided, that an annual report detailing voter registration activity shall be submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means on or before February 1, 2014, prior appropriation continued
For providing information to voters

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the operation of the Massachusetts historical commission; provided, that no less than $50,000 be expended for the rehabilitation of the State Theatre in the town of Stoughton
For the operation of the ballot law commission
For the operation of the records conservation board
For the registry of deeds located in the city of Lawrence
For the registry of deeds located in the city of Salem
For the registry of deeds located in the former county of Franklin
For the registry of deeds located in the former county of Hampden
For the registry of deeds located in the former county of Hampshire
For the registry of deeds located in the city of Lowell
For the registry of deeds located in the city of Cambridge
For the registry of deeds located in the town of Adams
For the registry of deeds located in the city of Pittsfield
For the registry of deeds located in the town of Great Barrington
For the registry of deeds located in the former county of Suffolk
For the registry of deeds located in the city of Fitchburg
For the registry of deeds located in the city of Worcester


Office of the Treasurer and Receiver General.

For the office of the treasurer and receiver general
For programs to promote and improve financial literacy of residents of the commonwealth
For the administration of the alcoholic beverages control commission in its efforts to regulate and control the conduct and condition of traffic in alcoholic beverages; provided, that said commission shall maintain at least 1 chief investigator and other investigators for the purpose of regulating and controlling the traffic of alcoholic beverages; provided further, that said commission shall work and cooperate with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in the United States Department of Justice and other relevant federal agencies to assist in its efforts to regulate and control the traffic of alcoholic beverages; and provided further, that the commission shall seek out matching federal dollars and apply for federal grants that may be available to assist in the enforcement of laws pertaining to the traffic of alcoholic beverages
For the operation of the alcoholic beverages control commission relative to the prevention of underage drinking and related programs including, but not limited to, applying for and obtaining federal Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives funds, grants and other federal appropriations; provided, that the commission may expend revenues up to $231,829 collected from fees generated by said commission; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, said commission may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the costs associated with the investigation and enforcement division of the alcoholic beverages control commission?s implementation of the enhanced liquor enforcement programs, known as Safe Campus, Safe Holidays, Safe Prom and Safe Summer; provided, that funds from this appropriation shall not support other operating costs of item 0610-0050
For payments made to veterans pursuant to section 16 of chapter 130 of the acts of 2005, section 11 of chapter 132 of the acts of 2009 and section 32 of chapter 112 of the acts of 2010; provided, that the office of the state treasurer may expend not more than $205,000 for costs incurred in the administration of these payments
For bonus payments to war veterans
For payment of the public safety employee killed in the line of duty benefit authorized in section 100A of chapter 32 of the General Laws; provided, that the treasurer?s office shall provide immediate written notification to the secretary of administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means upon the expenditure of the funds appropriated in this item; and provided further, that at the written request of the office of the state treasurer, the comptroller shall transfer uncommitted and unobligated funds from item 1599-3384 to this item

Lottery Commission.

For the operation of the state lottery commission; provided, that no funds shall be expended from this item for costs associated with the promotion or advertising of lottery games; and provided further, that 25 per cent of the amount appropriated in this item shall be transferred quarterly from the State Lottery and Gaming Fund to the General Fund
For the costs associated with monitor games; provided, that any funds expended on promotional activities shall be limited to point-of-sale promotions and agent newsletters; and provided further, that 25 per cent of the amount appropriated in this item shall be transferred quarterly from the State Lottery and Gaming Fund to the General Fund
For the promotional activities associated with the state lottery program; provided, that 25 per cent of the amount appropriated in this item shall be transferred quarterly from the State Lottery and Gaming Fund to the General Fund
For the commonwealth?s fiscal year 2014 contributions to the health and welfare fund established under the collective bargaining agreement between the state lottery commission and the Service Employees International Union, Local 888, AFL-CIO; provided, that the contributions shall be paid to the fund on such basis as the collective bargaining agreement provides; and provided further, that 25 per cent of the amount appropriated in this item shall be transferred quarterly from the State Lottery and Gaming Fund to the General Fund

Massachusetts Cultural Council.

For the services and operations of the council, including grants to or contracts with public and non-public entities; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the council may expend the amounts appropriated in this item for the purposes of the council as provided in sections 52 to 58, inclusive, of chapter 10 of the General Laws in such amounts and at such times as the council may determine under section 54 of said chapter 10; provided further, that 25 per cent of the amount appropriated in this item shall be transferred quarterly from the State Lottery and Gaming Fund to the General Fund; provided further, that any funds expended from this item for the benefit of schoolchildren shall be expended for the benefit of all schoolchildren in the commonwealth and on the same terms and conditions; provided further, that the council shall not expend funds from this item for any grant or contract recipient that, in any program or activity for such schoolchildren, does not apply the same terms and conditions to all such schoolchildren; provided further, that a person employed under this item shall be considered an employee within the meaning of section 1 of chapter 150E of the General Laws and shall be placed in the appropriate bargaining unit; and provided further, that funding provided in this item shall be in addition to $3,000,000 in funding from the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency made available for the Massachusetts cultural council $8,082,439

Debt Service.

For the state treasurer who may retain and expend an amount not to exceed $20,000,000 in fiscal year 2014 from premiums paid on the sales of revenue anticipation notes and expend such premium payments for the purposes of paying principal and interest on account of the revenue anticipation notes
For the payment of interest, discount and principal on certain indebtedness incurred under chapter 233 of the acts of 2008 for financing the accelerated bridge program
Commonwealth Transportation Fund.........100%
For the payment of interest, discount and principal on certain bonded debt and the sale of bonds of the commonwealth; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the state treasurer may make payments pursuant to section 38C of chapter 29 of the General Laws from this item and items 0699-9100, 0699-2005 and 0699-0014; provided further, that the payments shall pertain to the bonds, notes or other obligations authorized to be paid from each item; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the comptroller may transfer the amounts that would otherwise be unexpended on June 30, 2014, from this item to items 0699-9100, 0699-2005 and 0699-0014 or from items 0699-9100, 0699-2005 and 0699-0014 to this item which would otherwise have insufficient amounts to meet debt service obligations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014; provided further, that each amount transferred shall be charged to the funds as specified in the item to which the amount is transferred; provided further, that payments on bonds issued under section 2O of said chapter 29 shall be paid from this item and shall be charged to the Infrastructure subfund of the Commonwealth Transportation Fund; and provided further, that notwithstanding this item or any other general or special law to the contrary, the comptroller may charge the payments authorized in the item to the appropriate budgetary or other fund subject to a plan which the comptroller shall file 10 days in advance with the house and senate committees on ways and means
General Fund. 56.3%
Commonwealth Transportation Fund 43.7%
For the payment of interest, discount and principal on certain indebtedness which may be incurred for financing the central artery/third harbor tunnel funding shortfall
Commonwealth Transportation Fund.........100%
For the payment of costs associated with any bonds, notes or other obligations of the commonwealth, including issuance costs, interest on bonds, bond and revenue anticipation notes, commercial paper and other notes under sections 47 and 49B of chapter 29 of the General Laws and for the payment to the United States under the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. section 148, of any rebate amount or yield reduction payment owed with respect to any bonds or notes or other obligations of the commonwealth; provided, that the treasurer shall certify to the comptroller a schedule of the distribution of costs among the various funds of the commonwealth; provided further, that not more than $400,000 shall be expended from this item for the costs of personnel at the debt department in the office of the state treasurer; provided further, that the comptroller shall charge costs to the funds in accordance with the schedule; and provided further, that any deficit in this item at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 shall be charged to the various funds or to the General Fund or the Commonwealth Transportation Fund debt service reserves
For the purpose of depositing with the trustee under the trust agreement authorized in section 10B of chapter 11 of the acts of 1997 an amount to be used to pay the interest due on notes of the commonwealth issued pursuant to section 9 of said chapter 11 and secured by the Federal Highway Grant Anticipation Note Trust Fund, established pursuant to section 10 of said chapter 11
Commonwealth Transportation Fund.........100%


Office of the State Auditor.

For the office of the state auditor, including the review and monitoring of privatization contracts in accordance with sections 52 to 55, inclusive, of chapter 7 of the General Laws; provided, that the state auditor shall conduct an audit of the department of early education and care which shall include but not be limited to (a) vendor payments; (b) adherence to regulation concerning the transportation of students; and (c) the integrity of the current wait list for access to care
For the operation of the division of local mandates
For the operation of the bureau of special investigations; provided, that the office shall file quarterly reports with the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing the total amount of fraudulently obtained benefits identified by the bureau, the total value of settlement restitution payments, actual monthly collections and any circumstances that produce shortfalls in collections
For the implementation of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012 to investigate and review the impact of health care payment and delivery in the commonwealth
For the operation of the Medicaid audit unit within the division of audit operations to prevent and identify fraud and abuse in the MassHealth system; provided, that the federal reimbursement for any expenditure from this item shall not be less than 50 per cent; provided further, that the division shall submit a report not later than March 14, 2014 to the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing all findings on activities and payments made through the MassHealth system; provided further, that the report shall include, to the extent available, a review of all post-audit efforts undertaken by MassHealth to recoup payments owed to the commonwealth due to identified fraud and abuse; provided further, that the report shall include the responses of MassHealth to the most recent post-audit review survey, including the status of recoupment efforts; and provided further, that the report shall include the unit?s recommendations to enhance recoupment efforts
For costs related to the use of data analytic techniques to identify fraud by the bureau of special investigations
For the operation of a Non-Profit audit unit within the division of audit to prevent and identify fraud and abuse in Non-Profits contracting with the Department of Public Health, including, but not limited to, a review of executive compensation, lease obligations and contract performance; provided, that the division shall submit a report not later than February 1, 2014 to the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing all findings


For the office of the attorney general, including the administration of the local consumer aid fund, the operation of the anti-trust division, all regional offices, a high-tech crime unit and the victim and witness compensation program; provided, that the victim and witness assistance program shall be administered in accordance with chapters 258B and 258C of the General Laws; and provided further, that the attorney general shall submit to the general court and the secretary of administration and finance a report detailing the claims submitted to the state treasurer for payment under item 0810-0004 indicating both the number and costs for each category of claim
For compensation to victims of violent crimes; provided, that notwithstanding chapter 258C of the General Laws, if a claimant is 60 years of age or older at the time of the crime and is not employed or receiving unemployment compensation, such claimant shall be eligible for compensation in accordance with said chapter 258C even if the claimant has suffered no out-of-pocket loss; provided further, that compensation to any such claimant shall be limited to a maximum of $50; and provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, victims of the crime of rape shall be notified of all available services designed to assist rape victims including, but not limited to, the provisions outlined in section 5 of chapter 258B of the General Laws
For the office of the attorney general, which may expend for a false claims program an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 from revenues collected from enforcement of the false claims law; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the operation of the department of public utilities proceedings unit within the office of the attorney general under section 11E of chapter 12 of the General Laws; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the amount assessed under said section 11E of said chapter 12 shall equal the amount expended from this item and the associated fringe benefits costs for personnel paid from this item; and provided further, that funds shall be expended for the expenses of legal and technical personnel and associated administrative and travel expenses relative to participation in regulatory proceedings at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on behalf of Massachusetts ratepayers
For the operation of the Medicaid fraud control unit; provided, that the federal reimbursement for any expenditure from this item shall not be less than 75 per cent of the expenditure; provided further, that funds shall continue to be used specifically for the investigation and prosecution of abuse, neglect, mistreatment and misappropriation based on referrals from the department of public health under section 72H of chapter 111 of the General Laws; provided further, that the unit shall provide training for all investigators of the department of public health?s division of health care quality responsible for the investigations on a periodic basis under a comprehensive training program to be developed by the division and the unit; and provided further, that training shall include instruction on techniques for improving the efficiency and quality of investigations of abuse, neglect, mistreatment and misappropriation under said section 72H of said chapter 111
For the wage enforcement program; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, a nonmanagement position funded by this item shall be considered a job title in a collective bargaining unit as prescribed by the labor relations commission and shall be subject to chapter 150E of the General Laws
For the purpose of funding existing and future litigation devoted to obtaining significant recoveries for the commonwealth
For the overtime costs of state police officers assigned to the attorney general; provided, that other costs associated with those officers shall not be funded from this item; and provided further, that expenditures shall not be made on or after the effective date of this act which would cause the commonwealth?s obligation for the purpose of this item to exceed the amount appropriated in this item
For the costs incurred in administrative or judicial proceedings on insurance as authorized by section 11F of chapter 12 of the General Laws; provided, that funds made available in this item may be used to supplement the automobile insurance fraud unit and the workers? compensation fraud unit of the office of the attorney general; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the amount assessed for these costs shall be equal to the amount expended from this item and the associated fringe benefits costs for personnel paid from this item; and provided further, that funds may be expended for costs associated with health insurance rate hearings
For the purpose of funding the Uniform Law Commission; provided, that prior fiscal year payments may be payable from this appropriation
For the investigation and prosecution of automobile insurance fraud; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the amount assessed for these costs shall be equal to the amount appropriated by this item and the associated fringe benefits costs for personnel paid from this item
For the investigation and prosecution of workers? compensation fraud; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the amount assessed for these costs shall be equal to the amount appropriated by this item and the associated fringe benefits costs for personnel paid from this item; provided further, that the attorney general shall investigate and prosecute, when appropriate, employers who fail to provide workers? compensation insurance as required by law; and provided further, that the unit shall investigate and report on all companies not in compliance with chapter 152 of the General Laws
For the costs of the gaming enforcement division as required by section 9 of chapter 194 of the acts of 2011; provided, that the gaming commission shall reimburse the General Fund for the total amount of this appropriation under section 11M of chapter 12 of the General Laws

Victim and Witness Assistance Board.

For the operation of the victim and witness assistance board
For the salaries and administration of the SAFEPLAN advocacy program, to be administered by the Massachusetts office of victim assistance; provided, that the office shall submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means, not later than February 1, 2014, a report detailing the effectiveness of contracting for the program including, but not limited to, the number and type of incidents to which the advocates responded, the type of services and service referrals provided by the domestic violence advocates, the cost of providing such services and the extent of coordination with other service providers and state agencies; provided further, that not more than $150,000 shall be expended for program expansion; and provided further, that when determining in which courts to expand the SAFEPLAN program, preference shall be given to courts in regions not already participating in the program and that have a demonstrated need for SAFEPLAN advocates


For the operation of the state ethics commission


For the operation of the office of the inspector general
For the office of the inspector general, which may expend revenues collected up to a maximum of $650,000 from the fees charged to participants in the Massachusetts public purchasing official certification program and the certified public manager program for the operation of those programs; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the operation of the bureau of program integrity established under section 16V of chapter 6A of the General Laws


For the operation of the office of campaign and political finance


For the office of the commission, including the processing and resolution of cases pending before the commission that were filed on or before July 1, 2005; provided, that on or before November 1, 2013, the commission shall submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means a report on the following: (i) the total number of all currently pending cases and the total number of cases in investigations and post probable cause, with the total number of post probable cause cases delineated by the number of cases in? conciliation, pre-public hearing and post-public hearing stages; (ii) the number of cases pending before the commission in which a state agency or state authority is named as a respondent, specifying those cases in which the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is named as a respondent, and the number of the cases in which there is probable cause to believe that a violation of said chapter 151B has been committed; and (iii) the total number of new cases filed in fiscal year 2013 and the total number of cases closed by the commission in fiscal year 2013; provided further, that the commission shall file an updated report with the house and senate committees on ways and means on or before March 7, 2014; provided further, that the commission shall identify in the reports the number of cases in which the commission has determined there is probable cause to believe that a violation of chapter 151B of the General Laws has been committed in a case in which the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is named as a respondent; provided further, that funds made available in this item shall be in addition to funds available in item 0940-0101; provided further, that all positions, except clerical, shall be exempt from chapter 31 of the General Laws; and provided further, that the commission shall pursue the highest rate of federal reimbursement
For the Massachusetts commission against discrimination, which may expend not more than $2,118,911 from revenues from federal reimbursements received for the purposes of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development fair housing type 1 program and the equal opportunity resolution contract program during fiscal year 2014 and federal reimbursements received for these and other programs in prior fiscal years; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the commission may also expend revenues generated through the collection of fees and costs so authorized; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the commission may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the Massachusetts commission against discrimination, which may expend not more than $140,000 from revenues collected from fees charged for the training and certification of diversity trainers for the operation of the discrimination prevention certification program; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the commission may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system


For the commission on the status of women


For the commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth; provided, that funds shall be used to address issues related to the implementation of the state's anti-bullying law as outlined in section 37O of chapter 71 of the General Laws


For the commission on the status of Asian Americans, pursuant to section 38 of chapter 3 of the General Laws


For the office of the state comptroller; provided, that the comptroller shall maintain a special federal and nontax revenue unit which shall operate under policies and procedures developed in conjunction with the secretary of administration and finance; provided further, that the comptroller shall submit quarterly reports to the house and senate committees on ways and means which shall include for each state agency for which the commonwealth is billing, the eligible state services and the full-year estimate of revenues and revenues collected; provided further, that the comptroller shall make expenditures for the purpose of an enhanced intercept collections of delinquent debt program; provided further, that the comptroller may enter into contracts with private vendors to identify and pursue cost avoidance opportunities for programs of the commonwealth and may enter into interdepartmental service agreements with state agencies, as applicable, for such purpose; provided further, that 60 days before entering into any interdepartmental service agreement, the comptroller shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means; provided further, that payments to private vendors on account of such cost avoidance projects shall be made only from such actual cost savings as have been certified in writing to the house and senate committees on ways and means by the comptroller and the budget director as attributable to such cost avoidance projects; provided further, that the notification shall include, but not be limited to, a description of the project, the purpose and intent of the interdepartmental service agreement, a projection of the costs avoided in the current fiscal year, a copy of the contract with the private vendor including the proposed rate of compensation and any previous agreements related or similar to the new agreement with the above information; provided further, that the comptroller may establish such procedures, in consultation with the budget director and the affected departments, as the comptroller deems appropriate and necessary to accomplish the purposes of this item; and provided further, that the comptroller shall submit a report on such projects as a part of the comptroller?s annual report under section 12 of chapter 7A of the General Laws


For payments to cities and towns in accordance with chapter 23K of the General Laws; provided, that the Massachusetts gaming commission shall reimburse the General Fund for payments made under this item


Office of the Secretary of Administration and Finance.

For the office of the secretary; provided, that the secretary shall conduct an ongoing review of affirmative action steps taken by the various agencies, boards, departments, commissions or divisions to determine whether such agencies, boards, departments, commissions or divisions are complying with the commonwealth?s policies of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity; provided further, that the secretary shall report on compliance or noncompliance with affirmative action policies to the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on public service and the joint committee on labor and workforce development on or before November 28, 2013; provided further, that the secretary of administration and finance shall provide biannual reports, the first of which shall be submitted not later than August 1, 2013 and the second not later than February 1, 2014 to the house and senate committees on ways and means, which summarizes existing and proposed collective bargaining agreements in an electronic format which shall include the following information for each agreement: (a) session law for the previously agreed upon collective bargaining agreement; (b) current agreement status; (c) collective bargaining unit and unit number; (d) full-time equivalent employees subject to the agreement by item; (e) a description of the membership of the unit; (f) the total salary base of the most recent previous agreement; (g) start date and expiration date of the most recent agreement; (h) estimated total fiscal impact of the agreement compared to the previous agreement; and (i) base salary increases required by the agreement by effective time; and provided further, that the executive office for administration and finance and the office of employee relations shall meet with the house and senate committees on ways and means following the submission of each report to discuss the information therein, including all collective bargaining contracts that are set to expire over the next 12 months and the current status of negotiations
For the operation of the office of commonwealth performance, accountability and transparency; provided, that the activities funded from this item shall include, but not be limited to, the operation and maintenance of a performance management program, maximization of federal revenue opportunities and oversight of compliance with federal reporting requirements including the implementation and oversight of the Federal Financial Accountability and Transparency Act, section 14C of chapter 7 of the General Laws and other statewide transparency initiatives to enhance program integrity and ongoing efforts to prevent fraud, waste and abuse throughout the executive branch; provided further, that funds may be expended for performing enhanced economic forecasting and analysis; provided further, that the office shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 14, 2014 detailing the actions of the office over the previous year; and provided further, that the unit may develop guidelines and methodologies for agencies to follow in the forecasting of caseloads and revenue
For the provision of information technology services within the executive office for administration and finance
For the caseload and economic forecasting office within the office of commonwealth performance, accountability and transparency; provided, that the caseload and economic forecasting office shall forecast: (a) MassHealth enrollment by group; (b) participation in state subsidized child care provided through items 3000-3050, 3000-4050, 3000-4060, and 3000-4070; (c) participation in emergency assistance and housing programs provided through items 7004-0101, 7004-0103 and 7004-0108; (d) enrollment, both active member and dependent, in the group insurance commission; (e) recipients of direct benefits provided by the department of transitional assistance through items 4403-2000, 4405-2000 and 4408-1000; (f) participation in programs provided by the department of children and families through items 4800-0038 and 4800-0041; and (g) other related economic forecasts; provided further, that the office shall report its forecasts to the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than November 28, 2013; and provided further, that the office shall submit an updated forecast to the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than February 14, 2014

Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance.

For the operation of the office of facilities management, including the cost of utilities and associated contracts for properties managed by the division; provided, that the office shall continue to provide funding for all janitorial services at the same level provided in fiscal year 2013 for all the buildings under the jurisdiction of the office
For the division of capital asset management and maintenance which may expend for the maintenance and operation of the Massachusetts information technology center, the state transportation building and the Springfield state office building an amount not to exceed $16,500,000 in revenues collected from rentals, commissions, fees, and any other sources pertaining to the operations of said facilities; provided, that the division shall work with the committee on public counsel services to ensure that public defenders hired in fiscal years 2012, 2013, and 2014 shall have access to adequate office space; provided further, that the division shall identify any office space that may be vacated by the staffing plan implemented by the committee for public counsel services and shall prioritize use for public defenders; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the division of capital asset management and maintenance; provided, that the division may expend not more than $300,000 received from application fees charged in conjunction with the certification of contractors and subcontractors under section 44D of chapter 149 of the General Laws; provided further, that only expenses, including staffing, incurred to implement and operate the certification program shall be funded from this item; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Bureau of the State House.

For state house accessibility coordination, including communications access to public hearings and meetings; provided, that access shall include interpreter services for the deaf and hard of hearing
For the operation of the bureau of the state house; provided, that the superintendent, director of operations and other employees of the bureau shall work in conjunction with the business manager of the house of representatives and the chief financial officer of the senate relative to the maintenance, repair, purchases and payments for materials and services


For the Massachusetts office on disability


For the disabled persons protection commission; provided, that the commission shall facilitate compliance by the department of mental health and the department of developmental services with uniform investigative standards; provided further, that the commission shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means, not later than the last day of each quarter, on the number of claims of abuse by caretakers made by employees or contracted service employees of the department of developmental services, the department of mental health and the Massachusetts rehabilitation commission; provided further, that the report shall include: (a) the number of substantiated claims; (b) the number of unsubstantiated claims; and (c) the number of false claims reported as a result of intentional and malicious action; and provided further, that the commission shall ensure that all calls received by the commission?s 24-hour hotline shall be capable of being recorded, that all persons who call the hotline shall be immediately informed that all calls are routinely recorded and that each such person shall be provided with the opportunity to elect that the call not be recorded


For the civil service commission; provided, that the General Fund shall be reimbursed for the appropriation herein through a fee charged on a per claim basis; provided further, that said commission shall develop and implement regulations to provide for reimbursement to the General Fund; and provided further, that the civil service commission may assess a fee upon the appointing authority when inappropriate action has occurred

Group Insurance Commission.

For the administration of the group insurance commission; provided, that the commission shall generate the maximum amounts allowable under the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, Public Law 99-272, as amended, and from reimbursements allowed by sections 8, 10B, 10C and 12 of chapter 32A of the General Laws; provided further, that the group insurance commission shall provide the caseload forecasting office with enrollment data and any other information pertinent to caseload forecasting that is requested by the office on a monthly basis; and provided further, that the information shall be provided in a manner that meets all applicable federal and state privacy and security requirements
For the commonwealth?s share of the group insurance premium and plan costs incurred in fiscal year 2014; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, funds in this item shall not be available during the accounts-payable period of fiscal year 2014, and any unexpended balance in this item shall revert to the General Fund on June 30, 2014; provided further, that the secretary of administration and finance shall charge the division of unemployment assistance and other departments, authorities, agencies and divisions which have federal or other funds allocated to them for this purpose, for that portion of insurance premiums and plan costs as the secretary determines shall be borne by such funds, and shall notify the comptroller of the amounts to be transferred, after similar determination, from the several state or other funds and amounts received in payment of all such charges or transfers shall be credited to the General Fund; provided further, that funds may be expended from this item for the commonwealth?s share of group insurance premium and plan costs provided to employees and retirees in prior fiscal years; provided further, that the group insurance commission shall report quarterly to the house and senate committees on ways and means the amounts expended from this item for prior year costs; provided further, that the group insurance commission shall obtain reimbursement for premium and administrative expenses from other agencies and authorities not funded by state appropriation; provided further, that the secretary of administration and finance may charge all agencies for the commonwealth?s share of the health insurance costs incurred on behalf of any employees of those agencies who are on leave of absence for a period of more than one year; provided further, that the amounts received in payment for the charges shall be credited to the General Fund; provided further, that notwithstanding section 26 of chapter 29 of the General Laws, the commission may negotiate, purchase and execute contracts before July 1 of each year for policies of group insurance as authorized by chapter 32A of the General Laws; provided further, that the rules for determining the commonwealth?s share of the group insurance premiums for retired and active state employees shall be no different from the standards in effect on July 1, 2012; provided further, that the commission shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means by March 1, 2014 of the cost of the commonwealth?s projected share of group insurance premiums for the next fiscal year; provided further, that the commission shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means at least 90 days prior to any changes in coverage, benefits or the schedule of copayments and deductibles for plans offered by the group insurance commission; provided further, that the group insurance commission may pay premium and plan costs for municipal employees and retirees who are enrolled in the group insurance commission?s health plans under the commission?s regulations; provided further, that the group insurance commission shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 31, 2014 on the average full cost premium equivalent per enrollee and the average actual cost per enrollee for enrollees from participating municipalities, as well as the contribution ratios for each participating municipality, for fiscal year 2013; and provided further, that the commission shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 3, 2014 detailing all state authorities whose employees receive insurance through the commission and the total reimbursement for the employer share of premiums paid by each state authority
For the costs incurred by the group insurance commission associated with providing municipal health insurance coverage under section 19 of chapter 32B of the General Laws; provided, that the commission may expend revenues in an amount not to exceed $2,500,000 from the revenue received from administrative fees associated with providing municipal health insurance coverage under said section 19 of said chapter 32B; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the commission may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For elderly governmental retired employee premium payments
For the costs of the retired municipal teachers? premiums and the audit of such premiums
For the costs, notwithstanding chapter 32A of the General Laws, of dental and vision benefits for those active employees of the commonwealth, not including employees of authorities or any other political subdivision, who are not otherwise provided those benefits under a separate appropriation or the terms of a contract or collective bargaining agreement; provided, that the employees shall pay 15 per cent of monthly premiums established by the commission for the benefits

Division of Administrative Law Appeals.

For the operation of the division of administrative law appeals, established by section 4H of chapter 7 of the General Laws; provided, that the division shall maintain, to the fullest extent practicable, a complete physical and technological separation from any agency, department, board, commission or program the decisions, determinations or actions of which may be appealed to it; and provided further, that every decision issued by a commissioner or other head of an agency, or a designee, following the issuance of a recommended decision by an administrative law judge of the division, shall be an agency decision subject to judicial review under chapter 30A of the General Laws

George Fingold Library.

For the administration of the George Fingold Library

Department of Revenue.

For the operation of the department of revenue, including tax collection administration, audits of certain foreign corporations and the division of local services; provided, that the department may allocate funds to the office of the attorney general for the tax prosecution unit; provided further, that the department may charge the expenses for computer services, including the costs of personnel and other support costs provided to the child support enforcement unit, from this item to item 1201-0160, consistent with the costs attributable to said unit; provided further, that the department shall provide to the general court access to the municipal data bank; provided further, that notwithstanding section 1 of chapter 31 of the General Laws, seasonal positions funded by this item shall be positions requiring the services of an incumbent, on either a full-time or less than full-time basis, beginning not earlier than December 1 and ending not later than November 30; provided further, that the department may expend up to $400,000 to enhance the criminal investigation unit; provided further, that the department, in consultation with the office of the state comptroller and the Massachusetts Municipal Association, shall report to the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than February 3, 2014 on the feasibility of assisting municipalities in the collection of delinquent taxes; provided further, that the report shall include, but not be limited to: (i) recommendations for necessary statutory changes to allow the department to collect delinquent property taxes; (ii) identifying technical difficulties in coordinating property tax and department data sets; (iii) recommendations for a pilot program in which municipalities would work with the department to improve municipal collections; and (iv) resource requirements for the proposed pilot program; and provided further, that seasonal positions funded by this account shall not be filled by an incumbent for more than 10 months within a 12-month period
For the department of revenue, which may expend for the operation of the department not more than $27,938,953 from revenues collected by the additional auditors for an enhanced audit program; provided, that the auditors shall: (a) discover and identify persons who are delinquent either in the filing of a tax return or the payment of a tax due and payable to the commonwealth; (b) obtain such delinquent returns; and (c) collect such delinquent taxes for a prior fiscal year; provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system; and provided further, that the department shall submit semiannual reports to the house and senate committees on ways and means that shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) the amount of revenue produced from these additional auditors; and (b) the amount of revenue produced by this item in fiscal years 2011, 2012 and 2013
For the child support enforcement division; provided, that the department may allocate funds appropriated in this item to the department of state police, the district courts, the probate and family courts, the district attorneys and other state agencies for the performance of certain child support enforcement activities and those agencies may expend the funds for the purposes of this item; provided further, that all such allocations shall be reported annually to the house and senate committees on ways and means upon the allocation of the funds not later than March 1, 2014; provided further, that the federal receipts associated with the child support computer network shall be drawn down at the highest possible rate of reimbursement and deposited into a revolving account to be expended for the network; provided further, that federal receipts associated with child support enforcement grants shall be deposited into a revolving account to be drawn down at the highest possible rate of reimbursement and to be expended for the grant authority; provided further, that the department shall file semiannual reports with the house and senate committees on ways and means, detailing the balance, year-to-date and projected receipts and year-to-date and projected expenditures, by subsidiary, of the child support trust fund established pursuant to section 9 of chapter 119A of the General Laws; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment the amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system for federal incentives and said network in accounts 1201-0161, 1201-0410 and 1201-0412
For the child support enforcement division; provided, that the division may expend revenues in an amount not to exceed $6,547,280 from the federal reimbursements awarded for personnel and lower subsidiary related expenditures; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment the amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate, as reported in the state accounting system
For the costs associated with expert witnesses retained by the department of revenue for the purpose of resolving tax disputes; provided, that expenditures from this item shall be the lesser of $2,000,000 or the amount certified by the secretary of administration and finance under section 156 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012
For the Commonwealth Sewer Rate Relief Fund, established in section 2Z of chapter 29 of the General Laws
For underground storage tank reimbursements to parties that have remediated spills of petroleum products under chapter 21J of the General Laws; provided, that in the prioritization of claims, priority for payment of approved claims shall be given to claimants who own or formerly owned not more than 4 dispensing facilities, prior appropriation continued
For the Underground Storage Tank Petroleum Cleanup Fund Administrative Review Board established in section 8 of chapter 21J of the General Laws and for the administration of the underground storage tank program associated with the implementation of said chapter 21J; provided, that notwithstanding section 4 of said chapter 21J or any other general or special law to the contrary, appropriations made in this item shall be sufficient to cover the administrative expenses of the underground storage tank program; provided further, that the board shall submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means a semiannual report on the status of the underground storage tank program, including, but not limited to, the following: (a) the number of municipal grants made for the removal and replacement of underground storage tanks, (b) the reimbursements for remediated petroleum spills and (c) the number of backlog claims; provided further, that the report shall detail how many tanks are out of compliance with said chapter 21J; and provided further, that report shall be submitted not later than November 15, 2013 and February 15, 2014
For the tax abatement program for certain veterans, widows, blind persons and the elderly; provided, that cities and towns shall be reimbursed for the abatements granted under clauses Seventeenth, Twenty-second, Twenty-second A, Twenty-second B, Twenty-second C, Twenty-second D, Twenty-second E, Thirty-seventh, Thirty-seventh A, Forty-first, Forty-first B, Forty-first C, Forty-first C 1/2 and Fifty-second of section 5 of chapter 59 of the General Laws; provided further, that the commonwealth shall reimburse each city or town that accepts said clause Forty-first B or Forty-first C of said section 5 of said chapter 59 for additional costs incurred in determining eligibility of applicants under said clause Forty-first B or Forty-first C of said section 5 of said chapter 59 in an amount not to exceed $2 per exemption granted; and provided further, that funds in this item shall be available for reimbursements to cities and towns for additional exemptions granted from the motor vehicle excise under the seventh paragraph of section 1 of chapter 60A of the General Laws

Governor reduced the following item, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the distribution to cities and towns of the balance of the State Lottery and Gaming Fund in accordance with clause (c) of the second paragraph of section 35 of chapter 10 of the General Laws and additional aid to municipalities as provided for in section 3
For reimbursements to cities and towns in lieu of taxes on state-owned land under sections 13 to 17, inclusive, of chapter 58 of the General Laws
For reimbursements to certain cities and towns for additional educational costs under chapter 40S of the General Laws; provided, that cities and towns eligible for reimbursements in fiscal year 2011 shall receive funding

Appellate Tax Board.

For the operation of the appellate tax board; provided, that the board shall schedule hearings in Barnstable, Gardner, Lawrence, Milford, Northampton, Pittsfield, Springfield, Worcester and southeastern Massachusetts; and provided further, that the board shall make available on its website the number of hearings held at each location
For the appellate tax board which may expend revenues up to $400,000 from fees collected; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the board may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Department of Veterans? Services.

For the operation of the department of veterans? services; provided, that not less than $85,000 shall be expended for the Canines for Combat Veterans program; provided further, that no less than $15,000 shall be expended for the Vietnam Veterans Moving Wall project in Medway; provided further, that no less than $15,000 shall be expended for the Vietnam Veterans Moving Wall project in Malden; provided further, that no less than $5,000 shall be expended for the World War 1 Memorial in Bell Rock Park in Malden; provided further, that not less than $30,000 shall be expended for the Veteran's Oral History Project at the Morse Institute Library in Natick; provided further, that not less than $75,000 shall be expended for the Cape Verdeans Community Unido, Inc., upon a 100 per cent funding match from other public or private sources, for a memorial/cultural center to be designed and built in the city of Boston; provided further, that no less than $90,000 shall be expended for support services for a transitional housing program for homeless veterans located in Chelsea, Massachusetts; provided further, that not less than $10,000 shall be expended for the Wenham war memorial; provided further, that not less than $10,000 shall be expended for the Stand Up and Play Foundation, Boston chapter, for rehabilitative adaptive equipment for veterans; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the maintenance and rehabilitation of the Vietnam Veterans? Memorial in the city of Worcester; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended on the USS Massachusetts at Battleship Cove; provided further, that not less than $10,000 shall be expended for maintenance services for the Korean War memorial located in the Charlestown navy yard; provided further, that the department may expend funds for the Glory 54th Brigade; provided further, that $150,000 shall be expended for the Barre Civil War Memorial; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended on war memorials selected by the secretary through a competitive grant process; provided further, that the secretary shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 3, 2014 detailing all grants awarded under this item and the method used to distribute grant funds; provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for restoration grants for Civil War Veterans? monuments, memorials and other significant sites across the commonwealth and preservation of Civil War related historic documents; and provided further, that not more than 10 per cent of the funds in this item may be expended for the administration of this and other Civil War sesquicentennial projects
For services to veterans, including the maintenance and operation of outreach centers; provided, that the centers shall provide counseling to incarcerated veterans and to Vietnam era veterans who may have been exposed to agent orange and the families of such veterans; and provided further, that centers shall provide services to veterans who were discharged after September 11, 2001 and the families of such veterans; provided further, that the department shall increase the amount appropriated to each program or its successor under item 1410-0012 of section 2 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012 by not less than 5 per cent in fiscal year 2014; provided further, that the Veterans Northeast Outreach Center shall be the successor to the Veterans Outreach Center ? Metrowest, Inc.; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the Springfield Partners for Community Action?s Veterans First Program; and provided further, that Bilingual Veterans Outreach Centers of Massachusetts, Inc. shall be the successor to the Puerto Rican Veterans Association of Massachusetts, Inc
For the women veterans? outreach program
For the department of veterans? services, which may expend not more than $565,000 for the maintenance and operation of Agawam and Winchendon veterans? cemeteries from revenue collected from fees, grants, gifts or other contributions to the cemeteries, prior appropriation continued
For the purpose of the train vets to treat vets program; provided, that the department shall work in conjunction with the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology to administer a behavioral health career development program for returning veterans
For veterans? homelessness services, including the maintenance and operation of homeless shelters and transitional housing; provided, that the department shall increase the amount appropriated to each program or its successor under item 1410-0250 of section 2 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012 by not less than 5 per cent in fiscal year 2014; and provided further, that the 247 Pine Street Homeless Services Program shall be the successor to the Springfield Bilingual Veteran Outreach Center
For the maintenance and operation of homeless shelters and transitional housing for veterans at the New England Center for Homeless Veterans located in the city of Boston
For reimbursements to cities and towns for money paid for veterans? benefits and for payments to certain veterans under section 6 of chapter 115 of the General Laws and for the payment of annuities to certain disabled veterans and the parents and un-remarried spouses of certain deceased veterans; provided, that annuity payments made under this item shall be made under sections 6A, 6B and 6C of chapter 115 of the General Laws; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, 100 per cent of the amounts of veterans? benefits paid by cities and towns to residents of a soldiers? home, homeless shelter or transitional housing facility shall be paid by the commonwealth to the several cities and towns; provided further, that under section 9 of said chapter 115, the department shall reimburse cities and towns for the cost of United States flags placed on the graves of veterans on Memorial Day; provided further, that the secretary of veterans? services shall continue a training program for veterans? agents and directors of veterans? services in cities and towns; provided further, that the department of veterans? services shall provide such training in several locations across the commonwealth; provided further, that training shall be provided annually and on an as needed basis to veterans? service organizations recognized by the department of veterans affairs to provide information and education regarding the benefits available under said chapter 115 and all other benefits to which a veteran or a veteran?s dependents may be entitled; provided further, that any person applying for veterans? benefits to pay for services available under chapter 118E of the General Laws shall also apply for medical assistance under said chapter 118E to minimize costs to the commonwealth and its municipalities; provided further, that veterans? agents shall complete applications authorized by the executive office under said chapter 118E for a veteran, surviving spouse or dependent applying for medical assistance under said chapter 115; provided further, that the veterans? agent shall file the application for the veteran, surviving spouse or dependent for assistance under said chapter 118E; provided further, that the executive office of health and human services shall act on all said chapter 118E applications and advise the applicant and the veterans? agent of the applicant?s eligibility for said chapter 118E healthcare; provided further, that the veterans? agent shall advise the applicant of the right to assistance for medical benefits under said chapter 115 pending approval of the application for assistance under said chapter 118E by the executive office; provided further, that the secretary may supplement healthcare under said chapter 118E with healthcare coverage under said chapter 115 if the secretary determines that supplemental coverage is necessary to afford the veteran, surviving spouse or dependent sufficient relief and support; provided further, that payments to, or on behalf of, a veteran, surviving spouse or dependent under said chapter 115 shall not be considered income for the purposes of determining eligibility under said chapter 118E; and provided further, that benefits awarded under section 6B of said chapter 115 shall be considered countable income
For the administration of the veterans? cemeteries in the towns of Agawam and Winchendon


For a program integrity enhancement grant program; provided, that not more than $300,000 of this amount may be awarded in 1-time grants to secretariats and departments for the purpose of conducting assessments of program areas or department practices that present a high risk of fraud or overpayment; provided further, that grant funds may be used to fund assessments conducted by department staff or to contract with an external assessor; provided further, that each recipient of a risk assessment grant shall report to the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means within 60 days of the completion of the risk assessment; provided further, that the report shall include: (a) overall findings of the risk assessment; (b) areas identified as in need of improved financial controls or oversight to minimize risk; and (c) an estimate of resources required to minimize risks compared to potential savings or recouped revenue from improved practices; provided further, that? funds from this item shall be expended for an analysis of existing state agency capacity to identify and address practices that create risk for fraud or improper payment; and provided further, that the analysis shall make recommendations as to how additional program integrity resources could be used to maximize the amount of ongoing savings to the commonwealth

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For a reserve for 1-time grants to support municipal improvements; provided, not less than $2,800,000 shall be expended to fund the District Local Technical Assistance Fund, including projects that encourage regionalization, to be administered by the division of local services and distributed through the District Local Technical Assistance Fund, established in section 2XXX of chapter 29 of the General Laws; provided further, that $2,000,000 shall be expended for a pilot program to promote tourism and community development in central and western Massachusetts; provided further, that eligible recipients shall include municipalities, school districts and not-for-profit organizations; provided further, that not less than $250,000 shall be expended to Plymouth county for the purposes of acquiring saltwater dredging equipment; provided further, that any equipment shall be owned, operated and maintained by Plymouth county; provided, that not less than $4,000,000 shall be expended for a multi-year competitive grant program to provide financial support for 1-time or transition costs related to regionalization and other efficiency initiatives, with allowable applicants to include municipalities, regional school districts, school districts considering forming a regional school district or regionalizing services, regional planning agencies and councils of governments; provided further, that funds may be expended by the Edward J. Collins, Jr. Center for Public Management at the University of Massachusetts at Boston's John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies to develop and effectuate a program of performance management, accountability and transparency for local governments; provided further, that funds may be expended to expand programs that received funding from this item in prior fiscal years and on programs with proven replicable outcomes for municipalities; provided further, that the executive office for administration and finance shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 14, 2014 on: (a) results to date of grants awarded in fiscal year 2014 and in prior fiscal years; and (b) replicable outcome measures for projects awarded to date; provided further, that $4,000,000? shall be transferred to the executive office of public safety and security for a competitive grant program to be administered by that executive office; provided further, that the grants shall be awarded to communities that: (a) have populations of at least 60,000; and (b) demonstrate that their police departments have an operating budget per capita of less than $200 in 2010; and provided further, that each state entity administering grant funds through this item shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than February 14, 2014 detailing grants awarded through this item and the criteria used for distribution
For a public health evaluation grant program; provided, that the executive office for administration and finance shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means 30 days before issuing a request for proposal for this program detailing the criteria to be used to award grants; provided further, that grant recipients shall be selected through a competitive grant process in which successful proposals shall: (a) demonstrate substantial experience conducting evaluations of federal, state or local public health programs; (b) focus on the evaluation of a state-funded department of public health program, which may include, but shall not be limited to: school-based health centers, smoking cessation programs, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programs, obesity prevention programs and child nutrition programs; (c) identify the state administrative datasets to be used; (d) ensure compliance with applicable privacy regulations, including institutional review board policies; and (e) propose an evaluation to be completed in not more than 24 months and that will provide analysis that examines the following areas of policy relevance: (a) the quantifiable effect of the program on the population treated through the program; (b) an estimate of the cost to the commonwealth of the public health problem being addressed through the program; (c) a comparison of the cost of the program and the estimated short-term and long-term benefits received by program recipients through the programs; (d) data limitations in estimating the effect of the programs; and (e) recommendations for further study; provided further, that in awarding grants, priority shall be given to organizations located within the commonwealth; provided further, that not more than 50 per cent of the amount appropriated in this item shall be granted to any 1 organization; provided further, that the request for proposals shall be issued not later than September 16, 2013; provided further, that the department of public health, the center for health information and analysis, the executive office of health and human services, the executive office of education, the department of housing and community development and other relevant state agencies shall work with grant recipients funded through this item as necessary to provide secure access to state collected data necessary for evaluations; provided further, that organizations receiving funds through this item shall report quarterly to the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on public health and the department of public health on: (a) the status and preliminary results of studies funded through this item; and (b) any obstacles encountered in access to data or other information that is negatively affecting the completion of the study; and provided further, that funds appropriated in this item shall not revert and shall be available for expenditure through June 30, 2015
For contract assistance to the water pollution abatement trust for debt service obligations of the trust, under sections 6, 6A and 18 of chapter 29C of the General Laws; prior appropriation continued
For a 2-year assessment of the provision of childcare supports funded in items 3000-3050, 3000-4050, 3000-4060 and 3000-4070; provided, that the assessment shall be directed by a nonprofit research organization with demonstrated experience assessing the business practices, service delivery and financial systems of state-subsidized childcare programs; provided further, that the goals of the assessment shall be: (a) to identify ways to improve the regional and statewide efficiency of the distribution of state-supported childcare; (b) to analyze the childcare needs of eligible families with regard to the availability of childcare vouchers or contracted childcare slots in different geographic regions of the commonwealth; and (c) to evaluate the balance of providing quality early childhood education with providing workforce support for guardians; provided further, that the assessment shall include: (a) an initial planning stage which shall, through interviews with key childcare stakeholders, develop a scope of inquiry and research design; (b) a review of policies and practices that may result in programmatic inefficiencies in eligibility determination and verification of eligibility; (c) an assessment of current business practices and service delivery that could be improved upon to more efficiently use annual appropriations; and (d) a review of the childcare needs of families eligible for services in said items 3000-3050, 3000-4050, 3000-4060 and 3000-4070 and the ability of the existing state-subsidized childcare program structures to meet those needs; provided further, that the nonprofit organization directing the assessment may partner with other entities with expertise in state-subsidized childcare systems in order to complete all aspects of the assessment; provided further, that the department of early education and care shall develop a request for proposal for a nonprofit research organization based upon the criteria included in this line item not later than August 15, 2013 and shall select the nonprofit research organization not later than October 1, 2013; provided further, that prior to selecting an organization to conduct this assessment, the department of early education and care shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means on the selection process; provided further, that the organization conducting the assessment shall provide to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 3, 2014, a report on the progress to date, obstacles encountered and preliminary findings; and provided further, that any unexpended funds appropriated for this item in fiscal year 2014 shall not revert but shall be made available for purposes of this item until June 30, 2015
For an independent program evaluation reserve; provided, that the funds appropriated in this item shall be used to evaluate the safe and successful youth initiative funded in item 4000-0005 and programs for English language learners in gateway cities funded through item 7009-6400; provided further, that the independent evaluator for each program shall be selected by each program?s administrators under the guidelines set forth in section 193; and provided further, that the funds appropriated in this item in fiscal year 2014 shall not revert but shall be made available for these purposes through June 30, 2015
For a reserve for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation for the purpose of defraying costs of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, or its successor, incurred in fiscal year 2014 under section 138 of chapter 27 of the acts of 2009
Commonwealth Transportation Fund.........100%
For contract assistance and other payments to the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency for payment of debt service and related obligations in connection with bonds issued by the agency under chapter 293 of the acts of 2006 and chapter 303 of the acts of 2008
For the commonwealth?s South Essex sewerage district debt service assessment
For a reserve for the payment of certain court judgments, settlements and legal fees, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the comptroller, which were ordered to be paid in the current fiscal year or a prior fiscal year; provided, that the comptroller shall report quarterly to the house and senate committees on ways and means on the amounts expended from this item; and provided further, that upon written notification of the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees ways and means, uncommitted and unobligated funds from this item may be transferred to item 0612-0105 upon the request of the state treasurer
For a reserve to be administered by the office of commonwealth performance accountability and transparency in the executive office for administration and finance; provided, that funds shall be used to support the establishment of offices of performance management by each secretary in accordance with section 4A of chapter 6A of the General Laws; provided further, that funds from this item shall be used to support executive offices, excluding the executive office for administration and finance, to develop and implement strategic plans and direct performance management programs for the agencies within those executive offices; and provided further, that within 30 days of any transfer from this fund, the executive office for administration and finance shall file a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means identifying executive offices receiving funding from this item and providing a spending plan for each transfer

Governor disapproved of the following item, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For unexpected startup costs of providers holding contracts issued under section 35VV of chapter 10 of the General laws; provided, that eligible costs shall be those incurred by the selected intermediary associated with due diligence and initial establishment of all necessary infrastructure including legal costs, operational and economic modeling and other reasonable expenses associated with the homelessness pay-for-success contract
For rent and associated costs at the Massachusetts information technology center in Chelsea
For capital lease payments from the University of Massachusetts to the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency and for annual operations of the advanced technology and manufacturing center in Fall River
Manufacturing Fund.........100%
For the Edward J. Collins, Jr. Center for Public Management at the University of Massachusetts at Boston's John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies
For a reserve to meet the fiscal year 2014 costs of salary adjustments and other economic benefits authorized by collective bargaining agreements with the sheriffs that have not yet been ratified by the legislature; provided, that no funds shall be expended from this account prior to ratification of the collective bargaining agreements by the legislature
For a reserve to meet the fiscal year 2014 costs of salary adjustments and other economic benefits authorized by collective bargaining agreements with the executive branch that have not yet been ratified by the legislature; provided, that no funds shall be expended from this account prior to ratification of the collective bargaining agreements by the legislature

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For a reserve of not more than $2,700,000 for the facilities costs associated with the college of visual and performing arts at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth including funds from this item for Bristol Community College; provided, that funds from this item shall be expended for the lease and operations of educational facilities procured by the University of Massachusetts to alleviate educational programmatic overcrowding
For a reserve for 1-time grants for the purchase of automated external defibrillators; provided, that applicants may include municipalities and school districts, including regional school districts, for use in schools, senior centers and senior housing complexes; provided further, that grants shall be made available in the form of 50 per cent matching grants to be administered by the executive office of public safety and security; provided further, that grants may include matching funds for training in the use of the equipment and cardiopulmonary resuscitations; provided further, that local matching funds may be provided through the municipality or school district by local appropriation or through donations from nonprofit organizations or individual, corporate or foundation gifts; and provided further, that nothing in this item shall limit the ability of the executive office of public safety and security to obtain the equipment through a bulk purchase arrangement to maximize the number of grants that may be made with these funds

Division of Human Resources.

For the operation of the human resources division and the costs of administration, training and customer support related to the commonwealth?s human resources and compensation management system; provided, that the information technology division shall continue a chargeback system for its bureau of computer services, including the operation of the commonwealth?s human resources and compensation management system, which complies with the requirements of section 2B; provided further, that the division shall be responsible for the administration of examinations for state and municipal civil service titles, establishment of eligible lists, certification of eligible candidates to state and municipal appointing authorities and technical assistance in selection and appointment to state and municipal appointing authorities; provided further, that notwithstanding clause (n) of section 5 of chapter 31 of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, the secretary of administration and finance shall charge a fee of not less than $50 to be collected from each applicant for a civil service examination; provided further, that the division shall administer a program of state employee unemployment management including, but not limited to, agency training and assistance; provided further, that the division shall administer the statewide classification system including, but not limited to, maintaining a classification pay plan for civil service titles in accordance with generally accepted compensation standards and reviewing appeals for reclassification; and provided further, that any employee of the commonwealth who chooses to participate in a bone marrow donor program shall be granted a leave of absence with pay to undergo the medical procedure and for associated physical recovery time, but this leave shall not exceed 5 days
For the human resources division which may expend not more than $2,685,645 from revenues collected from fees charged to applicants for civil service and non-civil service examinations and fees charged for the costs of goods and services rendered in administering training programs; provided, that the division shall collect from participating non-state agencies, political subdivisions and the general public fees sufficient to cover all costs of the programs including, but not limited to, a fee to be collected from each applicant for a civil service examination or non-civil service examination, notwithstanding clause (n) of section 5 of chapter 31 of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary; provided further, that the human resources division may also expend revenues collected for implementation of the health and physical fitness standards program established under section 61A of said chapter 31 of the General Laws and the wellness program established under section 61B of said chapter 31 and those programs in chapter 32 of the General Laws; provided further, that the personnel administrator shall charge a fee of not less than $50 to be collected from each applicant who participates in the physical ability test; and provided further, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For payment of workers? compensation benefits to certain former employees of Middlesex and Worcester counties; provided, that the division shall routinely recertify the former employees under current workers? compensation procedures
For the commonwealth?s contributions in fiscal year 2014 to health and welfare funds established under certain collective bargaining agreements; provided, that the contributions shall be calculated as provided in the applicable collective bargaining agreements and shall be paid to the health and welfare trust funds on a monthly basis or on such other basis as the applicable collective bargaining agreement provides

Operational Services Division.

For the operation of an enhanced vendor auditing unit within the operational services division; provided, that the unit shall use a risk analysis program to identify vendor areas at high risk of fraud, overbilling or unallowable expenses; provided further, that the risk analysis shall use vendor-filed uniform financial reports, contracts with state entities and Massachusetts management accounting and reporting system billing records; provided further, that in determining risk, the unit shall consider: (a) failure to file in a timely manner annual uniform financial reports and required private audits; (b) related-party transactions; (c) use of management companies; (d) amounts of billed expenditures on credit cards; (e) expenditures for non-program expenses such as travel, meals and vehicles; and (f) referrals or complaints from other state agencies, public officials and consumers; provided further, that the unit shall conduct field audits as necessary to determine evidence of fraud, overbilling or unallowable expenses; provided further, that the unit shall develop a recovery plan to recoup all funds received by a vendor due to fraud, overbilling or unallowable expenses and shall be responsible for recovering those funds; provided further, that any recovery plan that provides for less than the full restitution of misspent funds shall not be implemented without the approval of the secretary of administration and finance; provided further, that all funds recovered shall be deposited in the General Fund; provided further, that audits which indicate criminal fraud shall be referred to the attorney general for investigation; and provided further, that the unit shall file a report to the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 14, 2014 on the activities of the unit, including the number of audits conducted, the number of vendors audited, the number of vendors demonstrating the risk factors listed in this item, the funds identified for recoupment, the funds recouped, any reasons why identified funds were not recouped and details of recovery plans that required the approval of the secretary of administration and finance
For the operational services division; provided, that the division may expend for the purpose of procuring, managing and administering statewide contracts an amount not to exceed $5,546,020 from revenue collected from the statewide contract administrative fee; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system, including the costs of personnel
For the operational services division; provided, that the division may expend an amount not to exceed $500,000 from revenues collected in the recovery of cost-reimbursement and non-reimbursable overbilling and recoupment for health and human service agencies and as a result of administrative reviews, as determined during the division?s audits and reviews of providers under section 22N of chapter 7 of the General Laws; provided further, that the division may only retain revenues collected in excess of $207,350; and provided further, for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the operation and administration of the supplier diversity office; provided, that the office shall provide training and other services to supplier diversity office certified minority- and women-owned businesses, which allows those businesses to better compete for state contracts and also ensures that equitable practices and policies in the public marketplace are maintained; provided further, that the office shall administer an electronic business certification application which shall be accessible to business applicants through the internet; provided further, that the office shall ensure the integrity and security of personal and financial information transmitted by electronic application; provided further, that the office shall provide certification services to all supplier diversity office qualified applicants, within or outside of the commonwealth, as applicable; and provided further, that the office shall develop and implement measures and procedures to continue to improve the efficiency and the timeliness of the certification process
For the operational services division; provided, that the division may expend not more than $750,000 in revenues from the sale of state surplus personal property and the disposal of surplus motor vehicles including, but not limited to, state police vehicles from vehicle accident and damage claims and from manufacturer warranties, rebates and settlements for the payment, expenses and liabilities for the acquisition, warehousing, allocation and distribution of surplus property and the purchase of motor vehicles; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system, including the costs of personnel
For the operational services division; provided, that the division may expend not more than $53,000 in revenues collected in addition to the amount authorized in item 1775-1000 of section 2B for printing, photocopying, related graphic art or design work and other reprographic goods and services provided to the general public, including all necessary incidental expenses; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the operational services division; provided, that the division may expend not more than $55,000 in revenues collected under chapter 449 of the acts of 1984 and section 4L of chapter 7 of the General Laws, including the costs of personnel, from the sale of federal surplus property, including the payment, expenses and liabilities for the acquisition, warehousing, allocation and distribution of federal surplus property; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the operational services division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Information Technology Division.

For the operation of the information technology division; provided, that the division shall operate the geographic information system under section 4A of chapter 7 of the General Laws; provided further, that the division shall continue a chargeback system for its bureau of computer services, including the operation of the commonwealth?s human resources and compensation management system, which complies with the requirements of section 2B; provided further, that the division shall develop a formula to determine the cost that will be charged to each agency for its use of the human resources and compensation management system; provided further, that the division shall coordinate with the commonwealth?s office of performance, accountability and transparency to develop a statewide grant information page on the commonwealth?s official website that shall include all necessary application forms and a grant program reference in a format that is retrievable and printable; provided further, that the division shall continue conducting audits and surveys to identify and realize savings in the acquisition and maintenance of communications lines; provided further, that any planned information technology development project or purchase by any agency under the authority of the governor for which the total projected cost exceeds $200,000, including the cost of any related hardware, software or consulting fees, and regardless of fiscal year or source of funds, shall be reviewed and approved by the chief information officer before such agency may obligate funds for the project or purchase; and provided further, that the chief information officer may establish rules and procedures necessary to implement this item
For the information technology division, which may expend an amount not to exceed $10,000 from fees charged to entities other than political subdivisions of the commonwealth for the distribution of digital cartographic and other data
For the information technology division, which may expend not more than $554,730 from revenues collected from the provision of computer resources and services to the general public for the costs of the bureau of computer services, including the purchase, lease and rental of telecommunications lines, services and equipment;? provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the operation of the Springfield Data Center


Office of the Secretary.

For the operation of the office of the secretary of energy and environmental affairs, including the water resources commission, the hazardous waste facility site safety council, the coastal zone management program, environmental impact reviews conducted under chapter 30 of the General Laws and the mosquito-borne disease vector control program
For the office of environmental law enforcement, which may expend an amount not to exceed $85,000 from the administrative handling charge revenues received from electronic transactions processed through its online licensing and registration systems; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the provision of information technology services within the executive office of energy and environmental affairs
For the operation of the office of environmental law enforcement; provided, that environmental police officers shall provide monitoring under the National Shellfish Sanitation Program; provided further, that funds from this item shall not be expended for the purposes of item 2030-1004; and provided further, that the office of environmental law enforcement shall seek technical assistance from the executive office of public safety and security to identify and apply for federal grant opportunities available to the office of environmental law enforcement
For environmental police private details; provided, that the office of environmental law enforcement may expend revenues of up to $300,000 collected from the fees charged for private details; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Department of Public Utilities.

For the operation of the department of public utilities; provided, that notwithstanding the second sentence of the first paragraph of section 18 of chapter 25 of the General Laws, the assessments levied for fiscal year 2014 under said first paragraph shall be made at a rate sufficient to produce the amount expended from this item and the associated fringe benefits costs for personnel paid from this item; provided further, that $300,000 shall be dedicated to the hiring of gas safety inspectors who shall be authorized to randomly inspect each public utility?s piping, equipment, work site, work product, safety guidelines or any item on the utility?s property or within the utility?s control to determine if it meets nationally recognized gas utility company safety standards and such inspectors shall provide an annual report to the commissioners, the attorney general and the joint committee on telecommunication, utilities and energy; and provided further, that the cost of the gas safety inspectors, including associated fringe benefit costs, shall be assessed to gas utility companies under the jurisdictional control of the department
For the operation of the transportation oversight division
For the department of public utilities, which may expend for the operation of the energy facilities siting board an amount not to exceed $75,000 from application fees collected in fiscal year 2014 and prior fiscal years from utility companies
For the department of public utilities, which may expend for the operation of the transportation oversight division an amount not to exceed $2,300,000 from unified carrier registration fees collected in fiscal year 2014 and prior fiscal years from motor carrier companies
For the department of public utilities to regulate steam distribution companies; provided, that notwithstanding section 18A of chapter 25 of the General Laws, the assessments levied for fiscal year 2014 shall be made at a rate sufficient to produce the amount expended from this item and the cost of associated fringe benefits for personnel paid from this item

Department of Environmental Protection.

For the operation of the department of environmental protection, including the environmental strike force, the bureau of planning and evaluation, the bureau of resource protection, the bureau of waste prevention, the Senator William X. Wall Experiment Station and a contract with the University of Massachusetts for environmental research; provided, that section 3B of chapter 7 of the General Laws shall not apply to fees established under section 18 of chapter 21A of the General Laws; provided further, that not less than $92,000 shall be expended for environmental programs in the town of Marblehead, and not less than $50,000 shall be expended for environmental programs in the town of Swampscott; provided further, that not less than $90,000 shall be provided for Brownfield redevelopment in the city of Lynn; and provided further, that $250,000 shall be expended for the Buzzards Bay Coalition and Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies, in conjunction with the Marine Biological Laboratory and the University of Massachusetts at Boston, for a coastal water quality monitoring program in Buzzards Bay, Vineyard Sound, Nantucket Sound and Cape Cod Bay
For the department of environmental protection, which may expend an amount not to exceed $650,151 collected from fees for wetland permits; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For technical assistance, grants and support of efforts consistent with the Massachusetts recycling and solid waste master plan and climate protection plan; provided, that funds may be expended for a recycling industries reimbursement program pursuant to section 241 of chapter 43 of the acts of 1997
For the department of environmental protection for the sole purpose of ensuring sufficient staff for timely permit decisions and compliance assurance
For the department of environmental protection, which may expend an amount not to exceed $2,500,000 collected from permit and compliance fees for the sole purpose of ensuring sufficient staff for timely permit decisions and compliance assurance; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law or rule or regulation to the contrary, the department shall adopt emergency regulations to increase existing permit or compliance fees adopted pursuant to section 18 of chapter 21A and section 3B of chapter 21E of the General Laws to reflect the increase in the consumer price index since 2004; provided further, that such fee increases shall take effect during fiscal year 2014 as soon as emergency regulations are promulgated; provided further, that such increases shall terminate in the event that: (a) this item is abolished or reduced in fiscal year 2014; or (b) operational funding for the department falls below the level authorized in the general appropriation act for fiscal year 2013; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of environmental protection, which may expend for the administration and implementation of the Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Act pursuant to chapter 21I of the General Laws an amount not to exceed $3,120,894 collected from fees, penalties, grants and tuition under said chapter 21I; provided, that not less than $1,667,454 from this item shall be made available for the operation of the Toxics Use Reduction Institute program at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell; provided further, that the department shall enter into an interagency service agreement with the University of Massachusetts to make such funding available for this purpose; provided further, that not less than $644,096 from this item shall be made available for toxics use reduction technical assistance and technology in accordance with said chapter 21I; provided further, that the department shall enter into an interagency service agreement with the executive office of energy and environmental affairs to make such funding available for this purpose; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the administration and implementation of the federal Clean Air Act, Public Law 88-206, as amended, as codified at 42 U.S.C. section 7401 et seq., including the operating permit program, the emissions banking program, the auto-related state implementation program, the low emission vehicle program, the non-auto-related state implementation program and the commonwealth?s commitments under the New England Governors/Eastern Canadian Premiers climate change action plan for reducing acid rain deposition and mercury emissions
For the administration and implementation of the operating permit and compliance program required under the federal Clean Air Act, Public Law 88-206, as amended, as codified at 42 U.S.C. section 7401 et seq
For the commonwealth?s implementation of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, Public Law 93-52, as amended, pursuant to section 18A of chapter 21A of the General Laws
For the expenses of the hazardous waste cleanup and underground storage tank programs, notwithstanding section 4 of chapter 21J of the General Laws
For the brownfields site audit program
For the operation of the board of registration of hazardous waste site cleanup professionals, notwithstanding section 19A of chapter 21A of the General Laws

Department of Fish and Game.

For the office of the commissioner; provided, that the commissioner?s office shall assess and receive payments from the division of marine fisheries, the division of fisheries and wildlife, the office of fishing and boating access, the division of ecological restoration, the riverways program and all other programs under the control of the department of fish and game; provided further, that those assessments shall be used to cover appropriate administrative costs of the department including, but not limited to, payroll, personnel, legal and budgetary costs; provided further, that the amount and contribution from each division or program shall be determined by the commissioner of fish and game; provided further, that not less than
$150,000 shall be expended for grants to fishing ports to develop recovery and revitalization plans in response to federal groundfish regulations that took effect on May 1, 2013; provided further, that the commissioner and the division of marine fisheries shall issue requests for proposals from affected ports not later than 60 days after the effective date of this item and shall award such grants in a timely fashion; provided further, that all affected ports may submit individual plans or multiple ports may submit a regional plan; and provided further, that all plans so developed shall be submitted to the commissioner and director of the division of marine fisheries, the secretary of energy and environmental affairs, the? secretary of housing and economic development and the clerks of the senate and house of representatives not later than 180 days after the effective date of this item
For the division of ecological restoration and the riverways program and for the promotion of public access to rivers and wetland restoration, including grants to public and nonpublic entities; provided, that funds shall be expended to continue a phragmites mitigation plan in marshes between the city of Gloucester and the town of Salisbury, including high-resolution salinity mapping
For the administration of the division of fisheries and wildlife, including expenses of the fisheries and wildlife board, the administration of game farms and wildlife restoration projects, wildlife research and management, the administration of fish hatcheries, the improvement and management of lakes, ponds and rivers, fish and wildlife restoration projects, the commonwealth?s share of certain cooperative fisheries and wildlife programs and for certain programs reimbursable under the federal Aid to Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act; provided, that funds from this item shall be made available to the University of Massachusetts at Amherst for fisheries and wildlife research in an amount not less than the amount received in fiscal year 2013 for such research; provided further, that the department may expend the amount necessary to restore anadromous fish in the Connecticut and Merrimack river systems; provided further, that no funds shall be spent on restoration of catadromous fish in the Connecticut and Merrimack river systems unless deemed necessary by the division; and provided further, that expenditures for such programs shall be contingent upon prior approval of the proper federal authorities for reimbursement of at least 75 per cent of the amount so expended
Inland Fisheries and Game Fund.......100%
For the operation of the natural heritage and endangered species program
For the hunter safety training program
Inland Fisheries and Game Fund 100%
For the purchase of land containing wildlife habitat and for the costs of the division of fisheries and wildlife directly related to the administration of the wildlands stamp program pursuant to sections 2A and 2C of chapter 131 of the General Laws; provided, that funds shall not be expended from this item in the AA object class for the compensation of state employees assigned to any item
Inland Fisheries and Game Fund 100%
For the waterfowl management program established pursuant to section 11 of chapter 131 of the General Laws
Inland Fisheries and Game Fund 100%
For the office of fishing and boating access, including the maintenance, operation and improvement of public access land and water areas
For the operation of the division of marine fisheries, including expenses of the Annisquam river marine research laboratory, marine research programs, a commercial fisheries program, a shellfish management program, including coastal area classification, mapping and technical assistance, the operation of the Newburyport shellfish purification plant and a shellfish classification program; provided further, that not less than $425,000 be expended for a program of collaborative research by the Division of Marine Fisheries through the Marine Fisheries Institute, in collaboration with the School for Marine Science and Technology at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, that applies innovative technology to assess the biomass of groundfish, including cod and yellowtail in the region managed by the New England Fishery Management Council, not less than $75,000 of which shall be appropriated to the School for Marine Science and Technology at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth to develop a Sonar research proposal in conjunction with the Sonar Project; provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for the development and implementation of a cod species identification sequencing study to be conducted by the Gloucester marine genome initiative through nonprofit organizations in the commonwealth; provided further, that the Gloucester marine genome initiative shall report on the status of the project to the house and senate committees on ways and means on or before June 30, 2014; provided further, that $50,000 shall be expended for the protection and maintenance of Herring Run in the town of Weymouth; provided further, that $75,000 shall be expended for shellfish propagation in Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket counties to be administered jointly by the director of marine fisheries and counties; provided, that funds shall be expended on a recreational fisheries program to be reimbursed by federal funds; provided further, that the division shall continue to develop strategies to improve federal regulations governing the commercial fishing industry and to promote sustainable fisheries; provided further, that $400,000 shall be expended for the operation of the Newburyport shellfish purification plant; provided further, that the division shall offer wet storage and desanding services at the Newburyport shellfish purification plant as laid out in the report dated March 1, 2012; provided further, that for functions not being performed by the plant prior to July 1, 2012, the division may solicit competitive proposals for the utilization of excess processing capacity at the Newburyport shellfish purification plant, which may include proposals to offer wet storage and desanding services at the plant as described in the shellfish purification plant management plan dated March 1, 2012; provided further, that the division shall be under no obligation to consider or implement any proposal that the division determines would displace, impede or otherwise hinder the existing functions of the plant; provided further, that the division may enter into contracts based on proposals received and the division shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than 60 days prior to taking any such action; and provided further, that any proceeds derived from these activities shall be retained and shall be deposited into item 2330-0150
For a program of the division of marine fisheries to enhance and develop marine recreational fishing and related programs and activities, including the cost of equipment, maintenance and staff and the maintenance and updating of data
For the division of marine fisheries to utilize reimbursable federal sportfish restoration funds to further develop marine recreational fishing and related programs, including the costs of activities that increase public access for marine recreational fishing, support research on artificial reefs and otherwise provide for the development of marine recreational fishing; provided, that the division of marine fisheries may expend not more than $217,989 in revenues collected from federal sportfish restoration funds and from the sale of materials which promote marine recreational fishing; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the operation and maintenance of the Newburyport shellfish purification plant; provided, that the division of marine fisheries may expend not more than $200,000 from revenue collected from fees generated by operations; provided further, that the division shall submit a report detailing the revenues collected and expended and the shellfish volume increase realized from the implementation of wet storage and desanding services and the shellfish purification plant management plan dated March 1, 2012 to the executive office of environmental affairs, the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than six months following the effective date of this act; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the division of marine fisheries may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the administration and operation of the saltwater fishing permit program pursuant to section 17C of chapter 130 of the General Laws
Marine Recreational Fisheries Development Fund......100%

Department of Agricultural Resources.

For the operation of the department of agricultural resources, including the division of administration, the integrated pest management program, the board of agriculture, the division of agricultural markets, the division of animal health, the division of agricultural conservation and technical assistance, the division of crop and pest services, including a program of laboratory services at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, the expenses of the pesticide board and agency costs associated with the administration of other boards, commissions and committees chaired by the department; provided, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended to enhance the buy local effort in western, central, northeastern and southern Massachusetts; provided further, that funds shall be expended for the statewide 4-H program; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the purpose of developing a strategic food policy plan for the Commonwealth; provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be available to supplement existing larvicide control projects in Plymouth and Bristol counties; and provided further, that not less than $90,000 shall be expended for the apiary inspection program
For the purchase of supplemental foods for the emergency food assistance program within the Feeding America nationally-certified food bank system in the commonwealth; provided, that the funds appropriated in this item shall reflect the Feeding America allocation formula in order to benefit the 4 regional food banks in the commonwealth; provided further, that the department may assess an administrative charge not to exceed 2 per cent of the total appropriation in this item; and provided further, that $1,000,000 shall be expended for operating funds to distribute food for the Massachusetts emergency food assistance program previously provided for in item 7051-0015 of section 2 of chapter 68 of the acts of 2011

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the integrated pest management program; provided, that the department shall expend sufficient funds to continue the monitoring and mitigation of the brown marmorated stink bug and the spotted wing drosophila by the University of Massachusetts at Amherst center for agriculture

Department of Conservation and Recreation.

For the operation of the department of conservation and recreation; provided, that notwithstanding section 3B of chapter 7 of the General Laws, the department shall establish or renegotiate fees, licenses, permits, rents and leases and adjust or develop other revenue sources to fund the maintenance, operation and administration of the department; provided further, that funds shall be expended for the cleanup of Pilayella algae; and provided further, that no funds shall be expended from this item for personnel overtime costs
For the watershed management program to operate and maintain reservoirs, watershed lands and related infrastructure of the department of conservation and recreation and the office of water resources in the department; provided, that the amount of the payment shall be charged to the General Fund and shall not be included in the amount of the annual determination of fiscal year charges to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority assessed to the authority pursuant to the General Laws; provided further, that the department shall continue to make payments pursuant to chapter 616 of the acts of 1957; and provided further, that the department shall continue to make payments pursuant to chapter 307 of the acts of 1987 for the use of certain land
For a program to provide stormwater management for all properties and roadways under the care, custody and control of the department of conservation and recreation; provided, that the department shall implement a stormwater management program in compliance with federal and state stormwater management requirements; provided further, that the department shall inventory all stormwater infrastructure, assess its stormwater practices, analyze long-term capital and operational needs and implement a stormwater management plan to comply with federal and state regulatory requirements; and provided further, that in order to protect public safety and to protect water resources for water supply, recreational and ecosystem uses, the department shall immediately implement interim stormwater management practices including, but not limited to, street sweeping, inspection and cleaning of catch basins and emergency repairs to roadway drainage
For the operation of the beaches, pools and spray pools under the control of the department of conservation and recreation; provided, that the seasonal hires of the department?s parks, beaches, pools and spray pools shall be paid from this item; provided further, that all beaches, pools and spray pools shall remain open and staffed from Memorial Day through Labor Day; provided further, that the beaches, pools and spray pools shall be fully maintained; provided further, that no funds from this item shall be expended for year-round seasonal employees; provided further, that seasonal employees who are hired before the second Sunday preceding Memorial Day, whose employment continues beyond the Saturday following Labor Day and who received health insurance benefits in fiscal year 2013 shall continue to receive such benefits in fiscal year 2014 during the period of their seasonal employment; provided further, that notwithstanding section 1 of chapter 31 of the General Laws, seasonal positions funded by this item shall be positions requiring the services of an incumbent, on either a full-time or less than full-time basis, beginning not earlier than April 1 and ending not later than November 30, or beginning not earlier than September 1 and ending not later than April 30; provided further, that no expenditures shall be made from this item other than for the purposes identified in this item; and provided further, that notwithstanding said section 1 of said chapter 31, seasonal positions funded by this item shall not be filled by an incumbent for more than 8 months within a 12 month period
For the office of dam safety; provided, that the department shall, in collaboration with the department of environmental protection and the department of fish and game, maintain a comprehensive inventory of all dams and develop a coordinated permitting and regulatory approach to dam removal for stream restoration and public safety; and provided further, that the department shall file annual reports pursuant to section 64 of chapter 21 of the General Laws

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the operation of the division of state parks and recreation; provided, that funds appropriated in this item shall be used: (a) to operate all of the division?s parks, parkways, boulevards, roadways, bridges and related appurtenances under the care, custody and control of the division, flood control activities of the division, reservations, campgrounds, beaches and pools; (b) to oversee rinks; and (c) to protect and manage the division?s lands and natural resources, including the forest and parks conservation services and the bureau of forestry development; provided further, that the same properties shall be open in fiscal year 2014 as were open in fiscal year 2013; provided further, that no funds from this item shall be made available for payment to true seasonal employees; provided further, that the rinks under the control of the department shall remain open and staffed for the full rink season; provided further, that the department may issue grants to public and nonpublic entities from this item; provided further, that not less than $350,000 shall be expended for the purposes of aquatic invasive species control; provided further, that not less than $75,000 shall be expended for the Let?s Row Boston program administered by Community Rowing, Inc. of the city of Boston; provided further, that not less than $40,000 shall be expended for the expansion of programs at Thayer Recreational Field in the town of Lancaster; provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for open space improvements in the City of Lowell; provided further, that not less than $300,000 shall be expended for sand harvesting or the purchase of sand to renourish Salisbury Beach State Reservation; provided further, that no less than $75,000 shall be expended for the maintenance and improvement of the Felllsmere Pond Reservoir in the City of Malden; provided further, that no less than $50,000 shall be expended for the town playground at the Clyde F. Brown Elementary School in Millis; provided further, that $20,000 shall be expended for a safety grant for the town of Franklin; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the operation of the Gardner Heritage State Park in the city of Gardner; provided further, that not less than $750,000 shall be expended for the Blue Hills Trailside Museum; and provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the development of a facility for the enjoyment of the public in Sacramone Park in the city of Everett
For the department of conservation and recreation, which may expend not more than $14,141,673 from revenue collected by the department including, but not limited to, revenues collected from: (a) campsite reservation transactions from the automated campground reservation and registration program; (b) fees, permits, leases, rentals, concessions and all other contracts; (c) telecommunications system user fees and other charges established by the commissioner of conservation and recreation and as received from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority, the highway division in the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, the department of state police and quasi-public and private entities; (d) skating rink fees and rentals; (e) Ponkapoag golf course fees and rentals; (f) Leo J. Martin golf course fees and rentals; and (g) activities authorized under section 34B of chapter 92 of the General Laws; provided, that the department shall retain and deposit 80 per cent of the aforementioned fees; provided further, that if the department of conservation and recreation projects that total revenues from the fees identified in this item will exceed $17,677,091 the department shall notify the secretary of administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means; provided further, that funds in this item shall be expended for the following purposes: (i) the operation and expenses of the department; (ii) expenses, upkeep and improvements to the parks and recreation system; (iii) the operation and maintenance of the department?s telecommunications system; (iv) the operation and maintenance of the department?s skating rinks at an amount not less than $1,000,000; (v) the operation and maintenance of the Ponkapoag golf course at an amount not less than $1,098,011; and (vi) the operation and maintenance of the Leo J. Martin golf course at an amount not less than $824,790; provided further, that nothing in this item shall impair or diminish the rights of access and utilization of all current users of the telecommunications system under agreements previously entered into; provided further, that this item may be reimbursed by political subdivisions of the commonwealth and private entities for direct and indirect costs expended by the department to maintain the telecommunications system; provided further, that when assigning time for the use of its skating rinks, the department shall give first priority to general public skating and then to an entity which qualifies under applicable state and federal law as a nonprofit organization or as a public school; provided further, that the division may issue grants to public and nonpublic entities from this item; provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system; provided further, that no expenditures made in advance of the receipts shall be permitted to exceed 75 per cent of the amount of revenues projected by the first quarterly statement required by section 1B; provided further, that the comptroller shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means at the time subsequent quarterly statements are published of the variance between actual and projected receipts in each such quarter and the implications of that variance for expenditures made; provided further, that the department shall continue to review the revenue collection process to maximize revenue generation under current laws and regulations; provided further, that the department shall develop a plan to provide free or reduced admission to veterans at facilities under its control; provided further, that upon creation of the plan, the department shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means on the plan including, but not limited to, any cost implications of the plan and its long-term effect on the department?s ability to support the operations of its facilities; provided further, that the plan shall be submitted not later than June 30, 2014; and provided further, that the department shall not implement the plan prior to legislative action
For the costs associated with the department?s park rangers specific to the security of the state house; provided, that funds appropriated in this item shall only be expended for the costs of security and park rangers at the state house
For the operation of street lighting and the expenses of maintaining the parkways of the department of conservation and recreation; provided, that the department of conservation and recreation shall take all measures to further ensure that said department?s street lighting efforts are efficient and cost effective

Department of Energy Resources.

For the Massachusetts residential conservation service program pursuant to chapter 465 of the acts of 1980 and the Massachusetts commercial and apartment conservation service program pursuant to section 11A of chapter 25A of the General Laws; provided, that the assessments levied for fiscal year 2014 pursuant to said chapter 465 shall be made at a rate sufficient to produce the amount expended from this item and the associated fringe benefits costs for personnel paid from this item
For the operation of the department of energy resources; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the amount assessed pursuant to section 11H of chapter 25A of the General Laws shall be equal to the amount expended from this item and the associated fringe benefits costs for personnel paid from this item


Department of Early Education and Care.

For the administration of the department of early education and care and the costs of field operations and licensing provided through the department; provided, that the department shall report on the first business day of each month to the joint committee on education, the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities, the house and senate committees on ways and means and the secretary of administration and finance on the unduplicated number of children on waiting lists for state-subsidized early education and care programs and services, including supportive childcare services; provided further, that notwithstanding chapter 66A of the General Laws, the department of early education and care, the lead agencies of community partnership councils, the child care resource and referral agencies, the department of elementary and secondary education, the department of transitional assistance, the department of children and families, the department of housing and community development, the Children?s Trust Fund and the department of public health, specifically early intervention, may share with each other personal data regarding the parents and children who receive services provided under early education and care programs administered by the commonwealth for waitlist management, program implementation and evaluation, reporting and policy development purposes; provided further, that the department shall issue monthly reports detailing the number and average cost of voucher and contracted slots funded by the department by category of eligibility, including children who have been the subject of supported cases pursuant to section 51A of chapter 119 of the General Laws, children referred by or transitioning from the department of children and families and children of income-eligible families; provided further, that said reports shall include the number of recipients subject to subsection (f) of section 110 of chapter 5 of the acts of 1995; provided further, the department shall assign staff to collect and report on enhanced data tracking of clients of early education and care services as provided for in line items 3000-3050, 3000-4050, 3000-4060, and 3000-4070; provided further, the department shall submit a report no later than December 6, 2013 to the house and senate committees on ways and means on the progress of collecting and analyzing data to track (a) the eligibility of clients at the point of application; (b) the reason for attrition from services; (c) improved methodology for forecasting the use of available funds to maximize the number of placements that are supported by state appropriations; and (d) proximity of clients in care and waiting for care to the nearest licensed early education provider; provided further, that the department shall work with the department of public health, the department of elementary and secondary education, the executive office of education and the executive office of health and human services on a data sharing pilot program to issue a state assigned student identifier to children participating in early intervention services with the goal of tracking and evaluating educational and developmental outcomes for those children, improving delivery of services and determining any special education or cost savings associated with the early intervention program; provided further, that the participation of a family in any pilot program shall be contingent upon informed consent; provided further, that the department of early education and care shall provide the caseload forecasting office with enrollment data and any other information pertinent to caseload forecasting that is requested by the office on a monthly basis; provided further,? however, that the information shall be provided in a manner that meets all applicable federal and state privacy and security requirements; provided further, that the commissioner of early education and care may transfer funds from items 3000-4050 and 3000-4060 into items 3000-3050, 3000-4050 and 3000-4060; provided further, that the total transfers from any 1 item shall not exceed 3 per cent of the item?s total funding; provided further, that the commissioner shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means at least 30 days before any such transfer; provided further, that the department shall convene a group of internal and external constituents to conduct an assessment of childcare licensing policies, procedures and regulations to propose and add best practices relative to risk assessment, differential licensing, integration of quality support efforts through licensing practices and policies which ensure the health, safety and quality of early educational opportunities for all children in licensed childcare facilities in the commonwealth; provided further, that such review shall also include an assessment of the department?s information technology infrastructure?s capabilities to capture and provide data essential to licensing best practices as well as a review of staffing capacity to introduce and monitor best practices? in the commonwealth; provided further, the assessment shall begin no later than October 1, 2013; and provided further, that the assessment shall be submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on education? not later than March 31, 2014
For the regional administration and coordination of services provided by child care resource and referral agencies
For the administration of the Children?s Trust Fund; provided, that the department shall not exercise any supervision or control with respect to the board of the trust fund
For the implementation of a competitively bid grant program for the development of innovative curriculum in preschool programs for children from the age of 2 years and 9 months until they are kindergarten eligible; provided, that such program shall provide a matching amount equal to $1 for every $1 disbursed from this item; provided further, that innovative curriculum for purposes of this item shall include, but not be limited to, the introduction to and the advancement of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in preschool aged children; provided further, that the program shall be chosen through a single competitive process and that grant funds shall be dispersed not later than November 28, 2013 to cover costs expended between August 1, 2013 and July 31, 2014; and provided further, that funds may be expended through August 31, 2014 to allow for summer programming
For supportive early education and care services; provided, that funds from this item shall only be expended for early education and care costs of children with active cases at the department of children and families; provided further, that the department of early education and care, in collaboration with the department of children and families, shall maintain a centralized list detailing the number of children eligible for services in this item, the number of supportive slots filled and the number of supportive slots available; provided further, that funds may be used to provide services during a transition period of 6 months for families upon the closure of their case; and provided further, that all children eligible for services under this item shall receive those services
For financial assistance for families currently involved with or transitioning from transitional aid to families with dependent children to enroll in an early education and care program; provided, that early education and care shall be available to former participants who are working for up to 1 year after termination of their benefits; provided further, that post-transitional early education and care benefits shall be provided to participants who are working for up to 1 year after the transitional period; provided further, that the department shall issue monthly reports detailing the number and average cost of voucher and contracted slots funded from this item and item 3000-3050; provided further, that the department may provide early education and care benefits to parents who are under 18 years of age, who are currently enrolled in a job training program, and who would qualify for benefits under chapter 118 of the General Laws but for the deeming of the grandparents? income; provided further, that all teens eligible for year-round, full-time early education and care services shall be participating in school, education, work and training-related activities or a combination thereof for at least the minimum number of hours required by regulations; provided further, that recipients shall not be charged fees for care provided under this item; provided further, that early education and care slots funded from this item shall be distributed in a manner that provides fair and adequate access to early education and care for all eligible individuals in every area of the commonwealth; provided further, that informal early education and care benefits may be funded from this item; and provided further, that not more than $2 per child per hour shall be paid for the services
For income-eligible early education and care programs; provided, that teen parents at risk of becoming eligible for transitional aid to families with dependent children may be paid from this item; provided further, that informal early education and care benefits for families meeting income-eligibility criteria may be funded from this item; provided further, that not more than $2 per child per hour shall be paid for the services; provided further, that early education and care slots funded from this item shall be distributed in a manner that provides fair and adequate access to early education and care for all eligible individuals in every area of the commonwealth; provided further, that the department may expend funds from this item on grants to support inclusive learning environments; provided further, that any unexpended funds up to $8,500,000 appropriated for this item in fiscal year 2013 shall not revert but shall be made available for the purposes of this item until June 30, 2014; and provided further, that any payment made under any such grant with a school district shall be deposited with the treasurer of such city, town or regional school district and held as a separate account and shall be expended by the school committee of such city, town or regional school district without municipal appropriation, notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary
For the hiring of a consultant or institution with documented expertise in policy and research of early education and care, to be selected by the special commission on early education services, as established by section 168
For costs associated with reducing the waitlist for income-eligible early education and care programs; provided, that funds from this account may be transferred to item 3000-4060
For grants to head start programs; provided, that funds from this item may be expended on early head start programs; and provided further, that not later than September 2, 2013 the department shall provide to the house and senate committees on ways and means a spending plan for this item for fiscal year 2014 and a comparison with the spending plan for fiscal year 2013
For the Massachusetts universal pre-kindergarten program; provided, that funds from this item shall be expended on grants to improve the quality of and expand access to preschool programs and services to children from the age of 2 years and 9 months until they are kindergarten eligible; provided further, that in awarding grant funds under this program, preference shall be given to establishing preschool classrooms in towns and cities with schools and districts at risk of or determined to be under-performing in accordance with sections 1J and 1K of chapter 69 of the General Laws, schools and districts which have been placed in the accountability status of identified for improvement, corrective action or restructuring pursuant to departmental regulations or which have been designated commonwealth priority schools or commonwealth pilot schools pursuant to said regulations, schools or districts with a high percentage of students scoring in levels 1 and 2 on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System exams or programs which serve children not less than 50 per cent of whom are from families earning at or below 85 per cent of the state median income; provided further, that funds may also be used to enhance community-wide capacity building efforts within statewide parameters established by the board; provided further, that any newly-funded programs designated as Massachusetts universal pre-kindergarten program participants shall fall within the quality standards established by the Massachusetts quality rating and improvement system; provided further, that programs receiving grant funds may use the funds to enhance teacher and staff quality and compensation, enhance program quality through participation in the Massachusetts quality rating and improvement system, enhance program ability to interpret and use assessment data effectively, enhance developmentally-appropriate practices, incorporate ancillary services into the program, facilitate or provide access to wrap-around services for working families or to increase capacity to expand access to age-eligible children on the centralized waitlist maintained by the department; provided further, that preference shall be given in awarding grants to those programs which demonstrate affordability for middle class and working class parents according to standards to be developed by the department; and provided further, that any payment made under any such grant with a school district shall be deposited with the treasurer of such city, town or regional school district and held as a separate account and shall be expended by the school committee of such city, town or regional school district without municipal appropriation, notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary
For early childhood mental health consultation services in early education and care programs in the commonwealth; provided, that preference shall be given to those services designed to limit the number of expulsions and suspensions from said programs; and provided further, that eligible recipients for such grants shall include community partnership councils, municipal school districts, regional school districts, educational collaboratives, head start programs, licensed childcare providers, child care resource and referral centers and other qualified entities
For statewide neonatal and postnatal home parenting education and home visiting programs for at-risk newborns to be administered by the Children?s Trust Fund, established pursuant to section 50 of chapter 10 of the General Laws; provided, that such services shall be made available statewide to parents under the age of 21; provided further, that the Children?s Trust fund shall oversee the ongoing development and maintenance of a participant data system; and provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, priority for such services shall be given to low-income parents
For the coordinated family and community engagement grant program, which shall establish a statewide network of supports for early education; provided, that the department shall distribute the grants not later than August 30, 2013, in order to allow a full year of service for families involved in these programs; provided further, that supports funded through this item shall include, but not be limited to, curriculum development, child assessment systems, activities that encourage providers to obtain associate and bachelor degrees, payment of fees and direct assistance to programs seeking accreditation by agencies approved by the board and professional development courses; provided further, that eligible recipients for such grants shall include, but not be limited to, the home-based, school readiness and family support program known as the parent-child home program, the Massachusetts Family Networks, community partnership councils, municipal school districts, regional school districts, educational collaboratives, head start programs, school readiness and family support programs, licensed childcare providers and child care resource and referral centers; provided further, that supports funded through this item shall be in alignment with the quality requirements of the Massachusetts universal pre-kindergarten program and the development of the quality rating and improvement system; and provided further, that the department may expend funds from this item on grants for supplemental services for children with individualized education
For Reach Out and Read, Inc., a research-proven, pediatric literacy intervention program, which trains doctors and nurse practitioners to provide advice to parents on reading aloud to children and books for children living in poverty and in underperforming school districts through programs established in community health centers, medical practices and hospitals; provided, that the funds distributed through Reach Out and Read, Inc. shall be contingent upon a match of not less than $1 in private or corporate contributions for every $1 in state grant funding; and provided further, that Reach Out and Read, Inc. shall issue a report to the department, the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on education not later than February 14, 2014 detailing program success in meeting measurable goals and benchmarks


Office of the Secretary.

For youth violence prevention program grants administered by the executive office of health and human services; provided, that the programs shall be targeted at reducing youth violence among young persons at highest risk for being perpetrators of, or victims of, gun violence; provided further, that the application for receipt of grants shall require applicants to: (i) identify the target population for services; (ii) identify a method for identifying youths in the target population; (iii) estimate the total number of youths in the target population; and (iv) propose a method for selecting youths for services if the amount of the grant will not cover all youths in the target population; provided further, that the 20 municipalities with the highest average violent crime rate between 2009 and 2011, as measured by the Federal Bureau of Investigation?s uniform crime reports, shall be eligible to apply for grants under this item; provided further, that in selecting grant recipients, the executive office shall ensure that all programs can be consistently evaluated by a single statewide evaluator and that all programs are committed to providing the data and cooperation necessary for comprehensive program evaluation; provided further, that the evaluator shall, to the extent feasible, advise the office on the development of the request for proposals for the grants and shall assist the office in the review and selection of grant applications; provided further, that the secretary shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 3, 2014 detailing: (a) successful grant applications; (b) a set of clearly-defined goals and benchmarks on which grant recipients will be evaluated; and (c) outside evaluation that will be utilized to measure program implementation and preliminary outcomes; and provided further, that funds may be set aside for the administration of these programs
For the operation of the PCA quality home care workforce council established pursuant to section 71 of chapter 118E of the General Laws
For the establishment and operation of family resource centers to provide community-based services to families, including families with children requiring assistance and to provide a mechanism to the juvenile court to refer families to community-based services pursuant to section 16U of chapter 6A of the General Laws and section 39E of chapter 119 of the General Laws

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the operation of the executive office of health and human services, including the operation of the managed care oversight board; provided, that the executive office shall provide technical and administrative assistance to agencies under the purview of the secretariat receiving federal funds; provided further, that the executive office shall monitor the expenditures and completion timetables for systems development projects and enhancements undertaken by all agencies under the purview of the secretariat and shall ensure that all measures are taken to make such systems compatible with one another for enhanced interagency interaction; provided further, that the executive office shall ensure that any collaborative assessments for children receiving services from multiple agencies within the secretariat shall be performed within existing resources; provided further, that the executive office of health and human services and its agencies, when contracting for services on the islands of Martha?s Vineyard and Nantucket, shall take into consideration the increased costs associated with the provision of goods, services, housing, and travel costs and shall provide no more than $30,000 for the increased costs associated with travelling to and from said islands; provided further, that funds appropriated in this item shall be expended for administrative and contracted services related to the implementation and operation of programs authorized by chapter 118E of the General Laws; provided further, that in consultation with the center for health information and analysis, no rate increase shall be provided to existing Medicaid provider rates without taking all measures possible under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, as codified at 42 U.S.C. chapter 7, subchapter XIX, to ensure that rates of payment to providers do not exceed the rates that are necessary to meet only those costs which must be incurred by efficiently and economically operated providers in order to provide services of adequate quality; provided further, that funds may be expended for the operation of the office of health equity within the executive office of health and human services; provided further, that no expenditures shall be made that are not federally reimbursable, including those related to Titles XIX or XXI of the Social Security Act, as codified at 42 U.S.C. chapter 7, subchapters XIX or XXI or the MassHealth demonstration waiver pursuant to section 1115(a) of said Social Security Act, as codified at 42 U.S.C. section 1315(a) or the community first demonstration waiver pursuant to section 1115 of the Social Security Act, as codified at 42 U.S.C. section 1315, whether made by the executive office or another commonwealth entity, except as required for: (a) the equivalent of MassHealth Standard benefits for children under age 21 who are in the care or custody of the department of youth services or the department of children and families; (b) dental benefits provided to clients of the department of developmental services who are age 21 or over; or (c) cost containment efforts the purposes and amounts of which have been submitted to the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means 30 days prior to making these expenditures; provided further, that in calculating rates of payment for children enrolled in MassHealth receiving inpatient and outpatient services at acute care pediatric hospitals and pediatric specialty units as defined in section 8A of Chapter 118E of the General Laws, the executive office shall provide additional reimbursement to the pediatric acute hospital in the Commonwealth, above the base rates, to compensate for high-complexity pediatric care in an amount no less than $11,800,000 and to the pediatric specialty unit in the Commonwealth in an amount no less than $3,000,000; provided further, that the executive office of health and human services may continue to recover provider overpayments made in the current and prior fiscal years through the Medicaid management information system, and that these recoveries shall be considered current fiscal year expenditure refunds; provided further, that funds shall be provided in an amount not less than the total appropriated in item 1599-2009 in section 2 of chapter 182 of the acts of 2008; provided further, that the executive office may collect directly from a liable third party any amounts paid to contracted providers under chapter 118E of the General Laws for which the executive office later discovers another third party is liable if no other course of recoupment is possible; provided further, that in calculating rates of inpatient and outpatient services for neonatal intensive care units, also known as NICU, with at least 55 licensed NICU beds within an acute hospital that has at least 109 pediatric intensive NICU licensed beds, the executive office shall make a supplemental payment of no more than $200,000; provided further, that no funds shall be expended for interpretive services directly or indirectly related to a settlement or resolution agreement with the office of civil rights or any other office, group or entity; provided further, that interpretive services currently provided shall not give rise to enforceable legal rights for any party or to an enforceable entitlement to interpretive services; provided further, $150,000 shall be expended for the work of the Massachusetts Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Commission to determine the scope of need among unaccompanied youth and young adults ages 24 and younger who are experiencing homelessness, and to identify and implement potential models for appropriate service delivery to unaccompanied homeless youth in urban, suburban, and rural areas of the commonwealth; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the commissioner of mental health shall approve any prior authorization or other restriction on medication used to treat mental illness in accordance with written policies, procedures and regulations of the department of mental health; provided further, that not less than $1,500,000 shall be provided to the town of Webster to support emergency department capacity for a regional Medicare eligible disproportionate share, geographically isolated, community healthcare provider affiliated with the University of Massachusetts Medical School; provided further, that such funds shall be provided only if they will be matched by an equal or greater amount of private funds; provided further, that these funds shall be made available to said provider not later than December 31, 2013; provided further, that the executive office of health and human services shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than December 16, 2013 on the number of members that received case management services in fiscal year 2013, the scope of services provided and the spending impact of these services in both the primary care clinician and managed care organization populations; provided further, that the executive office of health and human services shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than January 13, 2014 on the number of members served in the dual eligible initiative, the average expenditure per member, the average expenditure per member prior to the demonstration project and the number of clients that receive care at skilled nursing facilities; provided further, that the executive office shall submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on health care financing not later than December 6, 2013 a report detailing utilization of the Health Safety Net Trust Fund, established pursuant to section 66 of chapter 118E of the General Laws; provided further, that the report shall include: (a) the number of persons whose medical expenses were billed to the Health Safety Net Trust Fund in fiscal year 2013; (b) the total dollar amount billed to the Health Safety Net Trust Fund in fiscal year 2013; (c) the demographics of the population using the Health Safety Net Trust Fund; and (d) the types of services paid for out of the Health Safety Net Trust Fund in fiscal year 2013; provided further, that the executive office shall include in the report an analysis on hospitals? responsiveness to enrolling eligible individuals into the MassHealth program upon the date of service rather than charging those individuals to the Health Safety Net Trust Fund; provided further, that any projection of deficiency in item 4000-0430, 4000-0500, 4000-0600, 4000-0700, 4000-0870, 4000-0875, 4000-0880, 4000-0890, 4000-0895, 4000-0940, 4000-0950, 4000-0990, 4000-1400 or 4000-1405 shall be reported to the house and senate committees on ways and means not less than 90 days before the projected exhaustion of funding; provided further, that any unexpended balance in these accounts shall revert to the General Fund on June 30, 2014; provided further, that for purposes of long-term health care cost savings and enhanced patient care, the commonwealth shall recognize telehealth remote patient monitoring provided by home health agencies as a service to clients otherwise reimbursable through Medicaid; and provided further, that the funds authorized in this item for telehealth reimbursement shall be short-term reimbursement made through MassHealth
For the costs of MassHealth provider and member audit and utilization review activities, including eligibility verification, disability evaluations, provider financial and clinical audits and other initiatives intended to enhance program integrity; provided, that no expenditures shall be made from this item that are not federally reimbursable; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the state Medicaid office may conduct a trial to determine the effectiveness of various fraud management tools to identify potential fraud at claims submission and validation in order to reduce Medicaid fraud before payment; provided further, that the state Medicaid office may employ strategies to improve systems for detection and may allow for the use of external data sources; provided further, that any such trial may test innovative technologies to improve Medicaid fraud detection and, at the least, evaluate the efficacy of a real-time model to identify and investigate potential Medicaid fraud cases prior to payment; provided further, that the Medicaid office may use actual claims data, in accordance with federal law, to identify specific suspicious provider billing patterns, document the results of any potential fraud findings and estimate anticipated savings and benefits to the commonwealth associated with such a fraud detection system; provided further, that the executive office shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than January 17, 2014 detailing total audit findings and recoveries in fiscal year 2013 and estimated recoveries in fiscal year 2014; provided further, that the report shall also identify any audits and recoveries referred by the office of the state auditor; provided further, that the executive office shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than April 1, 2014 on prepayment audit efforts; and provided further, that the report shall include only: (i) the original amount of estimated payments prior to prepayment audit; and (ii) the actual amount of payments made following prepayment audits
For the executive office of health and human services which may expend for medical care and assistance rendered in the current year an amount not to exceed $225,000,000 from the monies received from recoveries and collections of any current or prior year expenditures; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the balance of any personal needs accounts collected from nursing and other medical institutions upon the death of a medical assistance recipient and held by the executive office for more than 3 years may be credited to this item; and provided further, that no funds from this item shall be used for the purposes of item 4000-0300
For the CommonHealth program to provide primary and supplemental medical care and assistance to disabled adults and children under sections 9A, 16 and 16A of chapter 118E of the General Laws; provided, that funds may be expended from this item for health care services provided to the recipients in prior fiscal years; provided further, that the executive office shall maximize federal reimbursement for state expenditures made on behalf of those adults and children; provided further, that children shall be determined eligible for the medical care and assistance if they meet the disability standards as defined by the executive office, which shall be no more restrictive than the standards in effect on July 1, 1996; and provided further, that the executive office shall process a CommonHealth application within 45 days of receipt of a completed application or within 90 days if a determination of disability is required
For health care services provided to medical assistance recipients under the executive office?s primary care clinician, mental health and substance abuse plan or through a health maintenance organization under contract with the executive office and for MassHealth benefits provided to children, adolescents and adults under clauses (a) to (d), inclusive, and clause (h) of subsection (2) of section 9A of chapter 118E of the General Laws and section 16C of said chapter 118E; provided, that no funds shall be expended from this item for children and adolescents under clause (c) of said subsection (2) of said section 9A of said chapter 118E whose family incomes, as determined by the executive office, exceed 150 per cent of the federal poverty level; provided further, that expenditures from this item shall be made only for the purposes expressly stated in this item; provided further, that the executive office shall maximize federal reimbursements for state expenditures made to these providers; provided further, that funds may be expended from this item for health care services provided to recipients in prior fiscal years; provided further, that MassHealth shall provide not less than $1,000,000 in the fiscal year 14 capitated rate for the PCC mental health and substance abuse plan for inpatient behavioral health providers; provided further, that the office of Medicaid shall work with the managed care organizations that are under contract with the commonwealth to deliver managed care services to MassHealth enrollees and other relevant stakeholders to develop changes to Medicaid payment policies, quality improvement programs and any other programmatic changes that promote provider efficiencies; provided further, that the office of Medicaid shall work with its actuary to ensure that the development of capitation rates for contracting managed care organizations appropriately account for changes in MassHealth provider rates, that take effect during state fiscal year 2014; provided further, that MassHealth shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than October 1, 2013 on proposed provider efficiencies and the methodology used to develop actuarially sound capitation rates for managed care organizations, which account for changes to provider rates and develop actuarially sound rates; and provided further, that if MassHealth fails to produce the report and develop actuarially sound capitation rates that account for changes in provider rates that take effect during state fiscal year 2014 then, to the extent permissible under federal law and regulations and subject to the availability of federal financial participation, MassHealth shall adjust each Medicaid managed care organization?s base capitation rate to reflect increases in hospital payments paid by Medicaid managed care organizations to their network acute hospitals as a result of state fiscal year 2014 base hospital rate increases


For health care services provided to MassHealth members who are seniors and for the operation of the MassHealth senior care options initiative under section 9D of chapter 118E of the General Laws; provided, that funds may be expended from this item for health care services provided to these recipients in prior fiscal years; provided further, that funds shall be expended for the community choices initiative; provided further, that no payment for special provider costs shall be made from this item without the prior written approval of the secretary of administration and finance; provided further, that benefits of the community choices initiative shall not be reduced below the services provided in fiscal year 2013; provided further, that the eligibility requirements for this demonstration project shall not be more restrictive than those established in fiscal year 2013; provided further, that funds shall be expended from this item to implement the pre-admission counseling and assessment program under the fourth paragraph of section 9 of chapter 118E of the General Laws, which shall be implemented on a statewide basis through aging and disability resource consortia; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, funds shall be expended from this item to maintain a personal needs allowance of $72.80 per month for individuals residing in nursing homes and rest homes who are eligible for MassHealth, emergency aid to the elderly, disabled and children program or supplemental security income; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, for any nursing home or non-acute chronic disease hospital that provides kosher food to its residents, the executive office of elder affairs, in consultation with the center for health information and analysis, in recognition of the special innovative program status granted by the executive office of health and human services, shall continue to make the standard payment rates established in fiscal year 2006 to reflect the high dietary costs incurred in providing kosher food; provided further, that MassHealth shall continue to provide the same number of nursing home leave of absence days to clients as were provided in the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012; provided further, that no nursing home may reassign a patient?s bed during a leave of absence eligible for reimbursement under this item; provided further, that the executive office of health and human services shall complete a rate review of the MassHealth payment rates for adult foster care services and propose revised rates for the adult foster care program that are effective December 1, 2013; provided further, that the executive office shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means regarding the review not later than December 31, 2013; and provided further, that MassHealth shall reimburse nursing home leave of absence days at a rate of not less than $30 per day
For nursing facility Medicaid rates; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, in fiscal year 2014, the executive office of health and human services in consultation with the center for health information and analysis shall establish nursing facility Medicaid rates that cumulatively total $288,600,000 more than the annual payment rates established by the division of healthcare finance under the rates in effect as of June 30, 2002; provided further that effective July 1, 2013 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, the executive office of health and human services shall establish nursing facility MassHealth rates that fully recognize the Medicaid share of the nursing home assessment established by section 63 of chapter 118E of the General Laws; provided further, that not less than $2,800,000 shall be expended as incentive payments to nursing facilities meeting the criteria determined under the MassHealth Nursing Facility Pay-for-Performance Program and that have established and participated in a cooperative effort in each qualifying nursing facility between representatives of employees and management that is focused on implementing that criteria and improving the quality of services available to MassHealth members and that shall decide jointly how to expend such incentive payments; provided further, that the MassHealth agency shall adopt all additional regulations and procedures necessary to carry out this section; provided further, that an amount for expenses related to the collection and administration of section 63 of chapter 118E of the General Laws shall be transferred to the executive office of health and human services; and provided further, that the payments made under this item shall be allocated in an amount sufficient to implement section 622 of chapter 151 of the acts of 1996


Governor reduced the following item, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For health care services provided to medical assistance recipients under the executive office?s health care indemnity or third party liability plan, to medical assistance recipients not otherwise covered under the executive office?s managed care or senior care plans and for MassHealth benefits provided to children, adolescents and adults under clauses (a) to (d), inclusive, and clause (h) of subsection (2) of section 9A of chapter 118E of the General Laws and section 16C of said chapter 118E; provided, that no payments for special provider costs shall be made from this item without the prior written approval of the secretary of administration and finance; provided further, that no funds shall be expended from this item for children and adolescents under clause (c) of said subsection (2) of said section 9A of said chapter 118E whose family incomes, as determined by the executive office, exceed 150 per cent of the federal poverty level; provided further, that children who have aged out of the custody of the department of children and families shall be eligible for benefits until they reach age 21; provided further, that funds shall be expended from this item for members who qualify for early intervention services; provided further, that funds may be expended from this item for health care services provided to the recipients in prior fiscal years; provided further, that $23,000,000 shall be expended from this item, or item 4000-0500 if necessary, to achieve maximum federal financial participation, to enhance the ability of hospitals and community health centers to serve populations in need more efficiently and effectively; provided further, that the executive office shall maximize federal reimbursements for state expenditures made to these providers; provided further, that the executive office shall not, in fiscal year 2014, fund programs relating to case management with the intention of reducing length of stay for neonatal intensive care unit cases; provided further, that notwithstanding the foregoing, funds may be expended from this item for the purchase of third party insurance including, but not limited to, Medicare for any medical assistance recipient; provided further, that the executive office may reduce MassHealth premiums or copayments or offer other incentives to encourage enrollees to comply with wellness goals; provided further, that funds may be expended from this item for activities relating to disability determinations or utilization management and review, including patient screenings and evaluations, regardless of whether such activities are performed by a state agency, contractor, agent or provider; provided further, that MassHealth shall expend not less than $13,683,965 to provide an additional 5 per cent of its standard payment amount per discharge, or SPAD, or of reimbursement provided under any subsequent inpatient payment methodologies and $12,332,013 to provide an additional 5 per cent of its outpatient payment amount per episode or PAPE, or of reimbursement provided under any subsequent outpatient payment methodologies to any acute care hospital that has greater than 63 per cent of its gross patient service revenue from governmental payers and free care as determined by the executive office of health and human services; provided further, that not more than $17,200,000 shall be expended for fillings for all teeth, reducing extractions and loss of teeth for adult MassHealth members; and provided further, that not later than October 1, 2013 MassHealth shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means the date at which full coverage for dental services may be restored given the funding level provided for those services
For health care services provided to adults participating in the medical assistance program under clause (g) of subsection (2) of section 9A of chapter 118E of the General Laws; provided, that funds may be expended from this item for health care services provided to the recipients in prior fiscal years
For the provision of benefits to eligible women who require medical treatment for either breast or cervical cancer in accordance with 42 U.S.C. section 1396a(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XVIII) and section 10D of chapter 118E of the General Laws; provided, that the executive office shall provide these benefits to women whose incomes, as determined by the executive office, do not exceed 250 per cent of the federal poverty level, subject to continued federal approval; provided further, that eligibility for benefits shall be extended solely for the duration of the cancerous condition; provided further, that before the provision of any benefits covered by this item, the executive office shall require screening for either breast or cervical cancer through the comprehensive breast and cervical cancer early detection program operated by the department of public health, in accordance with item 4570-1543 of section 2D; and provided further, that funds may be expended from this item for health care services provided to these recipients in prior fiscal years
For MassHealth benefits under clause (c) of subsection (2) of section 9A of chapter 118E of the General Laws and section 16C of said chapter 118E for children and adolescents whose family incomes, as determined by the executive office, are above 150 per cent of the federal poverty level; provided, that funds may be expended from this item for health care services provided to those children and adolescents in prior fiscal years
For the cost of health insurance subsidies paid to employees and employers of small businesses in the insurance reimbursement program under section 9C of chapter 118E of the General Laws; provided, that funds may be expended from this item for health care services provided to those persons in prior fiscal years; provided further, that effective January 1, 2014, funds may be expended for a pilot program for MassHealth to provide health insurance premium assistance for eligible individuals who work for small employers, who are ineligible for subsidized insurance through the commonwealth health insurance connector and ineligible for any other program in MassHealth; and provided further, that enrollment in such a pilot program may be capped to ensure that MassHealth expenditures do not exceed the amount appropriated herein
For the healthy start program to provide medical care and assistance to pregnant women and infants pursuant to section 10E of chapter 118E of the General Laws; provided, that funds may be expended from this item for health care services provided to these persons in prior fiscal years
For the purposes of providing health care services related to the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Public Law 111-148, and streamlining current programs to promote alignment, access and administrative simplification
For administrative and program expenses associated with the children?s behavioral health initiative, in accordance with the settlement agreement in the case of Rosie D. v. Romney, 410 F.Supp.2d 18 (D.Mass 2006), to provide comprehensive, community-based behavioral health services to children suffering from severe emotional disturbances; provided, that funds may be expended from this item for health care services provided to these persons in prior fiscal years; provided further, that the secretary of health and human services shall report biannually to the house and senate committees on ways and means relative to implementation of the initiative; provided further, that such biannual reports shall include, but not be limited to, details of the implementation plan, results of the scheduled plan to date, including a schedule detailing commencement of services and associated costs by service type, an analysis of compliance with the terms of the settlement agreement to date, a detailed itemization of services and service utilization by service type, geographical location and the age of the member receiving the service, data detailing the time that elapses between a member?s request for services and commencement of an initial assessment for services, the time to complete the initial assessment and the time that elapses between initial assessment for services and commencement of services and a quarterly update of whether projected expenditures are likely to exceed the amount appropriated herein; provided further, that any unexpended balance in this item shall revert to the General Fund on June, 30, 2014; and provided further, that funds shall not be transferred from this item without notifying the house and senate committees on ways and means not less than 30 days prior to such a transfer
For the children?s medical security plan to provide primary and preventive health services for uninsured children from birth through age 18; provided, that the executive office shall prescreen enrollees and applicants for Medicaid eligibility; provided further, that no applicant shall be enrolled in the program until the applicant has been denied eligibility for the MassHealth program; provided further, that the MassHealth benefit request shall be used as a joint application to determine the eligibility for both MassHealth and the children?s medical security plan; provided further, that the executive office shall maximize federal reimbursements for state expenditures made on behalf of the children; provided further, that the executive office shall expend all necessary funds from this item to ensure the provision of the maximum benefit levels for this program, as authorized by section 10F of chapter 118E of the General Laws; provided further, that the maximum benefit levels for this program shall be made available only to those children who have been determined by the executive office to be ineligible for MassHealth benefits; and provided further, that funds may be expended from this item for health care services provided to those persons in prior fiscal years
For the provision of MassHealth benefits to persons diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus with incomes up to 200 per cent of the federal poverty level; provided, that funds may be expended from this item for health care services provided to those persons in prior fiscal years
For the operation of a program of preventive and primary care for chronically unemployed persons who are not receiving unemployment insurance benefits and who are not eligible for medical assistance but who are determined by the executive office of health and human services to be long-term unemployed; provided, that such persons shall meet the eligibility requirements of the MassHealth program established in section 9A of chapter 118E of the General Laws; provided further, that persons eligible under subsection (7) of section 16D of said chapter 118E shall also be eligible to receive benefits under this item; provided further, that the income of such persons shall not exceed 100 per cent of the federal poverty level; provided further, that the eligibility requirements shall not exclude from eligibility persons who are employed neither intermittently nor on a regular basis; provided further, that the provision of care to such persons under this program may be restricted to certain providers; provided further, that the secretary may limit or close enrollment if necessary in order to ensure that expenditures from this item do not exceed the amount appropriated in this item; provided further, that no such limitation shall be implemented unless the secretary has given 60 days notice to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on health care financing; and provided further, that funds may be expended from this item for health care services provided to recipients in prior fiscal years
For payment to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in compliance with Title XIX of the Social Security Act as codified at 42 U.S.C. chapter 7, subchapter XIX
For the costs associated with improving MassHealth field operations; provided, that no expenditures shall be made from this item that are not federally reimbursable; and provided further, that MassHealth shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than April 24, 2014 on the service received by MassHealth clients, including: (i) average wait time before a call is answered; (ii) percentage of issues resolved; and (iii) customer satisfaction survey results
For MassHealth costs associated with the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Public Law 111-148 and payment reform; provided, that no expenditures shall be made from this item that are not federally reimbursable; and provided further, that MassHealth shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than April 24, 2014 on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and payment reform initiatives
For the provision of information technology services within the executive office of health and human services

Office for Refugees and Immigrants.

For a citizenship for new Americans program to assist legal permanent residents of the commonwealth in becoming citizens of the United States; provided, that the office for refugees and immigrants shall administer the program; provided further, that the program funded by this item shall provide assistance to persons who are within 3 years of eligibility to become citizens of the United States; provided further, that services shall be designed to include: ESOL/civics classes, citizenship application assistance, interview preparation and support services including, but not limited to, interpretation and referral services; provided further, that persons who would qualify for benefits under chapter 118A of the General Laws but for their status as legal noncitizens shall be given the highest priority for services; provided further, that persons who currently receive state-funded benefits which could be replaced, in whole or in part, by federally-funded benefits if those persons become citizens, shall be given priority for services; and provided further, that funds may be expended for the programmatic and administrative support of the agency?s refugee and immigrant services

Center for Health Information and Analysis.

For the operation of the center for health information and analysis established in chapter 12C of the General Laws; provided, that the estimated costs of the center shall be assessed in the manner prescribed by section 7 of said chapter 12C; provided further, that the center shall meet the reporting requirements of section 21 of said chapter 12C; and provided further, that the center shall publish a report on the financial condition of hospitals and other health care providers through the Health Benchmarks project website, in collaboration with the executive office of health and human services, the office of the attorney general and the University of Massachusetts
For the center for health information and analysis, which may expend for the development, operation and maintenance of an all-payer claims database an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 from amounts paid to the center for all fees paid for health data information and from any federal financial participation associated with the collection and administration of health care claims data; provided further, that revenues in excess of the appropriation for the fiscal year shall not revert to the General Fund but shall be available for expenditure in the subsequent fiscal year without further appropriation; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the center may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate, as reported in the state accounting system


Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.

For the operation of the Massachusetts commission for the blind, including the cost of sheltered workforce employee retirement benefits
For the community services program; provided, that the Massachusetts commission for the blind shall work in collaboration with the Massachusetts commission for the deaf and hard of hearing to provide assistance and services to the deaf-blind community through the deaf-blind community access network
For the turning 22 program of the commission; provided, that the commission shall work in conjunction with the department of developmental services to secure the maximum amount of federal reimbursements available for the care of turning 22 clients
For a program of vocational rehabilitation for the blind in cooperation with the federal government; provided, that no funds from federal vocational rehabilitation grants or state appropriation shall be deducted for pensions, group health and life insurance, or any other such indirect costs of federally reimbursed state employees; and provided further, that an additional $300,000 shall be made available to expand the contract for vocational rehabilitation services provided by the Carroll Center for the Blind, Inc

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.

For independent living centers
For the operation of the commission; provided, that the commissioner shall report quarterly to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the secretary of administration and finance on the number of clients served and the amount expended on each type of service; provided further, that upon the written request of the commissioner of revenue, the commission shall provide lists of individual clients to whom, or on behalf of whom, payments have been made for the purpose of verifying eligibility and detecting and preventing fraud, error and abuse in the programs administered by the commission; provided further, that lists shall include client names and social security numbers and payee names and other identification, if different from a client?s; and provided further, that the commission shall continue to operate and fully staff an office in the town of Sturbridge
For vocational rehabilitation services operated in cooperation with the federal government; provided, that no funds from the federal vocational rehabilitation grant or state appropriations shall be deducted for pensions, group health or life insurance or any other such indirect costs of federally-reimbursed state employees; and provided further, that the commissioner, in making referrals to service providers, shall take into account a client?s place of residence and the proximity of the nearest provider to the residence
For employment assistance services; provided, that vocational evaluation and employment services for severely disabled adults may be provided
For community-based services, which shall include, but not be limited to, protective services, adult support services, assistive technology services and the annualization of funding for turning 22 clients who began receiving services in fiscal year 2013 pursuant to item 4120-4010 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012
For the housing registry for the disabled

Governor disapproved of the following item, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For Living Independently for Equality, Inc. of Brockton
For the turning 22 program of the commission
For homemaking services
For services for individuals with head injuries; provided, that the commission shall work with the executive office of health and human services to maximize federal reimbursement for clients receiving head injury services

Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

For the operation of and services provided by the Massachusetts commission for the deaf and hard of hearing

Soldiers? Home in Massachusetts.

For the maintenance and operation of the Soldiers? Home in Massachusetts located in the city of Chelsea; provided, that no fee, assessment or other charge shall be imposed upon or required of any person for any admission or hospitalization which exceeds the amount of fees charged in fiscal year 2013
For the Soldiers? Home in Massachusetts which may expend not more than $600,000 in revenues for facility maintenance and patient care, including personnel costs; provided, that 60 per cent of all revenues generated under section 2 of chapter 90 of the General Laws through the purchase of license plates with the designation VETERAN by eligible veterans of the commonwealth, after compensating the registry of motor vehicles for the costs associated with the license plates, shall be deposited into and for the purposes of this retained revenue account of the Soldiers? Home;? provided further, that the Soldiers? Home may accept gifts, grants, donations and bequests; provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the Soldiers? Home may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system; and provided further, that if the registrar of motor vehicles projects that total revenues from the purchase of license plates with the designation VETERAN will exceed the amounts appropriated in this item and item 4190-1100 the registrar shall notify the secretary of administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means, prior appropriation continued

Soldiers? Home in Holyoke.

For the maintenance and operation of the Soldiers? Home in Holyoke; provided, that no fee, assessment or other charge shall be imposed upon or required of any person for any outpatient treatment, admission or hospitalization which exceeds the amount of fees charged in fiscal year 2013
For the Soldiers? Home in Holyoke which may expend for its operation an amount not to exceed $5,000 from the licensing of the property for placement of aerial antennas
For the Soldiers? Home in Holyoke which may expend for the outpatient pharmacy program an amount not to exceed $110,000 from copayments which it may charge to users of the program; provided, that no copayment shall be imposed or required of any person which exceeds the level of co-payments charged in fiscal year 2013
For the Soldiers? Home in Holyoke which may expend not more than $50,000 from fees collected from veterans in its care for the purposes of providing television and telephone services to residents; provided, that fees from the use of telephones and televisions shall only be expended for payments to vendors for said services; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the Soldiers? Home may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the Soldiers? Home in Holyoke which may expend not more than $704,869 for the operation of 12 long-term care beds from revenue generated through the occupancy of these beds; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the Soldiers? Home may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system, prior appropriation continued
For the Soldiers? Home in Holyoke which may expend not more than $400,000 for facility maintenance and patient care, including personnel costs; provided, that 40 per cent of all revenues generated under section 2 of chapter 90 of the General Laws through the purchase of license plates with the designation VETERAN by eligible veterans of the commonwealth, upon compensating the registry of motor vehicles for the costs associated with the license plates, shall be deposited into and for the purposes of this retained revenue account of the Soldiers? Home; provided further, that the Soldiers? Home may accept gifts, grants, donations and bequests; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the Soldiers? Home may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system, prior appropriation continued


Department of Youth Services.

For the administration of the department of youth services; provided, that the department shall continue to collaborate with the department of elementary and secondary education in order to align curriculum at the department of youth services with the statewide curriculum frameworks and to ease the reintegration of youth from facilities at the department of youth services into regular public school settings; provided further, that the commissioner of youth services may transfer funds between items 4200-0100, 4200-0200 and 4200-0300, as necessary, under an allocation plan which shall detail, by object class, the distribution of the funds to be transferred and which the commissioner shall file with the house and senate committees on ways and means 30 days before any such transfer; provided further, that not more than 6 per cent of any item shall be transferred in fiscal year 2014; and provided further, that the commissioner of youth services, in conjunction with the department of elementary and secondary education, shall submit a report on the status of the department of youth services investment in education and its projected needs in fiscal years 2014 and 2015 to the house and senate committees on ways and means by December 2, 2013
For supervision, counseling and other community-based services provided to committed youths in nonresidential care programs of the department
For pretrial detention programs, including purchase-of-service and state-operated programs
For secure facilities, including purchase-of-service and state-operated programs incidental to the operations of the facilities; provided, that funds shall be expended to address the needs of the female population; and provided further, that funds shall be expended to address suicide prevention
For enhanced salaries for teachers at the department of youth services
For the operation of secure facilities to detain arrested youth prior to arraignment under the alternative lock up program

Department of Transitional Assistance.

For the central administration of the department of transitional assistance; provided, that all costs associated with verifying disability for all programs of the department shall be paid from this item; provided further, that the department shall submit on a monthly basis to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the secretary of administration and finance a status report on program expenditures, savings and revenues, error rate measurements and public assistance caseloads and benefits; provided further, that the department shall collect all out-of-court settlement restitution payments; provided further, that the restitution payments shall include, but not be limited to, installment and lump sum payments; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary and unless otherwise expressly provided, federal reimbursements received for the purposes of the department, including reimbursements for administrative, fringe and overhead costs for the current fiscal year and prior fiscal years, shall be credited to the General Fund; provided further, that an application for assistance under chapter 118 of the General Laws shall also be an application for assistance under chapter 118E of the General Laws; provided further, that if assistance under said chapter 118 is denied, the application shall be transmitted by the department to the executive office of health and human services for a determination of eligibility under said chapter 118E; provided further, that the department of transitional assistance shall provide the caseload forecasting office with enrollment data and any other information pertinent to caseload forecasting that is requested by the office on a monthly basis; provided further, that the information shall be provided in a manner that meets all applicable federal and state privacy and security requirements; provided further, that after April 1, 2014, the commissioner of transitional assistance may transfer funds for identified deficiencies between items 4403-2000, 4405-2000 and 4408-1000; provided further, that the distribution of the funds to be transferred shall be included in an allocation plan, which the commissioner shall file with the house and senate committees on ways and means 15 days before any such transfer; provided further, that in implementing an enhanced vendor payment process, the department shall use the BEACON system to screen families receiving direct benefits through items 4403-2000 and 4408-1000 to determine those families who have a chronic history of delinquent rent or utility payments; provided further, that vendor payments shall be instituted with respect to rent and utilities according to the standards set out in section 4 of chapter 161 of the acts of 2012; and provided further, that the department may terminate vendor payments when it determines that the risk to the best interests of the child or the assistance unit or the risk of other chronic misuse of benefits has substantially subsided
For programs to increase the commonwealth?s participation rate in the supplemental nutrition assistance program and other federal nutrition programs; provided, that funds shall be expended for a grant Project Bread ? The Walk for Hunger, Inc.; provided further, that the work of department employees paid for from this item shall be restricted to processing supplemental nutrition assistance program applications; provided further, that the department shall not require supplemental nutrition assistance program applicants to provide re-verification of eligibility factors previously verified and not subject to change; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department shall require only 1 signature from supplemental nutrition assistance program applicants; provided further, that the department shall fund a unit staffed by department employees to respond to supplemental nutrition assistance program inquiries, and arrange and conduct telephone interviews for initial supplemental nutrition assistance program applications from this item; provided further, that the department shall fund a system to image and catalogue eligibility documents electronically from this item; provided further, that funds may be expended for supplemental nutrition assistance program outreach; and provided further, that the department shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than December 6, 2013 on the status of these programs
For domestic violence specialists at local area offices
For the payroll of the department?s caseworkers; provided, that only employees of bargaining unit 8 shall be paid from this item
For employment and training services for recipients of benefits provided under the transitional aid to families with dependent children program; provided, that the young parent program shall receive not less than $3,447,571; provided further, that funds from this item may be expended on former recipients of the program for up to 1 year after termination of their benefits; provided further, that certain parents who have not yet reached the age of 18, including those who are ineligible for transitional aid to families with dependent children and who would qualify for benefits under chapter 118 of the General Laws but for the deeming of the grandparents? income, shall be eligible to receive services; provided further, that not less than $530,000 shall be expended for programs operated through the Office for Refugees and Immigrants with whom the office entered into service agreements in fiscal year 2011; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be provided for learning disability assessments through the University of Massachusetts; provided further, that not less than $460,966 shall be expended for transportation benefits for recipients of transitional aid to families with dependent children; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the DTA works internship program; and provided further, that not less than $3,000,000 shall be expended for providers with whom the department entered into service agreements in fiscal year 2011 as procured under the competitive integrated employment service program
For a program of transitional aid to families with dependent children; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, benefits under the program shall be paid only to citizens of the United States and to non-citizens for whom federal funds may be used to provide benefits; provided further, that notwithstanding this act or any general or special law to the contrary, no benefit under this item shall be made available to illegal or undocumented aliens; provided further, that the need standard shall be equal to the standard in effect in fiscal year 2013 unless the department determines that a reduction in the monthly payment standard shall be implemented before the end of the fiscal year to keep program expenditures within the amounts appropriated in this item; provided further, that the payment standard shall be equal to the need standard; provided further, that the payment standard for families who do not qualify for an exempt category of assistance under subsection (e) of section 110 of chapter 5 of the acts of 1995 shall be 2.75 per cent below the otherwise applicable payment standard in fiscal year 2014, under the state plan required under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Public Law 104-193, as amended, and under said act and notwithstanding section 218 of chapter 149 of the acts of 2004 or any other general or special law to the contrary, the recipients defined in said section 218 whose youngest child of record is of the age at which full-time schooling is mandatory or older shall meet the federal standard of 30 hours per week of work-related activity; provided further, that the department shall notify parents under the age of 20 receiving benefits from the program of the requirements of clause (2) of subsection (i) of said section 110 of said chapter 5; provided further, that a $40 per month rent allowance shall be paid to all households incurring a rent or mortgage expense and not residing in public housing or subsidized housing; provided further, that a nonrecurring children?s clothing allowance of $150 shall be provided to each child eligible under this program in September 2013; provided further, that the children?s clothing allowance shall be included in the standard of need for the month of September 2013; provided further, that benefits under this program shall not be available to those families in which a child has been removed from the household under a court order after a care and protection hearing under chapter 119 of the General Laws, nor to adult recipients otherwise eligible for transitional aid to families with dependent children but for the temporary removal of the dependent child from the home by the department of children and families under department procedures; provided further, that notwithstanding section 2 of chapter 118 of the General Laws, or any other general or special law to the contrary, the department shall render aid to pregnant women with no other eligible dependent children only if it has been medically verified that the child is expected to be born within the month the payments are to be made or within the 3 month period after the month of payment and who, if the child had been born and was living with such woman in the month of payment, would be categorically and financially eligible for transitional aid to families with dependent children benefits; provided further, that certain families that suffer a reduction in benefits due to a loss of earned income and participation in retrospective budgeting may receive a supplemental benefit to compensate them for the loss; provided further, that the department shall, to the extent feasible within the existing appropriation and funding from other sources, review its disability standards to determine the extent to which such standards reflect the current medical and vocational criteria; provided further, that the department shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities 75 days before any changes to the disability standards are proposed; provided further, that no funds from this item shall be expended by the department for childcare or transportation services for the employment and training program, family reunification benefits or informal childcare; provided further, that the department shall provide oral and written notification to all recipients of their childcare benefits at the time of application and on a semi-annual basis; provided further, that the notification shall include the full range of childcare options available, including center-based childcare, family-based childcare and in-home relative childcare; provided further, that the notification shall detail available childcare benefits for current and former recipients, including employment and training benefits and transitional benefits; provided further, that the notice shall further advise recipients of the availability of supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits; provided further, that in promulgating, amending or rescinding its regulations relative to eligibility for, or levels of, benefits under the program, the department shall take into account the amounts available to it for expenditure from this item so as not to exceed this appropriation; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities and the clerks of the senate and house of representatives 75 days before adopting eligibility or benefit changes; provided further, that the report shall include the text of, basis and reasons for the proposed changes; and provided further, that the report shall state the department?s most accurate assessment of the probable effects of benefit or eligibility changes upon recipient families
For a nutritional benefit program for low-income workers; provided, that benefits shall be provided only to those for whom receiving these benefits will improve the work participation rate under the federal program of temporary assistance for needy families
For the provision of structured settings as provided in subsection (i) of section 110 of chapter 5 of the acts of 1995, or any successor statute, for parents under the age of 20 who are receiving benefits under the transitional aid to families with dependent children program
For the state supplement to the Supplemental Security Income program for the aged and disabled, including a program for emergency needs for supplemental security income recipients; provided, that the expenses of special grant recipients residing in rest homes, as provided in section 7A of chapter 118A of the General Laws, may be paid from this item; provided further, that the department, in collaboration with the executive office of health and human services, may fund an optional supplemental living arrangement category under the federal Supplemental Security Income program that makes payments to persons living in assisted living residences certified under chapter 19D of the General Laws who meet the income and clinical eligibility criteria established by the department and the executive office; provided further, that the optional category of payments shall only be administered in conjunction with the Medicaid group adult foster care benefit; provided further, that funds shall be made available for rate increases for level IV rest homes as defined in 105 CMR 150.001 in an amount not less than the amount received in fiscal year 2013; and provided further, that reimbursements to providers for services rendered in prior fiscal years may be expended from this item
For a program of cash assistance to certain residents of the commonwealth, entitled emergency aid to the elderly, disabled and children found by the department to be eligible for the aid under chapter 117A of the General Laws and regulations promulgated by the department and subject to the limitations of appropriation for such purpose; provided, that benefits under this item shall only be provided to residents who are citizens of the United States or qualified aliens or non-citizens otherwise permanently residing in the United States under color of law and shall not be provided to illegal or undocumented aliens; provided further, that the recipient shall not be subject to sponsor income deeming or related restrictions; provided further, that the payment standard shall equal the payment standard in effect under the general relief program in fiscal year 1991; provided further, that the department may provide benefits to persons age 65 or older who have applied for benefits under chapter 118A of the General Laws, to persons suffering from a medically-determinable impairment or combination of impairments which is expected to last for a period as determined by department regulations and which substantially reduces or eliminates such individuals? capacity to support themselves and which has been verified by a competent authority, to certain persons caring for a disabled person, to otherwise eligible participants in the vocational rehabilitation program of the Massachusetts rehabilitation commission and to dependent children who are ineligible for benefits under both chapter 118 of the General Laws and the separate program created by section 210 of chapter 43 of the acts of 1997 and parents or other caretakers of dependent children who are ineligible under said chapter 118 and under said separate program; provided further, that no person incarcerated in a correctional institution shall be eligible for benefits under the program; provided further, that no funds shall be expended from this item for the payment of expenses associated with any medical review team, other disability screening process or costs associated with verifying disability for this program; provided further, that the department shall adopt emergency regulations under chapter 30A of the General Laws to implement the changes to the program required by this item promptly and within the appropriation; provided further, that in implementing the program for fiscal year 2014, the department shall include all eligibility categories permitted in this item at the payment standard in effect for the former general relief program in fiscal year 1991; provided further, that in promulgating, amending or rescinding its regulations with respect to eligibility or benefits, including the payment standard, medical benefits and any other benefits under this program, the department shall take into account the amount available to it for expenditure by this item so as not to exceed the amount appropriated in this item; provided further, that the department may promulgate emergency regulations under said chapter 30A to implement these eligibility or benefit changes, or both; provided further, that nothing in this item shall be construed to create any right accruing to recipients of the former general relief program; provided further, that reimbursements collected from the Social Security Administration on behalf of former clients of the emergency aid to the elderly, disabled and children program or unprocessed payments from the program that are returned to the department shall be credited to the General Fund; provided further, that funds shall be made available for rate increases for level IV rest homes as defined in 105 CMR 150.001 in an amount not less than the amount received in fiscal year 2013; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the funds made available in this item shall be the only funds available for the program and the department shall not spend funds for the program in excess of the amount made available; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, 60 days before adopting any eligibility or benefit changes, the department shall file with the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities and with the clerks of the senate and house of representatives a detailed and comprehensive report setting forth the text of, basis and reasons for the proposed changes; and provided further, that the report shall state exactly which components of the current benefit package will be altered and the department?s most accurate assessment of the effects of benefit or eligibility changes upon recipient families


Department of Public Health.

For the department of public health, which may expend not more than $233,203 in revenues collected from fees charged by the food protection program for program costs of the food protection program; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of public health, which may expend not more than $889,889 for a school-based sealant program, known as the MDPH-SEAL Program, from revenues collected from MassHealth and other third party reimbursements for preventive oral health procedures; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of public health, which may expend for the regulation of all pharmaceutical and medical device companies that market their products in the commonwealth an amount not to exceed $432,188 from fees assessed under chapter 111N of the General Laws; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the administration and operation of the department, including the personnel support of programmatic staff within the department, including the health statistics program, the operation of the registry of vital records and statistics and the Massachusetts cancer registry; provided, that the department shall expend not less than $625,000 on the Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund established in section 2ZZ of chapter 29 of the General Laws
For community health center services; provided, that not less than $250,000 shall be expended on a statewide program of technical assistance to community health centers to be provided by a statewide primary care association qualified under Section 330(f)(1) of the Public Health Service Act codified at 42 USC 254c(f)(1)

Governor disapproved of the following item, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the department of public health to conduct a postpartum depression pilot program at community health centers in Holyoke, Jamaica Plain, Lynn, and Worcester
For an environmental and community health hazards program, including control of radiation and nuclear hazards, consumer products protection, food and drugs, lead poisoning prevention under chapter 482 of the acts of 1993, lead-based paint inspections in day care facilities, inspection of radiological facilities, licensing of x-ray technologists and the administration of the bureau of environmental health assessment under chapter 111F of the General Laws; provided, that the department shall file a report with the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on public health and the joint committee on health care financing on the status of local health inspections of food establishments, consistent with the department of public health food safety regulations and a report on the current waiting list for indoor air inspections on or before October 3, 2013; provided further, that the department shall allocate$125,000 to enhance the capacity and infrastructure of the department to license and inspect meat and poultry slaughtering and processing facilities in Massachusetts; and provided further, that the department shall submit a comprehensive study of the exposure routes and patterns of contaminants in the Maple Meadowbrook Aquifer migrating to and affecting the Wilmington drinking water supply and any connection with the incidence of childhood cancer in the town of Wilmington to peer review not later than January 31, 2014

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the department of public health, which may expend not more than $180,000 from assessments collected under section 5K of chapter 111 of the General Laws for services provided to monitor, survey and inspect nuclear power reactors; provided, that the department may expend not more than $1,678,947 from fees collected from licensing and inspecting users of radioactive material within the commonwealth under licenses presently issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; provided further, that the revenues may be used for the costs of both programs, including the compensation of employees; provided further, that in fiscal year 2014 an amount not less than in fiscal year 2013 shall be expended for the C-10 Research & Education Foundation of Newburyport for the purposes of providing radiological monitoring of the 6 Massachusetts communities within the plume exposure emergency planning zone of Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of public health, which may expend not more than $1,295,175 for a drug registration and monitoring program from revenues collected from fees charged to registered practitioners, including physicians, dentists, veterinarians, podiatrists and optometrists for controlled substance registration; provided, that not later than October 1, 2013, the department of public health shall report to the joint committee on mental health and substance abuse and the house and senate committees on ways and means on the implementation of chapter 244 of the acts of 2012, which shall include, but not be limited to: (a) the total number of practitioners registered in the prescription drug monitoring program; (b) the total number of thefts or losses of controlled substances that have been reported; and (c) the total number of schedule II controlled substances prescribed by month; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the operation of the division of health care quality and the office of patient protection; provided, that the division shall be responsible for assuring the quality of patient care provided by the commonwealth?s health care facilities and services and for protecting the health and safety of patients who receive care and services in nursing homes, rest homes, clinical laboratories, clinics, institutions for individuals with intellectual disabilities and the mentally ill, hospitals and infirmaries, including the inspection of ambulance services; provided further, that investigators shall conduct investigations of abuse, neglect, mistreatment and misappropriation; provided further, that all investigators in the division of health care quality responsible for the investigations shall receive training by the Medicaid fraud control unit in the office of the attorney general; provided further, that the division shall continue a comprehensive training, education and outreach program for nursing home administrators and managers and other supervisory personnel in long-term care facilities to improve the quality of care in those facilities; provided further, that the program shall promote the use of best practices, models of quality care giving and the culture of workforce retention within the facilities, and shall focus on systemic ways to reduce deficiencies; and provided further, that services funded through this item shall include, but not be limited to: education, training, intervention, support, surveillance and evaluation
For the department of public health, which may expend not more than $2,481,081 for the division of health care quality in revenues collected from the licensure of health facilities and fees from individuals applying for emergency medical technician licensure and recertification; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the operation of a center for primary care recruitment and placement to improve access to primary care services
For the operation of an evidence-based outreach and education program designed to provide information and education on the therapeutic and cost-effective utilization of prescription drugs to physicians, pharmacists and other health care professionals authorized to prescribe and dispense prescription drugs; provided, that the department of public health shall continue to work with MassHealth to access aggregated prescription data by provider on an ongoing basis for the use of the evidence-based outreach and education program; provided further, that not later than October 1, 2013, the department of public health, in conjunction with the executive office of health and human services, shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means on data sharing capacity obstacles that are preventing this program from effective outreach; and provided further, that funds shall be set aside from this appropriation for the purposes of program evaluation assessing the effectiveness of and cost-savings associated with this program
For the operation and administration of the board of registration in nursing
For the operation and administration of the board of registration in pharmacy; provided, that the board shall submit a report to the joint committee on public health by December 31, 2013, and annually thereafter,? detailing the investigatory and disciplinary actions conducted by the board; provided further, that the initial report shall detail the investigatory and disciplinary actions conducted by the board? from September 1, 2012 through December 1, 2013, provided further, that the report shall detail a) each complaint received by the board or initiated by the board, b) the date of the complaint, c) the violation alleged, and d) whether or not a case file was opened and the complaint was referred to a board investigator; provided further, that the report shall further detail, for those complaints that resulted in an opened and docketed case file, a) the docket number, b) the name and license number of the licensees involved, c) a chronological account of the board actions taken during the investigation, d) the name of any state or federal agencies that collaborated with investigation, e) a summary of and rationale for the final decision of the board to dismiss the complaint, impose an informal sanction or penalty, impose a formal penalty or sanction, or amend a previously issued penalty or sanction, and f) whether or not the board reported the result of its investigation to another state board, federal agency or external entity; provided further, that the board shall prepare a compilation of cases involving preventable medical error that resulted in harm to a patient or health care provider for the purpose of assisting health care providers, hospitals and pharmacies to modify their practices and techniques to avoid error; and provided further, that the board shall submit the compilation to the joint committee on public health and the commissioner of the department of public health by December 31, 2013, and annually thereafter, and shall make the compilation widely available, including by electronic means, to the public and to all hospitals, pharmacies and health care providers doing business in the commonwealth
For the operation and administration of the board of registration in medicine and the committee on acupuncture
For the board of registration in medicine, including the physician profiles program; provided, that the board may expend revenues not to exceed $300,000 from new revenues associated with increased license and renewal fees
For the operation and administration of certain health boards of registration, including the boards of registration in dentistry, nursing home administrators, physician assistants, perfusionists, genetic counselors and respiratory therapists
For regional emergency medical services; provided, that the regional emergency medical services councils, designated under 105 CMR 170.101 and the C-MED medical emergency communications centers that were in existence on January 1, 1992, shall remain the designated councils and C-MED communications centers
For a statewide sexual assault nurse examiner program and pediatric sexual assault nurse examiner program for the care of victims of sexual assault; provided, that funds shall be expended to support children?s advocacy centers; and provided further, that the program shall operate under specific statewide protocols and by an on-call system of nurse examiners
For the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis registry created under section 25A of chapter 111 of the General Laws
For human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome services and programs and related services for persons affected by the associated conditions of viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections; provided, that funding shall be provided proportionately to each of the demographic groups afflicted by HIV/AIDS and associated conditions; and provided further, that no funds from this item shall be expended for disease research in fiscal year 2014
For the department of public health, which may expend for the human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome drug assistance program an amount not to exceed $7,500,000 from revenues received from pharmaceutical manufacturers participating in the section 340B rebate program of the Public Health Service Act, administered by the federal Health Resources and Services Administration and the Office of Pharmacy Affairs

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the division of substance abuse services, including a program to reimburse driver alcohol education programs for services provided for court adjudicated indigent clients; provided, that programs in substantial regulatory and contractual compliance shall receive not less than the same level of funding in fiscal year 2014 as such programs received in fiscal year 2013; provided further, that not less than $250,000 shall be provided to the Gavin Foundation; provided further, that not less than $250,000 shall be expended for a pilot program for young adults aged 17 to 25 to address substance abuse issues for this age group; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for Self Esteem Boston?s substance abuse direct service prevention and provider training programs; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the New Beginnings program that targets youth at risk and in recovery in collaboration with school districts; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended to fund the Charlestown Against Drugs (CHAD) program; and provided further, that not less than $300,000 shall be expended for integrated treatment and stabilization services for individuals and families living with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders
For substance abuse step-down recovery services, known as level B beds and services, and other critical recovery services with severely reduced capacity; provided, that no funds shall be expended in the AA object class
For jail diversion programs primarily for nonviolent offenders with OxyContin or heroin addiction to be procured by the department of public health; provided, that each program shall have at least 60 beds and shall provide clinical assessment services to the respective courts, inpatient treatment for up to 90 days and ongoing case management services for up to 1 year; provided further, that individuals may be diverted to this or other programs by a district attorney in conjunction with the office of the commissioner of probation if: (i) there is reason to believe that the individual being diverted suffers from an addiction to OxyContin or heroin or other substance use disorder; and (ii) the diversion of an individual is clinically appropriate and consistent with established clinical and public safety criteria; provided further, that programs shall be established in separate counties in locations deemed suitable by the department of public health; provided further, that the department of public health shall coordinate operations with the sheriffs, the district attorneys, the office of the commissioner of probation and the department of correction; provided further, that not more than $500,000 shall be used to support the ongoing treatment needs of clients after 90 days for which there is no other payer; and provided further, that not later than August 2, 2013, the department of public health shall provide a report to the joint committee on mental health and substance abuse and the house and senate committees on ways and means as to the outcomes of the program and the cost of operations
For family intervention and care management services programs, a young adult treatment program and early intervention services for individuals who are dependent on or addicted to alcohol or controlled substances or both alcohol and controlled substances
For the department of public health, which may expend not more than $1,500,000 for a compulsive gamblers? treatment program from unclaimed prize money held in the State Lottery Fund for more than 1 year from the date of the drawing when the unclaimed prize money was won and from the proceeds of a multi-jurisdictional lottery game under subsection (e) of section 24A of chapter 10 of the General Laws; provided, that the state comptroller shall transfer the amount to the General Fund; and provided further, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For dental health services; provided, that funds shall be expended to maintain a program of dental services for the developmentally disabled; and provided further, that $300,000 shall be expended for the Forsyth Institute?s Center for Children?s Oral Health to expand its ForsythKids elementary school program, expand its ForsythTeens smoking cessation program and measure each program?s impact on school performance
For the provision of family health services; provided, that funds shall be provided for comprehensive family planning services, including HIV counseling and testing, community-based health education and outreach services provided by agencies certified as comprehensive family planning agencies; and provided further, that funds may be expended for the Massachusetts birth defects monitoring program
For women, infants and children?s, WIC, nutrition services in addition to funds received under the federal nutrition program; provided, that funds from this item shall supplement federal funds to enable federally eligible women, infants and children to be served through the WIC program
For the department of public health, which may expend not more than $27,060,000 from revenues received from the federal cost-containment initiatives including, but not limited to, infant formula rebates; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the early intervention program; provided, that the department shall report quarterly to the house and senate committees on ways and means the total number of units of service purchased and the total expenditures for the units of service paid by the department, the executive office of health and human services and third party payers for early intervention services for the following service categories: home visit, center-based individual, child-focused group, parent-focused group and screening and assessment; provided further, that the department shall make all reasonable efforts to secure third party and Medicaid reimbursements for the services funded in this item; provided further, that funds from this item shall be expended to provide respite services to families of children enrolled in early intervention programs who have complex care requirements, multiple disabilities and extensive medical and health needs; provided further, that priority shall be given to low and moderate income families;?? provided further, that no claim for reimbursement made on behalf of an uninsured person shall be paid from this item until the program receives notice of a denial of eligibility for the MassHealth program from the executive office of health and human services; provided further, that MassHealth shall cover the costs incurred for the transportation of MassHealth members who participate in the early intervention program; provided further, that nothing in this item shall give rise to or shall be construed as giving rise to enforceable legal rights to any such services or an enforceable entitlement to the early intervention services funded; provided further, that the department shall provide written notification to the house and senate committees on ways and means 90 days prior to any change to its current eligibility criteria; provided further, that these funds may be used to pay for current and prior year claims; provided further, that the department shall provide services to eligible children through 1 service delivery model and shall not determine eligibility for services based on family insurance status; provided further, that the department shall work with the executive office of health and human services, the department of early education and care, the department of elementary and secondary education and the executive office of education on a data-sharing pilot program to issue a state-assigned student identifier to children participating in early intervention programs with the goal of tracking and evaluating educational and developmental outcomes for those children, improving delivery of services and determining any special education or cost savings associated with the early intervention program; provided further, that the participation of a family in a pilot program shall be contingent upon informed consent; provided further, that the executive office of education and the department of public health shall submit quarterly reports to the house and senate committees on ways and means on the number of state-assigned student identifiers provided to early intervention participants; provided further, that the executive office of education and the department of public health, in consultation with the agencies of the executive office of education and the executive office of health and human services, shall report to the secretary of administration and finance, the house and senate committee on ways and means and the joint committee on education not later than August 15, 2013 on: (i) a timetable for full implementation of the pilot program, including resource needs; and (ii) a plan for obtaining informed consent from families receiving early intervention services; provided further, that those agencies shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on education not later than March 14, 2014 on: (a) the progress made on implementation of the pilot program including, but not limited to, the criteria used for selecting sites and preliminary implementation plans for the assignment of state assigned student identifiers to children receiving early intervention services; (b) an updated timetable for full implementation of the pilot program; (c) an update on the implementation of obtaining informed consent from families receiving early intervention services; and (d) the number of state-assigned student identifiers that have been assigned to date, if applicable; provided further, that not later than April 15, 2014, the executive office of education and the department of public health shall make recommendations on how the department of public health and the agencies of the executive office of education can rigorously evaluate the effect of early intervention services on the future special education needs of program participants; provided further, that the department shall determine if it projects a surplus in this item not later than October 1, 2013; provided further, that any such surplus shall be used to fund early intervention program operating costs and expenses including, but not limited to, occupancy, personnel benefits, health insurance costs and salaries needed to recruit and retain certified early intervention specialists to preserve access to comprehensive early intervention services; and provided further, that no funds from this item shall revert and any surplus funds shall be used for early intervention program operating costs
For the universal newborn hearing screening program; provided, that funds appropriated in this item shall be expended for the notification of and follow through with affected families, primary care providers and early intervention programs upon the department's receipt of data indicative of potential hearing disorders in newborns
For the provision of statewide and community-based suicide prevention, intervention, post-intervention and surveillance activities and the implementation of a statewide suicide prevention plan; provided, that funds shall be expended for a program to address elder suicide behavior and attempts with the geriatric mental health services program within the department of elder affairs; provided further, that funds shall be expended for a veterans in crisis hotline to be used by veterans who seek counseling programs operated by the department of veterans affairs or concerned family members of those veterans so that they may be directed towards the programs and services offered by their local or regional veterans office, to? be staffed by counselors or outreach program personnel contracted by the department and trained in issues of mental health counseling and veterans services
For the promotion of health and disease prevention including, but not limited to, the following programs: breast cancer prevention; diabetes screening and outreach; ovarian cancer screening; a statewide STOP stroke program and ongoing stroke prevention and education; hepatitis C prevention and management; multiple sclerosis screening, information, education and treatment programs and the multiple sclerosis home living navigating key services program administered by the Central New England Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society; colorectal cancer prevention; prostate cancer screening, education and treatment with a particular focus on African American males; osteoporosis education; and maintenance of the statewide lupus database; provided, that funds may be expended for the operation of the Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety and Medical Error Reduction; and provided further, that $50,000 shall be expended for education and support of patients diagnosed with PKU or related disorders and their families through a grant to NECPAD
For domestic violence and sexual assault prevention and victim services, including batterers? intervention and services for immigrants and refugees; provided, that funds shall be expended for rape prevention and victim services, including the statewide Spanish language hotline; and provided further, that funds shall be expended for the public health model of community engagement and intervention services for crisis housing for sexual violence and intimate partner violence in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities
For the department of public health, which may expend not more than $1,117,101 in revenues from blood lead testing fees collected from insurers and individuals for the purpose of conducting such tests; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the administration of the center for laboratory and communicable disease control, including the division of communicable venereal diseases, the division of tuberculosis control and the state laboratory institute; provided, that funds shall be expended for an eastern encephalitis testing program and for tuberculosis testing and treatment services; and provided further, that no funds appropriated in this item shall be expended for administrative, space or energy expenses of the department not directly related to personnel or programs funded in this item
For state matching funds required by the federal Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, Public Law 109-417
For the department of public health, which may expend not more than 250,619 generated by fees collected from insurers for tuberculosis tests performed at the state laboratory institute; provided, that revenues collected may be used to supplement the costs of said laboratory; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of public health, which may expend not more than $675,000 generated by fees collected from the following services provided at the registry of vital records and statistics: amendments of vital records, requests for vital records not issued in person at the registry, requests for heirloom certificates and research requests performed by registry staff at the registry; provided, that revenues so collected may be used for all program costs, including the compensation of employees; provided further, that the registrar of vital records and statistics shall exempt from payment of a fee any person requesting a verification of birth for the purpose of establishing eligibility for Medicaid; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For teenage pregnancy prevention services; provided, that applications for such funds shall be administered through the department upon receipt and approval of coordinated community service plans to be evaluated under the guidelines issued by the department; provided further, that portions of the grants may be used for state agency purchases of designated services identified by the community service plans; provided further, that funding shall be expended on those communities with the highest teen birth rates according to an annual statistical estimate conducted by the department; provided further, that funds shall be expended on programming directed at children under the care of the department of children and families who are at high risk for teenage pregnancy; provided further, that the department shall collaborate with the department of children and families on this programming; provided further, that the department shall expend not less than $150,000 for a data collection and evaluation pilot; provided further, that the pilot program shall conduct longitudinal tracking of program participants to examine the long-term impact of educational interventions on behaviors; provided further, that the department of elementary and secondary education shall provide local school district-level Youth Risk Behavior Survey data to the department of public health for the purpose of targeting and evaluating intervention strategies; and provided further, that the department shall work with the department of early education and care and the department of elementary and secondary education on a pilot program to issue state assigned student identifiers to youth participating in teen pregnancy programs
For the purposes of implementing a proactive statewide infection prevention and control program $270,071
For the operation of the universal immunization program; provided, that no funds in this item shall be expended for administrative or energy expenses of the department not directly related to programs funded in this item; and provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the costs of purchasing and distributing childhood vaccines for children may be assessed, in an amount equivalent to the department?s projected fiscal year 2014 costs, on surcharge payers as defined in section 64 of chapter 118E of the General Laws and may be collected in a manner consistent with the department of public health regulations
For school health services and school-based health centers in public and non-public schools; provided, that services shall include, but not be limited to: (a) strengthening the infrastructure of school health services in the areas of personnel and policy development, programming and interdisciplinary collaboration; (b) developing linkages between school health services programs and community health providers; (c) incorporating health education programs, including tobacco prevention and cessation activities, in school curricula and in the provision of school-based health services; and (d) incorporating obesity prevention programs, including nutrition and wellness programs, in school curricula to address the nutrition and lifestyle habits needed for healthy development; provided further, that the services shall meet standards and eligibility guidelines established by the department in consultation with the department of elementary and secondary education; provided further, that funds shall be expended for school nurses and school-based health center programs; provided further, that funds may be expended to address the recommendations of the permanent commission on gay and lesbian youth, established in section 67 of chapter 3 of the General Laws, for the reduction of health disparities for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered youth; and provided further, that the department of public health shall expend not less than $200,000 on the Massachusetts Model of Community Coalitions
For smoking prevention and cessation programs
For the department of public health, which may expend an amount not to exceed $17,736,047 from reimbursements collected for Western Massachusetts hospital services, subject to the approval of the commissioner of public health; provided, that such revenues may be expended for hospital-related costs, including personnel, capital expenditures, DD object class chargebacks and motor vehicle replacement; provided further, that all revenues expended shall be under schedules submitted to the secretary of administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the Western Massachusetts hospital shall be eligible to receive and retain full payment under the medical assistance program administered by the executive office of health and human services under chapter 118E of the General Laws for all goods and services provided by the hospital in accordance with federal requirements; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the Western Massachusetts hospital shall reimburse the General Fund for a portion of employee benefit expenses according to a schedule submitted by the commissioner of public health and approved by the secretary of administration and finance; provided further, that such reimbursement shall not exceed 10 per cent of total personnel costs for the hospital; provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system; and provided further, that no funds appropriated herein shall be expended for administrative, space or energy expenses of the department not directly related to personnel or programs funded in this item
For the department of public health, which may expend not more than $499,827 for payments received for those services provided by the Lemuel Shattuck hospital to inmates of county correctional facilities; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the maintenance and operation of Tewksbury hospital, Massachusetts hospital school, Lemuel Shattuck hospital and the hospital bureau, including the state office of pharmacy services; provided, that reimbursements received for medical services provided at the Lemuel Shattuck hospital to inmates of county correctional facilities not managed by private health care vendors shall be credited to item 4590-0903 of section 2B; provided further, that the Massachusetts hospital school shall maintain not less than 120 beds for clients in its inpatient setting to the extent feasible within the appropriation; and provided further, that the department shall seek to obtain federal financial participation for care provided to inmates of the department of correction and of county correctional facilities who are treated at the public health hospitals
For the department of public health, which may expend an amount not to exceed $4,387,282 from payments received from the vendor managing health services for state correctional facilities for inmate medical services provided by the Lemuel Shattuck Hospital; provided, that the payments may include capitation payments, fee for service payments, advance payments and other compensation arrangements established by contract between the vendor and the hospital; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of public health?s state office of pharmacy services, which may expend not more than$14,000,000 from revenues collected from vendors providing health care services to the department of correction; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of public health, which may expend an amount not to exceed $2,944,385 from reimbursements collected for Western Massachusetts hospital services; provided, that this funding shall be used for the operation of 21 new inpatient beds at Western Massachusetts hospital; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the accounting system
For the department of public health, which may expend not more than $1,800,000 from reimbursements collected by Tewksbury hospital based on a revenue enhancement project to obtain Medicaid coverage for patients whose services are not currently being reimbursed; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the pediatric palliative care program established in section 24K of chapter 111 of the General Laws
For a competitive grant program to be administered by the department of public health to support the establishment of a comprehensive youth violence prevention program; provided, that eligibility shall be determined by the criteria set forth in item 4590-1506 of section 2 of chapter 182 of the acts of 2008; provided further, that no grants shall be awarded to law enforcement agencies; provided further, that funds shall be considered one-time and grants may not annualize in fiscal year 2015; provided further, that the department of public health shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the executive office for administration and finance not later than November 1, 2013, detailing the grant amount awarded to each recipient and a description of each grant; and provided further, that each grant recipient shall provide the department of public health with a comprehensive list of best practices that have been instituted as a result of these grants
For matching grants to the Massachusetts Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs, Inc., the Alliance of Massachusetts YMCAs, the YWCA organizations, nonprofit community centers and teen empowerment and youth development programs; provided, that the department of public health shall award at least the full amount of each grant to each organization previously included in the youth-at-risk grants, provided that those organizations applied for funds in fiscal year 2014,? upon commitment of matching funds from those organizations; provided further, that the department of public health shall award not less than $1,000,000 to the Massachusetts Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs, which shall be distributed equally between said recipient?s member organizations; provided further, that the department shall award not less than $900,000 to the Alliance of Massachusetts YMCAs, which shall be distributed between the recipient?s member organizations; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be awarded to the Alliance of Massachusetts YMCAs to support the expansion of existing YMCAs to communities not historically served by a YMCA; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the Center for Teen Empowerment, Inc.; and provided further, that not less than $500,000 shall be awarded to the YMCA of Greater Boston for the West Roxbury YMCA renovations and expansion project
For the department of public health, which may expend not more than $3,503,637 for payments received for those services provided by Tewksbury Hospital to clients of the department of developmental services including the provision of behavioral health services and the continuation of short term medical rehabilitation for department of developmental services clients; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Department of Children and Families.

For central and area office administration and service coordination; provided, that the associated expenses of employees whose AA and DD object class costs are paid from item 4800-1100 shall be paid from this item; provided further, that no funds shall be expended from this item for the compensation of unit 8 employees; provided further, that the department shall not place a child or adolescent referred by, or discharged from, the care of the department of mental health until the department of mental health forwards an assessment and recommendation as to whether the child or adolescent may be appropriately placed in foster care or if such child or adolescent is more appropriate for congregate care placement; provided further, that the department, in consultation with the department of mental health, shall assist the department of mental health in making such assessments and recommendations; provided further, that if placement of a child with someone other than a parent becomes necessary, the department shall place the highest priority on identifying a family resource within the child?s kinship or family circle and shall provide services and support to partner with the family resource in meeting the child?s needs; provided further, that the department and the department of early education and care shall provide standards for early education and care placements made through the supportive childcare program; provided further, that the department of children and families, in collaboration with the department of early education and care, shall maintain a centralized list detailing the number of children eligible for supportive childcare services, the number of supportive slots filled and the number of supportive slots available; provided further, that no waiting list for the services shall exist; provided further, that all children eligible for services under item 3000-3050 shall receive such services; provided further, that not later than September 13, 2013, the department shall promulgate and implement regulations which shall ensure that the department shall maintain a timely, independent and fair administrative hearing system; provided further, that the department shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities on December 31, 2013 and March 31, 2014 on: (i) the fair hearing requests filed in fiscal year 2014, stating for each hearing request using nonidentifying information: (a) the subject matter of the appeal;? (b) the number of days between the hearing request and the first day of the hearing; (c) the number of days between the first day of the hearing and the hearing officer?s decision;? (d) the number of days between the hearing officer?s decision and the agency?s final decision ; (e) the number of days of continuance granted at the appellant?s request;? (f) the number of days of continuance granted at the request of the department of children and families or the hearing officer?s request, specifying which;? and (g) whether the departmental decision that was the subject of the appeal was affirmed or reversed; and (ii) the fair hearing requests filed prior to fiscal year 2014 which are pending for more than 180 days, stating the number of such cases, how many of such cases have been heard but not decided and how many have been decided by the hearing officer but not yet issued as a final agency decision ; provided further, that not later than March 3, 2014 the department shall report on: (a) the number of foster care reviews conducted by the department; (b) the average length of time in which each review is completed; (c) the number of the department?s contracts reviewed by the state auditor; (d) the number of corrective action plans issued; (e) the number of corrective action plans entered into by the department; and (f) the total number of social workers employed by the department; provided further, that the department shall file a report on the first business day of each quarter to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities on the caseload of the department; provided further, that the report shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1) the caseloads of residential placements, congregate care, foster care, therapeutic foster care, adoption, guardianship, 51A reports, substantiated 51A reports, the number of children who die in the care and custody of the department, the number of children currently eligible for supportive childcare, the number of children presently receiving supportive childcare and the number of medical and psychiatric consultation requests made by the department?s social workers; (2) the number of approved foster care placements; (3) the number of children in psychiatric hospitals and community-based acute treatment programs who remain hospitalized beyond their medically-necessary stay while awaiting placement and the number of days each case remains in placement beyond that which is medically necessary; (4) the number of children under the department of children and families? care and custody who are being served in medical or psychiatric care provided through other publicly-funded sources; (5) the number of children served by supervised visitation centers and the number of those children who are reunified with their families; (6) the total number of children served, their ages, the number of children served in each service plan, the number of children in out-of-home placements and the number of placements each child has had before receiving an out-of-home placement; (7) for each area office, the number of kinship guardianship subsidies provided in the quarters covered by the report and the number of kinship guardianship subsidies provided in that quarter for which federal reimbursement was received; (8) for each area office, the total spending on services other than case management services provided to families for the purposes of keeping a child with the child?s parents or reunifying the child with the child?s parents, spending by type of the service and the unduplicated number of families that receive the services; (9) for each area office, the total number of families residing in shelters paid for by the department, a list of where the families are sheltered, the total cost and average cost per family of those shelters and a description of how the department determines who does or does not qualify for shelter; (10) for each area office, broken down by type of service, the number of requests for voluntary services, whether the request was approved or denied, the number of families that are denied voluntary services and receive a 51A report, the reasons for denying the service and what, if any, referrals were made for services by other agencies or entities; and (11) the number of families receiving multiple 51A reports within a 10-month period, the number of cases reopened within 6 months of being closed and the number of children who return home and then re-enter an out-of-home placement within 6 months; provided further, that not later than November 1, 2013, the department shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on children and families that details any changes to rules, regulations or guidelines established by the department in the previous fiscal year to carry out its duties under chapter 119 of the General Laws including, but not limited to: (A) criteria used to determine whether a child has been abused or neglected; (B) guidelines for removal of a child from the home; and (C) standards to determine what reasonable efforts are being made to keep a child in the home; provided further, that the department of children and families shall provide the caseload forecasting office with data on children receiving services and other pertinent data related to items 4800-0038 and 4800-0041 that is requested by the office on a monthly basis; provided further, that the information shall be provided in a manner that meets all applicable federal and state privacy and security requirements; provided further, that the commissioner may transfer funds between items 4800-0038, 4800-0040 and 4800-0041 for services only, as necessary, under an allocation plan, which shall detail, by object class, the distribution of the funds to be transferred and no transfers shall be made for administrative costs; provided further, that the commissioner shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means 15 days in advance of any such transfer; and provided further, that not more than 5 per cent of any item shall be transferred in fiscal year 2014
For the department of children and families, which may expend for the operation of the transitional employment program an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 from revenues collected from various state, county and municipal government entities, as well as state authorities, for the costs related to the provision of services by the participants and the overhead costs and expenses incurred by the not-for-profit managing agent selected by the commissioner for administering the program; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the commissioner of the department of children and families may enter into a contract with Roca, Inc., a not-for-profit community-based agency, to manage the transitional employment program and to provide services to participants from the aging out population, parolees, probationers, youth service releases or other community residents considered to have employment needs
For foster care review services
For the continuation of local and regional administration and coordination of services provided by lead agencies through purchase-of-service contracts, including flex services
For a sexual abuse intervention network program to be administered in conjunction with the district attorneys

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For guardianship, foster care, adoption, family preservation and kinship services provided by the department of children and families; provided, that services funded through this item shall include shelter services, substance abuse treatment, young parent programs, parent aides, education and counseling services, foster care, adoption and guardianship subsidies, tiered reimbursements used to promote the foster care placement of children with special medical and social needs, an assessment of the appropriateness of adoption for children in the care of the department for more than 12 months, protective services provided by partnership agencies, targeted recruitment and retention of foster families, respite care services, post-adoption services and support services for foster, kinship and adoptive families and juvenile firesetter programs; provided further, that the commissioner of the department of children and families shall lead a task force to study ways to reduce the costs and delays of the adoption process in the commonwealth; provided further, that this task force shall consist of two members appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, two members appointed by the president of the senate, one member appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives, one member appointed by the minority leader of the senate, and two members appointed by the governor; provided further, that the task force shall consult with the chief justice of the probate and family court, the chief justice of the juvenile court, and the chief justice and trial court administrator of the trial court; and provided further, that the task force shall convene by September 1, 2013 and subsequently file a report with the clerk of the house of representatives and the clerk of the senate no later than March 1, 2014, and this report shall contain recommendations for legislative or regulatory changes to reduce costs of the adoption process and to make adoptions more easily available; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the planned learning achievement program for youth in Amherst, in collaboration with the department of elementary and secondary education, through an interagency service agreement; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended to the Weymouth teen center to provide job skills training, remedial education services, and to promote a social service program promoting growth and social welfare; provided further, that funds may be expended on programs that received funding in fiscal year 2013; provided further, that the department may contract with provider agencies for the coordination and management of services, including flex services; provided further, that funding shall be expended on children?s advocacy centers and services for child victims of sexual abuse and assault; provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for the Children?s Advocacy Center of Bristol County; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the Plymouth County Children?s Advocacy Center; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the Children?s Cove Cape and Islands Child Advocacy Center; provided further, that funding may be expended on supervised visitation programs; provided further, that not less than $75,000 shall be expended for a contract with Julie?s Family Learning Program in the South Boston section of the city of Boston; and provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the Fragile Beginnings program
For family preservation, reunification and service coordination; provided, that services shall include family support and stabilization services provided by the department; and provided further, that no funds shall be expended from this item for the compensation of administrative employees and associated administrative costs of the department
For congregate care services; provided, that funds may be expended from this item to provide community-based services, including in-home support and stabilization services, to children who would otherwise be placed in congregate settings; and provided further, that the department shall oversee area review teams that shall evaluate the feasibility of maintaining the child in the community in this manner whenever possible before recommending placement in a congregate care setting
For the department of children and families, which may expend not more than $2,077,119 in federal reimbursements received under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act during fiscal year 2014 for the purposes of developing a training institute for professional development at the department of children and families; provided, that for the purposes of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For a program to provide alternative overnight nonsecure placements for status offenders and nonviolent delinquent youths up to the age of 17 to prevent the inappropriate use of juvenile cells in police stations for such offenders, in compliance with the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974; provided, that the programs which provide the alternative nonsecure placements shall collaborate with the appropriate sheriff?s office to provide referrals of those offenders and delinquent youths to any programs within the sheriff?s office designed to positively influence youths or reduce juvenile crime
For the AA and DD object class costs of the department?s social workers; provided, that funds shall mitigate social worker caseloads in those area offices furthest above the statewide weighted caseload standard and toward achieving a social worker caseload ratio of 18 to 1 statewide; and provided further, that only employees of bargaining unit 8, as identified in the Massachusetts personnel administrative reporting and information system, shall be paid from this item

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For shelters and support services for people at risk of domestic violence and for the operation of the New Chardon Street homeless shelter; provided, that the department shall pursue the establishment of public-private partnership agreements established for family stabilization services funded from sources other than the commonwealth; provided further, that services shall include supervised visitation programs and scattered site transitional housing programs, including programs to assist victims of domestic violence in finding and maintaining permanent housing; provided further, that participants in battered women?s programs shall be provided with information regarding local transitional housing resources; provided further, that funding shall be made available to enhance counseling services for children who have witnessed domestic violence; provided further, that funding shall be made available for emergency shelters for substance abusing battered women; provided further, that $150,000 shall be expended for the operation of the Portal to Hope servicing Everett, Malden, and Medford; provided further, that the department shall ensure that there is no reduction in the availability of contracted rooms in any region of the commonwealth; provided further, that $1,200,000 shall be expended to increase support for family transitional support services funded from this item in fiscal year 2014; provided further, that not later than September 1, 2013 the department of children and families shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means on the estimated allocation of funds in fiscal year 2014 to each contracted provider funded from this item; provided further, that funding shall be made available for a statewide domestic violence hotline; provided further, that the department shall continue to provide any match funding required by federal program regulations; and provided further, that domestic violence prevention specialists shall be funded from this item

Department of Mental Health.

For the operation of the department of mental health; provided, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the Stephanie Moulton Safety Symposium established in section 1 of chapter 19 of the General Laws
For child and adolescent services, including the costs of psychiatric and related services provided to children and adolescents determined to be medically-ready for discharge from acute hospital units or mental health facilities and who are experiencing unnecessary delays in being discharged due to the lack of more appropriate settings; provided, that for the purpose of funding those services, the commissioner of mental health may allocate funds from the amount appropriated? to other departments within the executive office of health and human services; provided further, that the department shall not refer or discharge a child or adolescent to the custody or care of the department of children and families until the department of mental health forwards its assessment and recommendation as to whether the child or adolescent is appropriate for foster care or, due to severe emotional disturbance, is more appropriate for group care; provided further, that the department shall expend not less than $3,100,000 for the Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Project; and provided further, that the commissioner may assess surcharge payors, as defined in section 64 of chapter 118E of the General Laws, for amounts expended from this item for the Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Project which are related to services rendered to the commercial clients of such surcharge payors
For adult mental health and support services; provided, that the department shall allocate funds in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 from item 5095-0015 to this item, as necessary, under allocation plans submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means 30 days prior to any such transfer, for residential and day services for clients formerly receiving care at department facilities; provided further, that the department of mental health shall expend no less than the fiscal year 2013 amount on clubhouses in fiscal year 2014; provided further, that the department shall expend not less than the amount expended in fiscal year 2013 for programming for early detection, assessment and response to risk for psychotic illness; provided further, that the department shall allocate not less than $275,000 to Heywood Hospital to expand suicide prevention services in north central Massachusetts; and provided further, that funds shall be expended at the same level as the prior fiscal year for jail diversion programs in municipalities that provide equal matching funds from other public or private sources
For homelessness services
For the department of mental health, which may expend not more than $125,000 in revenue collected from occupancy fees charged to the tenants in the creative housing option in community environments, the CHOICE program authorized by chapter 167 of the acts of 1987; provided, that all fees collected under that program shall be expended for the routine maintenance and repair of facilities in the CHOICE program
For emergency service programs and acute inpatient mental health care services; provided, that the department shall continue an interagency service agreement with the executive office of health and human services for the purchase of services and for such other services as the agreement may provide; provided further, that the department shall require a performance specification to be developed for safe aftercare options for adults upon release from acute inpatient mental health care services; and provided further, that the emergency service programs shall take all reasonable steps to identify and invoice the third party insurer of all persons serviced by the programs
For forensic services provided by the department; provided, that funds may be expended for juvenile court clinics
For the operation of hospital facilities and community-based mental health services; provided, that in order to comply with the decision in Olmstead v. L.C. 527 U.S. 581 and to enhance care for clients served by the department, the department shall discharge clients residing in the inpatient facilities to residential services in the community when the following criteria are met: (a) the client is deemed clinically suited for a more integrated setting; (b) community residential service capacity and resources available are sufficient to provide each client with an equal or improved level of service; and (c) the cost to the commonwealth of serving the client in the community is less than or equal to the cost of serving the client in inpatient care; provided further, that any client transferred to another inpatient facility as the result of a facility closure shall receive a level of care that is equal to or greater than the care that had been received at the closed facility; provided further, that the department may allocate funds in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 from this item to item 5046-0000, as necessary, under allocation plans submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means 30 days before any transfer for residential and day services for clients formerly receiving inpatient care at the centers and facilities; provided further, that at least 180 days prior to closing an inpatient mental health facility, the secretary of housing and economic development, or a designee, and the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance, or a designee, shall meet jointly with affected municipal officials and produce a plan for the timely demolition of buildings, remediation of hazardous materials and future use of the property, including disposition by the commonwealth for redevelopment or conservation, if appropriate; provided further, that the department shall maintain not less than 626 continuing care inpatient beds in its system in fiscal year 2014; provided further, that of these 626 beds, 45 beds shall be continuing care inpatient beds on the campus of Taunton State Hospital; provided further, that the department shall maintain and operate these beds until the commission established in section 186 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012 submits its report to the General Court and until June 30, 2014; provided further, that $100,000 shall be allocated for the consultant hired by the advisory committee established in section 186 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012; provided further, that the consultant shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on mental health and substance abuse not later than March 1, 2014 providing recommendations on the potential future use of the Cain building at Taunton state hospital or elsewhere in the southeast area for purposes which shall include, but not be limited to: (i) the development of state-operated pilot crisis stabilization units which would be fully operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and would provide evaluation, stabilization and referral to behavioral health patients who may otherwise be boarded in emergency rooms or spend longer periods in continuing and acute care units in the southeast area; (ii) the development of a pilot program for nonviolent offenders with mental health diagnoses currently serving their sentences in state or county correctional facilities; (iii) the development of a pilot program for females committed under section 7 of chapter 111B of the General Laws or section 35 of chapter 123 of the General Laws who are evaluated as having co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders; (iv) the development of interagency coordination between state agencies, authorities, departments and programs currently providing services or benefits to individuals who would be deemed eligible for any of the above pilot programs, with particular attention to the coordination of services between the department of mental health, the department of public health, the department of correction, county correctional facilities and the trial court; (v) the availability of existing resources, including the Cain building at Taunton state hospital or elsewhere in the southeast area to address gaps in behavioral or mental health services for southeast area residents as well as inmates or individuals receiving court-ordered treatment; and (vi) the projected costs and benefits of each of the above pilot programs; and provided further, that Taunton state hospital shall not become a department of corrections facility

Department of Developmental Services.

For the administration and operation of the department of developmental services; provided, that the department shall not charge user fees for transportation or community day services; provided further, that no less than the amount appropriated in this line item in Chapter 139 of the acts of 2012 shall be expended for the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress; and provided further, that the department shall not charge fees for eligibility determination for services provided by the department or for applications or requests for transfer of guardianship
For transportation costs associated with community-based day and work programs; provided, that the department shall provide transportation on the basis of priority of need as determined by the department
For vendor-operated, community-based residential adult services, including intensive individual supports; provided, that annualized funding shall be expended for turning 22 clients who began receiving the services in fiscal year 2013 under item 5920-5000 of section 2 of chapter 131 of the acts of 2010; provided further, that the commissioner of the department of developmental services shall transfer funds from this item to item 5920-2010, as necessary, under an allocation plan which shall detail, by object class, the distribution of said funds to be transferred and which the commissioner shall file with the house and senate committees on ways and means 30 days before any such transfer; and provided further, that not more than $5,000,000 shall be transferred from this item in fiscal year 2014
For state-operated, community-based, residential services for adults, including community-based health services; provided, that the department shall maximize federal reimbursement, whenever possible under federal regulation, for the direct and indirect costs of services provided by the employees funded in this item
For community-based day and work programs for adults
For respite services and intensive family supports; provided, that the department shall pursue the highest rates of federal reimbursement possible for such services
For contracted support services for families with autistic children through the autism division at the department of developmental services; provided, that funds shall be expended for the purposes of providing services under the children?s autism spectrum disorder waiver pursuant to section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, as codified at 42 U.S.C. section 1396n(c); provided further, that the department shall expend not less than $4,000,000 on the children?s autism spectrum disorder waiver; provided further, that at a minimum, this waiver shall include children with autism spectrum disorder ages 0 to 8, inclusive, including children with autism spectrum disorder ages 0 to 3, inclusive, receiving services through the department of public health?s early intervention program; provided further, that the department shall take all steps necessary to ensure that the waiver program is fully enrolled and eligible children with autism immediately begin to receive services under said waiver? including, but not limited to, establishing at least 1 regularly scheduled enrollment period per year; provided further, that the department shall immediately file any waiver amendments necessary to comply with the requirements of this item with the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; provided further, that the department shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on education and the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities on the number of contracted support services provided for families with autistic children under this item and the costs associated with such services not later than January 9, 2014; provided further, that such report shall include, but not be limited to, the services provided by the children?s autism spectrum disorder waiver, with information regarding the number of children enrolled in the waiver and receiving services, linguistic and cultural diversity, age, gender and geographic representation of the applicants and the children enrolled in the program and department plans to continue to assess the demand for waiver services, any executive office of health and human services plans to expand the waiver for children on the autism spectrum of all ages in the future and any other information determined relevant by the department; and provided further, that the department shall submit copies of any amended waiver to the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on education and the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities upon submission of the amendment
For services to clients of the department who turn 22 years of age during state fiscal year 2014; provided, that the department shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than January 9, 2014, on the use of any funds encumbered or expended from this item including, but not limited to, the number of clients served in each region and the types of services purchased in each region
For the operation of facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities; provided, that in order to comply with the decision in Olmstead v. L.C. ex rel. Zimring, 527 U.S. 581 (1999), and to enhance care for clients served by the department, the department shall discharge clients residing in intermittent care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities,? called ICF/MRs, to residential services in the community if the following criteria are met: (i) the client is deemed clinically suited for a more integrated setting; (ii) community residential service capacity and resources available are sufficient to provide each client with an equal or improved level of service; and (iii) the cost to the commonwealth of serving the client in the community is less than or equal to the cost of serving the client in ICF/MRs; provided further, that any client transferred to another ICF/MR as the result of a facility closure shall receive a level of care that is equal to or greater than the care that had been received at the closed ICF/MR; provided further, that the department may allocate funds from this item to items 5920-2000, 5920-2010 and 5920-2025, as necessary, under allocation plans submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means 30 days before any transfer to residential and day services for clients formerly receiving inpatient care at ICF/MRs; provided further, that the department shall maximize federal reimbursement, whenever possible under federal regulation, for the direct and indirect costs of services provided by the employees funded in this item; provided further, that at least 6 months prior to closing any ICF/MRs, the secretary of housing and economic development, or a designee, and the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance, or a designee, shall meet jointly with affected municipal officials and produce a plan for the timely demolition of buildings, remediation of hazardous materials and future use of the property, including disposition by the commonwealth for redevelopment or conservation, if appropriate; provided further, that the department shall report on all efforts to comply with the Olmstead decision, the enhancement of care within available resources to clients served by the department and the steps taken to consolidate or close intermittent care facilities for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in this item called ICF/MRs; and provided further, that the department shall submit a progress report to the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities and the house and senate committees on ways and means on such initiatives by December 3, 2013, including both past actions and proposed future actions
For the department of developmental services, which may expend not more than $150,000 accrued through the sale of milk and other farm-related and forestry products at the Templeton Developmental Center for program costs of the center, including supplies, equipment and maintenance of the facility; provided, that and for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system


For the operation of the board of library commissioners
For state aid to regional public libraries; provided, that the board of library commissioners may provide quarterly advances of funds for purposes authorized by clauses (1) and (3) of section 19C of chapter 78 of the General Laws, as it considers proper, to regional public library systems throughout each fiscal year, in compliance with the office of the comptroller?s regulations on state grants, 815 C.M.R. 2.00; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, in calculating the fiscal year 2014 distribution of funds appropriated in this item, the board of library commissioners shall employ population figures used to calculate the fiscal year 2013 distribution; provided further, that the board shall provide funds for the continued operation of a single regional library system to serve the different geographic regions of the commonwealth and requiring that physical locations be maintained in both eastern and western Massachusetts to serve the residents of those regions; and provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the library of the commonwealth shall receive not less than 38.3 cents for each resident of the commonwealth
For the talking book library at the Worcester public library
For the Braille and talking book library at Watertown, including the operation of the machine lending agency
For state aid to public libraries; provided, that no city or town shall receive funds from this item in any year when the appropriation of the city or town for free public library services is below an amount equal to 102.5 per cent of the average of the appropriations for free public library service for the 3 years immediately preceding; provided further, that the board of library commissioners may grant waivers in excess of the waiver limit set forth in the second paragraph of section 19A of chapter 78 of the General Laws in fiscal year 2014 for a period of not more than 1 year; provided further, that of the amount by which this item exceeds the amount appropriated in chapter 194 of the acts of 1998, funds shall be distributed under the guidelines of the municipal equalization grant program, the library incentive grant program and the nonresident circulation offset program; and provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, any payment made from this item shall be deposited with the treasurer of the city or town and held in a separate account and shall be expended by the public library of that city or town without appropriation
For the technology and automated resource sharing networks


Office of the Secretary.

For the operation of the office of the secretary of housing and economic development, including the operation of the Massachusetts permit regulatory office and the operation of the office of the wireless and broadband affairs director; provided, that agencies within the executive office may, with the prior approval of the secretary, streamline and improve administrative operations under interdepartmental service agreements
For the provision of information technology services within the executive office of housing and economic development, including the homeless management information system
For a precision manufacturing pilot program that provides training to unemployed and underemployed individuals, including veterans; provided, that the program shall be administered by the executive office of housing and economic development; provided further, that not less than $250,000 shall be used for a pilot program in Franklin county through a partnership between the regional employment board of Franklin and Hampshire counties and area precision manufacturing companies; and provided further, that not less than $90,000 shall be provided to a related pilot program in Lynn
General Fund 90.43%
Manufacturing Fund 9.57%
For the massworks infrastructure program; provided; that eligible projects can begin construction on the public infrastructure elements by September 1, 2013 and have applied in a previous massworks infrastructure program application round, and there is a high probability that the public investment in infrastructure will leverage private investment by a ratio of at least 3:1; and provided further, that this item shall remain in effect until December 31, 2015
Local Capital Projects Fund.........100%
For the operation of the advanced manufacturing futures program established in section 45 of chapter 23G of the General Laws; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer 50 per cent of funds appropriated to the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency for the support of the advanced manufacturing futures program within 30 days of the agency?s request and shall transfer the remaining 50 per cent of funds upon receipt of revenue
Manufacturing Fund.........100%
For a transfer to the Innovation Institute Fund established in section 6A of chapter 40J of the General Laws
For a reserve to support the commonwealth's defense sector initiatives; provided, that the executive office of housing and economic development may allocate funds to the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency for this purpose

Department of Housing and Community Development.

For the commission on Indian affairs

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the operation of the department of housing and community development; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department may make expenditures against federal grants for certain direct and indirect costs under a cost overhead allocation plan approved by the comptroller; provided further, that the comptroller shall maintain an account on the Massachusetts management accounting and reporting system to make these expenditures; provided further, that expenditures made against said account shall not be subject to appropriation and may include the cost of personnel; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law or rule or regulation to the contrary, the department may conduct annual verifications of household income levels based upon state tax returns for the purposes of administering the state and federal housing subsidy programs funded in items 7004-0108, 7004-9005, 7004-9024, 7004-9030, 7004-9033 and 7004-9316 of this section and items 7004-9009, 7004-9014, 7004-9019 and 7004-9020 of section 2D; provided further, that as a condition of eligibility or continued occupancy by an applicant or tenant, the department may require disclosure of the social security number of an applicant or tenant and members of the applicant?s or tenant?s household for use in verification of income eligibility; provided further, that the department may deny or terminate participation in subsidy programs for failure by an applicant or tenant to provide a social security number for use in verification of income eligibility; provided further, that the department may consult with the department of revenue, the department of transitional assistance or any other state or federal agency to conduct this income verification; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, these state agencies shall consult and cooperate with the department and furnish any information in the possession of the agencies including, but not limited to, tax returns and applications for public assistance or financial aid; provided further, that in conducting this income verification, the director of the department may enter into an interdepartmental service agreement with the commissioner of revenue to utilize the department of revenue?s wage reporting and bank match system to verify the income and eligibility of participants in federally assisted housing programs and that of members of the participants? households; provided further, that notwithstanding section 12 of chapter 490 of the acts of 1980, the department may authorize neighborhood housing services corporations to retain, re-assign and reloan funds received in repayment of loans made under the neighborhood housing services rehabilitation program; provided further, that the department shall, not later than September 3, 2013, promulgate and uniformly enforce regulations clarifying that a household that otherwise qualifies for any preference or priority for state subsidized housing or rental assistance based on homeless or at-risk status shall retain that preference or priority notwithstanding receipt of rental assistance that is intended to be temporary including, but not limited to, any temporary or bridge subsidies provided with state or federal funds which shall include households receiving rental assistance under item 7004-0108 after July 1, 2013; provided further, that the department shall provide the caseload forecasting office with enrollment data and any other information pertinent to caseload forecasting that is requested by the office on a monthly basis; provided further, that such information shall be provided in a manner that meets all applicable federal and state privacy security requirements; provided further, that not less than $75,000 shall be expended to World is Our Classroom, Inc. serving the towns of Holyoke, Westfield, Chicopee and Greenfield; provided further, that no less than $50,000 shall be expended for the South Worcester Neighborhood Improvement Corporation; provided further, that no less than $25,000 shall be expended for Solutions at Work in the city of Cambridge; provided further, that no less than $100,000 shall be expended for the Chelsea Community Center for the rehabilitation of community based occupancy units; and provided further, that the town of Holbrook shall receive not less than the amount appropriated in Chapter 139 of the Acts of 2012 for a one-time community action grant
For the operations of the homeless shelter and services unit, including the compensation of caseworkers and support personnel
For certain expenses of the emergency assistance program under section 30 of chapter 23B of the General Laws; provided, that eligibility shall be limited to families with incomes at or below 115 per cent of the 2011 or later-issued higher federal poverty level; provided further, that any family whose income exceeds 115 per cent of the federal poverty level while the family is receiving assistance funded by this item shall not become ineligible for assistance due to exceeding the income limit for a period of 6 months from the date that the income level was exceeded; provided further, that families that shall be eligible for assistance throughout a temporary emergency family shelter shall include: (a) families that are at risk of domestic abuse in their current housing situation or who are homeless because they fled domestic violence and have not had access to safe, permanent housing since leaving the housing situation in which they fled; (b) families that, through no fault of their own, are homeless due to fire, flood or natural disaster; (c) families that, through no fault of their own, have been subject to eviction from their most recent housing due to: (i) foreclosure; (ii) condemnation; (iii) conduct by a guest or former household member who is not part of the household seeking emergency shelter and over whose conduct the remaining household members had no control; or (iv) nonpayment of rent caused by a documented medical condition or diagnosed disability or caused by a documented loss of income within the last 12 months directly as a result of a change in household composition or a loss of income source through no fault of the family; and (d) families who are in a housing situation where they are not the primary lease holder or who are in a housing situation not meant for human habitation and where there is a substantial health and safety risk to the family that is likely to result in significant harm should the family remain in such housing situation; provided further, that the health and safety risk shall be determined by the department of children and families through risk assessments; provided further, that the department of housing and community development shall report monthly to the house and senate clerks, the house and senate committees on ways and means, and the joint committee on housing, the following information: (a) the number of families who were denied entry into shelter who would have been eligible in fiscal year 2012; (b) the reasons for which those families were denied entry into shelters; and (c) all other services to which those families were connected; provided further, that a family who receives emergency housing assistance due to domestic abuse shall be connected to the appropriate social service agency; provided further, that temporary assistance under this item shall be terminated upon the offer of available housing or other assistance sufficient to maintain or stabilize housing; provided further, that a family may not decline an offer for available housing if the offer adequately accommodates the size and disabilities of the family and the new housing placement shall not result in a job loss for the client; provided further, that any family that declines an adequate offer of available housing or other assistance sufficient to maintain or stabilize housing shall become ineligible for assistance from this item; provided further, that families receiving benefits under this item shall have 30 per cent of their income set aside in a savings account, subject to reasonable exceptions as set forth in departmental regulations in effect in fiscal year 2013; provided further, that the amount saved shall be exempt from otherwise applicable asset limits; provided further, that the family may withdraw the amount placed in savings upon transition to permanent housing or losing eligibility for shelter services; provided further, that families receiving emergency assistance shall receive housing search assistance that attempts to facilitate a sustainable housing placement within 16 weeks of entry into the emergency assistance shelter, motel or hotel; provided further, that families receiving assistance for longer than 32 weeks shall have an executable shelter exit plan that facilitates a housing placement in a new sustainable tenancy or in a safe residence, including, but not limited to, a placement for which the family is not the primary lease holder, as soon as possible; provided further, that benefits under this item shall be provided only to residents of the commonwealth of Massachusetts who are citizens of the United States or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence or otherwise permanently residing under color of the law in the United States; provided further, that eligibility for shelter by an otherwise eligible family shelter shall not be impaired by prior receipt of any non-shelter benefit; provided further, that an eligible household that is approved for shelter placement shall be placed in a shelter as close as possible to the household?s home community unless a household requests otherwise; provided further, that if the closest available placement is not within 20 miles of the household?s home community, the household shall be transferred to an appropriate shelter within 20 miles of its home community at the earliest possible date unless the household requests otherwise; provided further, that the department shall notify local school departments of the placement of a family in its district within 5 days of placement; provided further, that the department shall make every effort to ensure that children receiving services from this item shall continue attending school in the community in which they lived prior to receiving services funded from this item; provided further, that the department shall use its best efforts to ensure that a family placed by the emergency assistance program shall be provided with access to refrigeration and basic cooking facilities; provided further, that should a family with a child under the age of 3 be placed in a hotel or motel, the department of housing and community development shall ensure that the hotel or motel provides a crib for each such child under the age of 3 that meets all the state and federal safety codes; provided further, that notwithstanding any other general or special law to the contrary, the department shall immediately provide shelter for up to 30 days to families who appear to be eligible for such shelter based on statements provided by the family and any other information in the possession of the department, but who need additional time to obtain any third-party verifications reasonably required by the department; provided further, that shelter benefits received under the preceding proviso shall not render a family ineligible under any regulation providing that families who previously received shelter are ineligible for shelter benefits for a period of 12 months; provided further, that families receiving such shelter benefits who are found not to be eligible for continuing shelter benefits shall be eligible for aid pending a timely appeal under chapter 23B of the General Laws; provided further, that the department shall not impose unreasonable requirements for third-party verification and shall accept verifications from a family whenever reasonable; provided further, that this item shall be subject to appropriation and, in the event of a deficiency, nothing in this item shall give rise to or shall be construed as giving rise to any enforceable right or entitlement to services in excess of the amounts appropriated herein; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, 60 days before promulgating or amending any regulations, administrative practice or policy that would alter eligibility for or the level of benefits under this program, other than that which would benefit the clients, the department shall file with the house and senate committees on ways and means, the clerks of the house of representatives and senate and the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities a written report setting forth justification for such changes, including, but not limited to, any determination by the secretary of housing and economic development that available appropriations will be insufficient to meet projected expenses; provided further, that no funds shall be expended for personnel or administrative costs; provided further, that no funds shall be expended for costs associated with the homeless management information system; provided further, that the department shall endeavor to convert scattered site units to congregate units and, as allowed by demand, reduce the overall number of shelter beds through the reduction of scattered site units; provided further, that the department shall provide to the house and senate committees on ways and means a report of the most recently available bi-weekly data on the number of applications for services provided for in this item and in item 7004-0108; provided further, that the report shall include, but not be limited to, caseload data, including applications, admissions and the distribution of benefits from this item and item 7004-0108; provided further, that the department shall report quarterly to the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing entry and exit statistics as well as the success of diverting and transitioning families from benefits received under this item to permanent housing and the number of families transitioned from shelter benefits to affordable, subsidized or otherwise assisted housing through this program; provided further, that the report shall include the average, minimum and maximum cost per family of such assistance, the number of families served who required further assistance at a later date, the type of assistance later required and provided, and the current housing stability of each family who received transitional housing or short-term housing assistance within the prior 12 months; provided further, that the report shall detail the savings realized by any such changes to benefits or eligibility; provided further, that the report shall also include the following information from the department of children and families: (a) the number of families assessed in the previous quarter; (b) the number of families determined to be at a substantial health and safety risk; (c) the number of families receiving multiple health and safety assessments within the previous 6 month period; and (d) the standards used to determine a substantial health and safety risk; and provided further, that funds shall be expended for technical assistance by Homes for Families
For the homelessness program to assist individuals who are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless, including assistance to organizations which provide shelter, transitional housing and services that help individuals avoid entry into shelter or successfully exit shelter; provided, that no organization providing services to the homeless shall receive less than an average per bed, per night rate of $25; provided further, that the department of housing and community development may allocate funds to other agencies for this program; provided further, that no funds shall be expended for costs associated with the homeless management information system; provided further, that programs that currently provide shelter may renegotiate how to use such program?s shelter fund, with the agreement of the department and the host municipality, to provide alternative services proven to be effective, including housing first models, transitional housing and diversion away from shelters; provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for the River House shelter in the city of Beverly; and provided further, that the department shall, to the extent feasible, undertake a competitive re-procurement process of individual homeless programs funded through this item
For certain expenses of the emergency assistance program under section 30 of chapter 23B of the General Laws; provided, that funds shall be expended for expenses incurred as a result of families being housed in hotels or motels due to the unavailability of contracted shelter beds
For the home and healthy for good program operated by the Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance to reduce the incidence of chronic homelessness in the commonwealth; provided, not less than $200,000 shall be expensed for a new pilot supportive housing initiative for unaccompanied homeless young adult who identify as LGBT; provided, that the Alliance shall be solely responsible for the administration of this program; and provided further, that the Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance shall file a report with the clerks of the house and senate, the undersecretary of the department of housing and community development and the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than January 1, 2014, on the number of people served, the average cost per participant, the demographics of those served, whether participants have previously received government services and any projected cost-savings in other state-funded programs

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For a program of short-term housing assistance to help families in addressing obstacles to maintaining or securing housing for: (a) families eligible for temporary emergency shelter under item 7004-0101; and (b) families that received rental assistance under this item prior to July 1, 2012; provided, that the assistance provided under this item shall include not less than 12 months of housing stabilization and economic self-sufficiency case management services for each family receiving benefits under this item; provided further, that the assistance may include, but shall not be limited to: payments of rent and utility arrears, a portion of the household?s monthly rent, first month?s rent, last month?s rent, security deposit, utility charges and extraordinary medical bills, so long as such assistance will maintain housing for the family; provided further, that except for a family receiving rental assistance, no other assistance from this item shall exceed $4,000 in a 12 month period; provided further, that excluding families receiving rental assistance, a family shall not receive more than a combined sum of $4,000 in a 12 month period from this item and item 7004-9316; provided further, that funds shall be used to transition families served by the program into temporary or permanent sustainable housing more rapidly; provided further, that a family shall not be able to receive cash assistance under this item for 12 months from the last date it received cash assistance; provided further, that families that received rental assistance under this item prior to July 1, 2012 shall remain eligible for assistance greater than $4,000 under this item provided that the monthly rent for the housing does not exceed the amount approved by the department of housing and community development; provided further, that families eligible for rental assistance shall pay not more than 35 per cent of household income towards rent and utilities; provided further, that a family's eligibility for rental assistance provided under this item shall not exceed a period of 24 successive months from the date the family first received rental assistance under this item, not including time spent in temporary accommodations; provided further, that the department shall take all necessary steps to ensure that families reaching the end of their time limited rental assistance shall not become homeless again including, but not limited to: (i) transitioning families to long-term subsidized housing including, but not limited to assistance given through housing authorities, the federal Housing Choice Voucher program or rental assistance under item 7004-9024; and (ii) providing families with assistance through this item and item 7004-9316; provided further, that, notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department shall ensure that any family that becomes homeless again shall be provided access to emergency shelter under item 7004-0101 as long as the family meets the income requirements in said item 7004-0101, meets the requirements of the family?s housing stabilization plan and all other options of housing assistance have been exhausted; provided further, that on the first day of each month beginning on September 1, 2013, the department shall provide a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on housing and the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities detailing how many families reached the end of the 24-month period in the preceding month and each family?s current housing status, including what additional forms of assistance are being provided to ensure that the family does not become homeless again; provided further, that so long as a family meets the requirements of the family?s housing stabilization plan, a family that, after first receiving benefits through this item, has an income which exceeds 50 per cent of area median income shall not become ineligible for assistance due to exceeding the income limit for a period of 6 months from the date that the income level was exceeded; provided further, that a family that was terminated from the program or did not make a good faith effort to follow its housing stabilization plan during the term of its assistance shall be ineligible for benefits under item 7004-0101 and this item for 24 months from the last date they received assistance under said items, including housing stabilization and economic self-sufficiency case management services; provided further, that a family?s housing stabilization plan shall adequately accommodate the age and disabilities of the family members; provided further, that no family with a head of household who is over 60 years of age or who is disabled and who is in compliance with the requirements of a housing stabilization plan that accommodates disabilities shall be denied short-term housing assistance; provided further, that any such family with a head of household who is over 60 years of age or who is disabled shall not have engaged in, or be engaged in, any activity that threatens the health, safety or security of the family, other program participants or program staff; provided further, that families receiving benefits under this program who are found not to be eligible for continuing benefits shall be eligible for aid pending a timely appeal under chapter 23B of the General Laws; provided further, that families who are denied assistance under this item may appeal that denial under said chapter 23B, including subsection (F) of section 30, and regulations adopted to implement said chapter 23B; provided further, that benefits under this item shall be provided only to residents of the commonwealth of Massachusetts who are citizens of the United States or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence or otherwise permanently residing under color of law in the United States; provided further, that the department, as a condition of continued eligibility for assistance under this program, may require disclosure of social security numbers by all members of a family receiving assistance under this item for use in verification of income with other agencies, departments and executive offices; provided further, that any family in which a member of the family fails to provide a social security number for use in verifying the family's income and eligibility shall no longer be eligible to receive benefits from this program; provided further, that the department shall administer this program through the following agencies unless administering agencies are otherwise procured by the department: the Berkshire Housing Development Corporation, the Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance, Inc., the Community Teamwork, Inc., the Housing Assistance Corporation, the Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Hap, Inc., the Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership, Inc., the Lynn Housing Authority and Neighborhood Development, the South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc., the South Shore Housing Development Corporation and RCAP Solutions, Inc.; provided further, that the department shall use funds provided for this program for stabilization workers to focus efforts on housing retention, and link households to supports including job training, education, job search, and childcare opportunities available and may enter into agreements with other public and private agencies for the provision of such services, and that a stabilization worker shall be assigned to each household; provided further, that not less than $175,000 shall be expended annually for provision of emergency services that provide domestic violence intervention, workforce development, housing assistance, operation of food vouchers, winter coats for kids and holiday dinners operated by Community Action Programs Inter-City, Incorporated for the communities specified in item 7004-0099 of section 2 of chapter 68 of the acts of 2011; provided further, that this entire item shall be subject to appropriation and, in the event of a deficiency, nothing in this item shall give rise to or shall be construed as giving rise to any enforceable right or entitlement to services in excess of the amounts appropriated in this item; provided further, notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, 60 days before promulgating or amending any regulation, administrative practice or policy that would alter eligibility for or the level of benefits under this program, other than that which would benefit the clients, the department shall file with the house and senate committees on ways and means and the clerks of the house of representatives and senate a report setting forth justification for such changes, including, but not limited to, any determination by the secretary of housing and economic development that available appropriations will be insufficient to meet projected expenses; provided further, that the department shall submit quarterly reports to the house and senate committees on ways and means which shall include the number of families served, the type of assistance given, the number of families assisted through this program and the average minimum and maximum cost per family of such assistance, the number of households transitioned into federally-funded public housing or rental assistance, the number of households transitioned to said item 7004-9024, the number of households that exited the program into alternative housing and the number of households exiting the program and unaccounted for; and provided further, that the report shall include the number of families served who required further assistance at a later date, the type of assistance later provided and the current housing stability of each family who received assistance within the prior 12 months, including transitional housing or short-term housing assistance and shall include any obstacles encountered with the administration of this program
For housing services and counseling; provided, that funds shall be expended as grants to 9 regional housing consumer education centers operated by the regional nonprofit housing authorities; provided further, that the grants shall be awarded through a competitive application process under criteria established by the department; provided further, that the department shall submit annual reports to the secretary of administration and finance, the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on housing detailing all expenditures of the program, including each regional housing consumer education center, the total number of persons who received information and referral services, the costs for such services rendered per consumer and the identification of consumer issues and trends; and provided further that the department shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than January 1, 2014 on possible savings and efficiencies that may be realized through the consolidation of said services
For a tenancy preservation program for neutral party consultation services in eviction cases before the housing court department of the Massachusetts trial court for individuals with disabilities and for families with individuals with disabilities if the disability is directly related to the reason for eviction
For the expenses of a service coordinators program established by the department of housing and community development to assist tenants residing in housing developed under sections 39 and 40 of chapter 121B of the General Laws to meet tenancy requirements to maintain and enhance the quality of life in that housing

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For subsidies to housing authorities and nonprofit organizations, including funds for deficiencies caused by certain reduced rentals in housing for the elderly, handicapped, veterans and relocated persons under sections 32 and 40 of chapter 121B of the General Laws; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, all housing authorities operating elderly public housing shall offer first preference for elderly public housing units which are vacant on the effective date of this act, and thereafter, to those persons 60 years of age or older as of June 30, 2013 receiving rental assistance from the Massachusetts rental voucher program; provided further, that the department of housing and community development may expend funds appropriated in this item for deficiencies caused by certain reduced rentals which may be anticipated in the operation of housing authorities for the first quarter of the subsequent fiscal year; provided further, that no monies shall be expended from this item to reimburse the debt service reserve included in the budgets of housing authorities; provided further, that no funds shall be expended from this item in the AA object class for the compensation of state employees; provided further, that the amount appropriated in this item shall be considered to meet any and all obligations under said sections 32 and 40 of said chapter 121B; provided further, that any new reduced rental units developed in fiscal year 2014 eligible for subsidies under this item shall not cause any annualization that results in an amount exceeding the amount appropriated in this item; provided further, that all funds in excess of normal utilities, operations and maintenance costs may be expended for capital repairs; provided further, that any housing authorities receiving funds through this item shall report quarterly to the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on housing and the house and senate committees on post audit and oversight on: (i) the total number of housing authority units; (ii) the total number of units uninhabitable due to need of repair; (iii) the number of uninhabitable units that could be restored for less than $10,000 each; and (iv) the total number of units that have been uninhabitable for longer than 60 days that do not have a waiver from the department; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be provided for the Clinton Housing Authority; and provided further, that the administration shall make every attempt to direct efforts toward rehabilitating local housing authority family units requiring $20,000 or less in repairs
For a program of rental assistance for low-income families and elderly persons through mobile and project-based vouchers; provided, that such assistance shall only be paid under a program known as the Massachusetts rental voucher program; provided further, that the income of eligible households shall not exceed 50 per cent of the area median income; provided further, that the department of housing and community development may award mobile vouchers to eligible households currently occupying project-based units that shall expire due to the nonrenewal of project-based rental assistance contracts; provided further, that the department, as a condition of continued eligibility for vouchers and voucher payments, may require disclosure of social security numbers by participants and members of a participant?s household in the Massachusetts rental voucher program for use in verification of income with other agencies, departments and executive offices; provided further, that any household in which a participant or member of a participant?s household fails to provide a social security number for use in verifying the household?s income and eligibility shall no longer be eligible for a voucher or to receive benefits from the voucher program; provided further, that the monthly dollar amount of each voucher shall be the department approved monthly rent of the unit less the monthly amount paid for rent by the household; provided further, that any household which is proven to have caused intentional damage to its rental unit in an amount exceeding 2 months of rent during any 1-year period shall be terminated from the program; provided further, that if a mobile voucher?s use is or has been discontinued, then the mobile voucher shall be re-assigned; provided further, that subsidies shall not be reduced due to the cost of inspections; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, each household holding a voucher shall pay at least 30 per cent but not more than 40 per cent of its income as rent; provided further, that the department shall establish the amounts of the mobile vouchers and the project-based vouchers so that the appropriation in this item is not exceeded by payments for rental assistance and administration; provided further, that the department shall not enter into commitments which shall cause it to exceed the appropriation set forth in this item; provided further, that the department may impose certain obligations for each participant in the Massachusetts rental voucher program through a 12-month contract which shall be executed by the participant and the department; provided further, that such obligations may include, but shall not be limited to, job training, counseling, household budgeting and education, as defined in regulations promulgated by the department and to the extent these programs are available; provided further, that each participant shall be required to undertake and meet these contractually established obligations as a condition for continued eligibility in the program; provided further, that for continued eligibility, each participant shall execute this 12-month contract on or before September 1, 2013, if the participant?s annual eligibility recertification date occurs between June 30, 2013 and September 1, 2013, and otherwise on or before the annual eligibility recertification date; provided further, that any participant who is over the age of 60 years or who is disabled may be exempt from any obligations unsuitable under particular circumstances; provided further, that no funds shall be expended from this item in the AA object class for the compensation of state employees; provided further, that the department may assist housing authorities at their written request in the immediate implementation of a homeless prevention program utilizing alternative housing resources available to them for low-income families and the elderly by designating participants in the Massachusetts rental voucher program as at risk of displacement by public action through no fault of their own; provided further, that participating local housing authorities may take all steps necessary to enable them to transfer mobile voucher program participants from the Massachusetts rental voucher program into another housing subsidy program; provided further, that the department of housing and community development shall strive to avoid a reduction in the value of the Massachusetts rental voucher from its value as of June 30, 2013; provided further, that not later than September 1, 2013 the department shall develop a process for awarding new vouchers from the incremental increase in funding over the annualized cost of fiscal year 2013 that gives priority to families timing out of rental assistance under 7004-0108 who are determined by the department to have a disability which limits the family's ability to maintain housing without assistance; and provided further, that the total annualized cost of vouchers issued in fiscal year 2014 shall not exceeded the amount appropriated herein, prior appropriation continued
For the transitional rental assistance program established under section 16 of chapter 179 of the acts of 1995; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the transitional rental assistance shall be in the form of mobile vouchers; provided further, that the vouchers shall be in varying dollar amounts set by the department of housing and community development based on considerations including, but not limited to, household size, composition, household income and geographic location; provided further, that any household which is proven to have caused intentional damage to its rental unit in an amount exceeding 2 months? rent during any 1-year period shall be terminated from the program; provided further, that the department shall pay agencies that administer this program an allowance not to exceed $25 per voucher per month for the costs of administration; provided further, that there shall be no maximum percentage applicable to the amount of income paid for rent by each household holding a mobile voucher, but each household shall be required to pay not less than 25 per cent of its net income, as defined in regulations promulgated by the department, for units if payment of utilities is not provided by the unit owner, or not less than 30 per cent of its income for units if payment of utilities is provided by the unit owner; provided further, that payments for the transitional rental assistance may be provided in advance; provided further, that the department shall establish the amounts of the mobile vouchers so that the appropriation in this item is not exceeded by payments for rental assistance and administration; provided further, that the department shall not enter into commitments which will cause it to exceed the appropriation set forth in this item; provided further, that the amount of a rental assistance voucher payment for an eligible household shall not exceed the rent less the household?s minimum rent obligation; provided further, that the word ?rent?, as used in this item, shall mean payments to the landlord or owner of a dwelling unit under a lease or other agreement for a tenant's occupancy of the dwelling unit, but shall not include payments made by the tenant separately for the cost of heat, cooking fuel and electricity; and provided further, that the department shall submit an annual report to the secretary of administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing expenditures, the number of outstanding rental vouchers and the number and types of units leased
For rental subsidies to eligible clients of the department of mental health; provided, that the department of housing and community development shall establish the amounts of such subsidies so that payment thereof, and of any other commitments from this item, shall not exceed the amount appropriated in this item
For the department of housing and community development which may expend for the administration and monitoring of the low-income housing tax credit and local administration programs an amount not to exceed $2,535,003 from fees collected under these programs; provided, that funds may be expended for the costs of administering and monitoring the programs, including the costs of personnel, subject to the approval of the undersecretary of the department; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For a program to provide assistance in addressing obstacles to maintaining or securing housing for families with: (a) a household income not greater than 30 per cent of area median income that are homeless and moving into subsidized or private housing or are at risk of becoming homeless; or (b) a household income greater than 30 per cent but not more than 50 per cent of area median income that are homeless and moving into subsidized or private housing, or are at risk of becoming homeless due to a significant reduction of income or increased expenses; provided, that up to $500,000 may be used for temporary emergency accommodations for not longer than 7 days for families at imminent risk of homelessness in order to facilitate the maintenance or securing of housing or referral to other services; provided further, that, effective July 1, 2013, the department of housing and community development shall promptly refer to providers of such temporary accommodations funded by this item, those families who provide credible statements or other credible evidence that they are within 24 hours of staying in a place unfit for human habitation, who appear to have income that does not exceed 150 per cent of the federal poverty level and who are not eligible for emergency shelter services from the department; provided further, that those providers shall be available to receive and act on such referrals until at least 5 p.m. each day, Monday through Friday, but not including state and federal holidays; provided further, that nothing in this item shall relieve the department of its obligations under item 7004-0101, including the duty immediately to place families in emergency shelter if they appear to be eligible but need more time to collect verifications; provided further, that the department shall report monthly to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the house and senate clerks and the joint committee on housing detailing: (i) the number of families receiving temporary accommodations under this item; (ii) the average length of stay in temporary accommodations; and (iii) the total amount expended on temporary accommodations to date; provided further, that assistance shall be administered by the department through contracts with the regional non-profit agencies; provided further, that not less than 90 per cent of the funds shall be provided to households with an income not greater than 30 per cent of area median income, subject to the department?s discretion based on data reflecting program demand and usage; provided further, that in distributing 90 per cent of the funds, the department shall prioritize those families most likely to otherwise require shelter services under item 7004-0101; provided further, that the amount of financial assistance provided to a family shall not exceed more than $4,000, not including the value of any temporary accommodations, in any 12-month period; provided further, that, excluding families receiving HomeBASE rental assistance, a family shall not receive more than a combined sum of $4,000, not including the value of any temporary accommodations, in a 12-month period from this item and item 7004-0108; provided further, that prior to authorizing a residential assistance payment for a family, the administering agency shall make a finding that the payment will enable the family to retain its current housing, obtain new housing or otherwise avoid homelessness; provided further, that in making these findings the agency shall, unless the facts of the case warrant otherwise, apply a presumption that the payment will enable a family to retain its housing, obtain new housing or otherwise avoid homelessness; provided further, that residential assistance payments may be made through direct vendor payments according to standards to be established by the department; provided further, that the agencies shall establish a system for referring families approved for residential assistance payments whom the agencies determine would benefit from these services to existing community-based programs that provide additional housing stabilization supports, including assistance in obtaining housing subsidies and locating alternative housing that is safe and affordable for those families; provided further, that the program shall be administered under guidelines established by the department; provided further, that the department shall report quarterly to the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing: (a) the number of families who applied for assistance; (b) the number of families approved for assistance; (c) the minimum, median and average amount of financial assistance awarded; (d) the total amount of assistance awarded to date, including a breakdown by income category; and (e) the number of families falling into each income category; and provided further, that the department shall track a family?s reason for assistance by the same categories used in 7004-0101, prior appropriation continued

Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation.

For the office of the director of consumer affairs and business regulation, including expenses of an administrative services unit
For the office of consumer affairs, which may expend for the administration and enforcement of the home improvement contractor program an amount not to exceed $500,000 collected from fees for the registration and renewal of home improvement contractor registrations under section 11 of chapter 142A of the General Laws; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Division of Banks.

For the operation of the division of banks; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the division shall assess 100 per cent of the amount appropriated in this item and the associated fringe benefits costs for personnel paid from this item upon financial institutions which the division currently regulates under section 2 of chapter 167 of the General Laws
For the costs incurred by the division of banks associated with licensure of loan originators under chapter 255F of the General Laws; provided, that the division may expend revenues in an amount not to exceed $2,650,000 received from administrative fees associated with the licensure fees and from civil administrative penalties under said chapter 255F; provided further, that the division may expend from such revenue an amount to be determined by the commissioner of banks as grants for the operation of a program for best lending practices, first-time homeowner counseling for non-traditional loans and 10 or more foreclosure education centers under section 16 of chapter 206 of the acts of 2007 and that the grants shall be awarded through a competitive application process under criteria established by the division; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Division of Insurance.

For the operation of the division of insurance, including the expenses of the board of appeal on motor vehicle policies and bonds, the associated fringe benefits costs for personnel paid from this item, certain other costs of supervising motor vehicle liability insurance and the expenses of the fraudulent claims board; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, 100 per cent of the amount appropriated in this item and the associated fringe costs of personnel paid from this item shall be assessed upon the institutions which the division currently regulates under general or special laws or regulations, except for licensed business entity producers; and provided further, that the assessment shall be in addition to any and all assessments currently assessed upon said institutions
For the operation of the health care access bureau in the division of insurance; provided, that under section 7A of chapter 26 of the General Laws, the full amount appropriated in this item, as well as the associated fringe benefits costs for personnel paid from this item, shall be assessed upon the carriers licensed under chapters 175, 176A, 176B and 176G of the General Laws

Division of Professional Licensure.

For the operation and administration of the division of professional licensure
For the division of professional licensure which may expend for the oversight of proprietary schools an amount not to exceed $825,000; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system, prior appropriation continued

Division of Standards.

For the operation of the division of standards
For the division of standards; provided, that the division may expend for enforcement activities as provided in subsection (h) of section 184D of chapter 94 of the General Laws an amount not to exceed $655,000 from revenue received from registration fees and fines collected by the division under sections 184B to 184E, inclusive, of said chapter 94 and from section 56D of chapter 98 of the General Laws; provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system; and provided further, that notwithstanding said subsection (h) of said section 184D of said chapter 94, the division shall not fund the municipal grant program provided in said subsection (h) of said section 184D of said chapter 94
For the support of the division of standards? municipal inspection efforts; provided, that up to 15 per cent of the amount appropriated in this item may be expended for administrative costs of the division
For the division of standards; provided, that the division may expend for enforcement of weights and measures laws an amount not to exceed $58,751 from revenues received from item-pricing violations collected through municipal inspection efforts and from weights and measures fees and fines collected from cities and towns; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the division of standards; provided, that the division may expend an amount not to exceed $342,000 received from license fees assessed to owners of motor vehicle repair shops; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the division may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Department of Telecommunications and Cable.

For the operation of the department of telecommunications and cable; provided, that notwithstanding the second sentence of section 7 of chapter 25C of the General Laws, the assessments levied for fiscal year 2014 shall be made at a rate sufficient to produce 100 per cent of the amount appropriated in this item and the associated fringe benefits costs for personnel paid from this item

Massachusetts Office of Business Development.

For the Massachusetts office of business development for contracts with regional economic development organizations under the program established in sections 3J and 3K of chapter 23A of the General Laws
General Fund. 75%
Manufacturing Fund 25%
For the operation of the Massachusetts office of business development and for marketing and promoting the commonwealth in order to attract and retain targeted businesses and industries
For the operation and maintenance of the Massachusetts Biotechnology Research Institute for the commercialization of new, academic-based research and development and raising the scientific awareness of the communities of the commonwealth
For a state matching grant for the small business development center; provided, that no funds shall be expended from this item until such time as the United States Small Business Administration has made a payment or has executed a contract to pay the University of Massachusetts at Amherst for the operation of the center; provided further, that the funds expended from this item shall not exceed 25 per cent of the gross operating cost of said center; provided further, that not more than $300,000 from this item shall be expended for federal procurement technical assistance services within said center; provided further, that the services shall include, but not be limited to, assisting businesses in securing federal contracts, obtaining contract financing, generating responses to requests-for-proposals, interpreting bid documents, providing educational workshops and for the electronic identification and tracking of federal bid opportunities; and provided further, that funds expended for federal procurement technical assistance services within said center shall be subject to the receipt of matching funds from federal or private sources, including the United States Department of Defense
For microlending grants of up to $100,000 to be issued to established Community Development Financial Institutions and Community Advantage Lenders making direct microenterprise and small business loans to borrowers on a regional basis, as well as providing technical assistance to applicants and borrowers in order to foster business establishment and success; provided that the funds shall be used to support eligible organization's lending and technical assistance activities
For the operation of the Commonwealth Zoological Corporation, established under chapter 92B of the General Laws; provided, that funds appropriated in this item shall be expended for the purposes of promoting private fundraising, achieving self-sufficiency and serving as a catalyst for urban economic development and job opportunities for local residents; provided further, that the corporation shall take all steps necessary to increase the amount of private funding available for the operation of the zoos; provided further, that funding in this item shall not be transferred through interdepartmental service agreements; provided further, that the corporation shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than February 3, 2014, on the status of, and amounts collected from, the private fundraising and enhanced revenue efforts identified in the draft Massachusetts zoos business and operations plan dated December 1996; provided further, that funds may be expended on a matching program to encourage private and corporate donations to support the Franklin Park Zoo and Stone Zoo; provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for a competitive grant program for zoos not operated by the Commonwealth Zoological Corporation; and provided further, that in awarding the grants, the Massachusetts office of business development shall ensure that all zoos that received funding in fiscal year 2013 receive funding in fiscal year 2014 and shall award said grants to zoos in equal amounts to all grant recipients
Massachusetts Tourism Fund 100%
For a program to create and maintain a more favorable and responsive environment for the attraction and retention of technology-intensive clusters for the commonwealth; provided, that such clusters may be characterized by technological or market focus, geographic proximity or other shared interests
For a grant to the Smaller Business Association of New England for the layoff aversion through management assistance program for consultant and technical assistance to manufacturing companies to prevent business closure and employee displacement; provided, that the expenditure of the layoff aversion through management program in this item shall leverage at least $1 in matching funds for every $1 granted under this item; provided further, that the president of the Smaller Business Association of New England shall file a quarterly report with the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on economic development and emerging technologies and the joint committee on labor and workforce development on the number of employees and manufacturing-based companies that have received financial assistance through this item, a detailed description of the services provided to manufacturing companies through the layoff aversion through management program and a detailed account of the expenditures of the layoff aversion through management program, including administrative costs

Massachusetts Marketing Partnership.

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the operation and administration of the office of travel and tourism; provided, that the office shall be the official and lead agency to facilitate and attract major sports events and championships in the commonwealth; provided further, that the office shall provide an annual report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 14, 2014; provided further, that the report shall provide information on regional tourist activities funded through item 7008-1000; provided further, that the office shall be the official and lead agency to facilitate motion picture production and development within the commonwealth; provided further, that the office, in collaboration with the official sponsor of the event, state, regional and local agencies and cities and towns, shall designate and mark the Pan Mass Challenge bicycle route by means of signs bearing the official logo of the event; provided further, that no less than $15,000 shall be expended for the purchase, post fabrication and installation of Pan Mass signs along the Pan Mass route from both the town of Bourne to the town of Provincetown and from the town of Bourne to the town of Wellesley; provided further, that not less than $125,000 shall be expended as matching grants to the Plymouth 400 Committee for the commemoration of the four hundredth anniversary of the town of Plymouth; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the 375th anniversary of the town of Sandwich; provided further, that no less than $200,000 shall be expended for opening the 11 visitor information centers from Memorial Day to Columbus Day; provided further, that no less than $200,000 shall be expended as grants for the Bay State Games; provided further, that no less than $50,000 be expended for the purposes of the operation of the programs of the Riverside Theatre Works, an organization located in the Hyde Park section of the city of Boston; provided further, that no less than $25,000 shall be expended as grants for business assistance organizations in the city of Haverhill that were in item 7007-0900 in chapter 182 of the acts of 2008; provided further, that no less than $50,000 shall be provided to the Grand Army of the Republic Historical Museum in the city of Lynn; provided further, that no less than $75,000 shall be expended for a matching grant program to the Enrichment Center located in the Dorchester section of the city of Boston; provided further, that no less than $200,000 shall be expended for a grant program to the Enrichment Center located in the city of Lowell; provided further, that no less than $150,000 shall be expended for a public safety grant in the town of Methuen; provided further, that no less than $90,000 shall be expended for the Russian Community Association of Massachusetts, Inc. ; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for a public safety grant in the town of Falmouth; provided further, that not less than $75,000 shall be expended for a child safety grant in the town of North Attleboro; provided further, that not less than $125,000 shall be expended for the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the Wilbraham Nature and Cultural Council; provided further, that the amount of $50,000 shall be expended to Stone Soul Inc. to implement the state wide Sesquicentennial Emancipation Proclamation Celebration 2013; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the Puerto Rican Veteran?s Monument Square Association, Inc., upon a 100 per cent funding match from other public or private sources; provided further, that no less than $25,000 shall be expended for the Merrimack Valley Chamber of Commerce; provided further, that no less than $75,000 shall be expended for the Waltham Tourism Council; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for a child safety grant in the town of North Reading; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the Pentucket Lake elementary school; provided further, that $25,000 shall be expended for the Cape Cod Canal Centennial Celebration; provided further, that $50,000 shall be expended for the North Quabbin Chamber of Commerce to establish a regional tourism council for the North Quabbin area; provided further, that not less than $10,000 shall be expended for the Tercentennial celebration of the town of Oxford; provided further, that not less than $20,000 shall be expended for the planning of the bicentennial celebration of the town of Southbridge; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended to Plimoth Plantation for restoration of the Mayflower II; provided further, that $20,000 shall be expended for the Zamir Chorale of Boston, Inc.'s musical and educational organization; and provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for the Zeiterion Theatre, Inc. in the city of New Bedford
For assistance to regional tourist councils under section 14 of chapter 23A of the General Laws; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law or rule or regulation to the contrary, each of the councils may expend an amount not to exceed 20 per cent of the funds appropriated in this item for the cost of administrative services
Massachusetts Tourism Fund 100%
For the operation of the Massachusetts international trade office
Massachusetts Tourism Fund.......100%


Office of the Secretary.

For the operation of the executive office of labor and workforce development; provided, that not later than January 3, 2014, the executive office of labor and workforce development shall submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on labor and workforce development a report describing the job training services, including labor exchange, skills training and remedial education services related thereto which have been provided during the course of the fiscal year, systems for delivery and the costs and the sources of revenue for such services
For the provision of information technology services within the executive office of labor and workforce development

Department of Labor Standards.

For the operation of the department of labor standards
For the department of labor standards; provided, that the department may expend an amount not to exceed $452,850 received from fees authorized under section 3A of chapter 23 of the General Laws and civil fines issued under section 197B of chapter 111 of the General Laws, section 46R of chapter 140 of the General Laws and section 6F1/2 of chapter 149 of the General Laws

Department of Labor Relations.

For the operation of the department of labor relations; provided, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for the operation of the Joint Labor Management Committee for Municipal Police and Fire
For the department of labor relations, which may expend for the operation of the department an amount not to exceed $100,000 from fees collected under section 3B of chapter 7 of the General Laws and section 6 of chapter 150 of the General Laws; provided, that the first $100,000 of such fees collected by the department shall be deposited into the General Fund and any fees collected in excess of $200,000 shall be deposited into the General Fund; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Department of Career Services.

For a youth-at-risk program targeted at reducing juvenile delinquency in high risk areas; provided, that these funds may be expended for the development and implementation of a year-round employment program for at-risk youth and existing year-round employment programs; provided further, that $500,000 of these funds shall be matched by private organizations; and provided further, that funds shall be available for expenditure through September 1, 2014, prior appropriation continued
For a grant to the Massachusetts manufacturing extension partnership to maintain and promote manufacturing as an integral part of the economy and for programs designed to assist small and mid-sized manufacturing companies
Manufacturing Fund.........100%
For the one-stop career centers; provided, that no funds shall be expended for the administration and oversight to these centers provided by the department of career services
For the Massachusetts Service Alliance, Inc. to administer state service corps grants and provide training and support to volunteer and service organizations; provided further, that not less than $300,000 shall be expended for the Urban League of Springfield, Inc.; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the Moving Ahead program at the Saint Francis House, Inc.; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for Springfield Partners for Community Action, Inc.; provided further, that not less than $250,000 shall be expended for the New England Farm Workers? Council, Inc.;? provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for programs supporting and promoting cultural heritage diversity, and education in the city of Boston that were in item 7007-0900 of chapter 182 of the acts of 2008; and provided further that no less than $100,000 shall be provided for financial support of the Massachusetts Latino Chamber of Commerce

Department of Industrial Accidents.

For the operation and administrative expenses of the department of industrial accidents; provided, that said department shall submit a report not later than February 1, 2014 to the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing the scope, objective and results of grant recipients? safety training program; and provided further, that the General Fund shall be reimbursed the amount appropriated in this item and for associated indirect and direct fringe benefit costs from assessments levied under section 65 of chapter 152 of the General Laws

Office of the Secretary of Education.

For the operation of information technology services within the executive office of education
For the operation of the office of the secretary of education
For grants to establish and operate high-quality, intensive and targeted programs that will rapidly increase English language learning for middle and high school students in school districts serving Gateway Cities; provided, that grant applications must provide at minimum, for after-school enrichment academies to operate during the spring and/or summer of 2014; provided further, that applications may also provide for acceleration academies to be held during school vacations and/or for Saturday sessions during the spring of 2014; provided further, that funds may be set aside for the administration of these programs; provided further, that prior to soliciting applications for grants under this item, the executive office shall ask Gateway Cities to submit a statement of interest for targeted English language learning grant funds; provided further, that the statement of interest shall be signed and submitted not later than August 30, 2013 by the mayor of the Gateway City and the superintendent of the city?s public schools; provided further, that that the statement of interest shall identify their English language learner target population for services and shall demonstrate the capacity of the city to provide data and cooperate with the independent evaluator of the grant program; provided further, that cities submitting eligible statements of interest shall be eligible to apply for grants through this item; provided further, that successful grant applicants shall: (a) define their method for identifying eligible and ineligible students; (b) estimate the total number of students in their target population; (c) propose a method for prioritizing students for services if the amount of the grant will not cover all students in the target population; (d) and commit to cooperating with the executive office and the independent evaluator; provided further, that in selecting grant recipients, the executive office shall ensure that all programs funded through this item are consistently evaluated by the single statewide evaluator and that all programs are committed to providing the data and cooperation necessary for comprehensive program evaluation; provided further, that the independent evaluator selected under section 193 shall, to the extent feasible, advise the office on the development of the request for proposals for the grants and shall assist the office in the review and selection of grant applications; provided further, that the awarding of grants under this item and the selection of an independent evaluator for these grants shall be consistent with section 193; provided further, that grant awards shall be made within 60 days after the selection of an independent evaluator; provided further, that the executive office of education shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on education not later than March 14, 2014, detailing: (i) successful grant applications; (ii) a set of clearly-defined goals and benchmarks to be used to evaluate grant recipients; (iii) the manner in which grant recipients are evaluated; and (iv) preliminary outcomes and findings from the grant awards for fiscal year 2014; and provided further, that funds may be expended through August 31, 2014 to allow for summer programming
For grants to support the establishment of career academies in Gateway Cities, and to build stronger relationships and partnerships among high schools, institutions of higher education, local employers, and workforce development entities, in order to create multiple and seamless pathways to employment; provided, that such funds shall be used to establish Education and Industry Coordinating Councils (EICCs); provided further, that the EICCs shall be chaired by the district superintendent and chair of the local workforce investment boards, and shall include representatives from district high schools, institutions of higher education, industry partners, and local/regional employers; provided further, that such funding shall be used to engage in planning to establish career academies or to plan for the establishment of such academies during the following fiscal year
For costs related to a data sharing pilot program between the department of early education and care, the department of elementary and secondary education, the executive office of education, the department of public health and the executive office of health and human services to issue a state assigned student identifier to children participating in early intervention programs with the goal of tracking and evaluating educational and developmental outcomes for those children, improving delivery of services and determining cost savings associated with the early intervention program; provided, that the participation of a family in any pilot program shall be contingent upon informed consent; provided further, that the executive office of education and the department of public health, in consultation with the agencies of the executive office of education and the executive office of health and human services, shall report to the secretary of administration and finance, the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on education on or before August 15, 2013 on: (a) a timetable for full implementation of the pilot program including resource needs; and (b) a plan for obtaining informed consent from families receiving early intervention services;? provided further, that said agencies shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on education by March 14, 2014 on: (i) the progress made on implementation of the pilot program, including but not limited to, the criteria used for selecting sites and preliminary implementation plans for the assignment of state assigned student identifiers to children receiving early intervention services; (ii) an updated timetable for full implementation of the pilot program; (iii) an update on the implementation for obtaining informed consent from families receiving early intervention services; and (iv) the number of state assigned student identifiers that have been assigned to date, if applicable; provided further, that not later than April 15, 2014, the executive office of education and the department of public health shall make recommendations on how the department of public health and the agencies of the executive office of education can rigorously evaluate the effect of early intervention services on the future special education needs of program participants; and provided further, that funds may be transferred from this item to 4513-1020, 7009-1700 and 7009-6379, as necessary, under an allocation plan, which shall detail by object class the distribution of the funds to be transferred
For a discretionary grant program to provide funds to school districts and public institutions of higher education partnering together to offer inclusive concurrent enrollment programs for school aged children with a disability, as defined in section 1 of chapter 71B of the General Laws, between the ages of 18 and 22; provided, that the grant program shall be limited to students who are considered to have severe disabilities and, in the case of students who are age 18 or 19, shall be limited to students with severe disabilities who have been unable to achieve the competency determination necessary to pass the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System exam; provided further, that said students with disabilities shall be offered enrollment in credit and noncredit courses that include nondisabled students, including enrollment in credit and noncredit courses in audit status for students who may not meet course prerequisites and requirements, and that the partnering school districts shall provide support, services and accommodations necessary to facilitate a student?s enrollment; provided further, that the executive office of education, in consultation with the department of elementary and secondary education and the department of higher education, shall develop guidelines to ensure that the grant program promotes civic engagement and mentoring of faculty in public institutions of higher education and supports college success, work success, participation in student life of the college community and provision of a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment; provided further, that the executive office of education, in consultation with the department of elementary and secondary education and the department of higher education, shall develop strategies and procedures to help sustain and replicate the existing inclusive concurrent enrollment programs initiated through this grant program including, but not limited to: (a) provision of funds to retain employment specialists; (b) assist students in meeting integrated competitive employment and other transition-related goals; and (c) adoption of procedures and funding mechanisms to ensure that new partnerships of public institutions of higher education and school districts providing inclusive concurrent enrollment programs fully utilize the models and expertise developed in existing partnerships; provided further, that the executive office of education, in consultation with the department of elementary and secondary education and the department of higher education, shall develop a mechanism to encourage existing and new partnerships to expand the capacity to respond to individual parents and school districts in underserved areas that request an opportunity for their children to participate in the inclusive concurrent enrollment initiative; provided further, that tuition for courses shall be waived by the state institutions of higher education for students enrolled through this grant program; provided further, that the executive office of education shall create the position of inclusive concurrent enrollment coordinator who will be responsible for administering the grant program, coordinating the advisory committee, developing new partnerships, assisting existing partnerships in creating self-sustaining models and overseeing the development of videos and informational materials through the institute for community inclusion to assist new colleges and school districts; provided further, that the executive office of education, in consultation with the department of elementary and secondary education and the department of higher education, shall select grant recipients not later than July 15, 2013 and shall distribute a request for grant proposals subject to future appropriation not later than May 31, 2014; provided further, that the executive office of education, in consultation with the department of elementary and secondary education and the department of higher education, shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on education and the joint committee on higher education on the discretionary grant program, including a report on student outcomes, not later than January 28, 2014; and provided further, that for the purpose of this item, appropriated funds may be expended through August 31, 2014

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
For the operation of the department of elementary and secondary education; provided, that funds shall be expended for the oversight of education collaboratives; provided further, that no less than the following amounts shall be made available for equipment and maintenance grants: (a) $288,000 to the Hingham public schools (b) $262,705 to the Hull public schools and (c) $49,800 to the Cohasset Public schools; provided further, that the department, in collaboration with the commission on gay and lesbian youth established in section 67 of chapter 3 of the General Laws may allocate funds to ensure: public schools? support and safety of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students; the implementation of related suicide and violence prevention efforts; and the reduction of health disparities for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth; and provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for peer-to-peer inclusion programs for students with intellectual disabilities through Best Buddies Massachusetts
$14,463,400 $13,862,895
For grants to cities, towns and regional school districts for payments of certain costs and related expenses for the program to eliminate racial imbalance in attendance, established under section 12A of chapter 76 of the General Laws; provided, that funds shall be made available for payment for services rendered by Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity (METCO), Inc. and Springfield public schools; provided further, that all grant applications submitted to and approved by the department of elementary and secondary education shall include a detailed line item budget specifying how the funds shall be allocated and expended; provided further, that the secretary of education shall report not later than July 1, 2014 to the house and senate committees on ways and means on student achievement growth by METCO students relative to their peers in both sending and receiving districts and on the academic success of former METCO students who attended 2 and 4 year public colleges and universities in the commonwealth relative to their peers from both sending and receiving districts at said public institutions of higher education, including enrollment in remedial coursework, grade point averages and college graduation rates; provided further, that the subject of the report shall be the graduating class of 2013 and other grade levels for which data are available; and provided further, that METCO, Inc., shall make available to the secretary of education information necessary to complete said report
For the Bay State Reading Institute; provided, that the program shall be administered under contract with Middlesex Community College in collaboration with Framingham State University and Fitchburg State University; and provided further, that the institute shall provide literacy-based intervention in schools and districts, including those at risk of or determined to be underperforming under section 1J and 1K of chapter 69 of the General Laws
For literacy and early literacy programs; provided, that these programs shall provide ongoing evaluation of outcomes; provided further, that programs receiving funding through this item shall document the outcomes thereof; provided further, that evaluations shall be compared to measurable goals and benchmarks that shall be developed by the department; provided further, that that the department shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on education, not later than March 3, 2014, detailing state support for early literacy programs; provided further, that the report shall include for each program: (a) the number of children served by age and school; (b) the percentage of children who receive free and reduced lunch; (c) the number of children who are English language learners; (d) the number of students who receive special education services; (e) outcome measures used by the program to evaluate success; and (f) a comparison to other literacy programs that use similar outcome measures; and provided further, that said report shall include a report on all literacy programs funded through this item and items 7010-0020 and 7030-1005
For school-to-career connecting activities; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the board of elementary and secondary education, in cooperation with the executive office of labor and workforce development and the state workforce investment board, may establish and support a public-private partnership to link high school students with economic and learning opportunities on the job as part of the school-to-career transition program; provided further, that this program may include the award of matching grants to workforce investment boards or other local public-private partnerships involving local community job commitments and work site learning opportunities for students; provided further, that the grants shall require at least a 200 per cent match in wages for the students from private sector participants; provided further, that the program shall include, but not be limited to, a provision that business leaders commit resources to pay salaries to provide mentoring and instruction on the job and to work closely with teachers; and provided further, that public funds shall assume the costs of connecting schools and businesses to ensure that students serve productively on the job
For English language acquisition professional development to improve the academic performance of English language learners and effectively implement sheltered English immersion as outlined in chapter 71A of the General Laws; provided that funds may be expended for the RETELL initiative; provided, that the department shall, not later than January 11, 2014, provide a report on the number of educators who have received such training since the passage of said chapter 71A, the estimated number who need such additional training, a review and analysis of the most effective types of professional development and the most common gaps in the knowledge base of educators implementing English immersion and teaching English language acquisition, along with legislative or regulatory recommendations of the department; provided further, that said report shall be provided to the secretary of administration and finance, the senate president, the speaker of the house, the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means and the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on education; and provided further, that funds may be expended through August 31, 2014
For the expenses of school age children in institutional schools under section 12 of chapter 71B of the General Laws; provided, that the department may provide special education services to eligible inmates in county houses of correction; provided further, that the department of youth services shall continue to collaborate with the department of elementary and secondary education in order to align curriculum at the department of youth services with the statewide curriculum frameworks and to ease the reintegration of youth from facilities at the department of youth services into regular public school settings; and provided further, that the department of elementary and secondary education, in conjunction with the commissioner of youth services, shall submit a report on progress made on the reintegration of these youths and the alignment of the department of youth services curriculum to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than December 3, 2013
For kindergarten expansion grants to provide grant awards to continue quality enhancement of existing full-day kindergarten classrooms; provided, that the department shall administer a grant program to encourage the voluntary expansion of high quality, full-day kindergarten education throughout the commonwealth; provided further, that grants funded through this appropriation shall not annualize to more than $18,000 per classroom in subsequent fiscal years; provided further, that preference shall be given to grant applicants with high percentages of students scoring in levels 1 or 2 on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System exam and school districts which serve free or reduced lunch to at least 35 per cent of its students, as determined by the department based on available data; provided further, that any grant funds distributed from this item shall be deposited with the treasurer of such city, town or regional school district and held in a separate account and, notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, shall be expended by the school committee of such city, town or regional school district without further appropriation; provided further, that such program shall supplement and shall not supplant currently funded local, state and federal programs at the school or district; provided further, that not later than January 17, 2014, the department shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means on the total number of grants requested and awarded; provided further that the report shall detail common factors associated with both successful and unsuccessful applications and shall include the total number of full day and half day kindergarten classrooms projected to be in operation in public schools in fiscal year 2015; provided further, that all kindergarten programs previously funded through community partnership councils at the department of early education and care may receive grants from this item in amounts equal to the amounts they received in fiscal year 2013, reduced in proportion to the overall reduction of this item from fiscal year 2013 to fiscal year 2014; and provided further, that no funds shall be expended for personnel costs
For Reading Recovery, a 1-to-1, early intervention, individual tutorial literacy program designed as a pre-special education referral and short-term intervention for children who are at risk of failing to read in the first grade; provided, that said program shall provide ongoing documentation and evaluation of results
For the provision and improvement of adult basic education services, including reading, writing and mathematics; provided, that grants shall be distributed to a diverse network of organizations which have demonstrated commitment and effectiveness in the provision of the services and that are selected competitively by the department of elementary and secondary education; provided further, that not less than $150,000 shall be expended for Operation A.B.L.E. of Greater Boston, Inc. to provide basic workforce and skills training, employment services and job re-entry support to older workers; provided further, that the grants shall support the successful transition of students from other adult basic education programs to community college certificate and degree-granting programs; provided further, that the grants shall be contingent upon satisfactory levels of performance as defined and determined by the department; provided further, the department may prioritize entities that received grant funding for English Language Learners in fiscal year 2012; provided further, that grants shall not be considered an entitlement to a grant recipient; and provided further, that the department shall consult with the community colleges and other service providers in establishing and implementing content, performance and professional standards for adult basic education programs and services; and provided further, that no funds shall be expended for personnel costs at the department of elementary and secondary education
For reimbursements to cities, towns and regional school districts for the cost of transportation of nonresident pupils as required by the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Public Law 100-77, as amended; provided, that the department shall file with the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than April 1, 2014, a preliminary estimate of the costs eligible for reimbursement under this item in fiscal year 2015; provided further, that the report shall also include a preliminary estimate of costs eligible for reimbursement through the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008, Public Law 110-351, in fiscal year 2015; and provided further, that the commonwealth?s obligation shall not exceed the amount appropriated in this item
Local Aid Stabilization Fund............ 100.00%
For reimbursements to regional school districts for the transportation of pupils; provided, that the commonwealth?s obligation shall not exceed the amount appropriated in this item
General Fund 97.38%
Local Aid Stabilization Fund. 2.62%
For reimbursements to cities, towns, regional vocational or county agricultural school districts, independent vocational schools or collaboratives for certain expenditures for transportation of nonresident pupils to an approved vocational-technical program of any regional or county agricultural school district, city, town, independent school or collaborative under section 8A of chapter 74 of the General Laws; provided, that if the amount appropriated is insufficient to fully fund said section 8A of said chapter 74, initial reimbursements made by the department of elementary and secondary education may be pro-rated by the department to all eligible cities, towns, regional vocational or county agricultural school districts, independent vocational schools or collaboratives; and provided further, that upon a determination by the department that the funds appropriated in this item are insufficient to meet the commonwealth?s full obligation under said section 8A, the department shall, within 10 days, notify the secretary of administration and finance, the joint committee on education and the house and senate committees on ways and means of the amount needed to fully fund said obligation
For a competitively bid, statewide performance-based, integrated program to increase participation and performance in advanced placement courses, particularly among underserved populations, to prepare students for college and career success in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and English; provided, that these funds shall support all of the following program elements for each school: open access to courses, equipment and supplies for new and expanded advanced placement courses, support for the costs of advanced placement exams and support for student study sessions; provided further, that these funds may support teacher professional development, including a College Board endorsed advanced placement summer institute, for math, science and English advanced placement teachers; provided further, that the program shall provide a matching amount of at least $1,000,000 in private funding for direct support of educators and other uses; provided further, that the program be chosen through a single competitive process and that the funds be dispersed by the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year to cover costs expended between August 1, 2013 and July 31, 2014; provided further, that this program shall work in conjunction with an existing, separately funded, statewide pre-advanced placement program; provided further, that the department shall deliver to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on education, not later than February 14, 2014, an independent evaluation of these programs and their impact on student achievement, particularly as it relates to closing achievement gaps; and provided further, that funds may be expended through August 31, 2014 to allow for summer programming
For reimbursements to cities and towns for partial assistance in the furnishing of lunches to school children, including partial assistance in the furnishing of lunches to school children as authorized by section 6 of chapter 548 of the acts of 1948 and for supplementing funds allocated for the special milk program; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, payments so authorized in the aggregate for partial assistance in the furnishing of lunches to school children shall not exceed the required state revenue match contained in the National School Lunch Act, Public Law 79-396, as amended, and implementing regulations implementing

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the school breakfast program for public and nonpublic schools and for grants to improve summer food programs during the summer school vacation period; provided, that $75,000 more than the amount expended in fiscal year 2013 shall be expended for a grant with Project Bread-The Walk for Hunger to enhance and expand the summer food service outreach program and the school breakfast outreach program; provided further, that within the summer food program, priority shall be given to extending such programs for the full summer vacation period and promoting increased participation in such programs; provided further, that the department of elementary and secondary education shall solicit proposals from returning sponsors and school food authorities in time for implementation of the grant program during the summer of 2014; provided further, that the grants shall only be awarded to sponsors who can demonstrate their intent to offer full summer programs or increase participation; provided further, that the department shall require sufficient reporting from each grantee to measure the success of such grant program; provided further, that the department shall select grantees for the program authorized by this item not later than March 28, 2014; provided further, that $200,000 more than the amount spent in fiscal year 2013 shall be expended for the universal school breakfast program in which all children in schools receiving funds under the program shall be provided free, nutritious breakfasts; provided further, that subject to regulations of the board that specify time and learning standards, breakfasts shall be served during regular school hours; provided further, that participation shall be limited to those elementary schools mandated to serve breakfast under section 1C of chapter 69 of the General Laws where 60 per cent or more of the students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals under the federally-funded school meals program; provided further, that the department shall select school sites for programs authorized by this item not later than November 15, 2013; and provided further, that nothing in the universal school breakfast program shall give rise to legal rights in any party or enforceable entitlement to services, prior appropriation continued
For school aid to cities, towns, regional school districts, counties maintaining agricultural schools, independent vocational schools and independent agricultural and technical schools to be distributed under chapters 70 and 76 of the General Laws and section 3
For a reserve to meet extraordinary increases in the minimum required local contribution of a municipality under the requirements of section 3; provided, that a municipality seeking funds under this item shall apply for a waiver from the department of revenue under section? 6A of chapter 70 of the General Laws, as inserted by section 71 of this act; provided further, that the commissioner shall issue a finding concerning such waiver applications within 30 days of the receipt thereof, after consulting with the commissioner of elementary and secondary education regarding the merits of the application; provided further, that not less than $1,000,000 shall be expended to mitigate costs for districts: (a) that experience foundation enrollment growth of greater than 325 pupils from fiscal year 2013 to fiscal year 2014; and (b) whose chapter 70 aid as a percentage of total foundation budget is less than the district?s target aid percentage; and provided further, that no funds distributed from this item shall be considered prior year chapter 70 aid nor shall the funds be used in the calculation of the minimum required local contribution for fiscal year 2015
For the reimbursement of extraordinary special education costs under section 5A of chapter 71B of the General Laws; provided, that reimbursements shall be prorated so that expenses of this item do not exceed the amount appropriated in this item; provided further, that upon receipt by the department of elementary and secondary education of required special education cost reports from school districts, the department shall reimburse districts based on fiscal year 2013 claims; provided further, that the department may expend funds to continue and expand voluntary residential placement prevention programs between the department of elementary and secondary education and other departments within the executive office of health and human services that develop community-based support services for children and their families; provided further, that the department shall provide not less than $6,500,000 to the department of developmental services for the voluntary residential placement prevention program; provided further, that the department of elementary and secondary education shall fully cooperate in providing information and assistance necessary for the department of developmental services to maximize federal reimbursement and to effectively serve students in less restrictive settings; provided further, that the department shall expend funds to provide books in accessible synthetic audio format made available through the federal NIMAS-NIMAC book repository for the outreach and training of teachers and students for the use of NIMAS-NIMAC and human speech audio digital textbooks; provided further, that the department shall expend funds for the costs of borrowing audio textbooks by special education students; provided further, that funds may be expended for the monitoring and follow-up activities of the department?s complaint management system, review and approval of local educational authority applications and local school districts? compliance with the requirements of part B of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Public Law 91-230, as codified at 20 U.S.C. chapter 33, subchapter II, in the provision of special education and related services to children with disabilities; provided further, that funds may be expended to administer the reimbursements funded in this item; provided further, that funds may be expended to reimburse districts for extraordinary increases in costs incurred during fiscal year 2014 which would be reimbursable under said section 5A of said chapter 71B; provided further, that reimbursements for current year costs shall be limited to school districts which experience increases of greater than 25 per cent from costs reimbursable under said section 5A of said chapter 71B and incurred during fiscal year 2013 to costs reimbursable under said section 5A of said chapter 71B and incurred during fiscal year 2014 or other cases of extraordinary hardship where special education costs increase in relationship to total district costs as the department may define through regulations or guidelines; provided further, that reimbursements for current year costs shall be allocated as 1-time grants and shall not decrease reimbursements in the following fiscal year; provided further, that the department shall conduct audits of fiscal year 2013 claims; provided further, that if the claims are found to be inaccurate, the department shall recalculate the fiscal year 2014 reimbursement amount and adjust the third and fourth quarter payments to the districts to reflect the new reimbursement amount; and provided further, that the department shall file a report with the house and senate committees on ways and means, not later than January 28, 2014, on the results of the audit
For the office of school and district accountability, established in section 55A of chapter 15 of the General Laws; provided, that notwithstanding said section 55A of said chapter 15, the office shall perform not less than 20 school district audits for fiscal year 2014
For a reserve to assist towns negatively impacted by shortfalls in federal impact aid for the education of children in families employed by the federal government on military reservations located within the town's limits; provided, that any grants provided under this item shall be expended by a school committee without further appropriation
For a competitive grant program to promote financial literacy; provided, that the program shall equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to enable students to make critical decisions regarding personal finances; provided further, that the department of elementary and secondary education shall develop a 3 year pilot program for 10 public high schools on financial literacy education for implementation for the school year beginning in 2014; provided further, that the pilot program shall be a competitive grant process for high schools in gateway municipalities, as defined in section 3A of chapter 23A of the General Laws; and provided further, that the department?s advisory committee shall prepare and submit a report describing and analyzing the implementation of the program to the chairs of the senate and house committees on ways and means and the office of the state treasurer not later than December 31, 2014
For fiscal year 2014 reimbursements to certain cities, towns and regional school districts of charter school tuition and the per pupil capital needs component included in the charter school tuition amount for commonwealth charter schools, as calculated under subsections (ff) and (gg) of section 89 of chapter 71 of the General Laws; provided, that notwithstanding said subsection (ff) of said section 89 of said chapter 71 or any other general or special law to the contrary, the per pupil capital needs component of the commonwealth charter school tuition rate for fiscal year 2014 shall be $893; and provided further, that if the amount appropriated is insufficient to fully fund all reimbursements required by said section 89 of said chapter 71, the department shall fully reimburse the cost of such per pupil capital needs component and shall prorate the tuition reimbursements calculated under said subsection (gg) of said section 89 of said chapter 71
For competitive grants to school districts for the planning, implementation and enhancement of Innovation Schools, as defined in section 92 of chapter 71 of the General Laws; provided, that in the case of planning grants, applications shall have received approval of the Innovation School prospectus from the screening committee; provided further, that in the case of implementation grants, the applicant shall have received final approval of the Innovation School from the local school committee; provided further, that Innovation Schools looking to enhance their Innovation School plans shall have demonstrated that the program is meeting the school?s measureable annual goals and has a compelling plan for enhancing their Innovation School plan; and provided further, that priority shall be given to schools proposed in level 3 and 4 districts
For the education technology program
For student and school assessment, including the administration of the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System exam established by the board of elementary and secondary education under sections 1D and 1I of chapter 69 of the General Laws and for grants to school districts to develop portfolio assessments for use in individual classrooms as an enhancement to student assessment; provided, that as much as is practicable, especially in the case of students whose performance is difficult to assess using conventional methods, the instruments shall include consideration of work samples and projects and shall facilitate authentic and direct gauges of student performance; provided further, that the portfolio assessments shall not replace the statewide standardized assessment based on the curriculum frameworks; provided further, that all school assessments shall center on the academic standards embodied in the curriculum frameworks and shall involve gauges which shall be relevant and meaningful to students, parents, teachers, administrators and taxpayers under the first paragraph of section 1I of said chapter 69; and provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, assessment of proficiency in English shall be administered in English
For grants to cities, towns and regional school districts to provide targeted academic support programs for students in grades 8 through 12 and post-twelfth graders who have not yet earned a competency determination on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System, or MCAS, exam established by the board of elementary and secondary education under sections 1D and 1I of chapter 69 of the General Laws; provided, that the department and districts shall ensure that services are available to students with disabilities; provided further, that the purpose of this program shall be to improve students? performance on the MCAS exam through replication of services and educational strategies with proven results as determined by the department of elementary and secondary education; provided further, that such programs shall supplement currently funded local, state and federal programs at the school or district; provided further, that funds shall be expended for a competitive grant program to fund academic support and college transition services to be implemented in fiscal year 2014 and operated by public institutions of higher learning or by public-private partnerships for students in grades 10 through 12 and post-twelfth graders who may have completed all other high school requirements but have not yet obtained a competency determination, as defined in said section 1D of said chapter 69, as measured by the MCAS assessment instrument authorized in said section 1I of said chapter 69, and are working to pass a portion of the MCAS exam in order to obtain a competency determination and earn a high school diploma; provided further, that for the purpose of the programs, appropriated funds may be expended through August 31, 2014 to allow for summer remediation programs; provided further, JFYNetworks, A Nonprofit Corporation, shall receive not less than the amount appropriated in line item 7061-9404 of section 2 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012; provided further, that funds shall be expended for competitive grants to fund Pathways programs that target students in grades 9 through 12 and post-twelfth graders and are instituted by local school districts, public institutions of higher education, qualified public and private educational services organizations and one-stop career centers, including, but not limited to, school-to-work connecting activities, creating worksite learning experiences for students as an extension of the classroom, outreach programs for students who will need post-twelfth grade remediation to attain the skills necessary to pass the MCAS exam and counseling programs to educate parents and high school students on post-twelfth grade remediation options; provided further, that funds shall be expended for a competitive grant program, guidelines for which shall be developed by the department of elementary and secondary education, for intensive remediation programs in communities with students in grades 8 through 12 and post-twelfth graders who have not obtained a competency determination or have scored in levels 1 or 2 on either the English or math MCAS exams or in level 1 on the science, technology and engineering MCAS; provided further, that the department of elementary and secondary education may give preference for assistance to those districts with a high percentage of high school students scoring in level 1 on the MCAS exam in English, math and science, technology and engineering; provided further, that eligible applicants shall include individual high schools and those institutions which shall have partnered with a high school or group of high schools; provided further, that no district shall receive a grant from this item until the district submits to the department of elementary and secondary education a comprehensive district plan under said section 1I of said chapter 69, to improve performance of all student populations including, but not limited to, students with disabilities; provided further, that the department shall issue a report not later than February 1, 2014, in collaboration with the department of higher education, describing MCAS support programs for the graduating classes of 2003 to 2018, inclusive, funded by this item and item 7027-0019, school to work accounts, institutions of public higher education and other sources; provided further, that such report shall include, but not be limited to, the number of students eligible to participate in the programs, the number of students participating in the programs, the number of students who have passed the MCAS assessment and obtained a competency determination through these programs but have not met local graduation requirements and the number of students who have passed the MCAS assessment and obtained a competency determination through these programs and met local graduation requirements; provided further, that the report shall be provided to the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means and the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on education; and provided further, that any grant funds distributed from this item to a city, town or regional school district shall be deposited with the treasurer of the city, town or regional school district and held in a separate account and, notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, shall be expended by the school committee of the city, town or regional school district without further appropriation
For targeted intervention to schools and districts at risk of or determined to be underperforming under sections 1J and 1K of chapter 69 of the General Laws, schools and districts which have been placed in the accountability status of identified for improvement, corrective action or restructuring under departmental regulations, or which have been designated commonwealth priority schools or commonwealth pilot schools pursuant to said regulations; provided, that no money shall be expended in any school or district that fails to file a comprehensive district plan pursuant to the provisions of section 1I of said chapter 69; provided further, that the department shall only approve reform plans with proven, replicable results in improving student performance; provided further, that in carrying out the provisions of this item, the department may contract with school support specialists, turnaround partners and such other external assistance as is needed in the opinion of the commissioner to successfully turn around failing school and district performance; provided further, that no funds shall be expended on targeted intervention unless the department shall have approved, as part of the comprehensive district improvement plan, a professional development plan which addresses the needs of the district as determined by the department; provided further, that eligible professional development activities for the purposes of this item shall include, but not be limited to: professional development among teachers of the same grade levels and teachers of the same subject matter across grade levels, professional development focused on improving the teacher?s content knowledge in the field or subject area in which the teacher is practicing, professional development which provides teachers with research based strategies for increasing student success, professional development teaching the principles of data driven instruction and funding which helps provide common planning time for teachers within a school and within the school district; provided further, that funds may be expended for the purchase of instructional materials pursuant to section 57 of chapter 15 of the General Laws; provided further, that no funds shall be expended on instructional materials except where the purchase of the materials is part of a comprehensive plan to align the school or district curriculum with the Massachusetts curriculum frameworks; provided further, that preference in distributing funds shall be made for proposals which coordinate reform efforts within all schools of a district in order to prevent conflicts between multiple reforms and interventions among the schools; provided further, that the department shall issue a report not later than January 10, 2014 describing and analyzing all intervention and targeted assistance efforts funded by this item; provided further, that the report shall be provided to the secretary of administration and finance, the senate president, the speaker of the house, the house and senate ways and means committees and the joint committee on education; provided further, that no funds shall be expended on recurring school or school district expenditures unless the department and school district have developed a long-term plan to fund such expenditures from the district?s operational budget; provided further, that for the purpose of this item, appropriated funds may be expended through August 31, 2014, to allow for intervention and school and district improvement planning in the summer months; provided further, that any funds distributed from this item to a city, town or regional school district shall be deposited with the treasurer of such city, town or regional school district and held in a separate account and shall be expended by the school committee of such city, town or regional school district without further appropriation, notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary; provided further, that $250,000 shall be expended for the continuation of a parent engagement program established in item 7061-9408 in section 2 of chapter 182 of the acts of 2008; and provided further, the department shall give priority to programs that have the capacity to serve not less than 25 per cent of a district?s middle school population and make available documentation of a minimum of $1 in private sector, local or federal funds for every $1 in state funds
For grants to cities, towns and regional school districts for planning and implementing expanded learning time in the form of longer school days or school years at selected schools; provided, that implementation grants shall only be provided under this item to schools and districts that submitted qualifying applications that were approved by the department in fiscal year 2013 and include a minimum of an additional 300 hours on a mandatory basis for all children attending that school; provided further, that in approving expanded learning time implementation grant applications, preference shall be given to districts with high poverty rates or a high percentage of students scoring in levels 1 or 2 on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System exam, those districts with proposals that have the greatest potential for district-wide impact, those districts that plan to utilize partnerships with community-based organizations and institutions of higher education and those districts with proposals that include a comprehensive restructuring of the entire school day or year to maximize the use of the additional learning time; provided further, that the department shall approve implementation proposals that include an appropriate mix of additional time spent on core academics, additional time spent on enrichment opportunities, such as small group tutoring, homework help, music, art, sports, physical activity, health and wellness programs, project-based experiential learning and additional time for teacher preparation or professional development; provided further, that the department shall only approve implementation proposals that assume not more than $1,300 per pupil per year in future state appropriations of expanded learning time implementation funds; provided further, that in extraordinary cases, the department may exceed the $1,300 per pupil per year limit; provided further, that the department shall review all qualified proposals and award approved grants not later than August 16, 2013; provided further, that for this item, appropriated funds may be expended through August 31, 2014 to allow for planning and implementation during the summer months; and provided further, that any grant funds distributed from this item to a city, town or regional school district shall be deposited with the treasurer of the city, town or regional school district and held in a separate account and shall be expended by the school committee of the city, town or regional school district without further appropriation, notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary
For the department of elementary and secondary education; provided, that the department shall expend funds not to exceed $1,842,412 for teacher preparation and certification from fees relating to the service; and provided further, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller shall certify for payment amounts not to exceed the amount of this appropriation
For grants or subsidies for after-school and out-of-school programs; provided, that preference shall be given to after-school proposals developed collaboratively by public and non-public schools and private community based programs; provided further, that the department of elementary and secondary education shall fund only those applications which contain accountability systems and measurable outcomes, under guidelines to be determined by the department in consultation with the department of early education and care; provided further, that applicants shall detail funds received from all public sources for existing after-school and out-of-school programs and the types of programs and type of students served by the funds; provided further, that funds from this item may be used for a variety of activities, including but not limited to: (a) academic tutoring and homework centers where content is linked to and based on the curriculum guidelines promulgated by said department; (b) programs which improve the health of students, including physical activities, athletics, nutrition and health education and exercise; (c) art, theater, and music programs developed in collaboration with the Massachusetts cultural council, local cultural councils or cultural organizations in the commonwealth funded by the Massachusetts cultural council; (d) enrichment activities not otherwise provided during the school day; (e) advanced study for the gifted and talented; and (f) community service programs; provided further, that funds shall be expended for services that actively include children with disabilities in after school programs that also serve non-disabled children; provided further, that funds shall be expended for services that include children where English is a second language; provided further, that the department of elementary and secondary education shall consult with the executive office of health and human services and the department of early education and care to maximize the provision of wrap-around services and to coordinate programs and services for children and youth during after-school and out-of-school time programs; provided further, that the department shall select grant recipients not later than September 30, 2013; provided further, that for the purpose of this item, appropriated funds may be expended through August 31, 2014 to allow for implementation of said programs during the summer months; and provided further, that funds shall be expended to convene regional networks to work with the department of elementary and secondary education and the department of early education and care to support the implementation of school-community partnerships
For the safe and supportive schools grant program established by the department of elementary and secondary education to pilot and share an effective process for school and district teams to develop and implement safe and supportive school action plans; provided that said action plans shall be based on the framework and self-assessment tool created pursuant to section 19 of chapter 321 of the acts of 2008 and described in the final report of the behavioral health and public schools task force; and provided further that the districts shall also create district plans that support the recipient schools
For the alternative education grant program established in section 1N of chapter 69 of the General Laws; provided, that the commissioner shall allocate funds for both subsections (a) and (b) of said section 1N of said chapter 69; and provided further, that funds shall be used for the purpose of implementing a pilot program to develop inter-district regional alternative education programs to provide educational services required under Chapter 222 of the Acts of 2012 or services to students at risk of dropping out of school
For the purpose of funding the Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology; provided, that the institute shall have access to the Massachusetts education computer system; provided further, that the institute may join the state buying consortium; and provided further, that unexpended funds appropriated shall be made available for this item in fiscal year 2015
For grants and contracts with youth-build programs to provide comprehensive youth-build services
For the Mass Mentoring Partnership, which shall be responsible for administering a competitive statewide grant program for public and private agencies to start or expand youth mentoring programs according to current best practices and for purposes including advancing academic performance, self-esteem, social competence and workforce development; provided, that the department of elementary and secondary education shall transfer the amount appropriated in this item to the Mass Mentoring Partnership for these grants; provided further, that in order to be eligible to receive funds from this item, each public or private agency shall provide a matching amount equal to$1 for every $1 disbursed from this item; and provided further, that the Mass Mentoring Partnership shall submit a report, not later than March 14, 2014, detailing the impact of grants, expenditure of funds and the amount and source of matching funds raised to the department of elementary and secondary education
For teacher content training in math and science; provided, that the training shall include the math specialist and Massachusetts test for educator licensure preparation; provided further, that funds from this item shall be expended on content based professional development in math and science, with a focus on elementary and middle school math and science teachers in districts with a high percentage of students scoring in level 1 or 2 on the math or science Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System exams, or in districts that are at risk of or determined to be underperforming under sections 1J or 1K of chapter 69 of the General Laws; provided further, that the professional development courses shall demonstrate proven replicable results in improving teacher and student performance and shall demonstrate the use of best practices, as determined by the department of elementary and secondary education, including data comparing pre-training and post-training content knowledge; and provided further, that for the purposes of this item, appropriated funds may be expended through August 31, 2014
For regional bonus aid under subsection (g) of section 16D of chapter 71 of the General Laws
For the implementation of the recommendations of the creative and innovative education commission, established in section 181 of chapter 240 of the acts of 2010 and for the planning and design of a creative and innovative education index to measure how well schools develop and sustain student creativity; provided, that funds shall be expended to provide management oversight for the implementation of the recommendations of the report of the creative and innovative education commission and for establishing online forums for commentary, discussion and review of the plan and design of the index by interested parties, including teachers, high-tech business leaders, education leaders, creativity experts and the public

Department of Higher Education.

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the operation of the department of higher education; provided, that the department shall recommend savings proposals that permit institutions of public higher education to achieve administrative and program cost reductions, resource re-allocation and program re-assessment and to utilize resources otherwise available to such institutions; provided further, that the State University Internship incentive program shall receive not less than the amount appropriated in fiscal year 2013 for said program in item 7066-0000 of section 2 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012; provided further, that the commonwealth shall contribute funds to each institution in an amount necessary to match private contributions in the current fiscal year to the institutions internship incentive program; provider further, that the commonwealth's contribution shall be equal to $1 for every $1 privately contributed to each university's board of trustees or foundation; provided further, that the maximum total contributions from the commonwealth shall be no greater than the amount appropriated herein; provided further, that funds from this program shall not result in direct or indirect reduction in the Commonwealth's appropriations to the institutions for operations, scholarships, financial aid or any state appropriation and the department shall promulgate regulations and criteria for said program; provided further, that $10,000 shall be made available to supplement an existing scholarship program in the criminal justice program at the University of Massachusetts Lowell provided further that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for a pilot program to provide internship opportunities and workforce training for Massachusetts Veterans at Framingham State University and Massachusetts Bay Community College, for which an evaluation of results shall be provided to the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs not later than 18 months following adoption; provided further, that in order to meet the estimated costs of employee fringe benefits provided by the commonwealth on account of employees of the Massachusetts State College Building Authority and the University of Massachusetts Building Authority and in order to meet the estimated cost of heat, light, power and other services, if any, to be furnished by the commonwealth to projects of these authorities, the boards of trustees of the state colleges, state universities and the University of Massachusetts shall transfer to the General Fund, from the funds received from the operations of the projects, such costs, if any, as shall be incurred by the commonwealth for these purposes in the current fiscal year, as determined by the appropriate building authority, verified by the commissioner of higher education and approved by the secretary of administration and finance; provided further, that funds from this account shall? be expended for the office of coordination; and provided further, that funds shall be expended for the office of trustee relations
For the commonwealth?s share of the cost of the compact for education
For the New England board of higher education
For a program of financial aid to support the matriculation of certain persons at public and private institutions of higher learning; provided, that only persons in the custody of the department of children and families, under a care and protection petition upon reaching the age of 18 or persons in the custody of the department matriculating at an institution at an earlier age, shall qualify for the aid; provided further, that no such person shall be required to remain in the custody of the department beyond age 18 to qualify for the aid; provided further, that this aid shall not exceed $6,000 per recipient per year; and provided further, that the aid shall be granted after exhausting all other sources of financial support
For the department of higher education to support the dual enrollment program allowing qualified high school students to take college courses; provided, that public higher education institutions may offer courses in high schools in addition to courses offered at the institutions or online if the number of students is sufficient
For the nursing and allied health workforce development initiative, to develop and support strategies that increase the number of public higher education faculty members and students who participate in programs that support careers in fields related to nursing and allied health; provided, that the amount appropriated in this item shall be transferred to the Massachusetts Nursing and Allied Health Workforce Development Trust Fund established in section 33 of chapter 305 of the acts of 2008; and provided further, that funds shall be transferred to the fund according to an allotment schedule adopted by the executive office for administration and finance
For reimbursement to public institutions of higher education for foster and adopted child fee waivers granted under section 19 of chapter 15A of the General Laws; provided, that no funds shall be distributed from this item prior to certification by the state universities, community colleges and the University of Massachusetts of the actual amount of tuition and fees waived for foster and adopted children attending public institutions of higher education under said section 19 of said chapter 15A that would otherwise have been retained by the campuses according to procedures and regulations promulgated by the board of higher education; and provided further, no eligible student shall receive less funds than received in in previous years due to the implementation of these regulations
For the school of excellence program at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute; provided, that every effort shall be made to recruit and serve equal numbers of male and female students; provided further, that sending districts of students attending the Institute shall not be required to expend any funds for the cost of these students while in attendance at the Institute; provided further, that the Massachusetts Academy of Math & Science shall provide professional development activities at the school located at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, including salary and benefits for teachers and visiting scholars; provided further, that the academy shall file a report with the joint committee on education and the house and senate committees on ways and means no later than January 28, 2014 detailing the professional development activities; and provided further, that the department of elementary and secondary education shall provide a subsidy to the Worcester Polytechnic Institute to operate a school of excellence in mathematics and science
For the Performance Management Set Aside incentive program for the University of Massachusetts, the state universities and the community colleges; provided, that these funds shall be distributed by the commissioner of higher education to public institutions of higher education through a competitive grant process based on priorities determined by the department of higher education in pursuit of operational efficiency and goals articulated in the commonwealth?s Vision Project; provided further, that priorities may include support of workforce programs that train students for high-quality employment and outreach programs that work to engage surrounding communities with high-quality educational programs; provided further, that in fiscal year 2014, not less than $5,000,000 shall be used to support initiatives in the community colleges to promote higher completion rates of degree and certificate programs, promote the adoption of a standard core of course offering and numbering that are honored for common credit toward degrees and certificates across the commonwealth?s community colleges, state universities and University of Massachusetts campuses and promote consolidation and coordination of the administration function and procurements across the community colleges; provided further, that the department of higher education shall file a report with the house and senate committees on ways and means no later than January 28, 2014, detailing campuses receiving funds through this item and the criteria used to award funds; and provided further, that for the purposes of this item, appropriated funds may be expended through August 31, 2014
General Fund...... 33.33%
Community College Fund 66.67%
For a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Starter Academy program to be implemented through the Department of Higher Education at one or more of the Massachusetts community colleges to benefit student populations identified by the department as having expressed a high level of interest in STEM majors and STEM careers and yet are underperforming on STEM academic assessments; provided that the STEM Starter Academy program shall incorporate best practice design elements from established STEM career pathways initiatives including, but not limited to, those recognized by the Massachusetts? Plan for Excellence in STEM Education and any subsequent STEM plans recognized by the department; provided further that the STEM Starter Academy shall incorporate employer and industry collaboration to address workforce needs in high-demand fields, industry contextualized STEM curriculum, embedded mathematics and English language remediation and student supports and other STEM education research-based strategies that promote enrollment, enhance retention and increase post-secondary graduation rates and pathways to job placement or transfer to four-year degree programs; provided further, that the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on higher education and the joint committee on education receive an evaluation of this program and its impact no later than August 1, 2014
Community College Fund...... 100.00%
For adult college transition services focused on low-income and entry-level workers; provided, that funds shall be awarded competitively by the Board of Higher Education to adult basic education providers, including local education agencies, community-based organizations, community colleges and correctional facilities with recognized success in bridging academic gaps of underserved populations and resulting in college entrance, retention and success; provided further, that program awardees shall report on attendees' successful transition to college and that the program shall deliver to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on education, not later than February 15, 2014, an evaluation of the program and its impact on student achievement, particularly as it relates to closing achievement gaps; and provided further, that funds may be expended through August 31, 2014 to allow for summer programming
For the administration of the community college workforce grant advisory committee; provided, that not less than $1,250,000 of funding shall be expended on the community college workforce training incentive grant program established in section 15F of chapter 15A of the General Laws
For a scholarship program to provide financial assistance to Massachusetts students enrolled in and pursuing a program of higher education in any approved public or independent college, university, school of nursing, or any other approved institution furnishing a program of higher education; provided, that funds from this item may be expended on the administration of the scholarship program; provided further, that the commissioner of higher education, in coordination with the Massachusetts state scholarship office, shall adopt guidelines governing the eligibility and the awarding of financial assistance; provided further, that funds from this item shall be in addition to $1,000,000 made available by the Massachusetts Education Finance Authority in fiscal year 2014 for a program of needs-based financial assistance for Massachusetts residents enrolled in and pursuing a program of higher education at the University of Massachusetts, the state universities or the community colleges; and provided further, that funds from this item shall be made available for early educator scholarships in an amount not less than the amount made available in fiscal year 2013
For a scholarship program to provide financial assistance to students from the commonwealth who are enrolled in and pursuing a program of higher education in the University of Massachusetts, state universities and community colleges designated by the board of higher education to be a training program for an in-demand profession as defined by the executive office of labor and workforce development?s study on labor market conditions; provided, that funds from this item may be expended on the administration of the scholarship program; provided further, that the commissioner of higher education, in coordination with the Massachusetts state scholarship office, shall adopt guidelines governing the eligibility and the awarding of financial assistance; and provided further, that funds from this item may be expended on the rapid response incentive program for community colleges
For a contract with the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University; provided, that funds appropriated in this item shall be expended under a resident veterinary tuition remission plan as approved by the commissioner of higher education for supportive veterinary services provided to the commonwealth; provided further, that prior year costs may be paid from this item; provided further, that funds appropriated in this item shall support bioterrorism prevention research related to diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans, in consultation with Massachusetts emergency authorities; and provided further, that the school may work in consultation with the Norfolk County Agricultural School on veterinary programs
For funding to community college campuses in the Commonwealth; provided, that funds shall be expended for the continued implementation of community college reform, for continued initiatives to strengthen the connections between the colleges, local businesses and regional workforce investment boards and to improve workforce training at the colleges; provided further, that funding shall be allocated among the campuses using the formula developed by the commissioner of higher education in consultation with the secretaries of education, labor and workforce development and housing and economic development; provided further, that the allocation of funds shall be approved by the board of higher education; provided further, that in developing the allocation among campuses, the commissioner shall ensure that no campus receives less in fiscal year 2014 than in fiscal year 2013; and provided further, not less than the following amounts shall be made available to the respective institutions named herein: (a) $1,091,424 to Berkshire Community College; (b) $2,940,286 to Bristol Community College; (c) $2,282,913 to Bunker Hill Community College; (d) $343,833 to Cape Cod Community College; (e) $1,150,565 to Greenfield Community College; (f) $1,086,747 to Holyoke Community College; (g) $1,937,548 to Massachusetts Bay Community College; (h) $608,165 to Massasoit Community College; (i) $1,862,410 to Middlesex Community College; (j) $1,076,995 to Mount Wachusett? Community College; (k) $617,047 to North Shore Community College; (l) $570,697 to Northern Essex Community College; (m) $3,353,379 to Quinsigamond Community College; (n) $340,527 to Roxbury Community College; and (o) $737,464 to Springfield Technical Community College
Community College Fund.......100.00%
For a health and welfare reserve for eligible personnel employed at the community colleges and state universities

University of Massachusetts.

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the operation of the University of Massachusetts; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the university may establish and organize auxiliary organizations subject to policies, rules and regulations adopted by the board, to provide essential functions which are integral to the educational mission of the university; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the university may enter into leases of real property without prior approval of the division of capital asset management and maintenance; provided further, that the University of Massachusetts shall expend funds for the operation of the Massachusetts office of public collaboration at the University of Massachusetts Boston, for capital lease payments from the University of Massachusetts to the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency and for annual operations of the advanced technology and manufacturing center in Fall River; provided further that no less than $150,000 be allocated for the Clemente Course in the Humanities, administered by the Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities in partnership with the University of Massachusetts Boston and the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and local social service agencies, which provides college-level humanities instruction and support service free of charge and for college credit to low income adults; provided, that the funds shall be contingent upon a match of not less than $1 in federal contributions or $1 in private or corporate contributions for every $1 in state grant funding; provided further, that all contributions be invested in a permanent endowment for the benefit of the Clemente Course in the Humanities and other humanities programs designed for low income communities in Massachusetts; provided further, that the University of Massachusetts shall expend funds for the University of Massachusetts Amherst Cranberry Station; provided further, that funds may be expended for the operation of the Future of Work Research Initiative at the University of Massachusetts Labor Centers at the Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth and Lowell campuses; and provided further, that $50,000 shall be expended for the University of Massachusetts at Amherst to conduct an industrial base analysis in the North Quabbin region
For the operation of the community mediation center grant program administered by the office of dispute resolution at the University of Massachusetts at Boston under section 47 of chapter 75 of the General Laws

State Universities.

For Bridgewater State University
For Fitchburg State University
For Framingham State University; provided, that the Christa McAuliffe Challenger Learning Center at Framingham State University shall receive not less than the amount appropriated in section 2 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012
For the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts

Governor disapproved of the following item, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For Gallery 51 at the Berkshire Cultural Resource Center in the city of North Adams to be administered by the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
For Salem State University
For Westfield State University
For Worcester State University
For the Massachusetts College of Art
For the Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Community Colleges.

For Berkshire Community College
For Bristol Community College
For Cape Cod Community College
For Greenfield Community College
For Holyoke Community College
For Massachusetts Bay Community College
For Massasoit Community College
For Mount Wachusett Community College
For the operation of the youth venture program at Mount Wachusett Community College
For Northern Essex Community College
For North Shore Community College, including the post-secondary programs of the Essex Agricultural and Technical Institute operated by North Shore Community College
For Quinsigamond Community College
For Springfield Technical Community College

Governor disapproved of the following item, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the Massachusetts Center for Telecommunications and Information Technology through the Springfield Technical Community College Assistance Corporation established in section 125 of chapter 273 of the acts of 1994; provided, that the amount appropriated in this item shall include, but not be limited to, amounts to be expended for the operation and maintenance of cable television programming, distance learning curricula, telecommunications-intensive company facilities and a small business incubator
For Roxbury Community College
For the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center at Roxbury Community College; provided, that the college may expend an amount not to exceed $529,843 received from fees, rentals and facility expenses associated with the running and operation of national track meets, high school track meets, high school dual meets, Roxbury Community College athletic events, other special athletic events, conferences, meetings and programs; and provided further, that only expenses for contracted services associated with these events and for the capital needs of the facility shall be funded from this item
For Middlesex Community College
For Bunker Hill Community College


Office of the Secretary.

For the operation of a witness protection program under chapter 263A of the General Laws
For the research and analysis of the committee on criminal justice; provided, that funds may be expended to support the work of the sentencing commission
For the purchase and distribution of sexual assault evidence collection kits

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the office of the secretary, including the highway safety bureau, to provide matching funds for a federal planning and administration grant under 23 U.S.C. section 402 and the costs associated with the implementation of chapter 228 of the acts of 2000; provided, that local police departments, sheriff departments, the department of state police, the department of correction and other state agencies, authorities and educational institutions with law enforcement functions as determined by the secretary that receive funds for the cost of replacement of bulletproof vests through the office of the secretary may expend without further appropriation such funds to purchase additional vests in the fiscal year in which they receive the reimbursements; and provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended to the town of Braintree for public safety improvements
For the provision of information technology services within the executive office of public safety and security

Chief Medical Examiner.

For the operation of the office of the chief medical examiner, established in chapter 38 of the General Laws; provided, that the agency shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than January 17, 2014 detailing the caseload of the office, including the number of procedures performed and all relevant information regarding turnaround time and backlogs
For the office of the chief medical examiner, which may expend for its operations an amount not to exceed $2,570,700 in revenues collected from fees for services provided by the chief medical examiner; provided, that, for the purposes of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the agency may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

State Police Crime Laboratory.

For the operation and related costs of the state police crime laboratory, including the analysis of samples used in the prosecution of controlled substance offenses conducted at the former department of public health facilities; provided, that the analysis of narcotic drug synthetic substitutes, poisons, drugs, medicines and chemicals shall be funded in this item in order to support the law enforcement efforts of the district attorneys, the state police and municipal police departments; provided further, that the practices and procedures of the state police crime laboratory shall be informed by the recommendations of the Forensic Sciences Advisory Board; provided further, that the department of state police shall maintain a state police crime laboratory in either Hampshire or Hampden County; provided further, that any state police crime laboratories experiencing temporary closures shall qualify as an operating crime laboratory; and provided further, that the agency shall submit quarterly reports to the house and senate committees on ways and means starting on October 1, 2013 that shall include, but not be limited to: (i) the caseload of each lab; (ii) all relevant information regarding turnaround time and backlogs by type of case; (iii) the accreditation status of each lab; and (iv) all relevant information regarding the implementation of new procedures and policies meant to prevent a breach of lab integrity, security and protocol $19,096,853
For the analysis of narcotic drug synthetic substitutes, poisons, drugs, medicines and chemicals at the University of Massachusetts medical school in order to support the law enforcement efforts of the district attorneys, the state police and municipal police departments

Department of Criminal Justice Information Services.

For the operation of the department of criminal justice information services, including criminal justice information services, criminal offender record information services, firearms support services and victim services; provided, that funds may be expended to enable local housing authorities to have access to criminal offender record information when qualifying applicants for state-assisted housing
For the operation of the public safety information system and the criminal records review board within the department of criminal justice information services, which may expend for the operation of the office an amount not to exceed $3,000,000 from fees for services provided by the office; provided, that funding from this item may be retained and expended from fees charged and collected under section 172A of chapter 6 of the General Laws; provided further, that funding from this item may be used to provide education and assistance regarding criminal records, as specified in said section 172A of said chapter 6, and that the commissioner of the department of criminal justice information services may make funds from this item available for a competitive grant process to provide such training and education; provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system; and provided further, that any unexpended funds in this item shall not revert but shall be made available for the purpose of this item until June 30, 2015

Sex Offender Registry.

For the operation of the sex offender registry, including, but not limited to, the costs of maintaining a computerized registry system and the classification of persons subject to the registry; provided, that the registration fee paid by convicted sex offenders under section 178Q of chapter 6 of the General Laws shall be retained and expended by the sex offender registry board

Department of State Police.

For private police details; provided, that the department may expend up to $27,500,000 in revenues collected from fees charged for private police details and for the costs of administering such details; provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of state police, which may expend for the costs of security services provided by state police officers, including overtime and administrative costs, an amount not to exceed $1,050,000 from fees charged for these services; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of state police, which may expend an amount not to exceed $4,501,500 for certain police activities provided under agreements authorized in this item; provided, that for fiscal year 2014 the colonel of state police may enter into service agreements with the commanding officer or other person in charge of a military reservation of the United States located in the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, established in chapter 23G of the General Laws and any other service agreements as necessary to enhance the protection of persons, assets and infrastructure from possible external threat or activity; provided further, that the agreements shall establish the responsibilities pertaining to the operation and maintenance of police services including, but not limited to: (a) provisions governing payment to the department for the cost of regular salaries, overtime, retirement and other employee benefits; and (b) provisions governing payment to the department for the cost of furnishings and equipment necessary to provide such police services; provided further, that the department may charge any recipients of police services for the cost of such services, as authorized by this item; provided further, that the department may retain the revenue so received and expend the revenue as necessary under to this item to provide the agreed level of services; provided further, that the colonel may expend from this item costs associated with joint federal and state law enforcement activities from federal reimbursements received; and provided further, that for the purposes of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of state police, which may expend an amount not to exceed $35,000 in fees charged for the use of the statewide telecommunications system for the maintenance of the system; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of state police, which may expend for the Governor?s Auto Theft Strike Force an amount not to exceed $108,000 from fees for services performed through the auto etching program and from assessments upon the insurance industry
For a grant program to be known as the Senator Charles E. Shannon, Jr. Community Safety Initiative, to be administered by the executive office of public safety and security, to support regional, multidisciplinary approaches to combat gang violence through coordinated programs for prevention and intervention, coordinated law enforcement, including regional gang task forces and regional crime mapping strategies, focused prosecutions and reintegration strategies for ex-convicts; provided, that the secretary of public safety and security shall distribute grant funds through a competitive grant program that gives preference to applications that: (a) demonstrate high levels of youth violence, gang problems and substance abuse in a region; (b) demonstrate a commitment to regional, multijurisdictional strategies to deal with such community safety issues, including written commitments for municipalities, law enforcement agencies, community-based organizations and government agencies to work together;? (c) clearly outline a comprehensive plan for municipalities to work with law enforcement, community-based organizations and government agencies to address gang activity; (d) make a written commitment to match grant funds with a 25 per cent match provided by either municipal or private contributions; and (e) identify a local governmental unit to serve as fiscal agent; provided further, that clusters of municipalities, in partnership with nonprofit organizations and other agencies, including district attorneys? offices, may apply for such funds; provided further, that such funds shall be considered one-time grants awarded to public agencies and shall not annualize into fiscal year 2015 or subsequent years; provided further, that administrative costs for successful grant applications shall not exceed 3 per cent of the value of the grant; provided further, that no grants shall be awarded to the department of state police; provided further, that no grant funds shall be expended on food or beverages; provided further, that the executive office of public safety and security shall publish guidelines and an application for the competitive portion of the grant program not later than August 16, 2013; and provided further, that awards shall be made to applicants not later than December 16, 2013
For the expense of hiring, equipping and training 150 state police recruits to maintain the strength of the department of state police; provided, that any unexpended funds in this item at the end of fiscal year 2013 shall not revert and shall be made available for the purposes of this item until June 30, 2014

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the administration and operation of the department of state police; provided, that the department shall expend funds from this item to maximize federal grants for the operation of a counter-terrorism unit and the payment of overtime for state police officers; provided further, that the department shall maintain the division of field services which shall include, but not be limited to, the bureau of metropolitan district operations; provided further, that not fewer than 40 officers may be provided to the department of conservation and recreation to patrol the watershed property of the department of conservation and recreation; provided further, that the department shall enter into an interagency agreement with the department of conservation and recreation to provide police coverage on department properties and parkways; provided further, that funds shall be expended from this item for the administration and operation of an automated fingerprint identification system and the motor carrier safety assistance program; provided further, that not fewer than 5 officers shall be provided to the disabled persons protection commission to investigate cases of criminal abuse; provided further, that not less than $1,000,000 shall be expended for the payroll costs of the state police directed patrols; provided further, that, subject to appropriation, communities receiving funds for directed patrols in fiscal year 2008 shall receive an equal disbursement of funds in proportion to the current appropriation in fiscal year 2014; provided further, that no less than $200,000 shall be expended for Operation Cutone; provided further, that the creation of a new or an expansion of the existing statewide communications network shall include the office of law enforcement in the executive office of energy and environmental affairs at no cost to, or compensation from the executive office of energy and environmental affairs; provided further, that there shall be a study submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than January 31, 2014, on traffic details worked by the department of state police, including troops A, B, C, D, E, F and H, over the last year, which shall detail, on a monthly basis: the total number of hours worked on traffic details by state police officers, the total amount paid to state police officers for traffic details, the standard hourly rates for traffic details done by state police officers and the city or town in which traffic details are performed by state police officers; and provided further, that the department may expend funds from this item for the administration of budgetary, procurement, fiscal, human resources, payroll and other administrative services of the office of the chief medical examiner, the municipal police training committee and the criminal history systems board

Municipal Police Training Committee.

For the operation of veteran, reserve and in-service training programs conducted by the municipal police training committee; provided, that under no circumstances shall any expenditures authorized by this item be charged to item 8200-0222; provided further, that towns in Worcester County hosting municipal police training academies shall not receive less than the amount appropriated in section 2 of chapter 68 of the acts of 2011; provided further, that the municipal police training committee shall review and report on its current training curriculum and course of instruction on handling complaints from or against persons with mental illness and developmental disabilities; provided further, that the review and report shall be conducted in consultation with the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Massachusetts and other groups and individuals having an interest and expertise in the field of mental health and community-based treatment and shall include recommendations to improve, expand and implement such training; provided further, that the report shall be filed with the clerks of the senate and house of representatives and the senate and house chairs of the joint committee on public safety and homeland security not later than December 1, 2013; provided further, that the department shall expend no less than $250,000 on the Executive Series for Municipal Police Chiefs; and provided further, that? no expenditures authorized by this item shall be charged to item 8200-0222
For the municipal police training committee, which may collect and expend an amount not to exceed $1,200,000 to provide training to new recruits; provided, that the committee shall charge $3,000 per recruit for the training; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the committee shall charge a fee of $3,000 per person for training programs operated by the committee for all persons who begin training on or after July 1, 2013; provided further, that the fee shall be retained and expended by the committee; provided further, that the trainee, or, if the trainee is a recruit, the municipality in which the recruit shall serve, shall provide the fee in full to the committee not later than the first day of orientation for the program in which the trainee or recruit has enrolled; provided further, that no recruit or person shall begin training unless the municipality or the person has provided the fee in full to the committee; provided further, that for recruits of municipalities, upon the completion of the program, the municipality shall deduct the fee from the recruit?s wages in 23 equal monthly installments, unless otherwise negotiated between the recruit and the municipality in which the recruit shall serve; provided further, that if a recruit withdraws from the training program before graduation, the committee shall refund the municipality in which the recruit was to have served a portion of the fee according to the following schedule: if a recruit withdraws from the program before the start of week 2, 75 per cent of the payment shall be refunded; if a recruit withdraws from the program after the start of week 2 but before the start of week 3, 50 per cent of the fee shall be refunded; if a recruit withdraws from the program after the start of week 3 but before the start of week 4, 25 per cent of the fee shall be refunded; if a recruit withdraws after the start of week 4, the fee shall not be refunded; provided further, that a recruit who withdraws from the program shall pay the municipality in which the recruit was to have served the difference between the fee and the amount forfeited by the municipality according to the schedule; provided further, that the schedule shall also apply to trainees other than recruits who enroll in the program; provided further, that no expenditures shall be charged to this item that are not directly related to new recruit training; provided further, that no expenditures shall be charged to this item that are related to chief, veteran, in-service or reserve training, or any training not directly related to new recruits; provided further, that the committee shall submit a report on the status of recruit training, including the number of classes, start and end dates of each class, total number of recruits enrolled and graduating in each class, cost per recruit and cost per class for fiscal years 2013 and 2014; provided further, that the report shall be submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than January 3, 2014; and provided further, that for the purposes of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the committee may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payments not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Department of Public Safety.

For the administration of the department of public safety, including the division of inspections, the board of building regulations and standards and the architectural access board; provided, that the department may charge fees for permitting the operation of amusement devices and to support the department?s participation in the National Council for Amusement and Recreational Equipment Safety; provided further, that the department may charge fees for amusement operator certification; provided further, that the department shall employ not less than 42 full-time equivalent elevator inspectors, including an additional engineer inspector; provided further, that the division shall adopt rules or regulations for the granting of hardship fee exemptions to certain owners or persons in control of a building or domicile in which an elevator is operated; provided further, that the division shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means on the elevator inspection backlog not later than October 3, 2013; provided further, that the division shall develop and maintain an electronic database that shall include, but not be limited to, the location and a categorical classification of buildings in which inspections are conducted; provided further, that the board of building regulations and standards shall expend funds from this item for the purpose of providing for the limited use of first-class mail to send construction supervisor license notifications to those who are unable to access notifications via e-mail; and provided further, that the division shall inspect all elevators in the state house and the McCormack office building
For the department of public safety, which may expend not more than $7,996,573 in revenues collected from fees for annual elevator inspections, amusement park ride inspections and overtime elevator inspections; provided, that funds shall be expended for the operation of the department and to address the existing elevator inspection backlog; provided further, that funds shall be expended for escalator inspections; provided further, that the department shall provide a full waiver of the inspection fee for an individual who requires a wheelchair lift as a medical necessity and whose annual income does not exceed the maximum allowable federal Supplemental Security Income benefit, or $7,236 a year, whichever is greater; provided further, that the department shall retain and deposit 40 per cent of the fees collected in excess of $15,436,198; provided further, that if the department projects that total revenues from the fees identified in this item will exceed $15,436,198, the department shall notify the secretary of administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of public safety, which may expend an amount not to exceed $1,200,000 in revenues collected from fees for annual issuance of boiler and pressure vessel certificates and inspections; provided, that funds shall be expended for the operation of the department and to address the existing boiler and pressure vessels inspection backlog; provided further, that funds shall be expended for hiring additional engineering inspectors or engineers; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of public safety, which may expend not more than $600,000 of revenues collected from fees for the licensure of pipefitters; provided, that funds shall be expended to become compliant with sections 53 and 84 of chapter 146 of the General Laws
For the department of public safety, which may collect and expend an amount not to exceed $95,180 to provide state building code training and courses for instruction; provided, that the agency may charge fees for the classes and educational materials associated with administering training; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Department of Fire Services.

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the administration of the department of fire services, including the state fire marshal?s office, the hazardous materials emergency response program, the board of fire prevention regulations established in section 4 of chapter 22D of the General Laws, the expenses of the fire safety commission and the Massachusetts firefighting academy, including the Massachusetts fire training council certification program, municipal and non-municipal fire training and expenses of the council; provided, that the fire training program shall use the split days option; provided further, that $1,200,000 shall be allocated by the department for the Student Awareness Fire Education program; provided further, that the amount allocated for the Norfolk County Regional Fire & Rescue Dispatch Center in item 8324-0000 of section 2 of chapter 182 of the acts of 2008 shall be allocated in fiscal year 2014; provided further, that the amount allocated for critical incident stress intervention programs and fire department training academies in said item 8324-0000 of said section 2 of said chapter 182 shall be allocated to each program in fiscal year 2014; provided further, that the amount allocated for critical incident stress management residential services in item 8000-0000 of said section 2 of said chapter 182 shall be allocated to the program in fiscal year 2014; provided further, that the amount allocated for hazardous material response teams in said item 8324-0000 of said section 2 of said chapter 182 shall be allocated to each program in fiscal year 2014 and shall not be reduced by more than 57 per cent; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the Fire Chiefs? Association of Plymouth County to develop and upgrade the emergency radio communications system in Plymouth county; provided further, that $50,000 shall be provided for the city of Quincy fire department hazardous material response team; provided further, that 100 per cent of the amount appropriated in this item for the administration of the department of fire services, the state fire marshal?s office, critical incident stress programs, the Massachusetts and fire department training academies, the regional dispatch center and the associated fringe benefits costs of personnel paid from this item for these purposes shall be assessed upon insurance companies writing fire, homeowners? multiple peril or commercial multiple peril policies on property situated in the commonwealth and paid within 30 days after receipt of notice of such assessment from the commissioner of insurance; provided further, that 100 per cent of the amount appropriated in this item for hazardous materials emergency response shall be assessed upon insurance companies writing commercial multiple peril, nonliability portion policies on property situated in the commonwealth and commercial auto liability policies as referenced in line 5.1 and line 19.4, respectively, in the most recent annual statement on file with the commissioner of insurance; provided further, that not more than 10 per cent of the amount designated for the arson prevention program shall be expended for the administrative cost of the program; provided further, that not less than? $35,000 shall be expended for the firefighting equipment grant program for the Hadley Fire Department; provided further, that not less than $45,000? shall be expended for a regional fire grant for the Millis Fire Department; and provided further, that 100 per cent of the amount appropriated in this item for the development and upgrade of the emergency radio communications system in Plymouth county shall be assessed upon insurance companies writing fire, homeowners? multiple peril or commercial multiple peril policies on property situated in the commonwealth and paid within 30 days after receipt of notice of the assessment from the commissioner of insurance
For the department of fire services; provided, that the department may expend for enforcement and training an amount not to exceed $8,500 from revenue generated under chapter 148A of the General Laws; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Military Division.

For the operation of the military division, including the offices of the adjutant general and state quartermaster, the operation of the armories, the Camp Curtis Guild rifle range and certain national guard aviation facilities; provided, that notwithstanding chapter 30 of the General Laws, certain military personnel in the military division may be paid salaries according to military pay grades; provided further, that the division may expend funds appropriated in this item for the administration of budgetary, procurement, fiscal, human resources, payroll and other administrative services; and provided further, that the adjutant general shall maintain a roster of Massachusetts veterans as directed by section 15 of chapter 33 of the General Laws
For the military division, which may expend for the costs of national guard missions and division operations an amount not to exceed $1,400,000 from fees charged for the non-military rental or use of armories and from reimbursements generated by national guard missions
For reimbursement of the costs of the Massachusetts National Guard tuition and fee waivers under section 19 of chapter 15A of the General Laws; provided, that no funds shall be distributed from this item prior to certification by the state universities, community colleges and the University of Massachusetts of the actual amount of tuition and fees waived for National Guard members attending public institutions of higher education under said section 19 of said chapter 15A that would otherwise have been retained by the campuses, according to procedures and regulations promulgated by the military division of the Massachusetts National Guard; provided further, that funds from this item may be expended through August 31, 2014 for the reimbursement of the tuition and fees waived for classes taken during the summer months; provided further, that reimbursements of the costs of Massachusetts veterans? tuition and fee waivers under section 19 of chapter 15A shall include the costs of online courses offered at the state public institutions of higher education; provided further, that the military division of the Massachusetts National Guard and the board of higher education shall issue a joint report not later than February 15, 2014, on the implementation of this waiver; provided further, that the report shall be submitted to the secretary of administration and finance, the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means, the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on veterans and federal affairs and the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on higher education; and provided further, that the military division may expend funds from this item for administrative services
For life insurance premiums under section 88B of chapter 33 of the General Laws

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency.

For the operations of the Massachusetts emergency management agency; provided, that expenditures from this item shall be contingent upon the prior approval of the proper federal authorities; provided further, that the agency shall submit an annual report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 3, 2014 that shall include, but not be limited to: (a) the total federally certified disaster costs incurred by each municipality, each state agency and other affected entities in the current and previous fiscal year, delineated by federally certified disaster; (b) the federal share of costs for each federally certified disaster in the current and previous fiscal year, delineated by disaster and further delineated by municipality, state agency and entity; (c) the total amount of state reimbursements as well as the amount of state reimbursements as a percentage of the total federally certified disaster costs that have been provided for each federally certified disaster, delineated by municipality, state agency and other affected entity in the current and previous fiscal year; and (d) the amount of state funds necessary to reimburse 25 per cent of costs for federally certified disasters over the past 4 years, delineated by disaster and further delineated by municipality, state agency and entity; provided further, that the agency shall submit these reports to the house and senate committees on ways and means in a spreadsheet application; and provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for the American Red Cross in Massachusetts
For the nuclear safety preparedness program of the Massachusetts emergency management agency; provided, that the costs of the program, including fringe benefits and indirect costs, shall be assessed upon Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensees operating nuclear power generating facilities in the commonwealth; provided further, that the department of public utilities shall develop an equitable method of apportioning such assessments among the licensees; and provided further, that such assessments shall be paid during the current fiscal year as provided by the department
For the Radiological Emergency Response Program; provided, that the cost of the program, including associated fringe benefits and indirect costs, shall be assessed on electric companies in the commonwealth which own, in whole or in part, or purchase power from nuclear power plants located outside the commonwealth whose nuclear power plant areas, as defined in section 2B of chapter 639 of the acts of 1950, include communities located within the commonwealth and shall be credited to the General Fund; provided further, that the department of public utilities shall develop an equitable method of apportioning the assessments among the licensees; provided further, that the assessments shall be paid during the current fiscal year as provided by the department; and provided further, that for the purposes of this item, electric companies shall mean all persons, firms, associations and private corporations which own or operate a distributing plant for the manufacture and sale or distribution and sale of electricity within the commonwealth, but shall not include municipalities or municipal light plants

Department of Correction.

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the operation of the commonwealth's department of correction; provided, that all correctional facilities that were active in fiscal year 2013 shall remain open in fiscal year 2014; provided further, that the commissioner of correction and the secretary of public safety and security shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on public safety and homeland security on or before January 1, 2014, the point score compiled by the department of correction's objective classification system for all prisoners confined in each prison operated by the department; provided further, that for the purpose of maximizing bed capacity and re-entry capability throughout the commonwealth, the department shall submit quarterly reports, utilizing standardized reporting definitions developed mutually with the Massachusetts Sheriffs Association, on caseload, admissions, classification, releases and recidivism of all pretrial, sentenced and federal inmates; provided further, that the department shall submit these reports on a quarterly basis starting July 1, 2013, due not later than 30 days after the last day of each quarter; provided further, that the department shall also report, in a format developed jointly by the Massachusetts Sheriffs Association and the department, on the fiscal year 2012 and fiscal year 2013 total costs per inmate by facility and security level on or before October 1, 2013; provided further, that the department shall submit all reports to the executive office for administration and finance, the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on public safety and homeland security; provided further, that the amount allocated for programs for incarcerated mothers in item 8900-0001 of section 2 of chapter 131 of the acts of 2010 shall be allocated to the program in fiscal year 2014;? provided further, that $200,000 shall be expended for a pilot program to provide opiate and substance abuse services in cooperation with the Greater Lowell Health Alliance; provided further, that the department shall expend not less than $2,000,000 for cities and towns hosting department of correction facilities; provided further, that of that $2,000,000, no city or town hosting a department of correction facility shall receive more than $800,000; provided further, that of the $2,000,000, no city or town hosting a department of correction facility shall receive less than the amount allocated in item 8900-0001 of section 2 of chapter 68 of the acts of 2011; provided further, that the department of correction shall submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means on or before December 6, 2013, a report on the undue costs to cities and towns hosting department of correction facilities; provided further, that the amount allocated for the Dismas House in Worcester in item 8900-0001 of section 2 of chapter 182 of the acts of 2008 shall be expended for the program in fiscal year 2014; provided further, no less than $68,000 shall be expended for Dispute Resolutions Services, Inc. of Springfield; and provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended to enhance qualified behavioral health services provided by the employee assistance services unit
For the operation of the Massachusetts Alcohol and Substance Abuse Center
For prison industries and farm services; provided, that the commissioner of correction or a designee shall determine the cost of manufacturing motor vehicle registration plates and certify to the comptroller the amounts to be transferred from the Commonwealth Transportation Fund to the department of correction revenue source
For the prison industries and farm services program, which may expend for the operation of the program an amount not to exceed $3,600,000 from revenues collected from the sale of products, for materials, supplies, equipment, maintenance of facilities and compensation of employees; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of correction, which may expend for the operation of the department, including personnel-related expenses, an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 from revenues received from federal inmate reimbursements; provided, that $900,000 from these reimbursements shall not be available for expenditure and shall be deposited in the General Fund before the retention by the department of any of these reimbursements; and provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the department of correction; provided, that the department may expend not more than $2,128,815 in revenues collected from the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program; provided further, that the department may expend not more than $2,871,185 in revenues collected from existing assessments; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenue and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For re-entry programs at the department of correction intended to reduce recidivism rates; provided, that said programs shall be in addition to those provided in fiscal year 2006; provided further, that the department shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than January 20, 2014 on re-entry programming at the department of correction; and provided further, that the report shall include information on the type of programs provided and the recidivism rate of the offenders who successfully complete the programs

Parole Board.

For the operation of the parole board
For the victim and witness assistance program of the parole board under chapter 258B of the General Laws
For the operation of the parole board?s sex offender management program and the supervision of high-risk offenders; provided, that the parole board may expend an amount not to exceed $600,000 from revenues collected from fees charged for parolee supervision; provided further, that the parole board shall file a report with the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than February 3, 2014, which shall include, but not be limited to, the number of parolees participating in the program and the re-incarceration rate of participating parolees; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system


Hampden Sheriff?s Office.

For the operation of the Hampden sheriff?s office
For the Hampden sheriff?s office, which may expend for prison industries programs an amount not to exceed $2,607,188 from revenues collected from the sale of products, for materials, supplies, equipment, maintenance of facilities, reimbursement for community service projects and compensation of employees of the program; provided, that, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the operations of a regional behavioral evaluation and stabilization unit to provide forensic mental health services within existing physical facilities for incarcerated persons in the care of correctional facilities in the commonwealth; provided, that the unit shall be located in Hampden county to serve the needs of incarcerated persons in the care of Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire and Worcester counties; provided further, that the services of the units shall be made available to incarcerated persons in the care of the department of correction; provided further, that the Hampden sheriff?s office shall work in cooperation with the Middlesex sheriff?s office to determine a standardized set of definitions and measurements for patients at both regional behavioral evaluation and stabilization units; provided further, that the sheriff, in conjunction with the department of correction and the Massachusetts Sheriffs? Association, shall prepare a report that shall include, but not be limited to: (a) the number of incarcerated persons in facilities located in counties that were provided services in each unit; (b) the number of incarcerated persons in department of correction facilities that were provided services in each unit; (c) the alleviation in caseload at Bridgewater state hospital associated with fewer incarcerated persons in the care of counties being attended to at the hospital; and (d) the estimated and projected cost-savings in fiscal year 2014 to the sheriff?s offices and the department of correction associated with the regional units; provided further, that the report shall be submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than February 15, 2014; and provided further, that the department of mental health shall maintain monitoring and quality review functions of the unit
For costs related to department of correction inmates with less than 2 years of their sentence remaining who have been transferred to the Hampden sheriff?s department
For the operation of the Western Massachusetts Regional Women?s Correctional Center
For the Hampden sheriff?s office, which may expend for the operation of the office an amount not to exceed $650,000 from federal inmate reimbursements; provided, that, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Worcester Sheriff?s Office.

For the operation of the Worcester sheriff?s office

Middlesex Sheriff?s Office.

For the operation of the Middlesex sheriff?s office
For a retained revenue account for the Middlesex sheriff?s office for reimbursements from the federal government for costs associated with the incarceration of federal inmates at the Billerica house of correction; provided, that the office may expend for the operation of the office an amount not to exceed $850,000 from revenues collected from the incarceration of federal inmates; and provided further, that, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the Middlesex sheriff?s office, which may expend for the operation of a prison industries program an amount not to exceed $75,000 from revenues collected from the sale of products, for materials, supplies, equipment, recyclable reimbursements, printing services, maintenance of facilities and compensation of employees of the program; provided, that, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the operations of a regional behavioral evaluation and stabilization unit to provide forensic mental health services within existing physical facilities for incarcerated persons in the care of correctional facilities in the commonwealth; provided, that the unit shall be located in Middlesex county to serve the needs of incarcerated persons in the care of Barnstable, Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Nantucket, Middlesex, Norfolk, Plymouth and Suffolk counties; provided further, that the services of the unit shall be made available to incarcerated persons in the care of the department of correction; provided further, that the sheriff, in conjunction with the department of correction and the Massachusetts Sheriffs? Association, shall prepare a report that shall include, but not be limited to: (a) the number of incarcerated persons in facilities located in counties that were provided services in each unit; (b) the number of incarcerated persons in department of correction facilities that were provided services in each unit; (c) the alleviation in caseload at Bridgewater state hospital associated with fewer incarcerated persons in the care of counties being attended to at the hospital; (d) the estimated and projected cost-savings in fiscal year 2014 to the sheriffs? offices and the department of correction associated with the regional units; and (e) the deficiencies in addressing the needs of incarcerated women to include pretrial place and facilities; provided further, that the report shall be submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than February 15, 2014; and provided further, that the department of mental health shall maintain monitoring and quality review functions of the unit

Hampshire Sheriff?s Office.

For the operation of the Hampshire sheriff?s office
For the Hampshire sheriff?s office, which may expend for the operation of the Hampshire county regional lockup at the Hampshire county jail an amount not to exceed $200,000 in revenue; provided, that the sheriff shall enter into agreements to provide detention services to various law enforcement agencies and municipalities and shall determine and collect fees for those detentions from the law enforcement agencies and municipalities
For the Hampshire sheriff's office, which may expend for the operation of the office an amount not to exceed $250,000 from revenues received from federal inmate reimbursements; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Berkshire Sheriff?s Office.

For the operation of the Berkshire sheriff?s office; provided, that $1,400,000 may be expended to staff the Berkshire county regional lockup and re-entry facility, including expanded capacity for the Families United through the Love of Literacy program
For the Berkshire sheriff?s office, which may expend an amount not to exceed $250,000 from revenues generated from the operation of the Berkshire county communication center?s 911 dispatch operations and other law enforcement related activities, including the Berkshire county sheriff prison industries program; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the Berkshire sheriff?s office, which may expend an amount not to exceed $500,000 from revenues collected from Berkshire county public schools; provided, that funds shall be expended for the operation of the Juvenile Resource Center; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate, as reported in the state accounting system

Franklin Sheriff?s Office.

For the operation of the Franklin sheriff?s office
For the Franklin sheriff?s office, which may expend for the operation of the office an amount not to exceed $2,100,000 from revenues received from any state or federal inmate reimbursements; provided, that, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the Franklin sheriff's office, which may expend for the operation of the office an amount not to exceed $350,000 from revenues received from federal reimbursements for transportation of federal detainees; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Essex Sheriff?s Office.

For the operation of the Essex sheriff?s office
For the Essex sheriff?s office, which may expend for the operation of the office an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 from revenues received from federal inmate reimbursements; provided, that said sheriff may expend from this item costs associated with joint federal and state law enforcement activities from federal reimbursements received; and provided further, that, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Massachusetts Sheriffs? Association.

For the operation of the Massachusetts sheriffs? association; provided, that the sheriffs shall appoint persons to serve as executive director, assistant executive director, research director and other staff positions as necessary for the purpose of coordination and standardization of services and programs, the collection and analysis of data related to incarceration and recidivism and generation of reports, technical assistance and training to ensure standardization in organization, operations and procedures; provided further, that this staff shall not be subject to section 45 of chapter 30 of the General Laws or chapter 31 of the General Laws and shall serve at the will and pleasure of a majority of sheriffs; provided further, that the executive director of the association shall submit a report that shows the amounts of all grants awarded to each sheriff in fiscal year 2013; provided further, that the report shall be submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than February 1, 2014; provided further, that the association shall post on its website the monthly inmate population by county by the first of each month starting August 1, 2014; provided further, that each sheriffs' department shall also report, in a format designated by the Massachusetts sheriffs? association in consultation with the executive office for administration and finance, fiscal year 2013 total costs per inmate by facility and security level no later than October 1, 2013; provided further, that each sheriff's department shall submit this report directly to the executive office for administration and finance, the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on public safety, the executive office of public safety and security, the Massachusetts sheriffs' association and the department of correction; and provided further, that all expenditures made by the sheriff departments of the counties of Massachusetts shall be subject to chapter 29 of the General Laws and recorded on the Massachusetts management accounting and reporting system

Barnstable Sheriff?s Office.

For the operation of the Barnstable sheriff?s office
For the Barnstable sheriff?s office, which may expend for the operation of the office an amount not to exceed $250,000 from revenues received from federal inmate reimbursements; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Bristol Sheriff?s Office.

For the operation of the Bristol sheriff?s office
For the Bristol sheriff?s office, which may expend for the operation of the office an amount not to exceed $9,011,360 from revenues received from federal inmate reimbursements; provided, that, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Dukes Sheriff?s Office.

For the operation of the Dukes sheriff?s office

Nantucket Sheriff?s Office.

For the operation of the Nantucket sheriff?s office

Norfolk Sheriff?s Office.

For the operation of the Norfolk sheriff?s office
For the Norfolk sheriff?s office, which may expend for the operation of the office an amount not to exceed $2,500,000 from revenues received from federal inmate reimbursements; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Plymouth Sheriff?s Office.

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For the operation of the Plymouth sheriff?s office; provided, that not less than $2,100,000 shall be expended for mitigation under a memorandum of understanding between the Plymouth county correctional facility and the host community of the facility
For the Plymouth sheriff?s office, which may expend for the operation of the office an amount not to exceed $16,000,000 from revenues received from federal inmate reimbursements; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Suffolk Sheriff?s Office.

For the operation of the Suffolk sheriff?s office
For the Suffolk sheriff?s office, which may expend for the operation of the office an amount not to exceed $8,000,000 from revenues received from federal inmate reimbursements; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the office may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Department of Elder Affairs.

For the operation of the executive office of elder affairs and regulation of assisted living facilities; provided, that the executive office of elder affairs shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means the number of assisted living units certified and the total revenues generated from application and certification fees for such units
For the costs of the drug insurance program authorized in section 39 of chapter 19A of the General Laws; provided, that amounts received by the executive office of elder affairs? vendor as premium revenue for this program may be retained and expended by the vendor for the purposes of the program; provided further, that funds shall be expended for the operation of the pharmacy outreach program established in section 4C of said chapter 19A; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, unless otherwise prohibited by federal law, prescription drug coverage or benefits payable by the executive office of elder affairs and the entities with which it has contracted for administration of the subsidized catastrophic drug insurance program under said section 39 of said chapter 19A, shall be the payer of last resort for this program for eligible persons with regard to any other third-party prescription coverage or benefits available to such eligible persons; provided further, that the executive office shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means not less than 90 days in advance of any action to limit or cap the number of enrollees in the program; provided further, that this program shall be subject to appropriation; provided further, that notification shall be given to the house and senate committees on ways and means at least 30 days prior to any coverage or benefits; provided further, that the executive office shall coordinate benefits with the Medicare prescription drug benefit, created under the federal Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, Public Law 108-173, to ensure that residents of the commonwealth take advantage of this benefit; provided further, that a person shall also be eligible to enroll in the program at any time within a year after reaching age 65; provided further, that the executive office shall allow those who meet the program eligibility criteria to enroll in the program at any time during the year; provided further, that $360,000 shall be expended for the serving the health information needs of elders, or SHINE, program; provided further, that these funds shall be used to assist seniors in choosing the Medicare plan that best fits their budget while meeting their healthcare needs; and provided further, that the department shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than December 16, 2013 on the number of seniors served by the SHINE program and their average annualized premium savings
For the provision of enhanced home care services, including case management to elders who meet the eligibility requirements of the home care program and need services above the level customarily provided under the program to remain safely at home, including elders previously enrolled in the managed care in housing, enhanced community options and chronic care enhanced services programs; provided, that the secretary shall seek to obtain federal financial participation for all services provided to seniors who qualify for Medicaid benefits pursuant to the waiver in section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, as codified at 42 U.S.C. section 1396n(c); provided further, that the executive office shall collect income data on persons receiving services provided in this item; provided further, that the executive office shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing the population served by this item delineated by both 2013 federal poverty income levels and? 2013 social security income standards; provided further, that the report shall be submitted not later than February 7, 2014; and provided further, that the executive office shall submit a report not later than October 7, 2013, to the house and senate committees on ways and means which shall include the number of individuals on a waiting list for these services on October 1, 2013, compared to the number of individuals on a waiting list on July 1, 2013
For the operation of the supportive senior housing program at state or federally-assisted housing sites; provided, that funds shall be expended to fund existing sites
For the operation of the elder home care program, including contracts with aging service access points or other qualified entities for the home care program, home care, health aides, home health and respite services, geriatric mental health services and other services provided to the elderly; provided, that sliding-scale fees shall be charged to qualified elders; provided further, that the secretary of elder affairs may waive collection of sliding-scale fees in cases of extreme financial hardship; provided further, that not more than $11,500,000 in revenues accrued from sliding-scale fees shall be retained by the individual home care corporations without reallocation by the executive office of elder affairs and shall be expended for the purposes of the home care program, consistent with guidelines to be issued by the executive office; provided further, that no rate increase shall be awarded in fiscal year 2014 which would cause a reduction in client services or the number of clients served; provided further, that no funds shall be expended from this item to pay for salary increases for direct service workers who provide state-funded homemaker and home health aide services which would cause a reduction in client services; provided further, that funding shall be expended for provider training and outreach to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender elders and caregivers; and provided further, that the secretary of elder affairs may transfer an amount not to exceed 3 per cent of the funds appropriated in this item to item 9110-1633 for case management services and the administration of the home care program
For the operation of the elder home care case management program, including contracts with aging service access points or other qualified entities for home care case management services and the administration of the home care corporations funded through items 9110-1630 and 9110-1500; provided, that the contracts shall include the costs of administrative personnel, home care case managers, travel, rent and other costs deemed appropriate by the executive office of elder affairs; provided further, that no funds appropriated in this item shall be expended for the enhancement of management information systems; and provided further, that the secretary of elder affairs may transfer an amount not to exceed 3 per cent of the funds appropriated in this item to item 9110-1630
For the elder protective services program including, but not limited to, protective services case management, guardianship services, the statewide elder abuse hotline, money management services and the elder-at-risk program
For congregate and shared housing services and naturally occurring retirement communities for the elderly; provided, that not less than $428,000 shall be expended from this item for providers of naturally occurring retirement communities with whom the department of elder affairs entered into service agreements with in fiscal year 2013 at proportions of total available funding equal to those provided in fiscal year 2013; and provided further, that the department shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 14, 2014 on the number of seniors served in naturally occurring retirement communities, the services they receive and the number that leave the program during the year and their destination
For residential assessment and placement programs for homeless elders
For the elder nutrition program; provided, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the senior farm share program
For the department of elder affairs, which may expend not more than $750,000 from revenues from federal reimbursements received for the operation of the veterans independence plus initiative, a joint initiative of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and the United States Administration on Aging; provided that, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For grants to the councils on aging and for grants to or contracts with non-public entities which are consortia or associations of councils on aging; provided, that all monies appropriated in this item shall be expended under the distribution schedules for formula and incentive grants established by the secretary of elder affairs; and provided further, that the distribution schedules shall be submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than February 17, 2014



For the operation of the senate

House of Representatives.

For the operation of the house of representatives

Joint Legislative Expenses.

For the joint operations of the legislature


SECTION 2B. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the agencies listed in this section may expend the amounts listed in this section for the provision of services to agencies listed in section 2. All expenditures made under this section shall be accompanied by a corresponding transfer of funds from an account listed in section 2 to the Intragovernmental Service Fund, established by section 2Q of chapter 29 of the General Laws. All revenues and other inflows shall be based on rates published by the seller agency that are developed in accordance with cost principles established by the United States Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments. All rates shall be published within 30 days of the enactment of this section. No expenditures shall be made from the Intragovernmental Service Fund which would cause that fund to be in deficit at the close of fiscal year 2014. All authorizations in this section shall be charged to the Intragovernmental Service Fund and shall not be subject to section 5D of chapter 29 of the General Laws. Any balance remaining in that fund at the close of fiscal year 2014 shall be transferred to the General Fund.


For the costs of providing electronic and other publications purchased from the state bookstore, for commission fees, notary fees and for direct access to the secretary?s computer library
For the costs of obsolete records destruction incurred by the office of the secretary of state; provided, that state agencies, including the judicial branch, may be charged for the destruction of their obsolete records by the records center where appropriate; provided further, that the secretary of state may expend revenues not to exceed $100,000 of the funds received for the costs of the obsolete record destruction; and provided further, that the fees shall be charged on an equitable basis


For the cost of debt service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 for the clean energy investment program and other projects or programs for which an agency has committed to fund the associated debt service; provided, that the treasurer may charge other appropriations and federal grants for the cost of the debt service


For the cost of the single state audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014; provided, that the comptroller may charge other appropriations and federal grants for the cost of the audit
For the costs of operating and managing the Massachusetts management accounting and reporting system accounting system for fiscal year 2014; provided, that any unspent balance at the close of fiscal year 2014 in an amount not to exceed 5 per cent of the amount authorized shall remain in the Intergovernmental Service Fund and is hereby re-authorized for expenditures for such item in fiscal year 2015


Office of the Secretary.

For the cost of information technology services provided to agencies of the executive office for administration and finance
For the costs of payments to social service providers pursuant to chapter 257 of the acts of 2008; provided, that the secretary of administration and finance shall charge line items subject to paying providers amounts pursuant to said chapter 257 an amount equal to 80 per cent of the fiscal year 2014 cost of first year payments less the amount actually distributed to providers; provided further, that at the request of the secretary, the comptroller shall transfer to any line item subject to paying providers amounts pursuant to said chapter 257 an amount determined by the secretary not to exceed costs actually incurred in fiscal year 2014 in excess of 80 per cent of the fiscal year 2014 first year implementation liability; provided further, that prior to transferring the fiscal year 2014 consolidated net surplus in budgetary funds to the Commonwealth Stabilization Fund pursuant to section 5C of chapter 29 of the General Laws, the comptroller shall deposit into this item any amount expended in excess of the amount charged other items of appropriation; and provided further, that the secretary shall provide to the house and senate committees on ways and means a quarterly schedule of amounts charged and amounts transferred in addition to the reasons for these charges and transfers

Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance.

For the costs for the Leverett Saltonstall building lease and occupancy payments; provided, that the division of capital asset management and maintenance shall submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means on or before the first of each month beginning July 1, 2013 a monthly report on the agencies that currently, or will during fiscal year 2014, occupy space in the Saltonstall building, their rental costs, utility costs, parking space allocation, floor space, lease dates, all services included in the lease and all services that the agencies are obligated to fund beyond the lease payments; and provided further, that the report shall include both estimated payments and prior expenditures
For the operation and maintenance of state buildings, including the Hurley state office building occupied by the department of unemployment assistance and the department of career services; provided, that the division may also charge for reimbursement for overtime expenses, materials and contract services purchased in performing renovations and related services for agencies occupying state buildings or for services rendered to approved entities using state facilities


For the payment of prior year deficiencies based upon schedules provided to the house and senate committees on ways and means; provided, that the comptroller may charge departments? current fiscal year appropriations and transfer to such items amounts equivalent to the amounts of any prior year deficiency, subject to the conditions stated in this item; provided further, that the comptroller shall only assess chargebacks to those current fiscal year appropriations when the account to which the chargeback is applied is the same account to which the prior year deficiency pertains or, if there is no such account, to the current fiscal year appropriation for the general administration of the department that administered the account to which the prior year deficiency pertains; provided further, that no chargeback shall be made which would cause a deficiency in any current fiscal year item; provided further, that the comptroller shall report with such schedule a detailed reason for the prior year deficiency on all chargebacks assessed that exceed $1,000 including the amount of the chargeback, the item and object class charged; and provided further, that the comptroller shall report on a quarterly basis on all chargebacks assessed, including the amount of the chargeback, the item, object class charged and the reason for the prior year deficiency
For the cost of the commonwealth?s employer contributions to the Unemployment Compensation Fund and the Medical Security Trust Fund, established pursuant to section 48 of chapter 151A of the General Laws; provided, that the secretary of administration and finance shall authorize the collection, accounting and payment of such contributions; and provided further, that in executing these responsibilities the comptroller may charge, in addition to individual appropriation accounts, certain non-appropriated funds in amounts that are computed based on rates developed in accordance with the federal Office of Management and Budget circular A-87, including expenses, interest expense or related charges

Division of Human Resources.

For the cost of goods and services rendered in administering training programs, including the cost of training unit staff; provided, that the division shall charge to other items for the cost of participants enrolled in programs sponsored by the division or to state agencies employing such participants; provided further, that the division may collect from participating state agencies a fee sufficient to cover administrative costs of the commonwealth?s performance recognition programs and to expend such fees for goods and services rendered in the administration of these programs; provided further, that the division may charge and collect from participating state agencies a fee sufficient to cover administrative costs and expend such fees for goods and services rendered in the administration of information technology services related to the human resources compensation management system program; and provided further, that the division may charge and collect from participating state agencies fees sufficient to cover the costs of shared services
For the cost of workers? compensation paid to public employees; provided, that the secretary of administration and finance shall charge other items or state agencies for costs incurred on behalf of these state agencies; provided further, that the secretary may transfer workers? compensation-related fringe benefit assessments from federal grants and trust accounts to this item; provided further, that no funds shall be expended from this item that would cause the item to be deficient; provided further, that the secretary shall provide projected costs of workers? compensation costs incurred by agencies in fiscal year 2014 to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 3, 2014; provided further, that in accordance with chapter 177 of the acts of 2001, the secretary of administration and finance shall charge state agencies in fiscal year 2014 as provided in this item for workers? compensation costs, including related administrative expenses incurred on behalf of the employees of the agencies; provided further, that administrative expenses shall be allocated; provided further, that the personnel administrator shall administer the charges on behalf of the secretary, and may establish such rules and procedures as deemed necessary to implement this item; provided further, that the personnel administrator shall: (a) notify agencies regarding the chargeback methodology to be used in fiscal year 2014; (b) notify agencies of the amount of their estimated workers compensation charges for the fiscal year; and (c) require agencies to encumber funds in an amount sufficient to meet the estimated charges; provided further, that the estimated charges for each agency in the fiscal year shall not be less than the amount of the actual workers? compensation costs, including related administrative expenses, incurred by each such agency in fiscal year 2014 and may include such additional amounts as the human resources division finds necessary under regulations adopted under this item; provided further, that the division may adopt a program of incentives for agencies to reduce agencies? claims; provided further, that for any agency that fails within 30 days of the effective date of this act to encumber funds sufficient to meet the estimated charges, the comptroller shall so encumber funds on behalf of that agency; provided further, that the personnel administrator shall: (a) determine the amount of the actual workers? compensation costs incurred by each agency in the preceding month, including related administrative expenses; (b) notify each agency of the amounts; and (c) charge the amounts to each agency?s accounts as estimates of the costs to be incurred in the current month; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, any balance remaining in the Intergovernmental Service Fund, at the close of fiscal year 2014 shall be transferred to the General Fund; provided further, that any unspent balance at the close of fiscal year 2014 in an amount not to exceed 5 per cent of the amount authorized shall remain in the Intergovernmental Service Fund and is hereby re-authorized for expenditures for such item in fiscal year 2015; provided further, that the personnel administrator may expend in fiscal year 2014 for hospital, physician, benefit and other costs related to workers? compensation for employees of state agencies, including administrative expenses; and provided further, that such expenditures may include payments for medical services provided to claimants in prior fiscal years, as well as compensation benefits and associated costs for prior fiscal years
For the workers? compensation litigation unit, including the costs of personnel
For the cost of core human resources administrative processing functions
For the human resources division which may, on behalf of the division, the comptroller's office and the information technology division, charge and collect from participating state agencies a fee sufficient to cover administrative costs and expend such fees for goods and services rendered in the administration of the human resources compensation management system program

Operational Services Division.

For the purchase, operation and repair of certain vehicles and for the cost of operating and maintaining all vehicles that are leased by other agencies, including the costs of personnel
For printing, photocopying and related graphic art or design work, including all necessary incidental expenses and liabilities; provided, that the secretary of administration and finance shall charge to other items of appropriation within the agencies of the executive branch for such services, including the costs of personnel

Information Technology Division.

For the cost of computer resources and services provided by the information technology division in accordance with the policies, procedures and rates approved by the secretary of administration and finance, including the purchase, lease or rental of telecommunications lines, services and equipment, that are centrally billed to the commonwealth; provided, that the secretary shall charge other items of appropriation for the cost of the resources and services; provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, charges for the cost of computer resources and services provided by the bureau of computer services for the design, development and production of reports and information related to the analysis, development and production of appropriations bills and other legislation shall not be charged to any item of appropriation of the executive office for administration and finance, the house of representatives, the senate or any joint legislative account in fiscal year 2014; provided further, that the bureau shall submit quarterly reports to the house and senate committees on ways and means summarizing the total charges, payments and services provided for the preceding quarter from each department charged to this item; provided further, that the reports shall include, but not be limited to, a delineation of the rates charged to each department as approved by the secretary of administration and finance for each service performed by the division; provided further, that the secretary of administration and finance shall establish regulations, procedures and a schedule of fees including, but not limited to, the development and distribution of forms and instructions, including the costs of personnel; and provided further, that any unspent balance at the close of fiscal year 2014 shall remain in the Intergovernmental Service Fund and may be expended for the item in fiscal year 2015
For the purchase, delivery, handling of and contracting for supplies, postage and related equipment and other incidental expenses provided pursuant to section 51 of chapter 30 of the General Laws


For the cost of information technology services provided to agencies of the executive office of energy and environmental affairs


Office of the Secretary.

For the cost of transportation services for health and human services clients and the operation of the health and human services transportation office
For the costs of core administrative functions performed within the executive office of health and human services; provided, that the secretary of health and human services may, notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, identify administrative activities and functions common to the separate agencies, departments, offices, divisions and commissions within the executive office and may designate such functions as core administrative functions in order to improve administrative efficiency and preserve fiscal resources; provided further, that common functions that may be designated core administrative functions include human resources, financial management and leasing and facility management; provided further, that all employees performing functions so designated may be employed by the executive office and the executive office shall charge the agencies, departments, offices, divisions and commissions for such services; provided further, that upon the designation of a function as a core administrative function, the employees of each agency, department, office or commission who perform such core administrative functions may be transferred to the executive office of health and human services; provided further, that the reorganization shall not impair the civil service status of any such transferred employee who immediately before the effective date of this act either holds a permanent appointment in a position classified pursuant to chapter 31 of the General Laws or has tenure in a position by reason of section 9A of chapter 30 of the General Laws; and provided further, that nothing in this item shall impair or change an employee?s status, rights or benefits pursuant to chapter 150E of the General Laws
For the cost of information technology services provided to agencies of the executive office of health and human services

Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

For the costs of interpreter services provided by commission staff; provided, that the costs of personnel may be charged to this item; and provided further, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenues and related expenditures, the commission may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system

Department of Public Health.

For the costs of pharmaceutical drugs and services provided by the state office for pharmacy services, in this item called SOPS; provided, that SOPS shall notify in writing all agencies listed below of their obligations under this item by July 15, 2013; provided further, that SOPS shall continue to be the sole provider of pharmacy services for the following agencies currently under SOPS: the department of public health, the department of mental health, the department of developmental services, the department of correction, the department of youth services, the sheriff's departments of Barnstable, Berkshire, Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, Middlesex, Norfolk and Plymouth and the Soldiers' Homes in the cities of Holyoke and Chelsea; provided further, that SOPS shall become the sole provider of pharmacy services to the following agencies currently not being serviced by SOPS by the end of fiscal year 2014: the sheriff's departments of Worcester and Suffolk; provided further, that SOPS shall be the sole provider of pharmacy services for all said agencies and all costs for pharmacy services shall be charged by this item; provided further, that these agencies shall not charge or contract with any other alternative vendor for pharmacy services other than SOPS; provided further, that SOPS shall develop an implementation plan to transition the following agencies within the current fiscal year: the sheriff's departments of Worcester and Suffolk; provided further, that SOPS shall validate previously-submitted pharmacy expenditures including HIV drug assistance program drug reimbursements during fiscal year 2014; provided further, that SOPS shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than April 16, 2014 detailing the projected savings realized by each transitioning agency in comparison to their pharmacy costs in fiscal year 2013 and their projected savings for fiscal year 2015; and provided further, that the report shall also provide recommendations for the inclusion of other entities that may realize cost savings by joining SOPS
For the costs of medical services provided at department of public health hospitals under a schedule of services and fees approved by the commissioner of public health, which may be expended for the purposes of hospital related costs, including, but not limited to, capital repair and the maintenance and motor vehicle replacement; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenue and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate as reported in the state accounting system
For the costs of medical services provided at the department of public health Lemuel Shattuck hospital to inmates of the county correctional facilities; provided, that the costs shall be charged to items 8910-0102, 8910-0105, 8910-0107, 8910-0108, 8910-0110, 8910-0145, 8910-0619, 8910-8200, 8910-8300, 8910-8400, 8910-8500, 8910-8600, 8910-8700 and 8910-8800 of section 2 under the provisions thereof; provided further, that expenditures from this item shall be for hospital-related costs including, but not limited to, capital repair and the maintenance and motor vehicle replacement; and provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, for the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt of retained revenue and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate thereof as reported in the state accounting system

Department of Developmental Services.

For the operation of a program providing alternatives to residential placements for children with intellectual disabilities, including the costs of intensive home-based supports, provided in item 7061-0012 of section 2; provided, that the department of developmental services shall take all steps necessary to maximize federal reimbursement for the cost of services provided through the program, including filing any necessary amendments to existing waivers or filing an application for a new home and community-based services waiver with the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services


Office of the Secretary.

For the cost of information technology services provided to agencies of the executive office of housing and economic development


Office of the Secretary.

For the cost of information technology services provided to agencies of the executive office of labor and workforce development


Office of the Secretary.

For the cost of information technology services provided to agencies of the executive office of education


For the cost of information technology services provided to agencies of the executive office of public safety and security

State Police.

For the costs of overtime associated with requested police details; provided, that for the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts not to exceed the lower of this authorization or the most recent revenue estimate thereof as reported in the state accounting system
For the costs associated with the use of the statewide telecommunications system for the maintenance of the system

Military Division.

For the costs of utilities and maintenance and for the implementation of energy conservation measures with regard to the state armories

Department of Correction.

For the cost of products produced by the prison industries and farm program and for the cost of services provided by inmates, including the costs of moving, auto repair, culinary and renovation and construction services; provided, that the costs for renovation and construction services shall not exceed the amount established by the operational services division; and provided further, that such revenues may also be expended for materials, supplies, equipment, maintenance of facilities and compensation of employees and for the inmate employment and training program


SECTION 2D. The amounts set forth in this section are hereby appropriated from the General Federal Grants Fund. Federal funds received in excess of the amount appropriated in this section shall be expended only in accordance with section 6B of chapter 29 of the General Laws.? The amount of any unexpended balance of federal grant funds received before to June 30, 2013, and not included as part of an appropriation item in this section, is hereby made available for expenditure during fiscal year 2014, in addition to any amount appropriated in this section.


Supreme Judicial Court.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Court Improvement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Court Improvement Program Data Sharing
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Court Improvement Training Program

Committee for Public Counsel Services.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Wrongful Conviction Unit Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Answering Gideon?s Call


Middle District Attorney.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Child Sexual Predator Program

Plymouth District Attorney.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Justice Assistance Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Justice Assistance Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Justice Assistance Grant

District Attorneys? Association.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Stop Violence Against Women Formula Grants Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Highway Safety Division


For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Historic Preservation Survey and Planning


Massachusetts Cultural Council.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Folk and Traditional Arts
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Basic State Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Artists in Education
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Youth Reach State and Regional Programs


For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Crime Victim Compensation
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, HUD Special Project Grant

Victim and Witness Assistance Board.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Victims of Crime Assistance Programs


For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Implementation of Federal Development Disabilities Act; provided, that in order to qualify for said grant, this account shall be exempt from the first $315,000 of fringe benefits and indirect cost charges under section 6B of chapter 29 of the General Laws

Massachusetts Office on Disability.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Rehabilitation Services - Client Assistance Program

Department of Revenue.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Access and Visitation Program


Office of the Secretary.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Coastal Zone Management and Development
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Wetlands Development
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Boem Clean Energy
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Bays Estuary Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) State and Local Assistance Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Buzzards Bay Estuary Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Fisheries Enforcement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Port Security Grant 0237
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Port Security Grant 0242
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Port Security Grant 0460
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Safe Boating Program

Department of Public Utilities.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Pipeline Security

Department of Environmental Protection.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Water Quality Management Planning
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Cooperative Agreement-Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Department of Defense Environmental Restoration Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Superfund Block Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Brownfields Assessment Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Brownfields Response
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Performance Partnership
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Technical Assistance and Training for Drinking Water
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, 3 per cent Set Aside Administration
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Public Water Supply Supervision
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Clean Air Act Section 103
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Ambient Air Toxics Pilot Project
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Homeland Security Co-op Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Air Pollution Spatial Trends
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Diesel Emissions Reduction Project
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Underground Storage Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Green House Gas Reporting System
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Clean Diesel
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Airport Lead Ambient
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Near Road Number 2 Ambient Air Monitoring Network

Department of Fish and Game.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, US Fish and Wildlife Service Eastern Bank Trout Joint Venture and Fish Passage
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, US Fish and Wildlife Service Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Coastal Projects ? US Fish & Wildlife Division of Ecological Restoration
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, National Coastal Wetland Conservation Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Land Owner Incentive Program ? Tier I
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Land Owner Incentive Program ? Tier II
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Junior Duck Stamp Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, New England Cottontail Initiative
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Clean Vessel Act
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Boating Infrastructure
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Interstate Fisheries Management Support
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program Strategic Plan Implementation
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Marine Fisheries Institute
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Turtle Disengagement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Age and Growth Project Segment One

Department of Agricultural Resources.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Pesticide Enforcement Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Country of Origin Labeling
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Animal Disease Surveillance Homeland Security
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Scrapie Disease Surveillance and Flock Certification
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Surveillance
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Development of Institutional Marketing
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Farmers? Market Coupon Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Senior Farmers? Market Nutrition Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Organic Certification Cost-Share Program

Department of Conservation and Recreation.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, National Flood Insurance Program ? FEMA Community Assistance Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, FEMA Cooperating Technical Partnership for Map Modernization Implementation Year 5
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, FEMA National Dam Safety Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Rural Community Fire Protection
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Agreements for the Identification and Eradication of Invasive Species
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, NCRS Agreement to Help Landowners Forestland
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Urban and Community Forestry and Shade Tree Management
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Urban Community Forest Tornado Recovery
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Forestry Stewardship and Planning
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Rural Fire Prevention and Control
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Wildland Urban Interface Fuels Management
For the purpose of a federally funded grant entitled, Creating Buy-Local Model, Stewardship Re-Design
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Emergency Forest Restoration Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, US Forest Service Forest Health Management
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, 2011 NOAA Grant for Facility Renovations at Waquoit Bay
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Recreational Trails Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Transportation and Community Preservation for Mount Greylock

Department of Energy Resources.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Catalyzing the Home Energy Remodeling Market
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Raising the BAR ? Building Asset Rating System
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, SAPHIRE
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Heating Oil and Propane Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Energy Program

Department of Early Education and Care.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, FY07 Head Start
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Head Start Advisory Council -ARRA
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Child Abuse Prevention


Office of the Secretary.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Affordable Care Act
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Integrate Care for Dual Eligibles
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Personal and Home Care Aid State Training Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Children?s Health Insurance Program Quality Demo Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Money Follows the Person Demonstration Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Adult Quality Medicaid Measures Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Innovation Model Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, My Young Child Health Initiative for Local Education Agencies
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Community Mental Health Services Block Grants


Office of the Secretary.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Older Americans Act
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, National Family Caregiver Support Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Health Information Counseling
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Older Americans Act
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Nutrition Services Incentive Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Community Service Employment Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, MA Chronic Disease Self-Management Education Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Enhanced ADRC Options Counseling Program

Office for Refugees and Immigrants.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Refugee Targeted Assistance
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Refugee Social Service Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Refugee Entrepreneurship Program
For the purpose of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Refugee Preventative Health Project (MRPHP)
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Wilson Fish Program (MWFP)
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Refugee Independence Through Service Enhancement
For the purpose of a federally funded grant entitled, Program to Enhance Elder Refugee Services (PEERS)
For the purpose of a federally funded grant entitled, A Cuban Haitian Initiative for Entry into Viable Employment (ACHIEVE)
For the purpose of a federally funded grant entitled, DRIVE Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Refugee Cash and Medical Assistance Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Refugee School Impact

Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Vocational Rehabilitation; provided, that no funds shall be deducted for pensions, group health and life insurance or any other such indirect cost of federally reimbursed state employees
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Basic Support Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Independent Living - Adaptive Housing
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Independent Living - Services to Older Blind Americans
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Rehabilitation Training
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Supported Employment for the Blind

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Vocational Rehabilitation; provided, that no funds shall be deducted for pensions, group health and life insurance or any other such indirect cost of federally reimbursed state employees
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Vocational Rehabilitation and Comprehensive Systems of Personnel Development Training
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Supported Employment Program Federal Funds
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Informed Members Planning and Assessing Choices Together
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Disability Services - Determination
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Innovation Strategies for Transition Youth with Disabilities
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Implementation Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Independent Living Federal Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, ARRA- Centers for Independent Living Recovery Act
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Assistive Technology Act

Department of Transitional Assistance.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Increase Farmers Market Access to SNAP
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, SNAP Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, SNAP Healthy Incentive Pilot (HIP)

Department of Public Health

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Preventive Health Services Block Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Rape Prevention and Education
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Sexual Assault Services Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, 2010 Improving the Health of People with Disabilities through State Based Public Health Programs
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Cooperative Health Statistics System
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts State Loan Repayment Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Office of Rural Health
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, ARRA - State Primary Care Offices
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Primary Care Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Rural Hospital Flexibility Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Oral Health Workforce in New Sites II
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Medicare and Medicaid Survey and Certification
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Bio-terrorism Hospital Preparedness (HPP)
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Medical Malpractice and Patient Safety
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Security Inspections
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Food and Drug Administration Inspection of Food Establishments
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Statewide Surveillance of Health Concerns & Toxic Algae Blooms
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Food Protection Rapid Response Team
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Mass Food Protection Task Force Conference
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Harold Rogers Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Harold Rodgers IT Enhancements for Prescription Drug Monitoring
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Telemedicine Center
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Mammography Quality Standards Act Inspections
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Indoor Radon Development Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, ATSDR Partnership to Promote Local Efforts
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Beaches Environmental Assessment
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Assessment, Planning and Developing Climate Change Programs
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, MA Healthy Homes Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Maintenance & Enhancement of the State & National Environment
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Sexually Transmitted Disease Control
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Enhancing Immunization Systems & Infrastructure Improvements
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Vaccination Assistance Project
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Epidemiology and Lab Surveillance
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Building & Strengthening Epidemiology, Lab and Health Info System Capacity
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Prevention and Public Health Funds Immunization 2012
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Non Prevention Public Health Fund Epi & Lab capacity Influenza
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Outcomes Measurement and Management System
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment - Block Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Promoting Safe and Stable Families
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Access to Recovery Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Drug Court Discretionary Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Prevention Framework Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Family Recovery Project Southeast
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Adolescent Treatment Enhancement and Dissemination
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Uniform Alcohol and Drug Abuse Data Collection
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Housing Opportunities ? People with AIDS
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Nutritional Status of Women, Infants and Children
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Augmentation and Evaluation of Established Health Education - Risk Reduction
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Mass HIV/AIDS National Behavioral Surveillance
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, MassCare - Community AIDS Resource Enhancement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Comprehensive Primary Care System Planning for Massachusetts Children
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Shelter Plus Care ? Worcester
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, HIV/AIDS Surveillance
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Systems Linkages and Access to Care for Populations at High Risk of HIV
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Congenital Anomalies Center of Excellence
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Project
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Universal Newborn Hearing Screening - Enhancement Project
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Early Hearing Detection and Intervention - Tracking and Research
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Emergency Medical Services for Children
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Youth Suicide Prevention
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Pregnancy Risk
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Addressing Asthma from a Public Health Perspective
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts LAUNCH
For the purpose of a federally funded grant entitled, HUD Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, ACA Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, ACA Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Surveillance on Congenital Defects
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, WIC Enhanced Referral and Family Support Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Tuberculosis Control Project
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Strengthening Surveillance for Infectious Disease
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, HIV Training through Prevention Training Centers
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Adult Viral Hepatitis Prevention Coordination
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bio-terrorism
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Accreditation for State Food Testing Laboratories
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Tech Data ? Massachusetts Birth/Infant Death File Linkage and Analysis
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, National Violent Death Reporting System
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Public Health Injury Surveillance and Prevention
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Procurement of Information for the National Death Index
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Death File - Social Security Administration
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Birth Records - Social Security Administration
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Core Violence & Injury Prevention
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Youth Suicide Prevention Project
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Amputation and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Massachusetts
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Citizen Verification for Federal Employment
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Colorectal Cancer Screening
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Integration of Chronic Disease
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Demonstrating Capacity for Cancer Control
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP)
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Support for Pregnant Teens and Women
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Integration of Chronic Disease Programs
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, FDA 11 Tobacco
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, MA Health Impact Assessment to Foster Healthy Community
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Nutrition, Physical Activity & Obesity Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Integration of Chronic Disease Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Community Transformation - Middlesex County
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Childhood Obesity
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Community Transformation Part I
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Support for Pregnant Parenting Teen
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Improve Health of People with Disabilities-Secondary Condition
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Cancer Prevention and Control Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Registry
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Ensuring Quitline Capacity

Department of Children and Families.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Children?s Justice Act
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Family Violence? Prevention and Support Services Act
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Title IV-E Independent Living
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Family Preservation and Support Services
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Educational & Training Voucher Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Title IV-B Child Welfare Services
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Treatment
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts Child Trauma Project

Department of Mental Health.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Project for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Jail Diversion and Trauma Recovery
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Data Infrastructure Grant 2011
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Mission RAP
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Kids Planning Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Shelter Plus Care Program

Department of Developmental Services.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Lifespan Respite Care Program


For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Library Service Technology Act


Department of Housing and Community Development.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, McKinney Emergency Shelter Grants Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Continuum of Care Supplemental Housing
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, McKinney Shelter Plus Care ? Continuum of Care
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Weatherization Assistance for Low Income Persons; provided, that consistent with applicable federal regulations and the state plan, the department of housing and community development may provide monthly payments in advance to participating agencies
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program; provided, that consistent with applicable federal regulations and the state plan, the department of housing and community development shall provide monthly payments in advance to participating agencies
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Community Services Block Grant; provided, that consistent with applicable federal regulations and the state plan, the department of housing and community development may provide monthly payments in advance to participating agencies
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program; provided, that consistent with applicable federal regulations and the state plan, the department of housing and community development may provide monthly payments in advance to participating agencies
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Neighborhood Stabilization Block Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, ARRA Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Section 8 Substantial Rehabilitation Program; provided, that the department of housing and community development may provide monthly payments in advance to participating agencies
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Federal Housing Voucher Program; provided, that the department of housing and community development may provide monthly payments in advance to participating agencies
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program; provided, that the department of housing and community development may provide monthly payments in advance to participating agencies
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Section 8 New Construction Program; provided, that the department of housing and community development may provide monthly payments in advance to participating agencies
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Home Investment Partnerships; provided, that, consistent with applicable federal regulations and the state plan, the department of housing and community development may provide monthly payments in advance to participating agencies
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Home Technical Assistance


Department of Labor Standards.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Mine Safety and Health Training
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Bureau of Labor Statistics Statistical Survey
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Adult Blood Lead Levels Surveillance
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Asbestos Licensing and Monitoring
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Lead Licensing and Monitoring
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Occupational Safety and Health Administration Data Collection
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Occupational Substance and Health Administration On-site Consultation Program

Department of Career Services.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Employment Services State Allotment
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Disabled Veterans Outreach Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Federal Local Veterans Employment
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Trade Adjustment Assistance
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Workforce Investment Act Adult Activities
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Workforce Investment Act Youth Formula Grants
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Workforce Investment Act Dislocated Workers
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Workforce Data Quality Initiative
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Workforce Investment National Emergency Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Workforce Investment Act Dislocated Worker Formula Grants

Department of Unemployment Assistance.

For the Purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Administrative Clearing Account
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Unemployment Insurance Administration
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics


Office of the Secretary of Education.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Stabilization Fund Race-To-The-Top Incentive Grants - ARRA

Department of Early Elementary and Secondary Education.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Advanced Placement Fee Payment Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Adult Education ? State Grant Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Title I Grants to Local Education Agencies
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Migrant Education
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Title I Neglected and Delinquent Children
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, School Improvement Grants
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Math and Science Partnerships
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, English Language Acquisition
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, After School Learning Centers
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Assessments and Related
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Education for Homeless Children and Youth
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Special Education Grants
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Preschool Grants
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Vocational Education Basic Grants
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Project Focus Academy
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Massachusetts High School Graduation Initiative
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Teacher Incentives
or the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Migrant Student Records Exchange System State Data Quality
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Nuts, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Child Nutrition Grant State Program Review
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Special Assistance Funds
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Child Care Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Temporary Emergency Food Assistance
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Special Summer Food Service Program for Children
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Office of School Lunch Programs ? Child Care Program Administration
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Charter Schools Assistance and Distributions

Department of Higher Education.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, TRIO - Talent Search
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Special Services for Disadvantaged Students
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Upward Bound Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Educational Opportunities Centers Payroll
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Special Services for Disadvantaged
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Upward Bound Math and Science Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Talent Search
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Mt Wachusett Community College Gear Up 11
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Special Services for Disadvantaged
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Upward Bound
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Talent Search


Office of the Secretary.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Bulletproof Vest Federal Receipt
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, ARRA Justice Assistant Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Juvenile Justice Delinquency and Prevention Act
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Statistical Analysis Center
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Title V-Delinquency Prevention
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Stop Violence Against Women Formula Grants Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Prisoner Substance Abuse Treatment
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, John Justice Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Homeland Security Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Project Safe Neighborhood
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Emergency Management Performance Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Homeland Security Buffer Zone Protection
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Transportation Security Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Community Oriented Policing Services FFY07
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Homeland Citizen Corp
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Homeland Medical Response
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Homeland Port Security
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Homeland Interoperable Communications
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Homeland Catastrophic Preparation
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Emergency Management Performance Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Homeland Emergency Operations Center
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Non Profit Security Grant Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, FY11 Urban Areas Initiative Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, FY11 Citizen Corps Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Agency Programs
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Fatality Analysis Reporting
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Click it or Ticket ? Next Generation Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Increased Endorsed Motorcyclists
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Increased Blood Alcohol Reporting
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Texting Ban Enforcement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, FY11 Metropolitan Medical Response System Grant

Department of State Police.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Region 1 Training Academy Motor Carrier Safety Assistance
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, FMCSA New Entrant Audit
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, FMCSA Van Passenger Grants
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, FMCSA Basic Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, FMCSA PRISM Motor Carrier Safety Administration
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, New England State Police Administrators? Conference - Regional Investigation
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Internet Crimes Against Children Continuation
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Cannabis Eradication Controlled Substance Prosecution DEA Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, DNA Backlog Reduction Grants

Department of Fire Services.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, United States Fire Administration State Fire Training Program

Military Division.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Army National Guard Facilities Programs Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Army National Guard Environmental Programs Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Army National Guard Security Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Army National Guard Electronic Security Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Army National Guard Communications and Information Management Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Army National Guard Sustainable Ranges Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Army National Guard Anti-Terrorism Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Air National Guard Facilities Operations and Maintenance Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Air National Guard Environment Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Air National Guard Security Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Air National Guard Fire Protection Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Air National Guard Distributed Learning Program Cooperative Agreement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, State Family Program Activities Grants
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Natick National Guard Readiness Center
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Air National Guard Services Program - Food & Lodging

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency.

For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Severe Repetitive Loss Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Legislative Pre-Disaster Mitigation Competitive Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Flood Mitigation Assistance Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Hazard Mitigation 1364
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Pre-Disaster Mitigation Competitive Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, May 2006 Floods FEMA
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Pre-Disaster Mitigation Competitive Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, April 2007 Storm FEMA
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, December 2008 Ice Storm FEMA
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, March 2010 Floods FEMA
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, January 2011 Snowstorm
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, June 2011 Tornadoes Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Tropical Storm Irene Grant
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, October 2011 Snow Storm
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Hurricane Sandy Grant


For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Performance Registry Information System Management
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Commercial Drivers Licenses Information System Enhancement
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Commercial Drivers License Information System
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Safety Data Improvement Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Real ID Demonstration Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Non-Urbanized Area Formula Program
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Job Access and Reverse Commute
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Metropolitan Transportation Planning
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, New Freedom Operating Segment
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Special Needs for Elderly Individuals
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, ARRA Knowledge Corridor Restore Vermonter Project
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Boston South Station Expansion
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Inland Route High Speed Rail Corridor Feasibility and Planning
For the purposes of a federally funded grant entitled, Airport Improvement Program


SECTION 2E. The sums set forth in this section are hereby appropriated for transfer from the General Fund to the trust funds named within each item unless specifically designated otherwise in this section, for the purposes and subject to the conditions specified in this section and subject to the laws regulating the disbursement of public funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. Items in this section shall not be subject to allotment pursuant to section 9B of chapter 29 of the General Laws or reduction pursuant to section 9C of said chapter 29, without express authorization from the general court. Notwithstanding section 19A of said chapter 29, any transfer under this section shall be made by the comptroller in accordance with a transfer schedule to be developed for each item by the comptroller, after consulting with the appropriate agency secretary, the secretary of administration and finance and the state treasurer. The schedule for each appropriation shall provide for transfers in increments considered appropriate to meet the cash flow needs of each fund and all transfers under the schedule shall be completed not later than June 30, 2014. Not later than 7 days after the schedules receive final approval by the comptroller, they shall be reported to the house and senate committees on ways and means


For an operating transfer to the State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund, established in section 24 of chapter 32A of the General Laws


Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

For an operating transfer to the Delivery System Transformation Initiatives Trust Fund established pursuant to section 35UU of chapter 10 of the General Laws; provided, that these funds shall be expended pursuant to the delivery system transformation initiative master plan and hospital-specific plans approved in the MassHealth demonstration waiver? pursuant to section 1115 of the Social Security Act, as codified at 42 U.S.C. section 1315 for fiscal year 2014; provided further, that all payments from the delivery system transformation initiatives trust fund shall be subject to the availability of federal financial participation, shall be made only under federally-approved payment methods, shall be consistent with federal funding requirements and all federal payment limits as determined by the secretary of health and human services and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of an agreement with the executive office of health and human services; provided further, that the secretary of health and human services shall make payments of up to $22,426,667 from the Delivery System Transformation Initiatives Trust Fund to the Cambridge public health commission for fiscal year 2014 only after the Cambridge public health commission transfers up to $11,213,334 of its funds to the Delivery System Transformation Initiatives Trust Fund using a federally-permissible source of funds which shall fully satisfy the non-federal share of the payment; provided further, that the executive office of health and human services shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than March 14, 2014 on: (i) the payments made to each hospital; (ii) the investments each hospital has made with this funding; and (iii) each hospital?s performance on the quality measures assessed under the delivery system transformation initiatives program; and provided further, that the executive office of health and human services shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means 15 days in advance of any changes in payments made to these hospitals
For an operating transfer to the MassHealth provider payment account in the Medical Assistance Trust Fund established pursuant to section 2QQQ of chapter 29 of the General Laws; provided, that, except as otherwise provided in this item, these funds shall be expended only for services provided during state or federal fiscal year 2014, and no amounts previously or subsequently transferred into the Medical Assistance Trust Fund shall be expended on payments described in the demonstration waiver pursuant to section 1115 of the Social Security Act, as codified at 42 U.S.C. section 1315 for services provided during state fiscal year 2014, or payments described in the state plan for services provided during federal fiscal year 2014; provided further, that all payments from the Medical Assistance Trust Fund shall be subject to the availability of federal financial participation, shall be made only under federally-approved payment methods, shall be consistent with federal funding requirements and all federal payment limits as determined by the secretary of health and human services and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of an agreement with the executive office of health and human services; provided further, that the secretary of health and human services shall notify, in writing, the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on health care financing of any increases in payments within 15 days; provided further, that the secretary of health and human services shall make a payment of up to $312,050,000 from the Medical Assistance Trust Fund to the Cambridge public health commission for dates of service in state and federal fiscal year 2014 only after the Cambridge public health commission transfers up to $156,025,000 of its funds to the Medical Assistance Trust Fund using a federally permissible source of funds which shall fully satisfy the non-federal share of such payment
For an operating transfer to the Health Information Technology Trust Fund established pursuant to section 35RR of chapter 10 of the General Laws; provided, that these funds shall be expended for operating costs for the health information exchange
For an operating transfer to the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund, established pursuant to section 2OOO of chapter 29 of the General Laws; provided, that if employer medical assistance contributions credited to the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund pursuant to section 189 of chapter 149 of the General Laws total less than $94,000,000, the comptroller shall transfer to the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund from the Stabilization Fund the difference between $94,000,000 and the amount credited to the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund from such employer medical assistance contributions; provided further, that up to $30,000,000 shall be transferred from the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund to the Health Safety Net Trust Fund, established pursuant to section 66 of chapter 118E of the General Laws; provided further, that the hospital fiscal year 2014 payment amount to each hospital shall be funded by the Health Safety Net Trust Fund; provided further, that payments may be made either as safety net care payments under the commonwealth?s waiver pursuant to section 1115of the Social Security Act, as codified at 42 U.S.C. section 1315, or as an adjustment to service rate payments pursuant to Title XIX? of the Social Security Act, as codified at 42 U.S.C. chapter 7, subchapter XIX, or a combination thereof; provided further, that the executive office of health and human services and the health safety net office may use other federally permissible funding mechanisms available for public service hospitals, as defined by regulation, to reimburse up to $70,000,000 of uncompensated care at the hospitals using sources distinct from the funding made available to the Health Safety Net Trust Fund; provided further, that the secretary of administration and finance, in consultation with the secretary of health and human services and the executive director of the commonwealth health insurance connector authority, shall on a quarterly basis evaluate the revenue needs of the health safety net program funded by the Health Safety Net Trust Fund and subsidized health insurance programs funded by the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund, and if necessary, transfer monies between these funds for the purpose of ensuring that sufficient revenues are available to support projected program expenditures; and provided further, that the secretary of administration and finance shall report any transfers made between the Health Safety Net Trust Fund and the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on healthcare financing within 30 days of the proposed transfer


Department of Transportation.

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For an operating transfer to the Massachusetts Transportation Trust Fund, established pursuant to section 4 of chapter 6C of the General Laws; provided, that the Massachusetts Department of Transportation shall expend not less than $80,000,000 to complete forward funding of regional transit authorities; provided further, that the MassDOT highway division shall restore a crosswalk located on Main street in the Town of Boylston; provided further, that $194,364 shall be expended to ensure continued operation of job access transportation services provided by the Berkshire regional transit authority; provided further, that not less than $770,000 shall be provided to the Montachusett regional transit authority for a contract with Community Transit Services to ensure services shall not be reduced in fiscal year 2014; and provided further, that the Massachusetts Department of Transportation and the Montachusett regional transit authority shall work in conjunction with Community Transit Services, Inc. and the town of Athol to phase out services not currently covered by the regional transit authority not later than July 1, 2014
Commonwealth Transportation Fund.........100%

Governor reduced the following item, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For an operating transfer to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority pursuant to clause (1) of subsection (d) of section 2ZZZ of chapter 29 of the General Laws
Commonwealth Transportation Fund.........100%

Governor reduced the following item, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

For an operating transfer to the regional transit authorities organized pursuant to chapter 161B of the General Laws or predecessor statutes pursuant to clause (2) of subsection (d) of section 2ZZZ of chapter 29 of the General Laws; provided, that the Massachusetts department of transportation shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means 60 days prior to the implementation of any changes to the methodology of distributing state contract assistance to regional transit authorities; and provided further, that each regional transit authority receiving assistance under this item shall deliver, not later than October 1, 2013, a copy of its most recent audited financial statement to the chief financial officer of the department of transportation, the secretary of administration and finance, the state treasurer, the state comptroller, the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on transportation
Commonwealth Transportation Fund.........100%
For the operation of the motor vehicle insurance merit rating board, including the rent, related parking and utility expenses of the board; provided, that the amount appropriated in this item, and the associated fringe benefits, shall be borne by insurance companies doing motor vehicle insurance business within the commonwealth, pursuant to section 57A of chapter 6C of the General Laws; and provided further, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, no safe driver insurance plan shall require the payment of an unsafe driver point surcharge for the first offense for non-criminal motor vehicle traffic violations as described in chapter 90C of the General Laws
Commonwealth Transportation Fund.........100%


Department of Higher Education.

For the support of the Massachusetts Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics Grant Fund, established pursuant to section 2MMM of chapter 29 of the General Laws

Governor reduced the following item and disappoved of certain wording, for message see H.3566
Legislature overrode Governor's action

SECTION 3. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 the distribution to cities and towns of the balance of the State Lottery Fund, as paid from the General Fund in accordance with clause (c) of the second paragraph of section 35 of chapter 10 of the General Laws, and additional funds from the General Fund shall be $920,230,293 and shall be apportioned to the cities and towns in accordance with this section.

Notwithstanding section 2 of chapter 70 of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, except for section 12B of chapter 76 and section 89 of chapter 71 of the General Laws, for fiscal year 2014 the total amounts to be distributed and paid to each city and town from item 7061-0008 of section 2 shall be as set forth in the following lists. The specified amounts to be distributed from said item 7061-0008 of said section 2 shall be in full satisfaction of the amounts due under chapter 70 of the General Laws.

For fiscal year 2014, the foundation budget categories for each district shall be calculated in the same manner as in fiscal year 2013. The target local share shall be calculated using the same methodology used in fiscal year 2013. Preliminary local contribution shall be the municipality's fiscal year 2013 minimum required local contribution, increased or decreased by the municipal revenue growth factor; provided, that if a municipality's preliminary contribution as a percentage of its foundation budget is more than 5 percentage points lower than the target local share, the preliminary contribution shall be recalculated using the municipality's revenue growth factor plus 1 percentage point; and if a municipality's preliminary contribution as a percentage of its foundation budget is more than 10 percentage points lower than the target local share, the preliminary contribution shall be recalculated using the municipality's revenue growth factor plus 2 percentage points. Minimum required local contribution for fiscal year 2014 shall be, for any municipality with a fiscal year 2014 preliminary contribution greater than its fiscal year 2014 target contribution, the preliminary local contribution reduced by 15 per cent of the gap between the preliminary local contribution and the target local contribution. Required local contribution shall be allocated among the districts to which a municipality belongs in direct proportion to the foundation budgets for the municipality's pupils at each of those districts. For fiscal year 2014, "prior year aid" shall be fiscal year 2013 state-appropriated chapter 70 aid. For fiscal year 2014, the "foundation aid increment" shall be the difference between: (1) the positive difference between a district's foundation budget and its required district contribution; and (2) prior year aid. For fiscal year 2014, chapter 70 aid shall be: (i) for any district that: (A) has a target aid percentage greater than the sum of a district’s prior year aid and foundation aid increment as a percentage of foundation budget; and (B) has a combined effort yield as a percentage of foundation budget of not more than 140 per cent; the sum of prior year aid and 25 per cent of the difference between the district’s target aid amount and the sum of prior year aid and the district’s foundation aid increment; (ii) for any district with a positive foundation aid increment not included in (i), the sum of the district’s prior year aid plus the district’s foundation aid increment; and (iii) for all other districts: the sum of foundation enrollment multiplied by 25 plus prior year aid. Combined effort yield as a percentage of foundation for districts shall be determined by dividing the district’s combined effort yield by the district’s total foundation budget. Combined effort yield as a percentage of foundation for regional school districts shall be determined by allocating a member municipality’s combined effort yield among the districts to which said municipality belongs in direct proportion to the foundation budgets for the municipality’s pupils at each of those districts. No non-operating district shall receive chapter 70 aid in an amount greater than the district's foundation budget. If there is a conflict between the language of this section and the distribution listed below, the distribution below shall control.

No payments to cities, towns or counties maintaining an agricultural school pursuant to this section shall be made after November 30 of the fiscal year until the commissioner of revenue certifies acceptance of the prior fiscal year's annual financial reports submitted pursuant to section 43 of chapter 44 of the General Laws. Advance payments shall be made for some or all of periodic local reimbursement or assistance programs to any city, town, regional school district or independent agricultural and technical school that demonstrates an emergency cash shortfall, as certified by the commissioner of revenue and approved by the secretary of the executive office for administration and finance, pursuant to guidelines established by the secretary.

MunicipalityChapter 70Unrestricted
Government Aid
ABINGTON $7,374,594 $1,703,202
ACTON $5,596,025 $1,211,122
ACUSHNET $6,118,877 $1,312,759
ADAMS $0 $2,026,986
AGAWAM $18,633,593 $3,189,659
ALFORD $0 $12,150
AMESBURY $8,577,441 $1,684,372
AMHERST $5,895,073 $7,289,164
ANDOVER $8,465,632 $1,547,083
AQUINNAH $0 $2,023
ARLINGTON $10,048,980 $6,568,591
ASHBURNHAM $0 $688,398
ASHBY $0 $379,110
ASHFIELD $93,413 $160,738
ASHLAND $5,455,185 $1,170,845
ATHOL $0 $2,292,208
ATTLEBORO $34,079,799 $4,939,363
AUBURN $8,141,597 $1,482,780
AVON $902,873 $600,091
AYER $0 $655,442
BARNSTABLE $7,909,787 $1,821,187
BARRE $12,894 $778,683
BECKET $76,563 $78,628
BEDFORD $3,907,693 $993,887
BELCHERTOWN $13,419,341 $1,473,168
BELLINGHAM $8,184,635 $1,469,133
BELMONT $5,864,908 $1,954,933
BERKLEY $3,856,463 $526,801
BERLIN $433,030 $174,559
BERNARDSTON $0 $251,820
BEVERLY $7,033,951 $5,056,137
BILLERICA $18,343,562 $5,041,689
BLACKSTONE $84,251 $1,185,081
BLANDFORD $42,726 $109,937
BOLTON $0 $170,943
BOSTON $209,406,563 $164,035,210
BOURNE $4,825,238 $1,269,209
BOXBOROUGH $1,320,503 $218,400
BOXFORD $1,582,232 $420,890
BOYLSTON $427,337 $296,568
BRAINTREE $13,863,901 $4,954,434
BREWSTER $918,344 $341,860
BRIDGEWATER $36,107 $3,153,457
BRIMFIELD $1,195,297 $337,563
BROCKTON $157,922,872 $18,128,531
BROOKFIELD $1,361,090 $427,490
BROOKLINE $10,369,466 $5,496,965
BUCKLAND $0 $265,108
BURLINGTON $5,497,577 $2,267,423
CAMBRIDGE $9,053,613 $18,600,207
CANTON $4,751,687 $1,856,687
CARLISLE $839,492 $189,932
CARVER $9,688,439 $1,264,820
CHARLEMONT $61,250 $151,342
CHARLTON $21,633 $1,254,367
CHATHAM $0 $130,303
CHELMSFORD $10,218,568 $4,394,475
CHELSEA $61,454,106 $7,110,882
CHESHIRE $21,802 $531,876
CHESTER $126,262 $155,878
CHESTERFIELD $133,114 $119,538
CHICOPEE $56,849,615 $9,970,051
CHILMARK $0 $3,247
CLARKSBURG $1,764,100 $314,965
CLINTON $11,124,662 $2,038,144
COHASSET $2,165,950 $445,448
COLRAIN $0 $249,882
CONCORD $2,125,997 $1,004,433
CONWAY $602,704 $154,737
CUMMINGTON $73,684 $72,228
DALTON $272,926 $985,076
DANVERS $6,079,019 $2,465,962
DARTMOUTH $9,233,066 $2,182,579
DEDHAM $4,078,925 $2,831,321
DEERFIELD $1,050,593 $415,850
DENNIS $0 $471,527
DEVENS $308,558 $0
DIGHTON $0 $669,478
DOUGLAS $8,493,140 $631,841
DOVER $635,731 $166,551
DRACUT $18,612,210 $3,033,553
DUDLEY $9,262 $1,546,948
DUNSTABLE $0 $212,952
DUXBURY $4,629,609 $767,461
EAST BRIDGEWATER $10,251,257 $1,295,986
EAST BROOKFIELD $146,644 $251,101
EAST LONGMEADOW $9,834,624 $1,253,244
EASTHAM $329,806 $128,992
EASTHAMPTON $7,687,117 $2,433,607
EASTON $9,437,566 $1,896,016
EDGARTOWN $448,818 $57,673
EGREMONT $0 $54,628
ERVING $425,470 $58,193
ESSEX $0 $211,982
EVERETT $55,042,003 $5,981,587
FAIRHAVEN $7,338,560 $1,952,387
FALL RIVER $100,236,570 $20,632,671
FALMOUTH $5,077,571 $1,200,342
FITCHBURG $44,309,506 $7,388,737
FLORIDA $534,842 $43,095
FOXBOROUGH $8,529,165 $1,289,632
FRAMINGHAM $31,805,023 $8,613,953
FRANKLIN $27,268,946 $2,139,376
FREETOWN $378,328 $822,145
GARDNER $18,961,405 $3,668,914
GEORGETOWN $5,218,183 $620,237
GILL $0 $210,597
GLOUCESTER $5,981,325 $3,457,947
GOSHEN $96,111 $69,265
GOSNOLD $16,414 $1,816
GRAFTON $10,493,940 $1,353,759
GRANBY $4,516,215 $764,473
GRANVILLE $0 $138,814
GREENFIELD $11,932,187 $2,748,778
GROTON $0 $670,681
GROVELAND $0 $630,240
HADLEY $879,856 $392,951
HALIFAX $2,684,967 $785,947
HAMILTON $0 $581,705
HAMPDEN $0 $595,679
HANCOCK $196,865 $48,883
HANOVER $6,526,114 $1,834,100
HANSON $40,015 $1,108,736
HARDWICK $0 $403,074
HARVARD $1,790,806 $1,282,208
HARWICH $0 $372,945
HATFIELD $776,846 $270,155
HAVERHILL $44,126,723 $8,509,496
HAWLEY $35,202 $37,470
HEATH $0 $72,441
HINGHAM $6,396,085 $1,366,428
HINSDALE $104,683 $192,779
HOLBROOK $4,881,728 $1,277,508
HOLDEN $0 $1,655,359
HOLLAND $902,423 $174,754
HOLLISTON $7,091,025 $1,340,785
HOLYOKE $69,621,603 $8,793,214
HOPEDALE $5,887,320 $564,575
HOPKINTON $5,789,203 $680,140
HUBBARDSTON $0 $390,012
HUDSON $10,495,018 $1,726,518
HULL $3,681,846 $1,834,874
HUNTINGTON $257,686 $298,395
IPSWICH $2,834,285 $1,389,820
KINGSTON $4,159,865 $831,041
LAKEVILLE $73,946 $708,424
LANCASTER $3,364 $827,617
LANESBOROUGH $742,373 $298,663
LAWRENCE $159,086,308 $16,999,949
LEE $1,964,149 $539,208
LEICESTER $9,493,437 $1,503,310
LENOX $1,170,680 $461,495
LEOMINSTER $43,232,362 $4,955,255
LEVERETT $274,716 $154,544
LEXINGTON $8,657,571 $1,326,917
LEYDEN $0 $71,287
LINCOLN $759,321 $589,430
LITTLETON $3,731,913 $615,448
LONGMEADOW $4,294,961 $1,209,644
LOWELL $129,901,292 $21,808,064
LUDLOW $13,282,703 $2,644,943
LUNENBURG $5,354,696 $915,592
LYNN $132,900,633 $19,385,088
LYNNFIELD $3,941,766 $900,466
MALDEN $46,962,532 $10,862,478
MANCHESTER $0 $192,545
MANSFIELD $18,175,039 $1,931,279
MARBLEHEAD $5,288,792 $985,938
MARION $459,899 $195,360
MARLBOROUGH $18,678,851 $4,713,148
MARSHFIELD $13,855,893 $1,875,633
MASHPEE $4,316,511 $318,548
MATTAPOISETT $587,658 $350,913
MAYNARD $4,024,015 $1,360,226
MEDFIELD $5,797,959 $1,255,070
MEDFORD $11,173,603 $10,502,207
MEDWAY $10,058,469 $1,056,306
MELROSE $7,765,699 $4,440,294
MENDON $12,050 $353,821
MERRIMAC $0 $728,482
METHUEN $40,240,901 $4,707,570
MIDDLEBOROUGH $17,376,809 $2,134,651
MIDDLEFIELD $18,050 $46,028
MIDDLETON $1,531,951 $473,733
MILFORD $19,457,577 $2,644,539
MILLBURY $6,745,942 $1,533,176
MILLIS $4,592,772 $906,484
MILLVILLE $50,987 $352,672
MILTON $5,869,609 $2,782,004
MONROE $75,976 $15,920
MONSON $7,342,725 $1,130,214
MONTAGUE $0 $1,240,842
MONTEREY $0 $40,031
MONTGOMERY $21,042 $75,139
MOUNT WASHINGTON $32,776 $25,954
NAHANT $462,021 $327,140
NANTUCKET $1,421,503 $68,601
NATICK $8,312,752 $3,299,298
NEEDHAM $7,901,802 $1,511,453
NEW ASHFORD $179,597 $17,586
NEW BEDFORD $120,056,679 $19,917,179
NEW BRAINTREE $0 $114,296
NEW SALEM $0 $89,832
NEWBURY $0 $448,397
NEWBURYPORT $3,484,458 $2,208,196
NEWTON $17,403,779 $5,088,123
NORFOLK $3,291,530 $830,305
NORTH ADAMS $13,517,943 $3,841,196
NORTH ANDOVER $7,068,576 $1,774,377
NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH $19,827,086 $2,490,951
NORTH BROOKFIELD $4,171,238 $689,906
NORTH READING $6,625,625 $1,537,319
NORTHAMPTON $7,023,429 $3,805,501
NORTHBOROUGH $3,668,085 $965,772
NORTHBRIDGE $15,150,056 $1,827,609
NORTHFIELD $0 $312,818
NORTON $12,328,675 $1,799,516
NORWELL $3,260,750 $928,150
NORWOOD $5,372,189 $4,027,272
OAK BLUFFS $639,201 $62,968
OAKHAM $0 $166,113
ORANGE $5,158,204 $1,399,243
ORLEANS $250,272 $148,722
OTIS $0 $31,492
OXFORD $10,209,599 $1,780,343
PALMER $10,626,130 $1,736,381
PAXTON $0 $468,520
PEABODY $19,059,168 $6,249,937
PELHAM $220,506 $137,820
PEMBROKE $13,013,732 $1,455,424
PEPPERELL $0 $1,292,246
PERU $73,500 $98,881
PETERSHAM $422,883 $99,260
PHILLIPSTON $0 $159,709
PITTSFIELD $39,290,438 $7,475,431
PLAINFIELD $51,024 $43,437
PLAINVILLE $2,788,256 $656,855
PLYMOUTH $23,291,788 $3,392,638
PLYMPTON $652,019 $205,407
PRINCETON $0 $256,351
PROVINCETOWN $265,966 $119,761
QUINCY $24,789,394 $16,532,568
RANDOLPH $14,424,784 $4,500,395
RAYNHAM $0 $984,542
READING $10,011,427 $2,806,899
REHOBOTH $34,157 $902,536
REVERE $48,007,444 $8,906,470
RICHMOND $340,519 $93,672
ROCHESTER $1,738,272 $367,733
ROCKLAND $10,386,793 $2,288,865
ROCKPORT $1,324,168 $378,858
ROWE $100,747 $3,411
ROWLEY $0 $467,570
ROYALSTON $0 $155,657
RUSSELL $168,465 $213,838
RUTLAND $0 $800,936
SALEM $20,879,459 $5,972,679
SALISBURY $0 $547,065
SANDISFIELD $0 $30,003
SANDWICH $6,588,268 $975,875
SAUGUS $4,883,463 $3,176,467
SAVOY $503,704 $100,320
SCITUATE $5,034,826 $1,741,761
SEEKONK $4,787,530 $1,065,437
SHARON $6,780,652 $1,212,028
SHEFFIELD $13,886 $210,933
SHELBURNE $4,663 $226,425
SHERBORN $525,258 $187,543
SHIRLEY $0 $1,135,967
SHREWSBURY $18,897,238 $2,411,871
SHUTESBURY $588,274 $146,827
SOMERSET $5,109,544 $1,327,968
SOMERVILLE $19,448,713 $21,815,292
SOUTH HADLEY $7,676,404 $2,261,280
SOUTHAMPTON $2,456,276 $551,690
SOUTHBOROUGH $2,744,686 $378,693
SOUTHBRIDGE $18,620,962 $3,046,010
SOUTHWICK $0 $1,092,155
SPENCER $17,006 $1,958,332
SPRINGFIELD $295,812,794 $32,777,293
STERLING $0 $600,258
STOCKBRIDGE $0 $86,306
STONEHAM $3,585,918 $3,217,831
STOUGHTON $14,304,924 $2,772,599
STOW $0 $364,487
STURBRIDGE $2,865,678 $670,795
SUDBURY $4,397,070 $1,212,003
SUNDERLAND $836,963 $437,622
SUTTON $5,201,455 $675,876
SWAMPSCOTT $2,940,442 $1,120,722
SWANSEA $6,098,206 $1,626,184
TAUNTON $47,822,170 $7,282,284
TEMPLETON $0 $1,207,362
TEWKSBURY $12,566,614 $2,409,797
TISBURY $404,664 $84,900
TOLLAND $0 $16,003
TOPSFIELD $1,062,714 $531,066
TOWNSEND $0 $1,137,900
TRURO $258,486 $26,048
TYNGSBOROUGH $7,080,574 $836,738
TYRINGHAM $35,721 $10,993
UPTON $19,248 $460,970
UXBRIDGE $9,074,414 $1,191,344
WAKEFIELD $5,111,980 $2,916,857
WALES $734,009 $204,505
WALPOLE $7,446,256 $2,206,646
WALTHAM $8,308,686 $8,314,358
WARE $8,674,320 $1,494,798
WAREHAM $12,416,757 $1,713,054
WARREN $0 $783,346
WARWICK $0 $110,115
WASHINGTON $0 $81,778
WATERTOWN $3,928,626 $5,775,246
WAYLAND $3,316,668 $782,645
WEBSTER $10,320,876 $2,143,737
WELLESLEY $7,526,408 $1,121,617
WELLFLEET $154,808 $50,608
WENDELL $0 $150,893
WENHAM $0 $370,872
WEST BOYLSTON $2,864,560 $689,851
WEST BRIDGEWATER $2,817,296 $566,184
WEST BROOKFIELD $201,348 $421,713
WEST NEWBURY $0 $256,546
WEST SPRINGFIELD $20,717,957 $3,103,080
WEST TISBURY $0 $160,822
WESTBOROUGH $4,736,300 $1,003,334
WESTFIELD $33,072,499 $5,450,602
WESTFORD $16,189,875 $1,840,033
WESTHAMPTON $450,895 $125,464
WESTMINSTER $0 $566,791
WESTON $2,571,779 $323,870
WESTPORT $4,262,947 $1,053,380
WESTWOOD $4,528,863 $631,666
WEYMOUTH $27,200,610 $7,549,641
WHATELY $247,640 $116,195
WHITMAN $121,212 $2,096,572
WILBRAHAM $0 $1,267,170
WILLIAMSBURG $509,920 $262,131
WILLIAMSTOWN $919,376 $826,641
WILMINGTON $10,743,101 $2,152,952
WINCHENDON $11,215,085 $1,456,620
WINCHESTER $7,464,498 $1,281,052
WINDSOR $47,361 $89,913
WINTHROP $6,026,962 $3,650,071
WOBURN $7,323,850 $5,183,481
WORCESTER $219,897,733 $35,980,899
WORTHINGTON $49,000 $108,756
WRENTHAM $3,606,873 $807,227
YARMOUTH $0 $1,093,176
Total Municipal $3,640,119,601 $920,230,293
Regional School District
Regional School District Chapter 70Unrestricted
Government Aid
ADAMS CHESHIRE $10,085,868
AYER SHIRLEY $7,959,611
BLUE HILLS $3,973,984
CAPE COD $2,063,837
FRONTIER $2,744,045
GATEWAY $5,625,873
GILL MONTAGUE $6,037,994
GREATER LOWELL $23,630,877
HAMPSHIRE $3,133,233
HAWLEMONT $609,827
KING PHILIP $7,169,225
MASCONOMET $4,823,099
MENDON UPTON $12,014,831
MINUTEMAN $2,155,902
MOHAWK TRAIL $5,874,244
MONOMOY $2,506,360
MONTACHUSETT $13,764,000
NASHOBA $6,411,680
NAUSET $3,289,004
NORTH SHORE $1,633,572
OLD COLONY $3,191,479
OLD ROCHESTER $2,238,124
PATHFINDER $5,362,160
PENTUCKET $12,703,677
PIONEER $4,028,736
QUABBIN $16,229,913
QUABOAG $8,479,786
RALPH C MAHAR $5,304,190
SILVER LAKE $7,571,135
SOUTH SHORE $3,851,923
SOUTHEASTERN $13,322,803
TANTASQUA $7,602,665
TRI COUNTY $5,529,518
TRITON $8,295,596
UPISLAND $804,072
UPPER CAPE COD $2,891,885
WACHUSETT $24,731,804
WHITMAN HANSON $24,018,810
WHITTIER $7,879,915
Total Regional $661,094,990 $0
Total State $4,301,214,591 $920,230,293

SECTION 4. Section 7 of chapter 4 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after the word “purpose”, in line 137, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, the following words:- , or any person, corporation, association, partnership or other legal entity which receives or expends public funds for the payment or administration of pensions for any current or former employees of the commonwealth or any political subdivision as defined in section 1 of chapter 32.

SECTION 5. Section 19 of chapter 6 of the General Laws is hereby repealed.

SECTION 6. Said chapter 6 is hereby further amended by striking out section 20, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, and inserting in place thereof the following section:-
Section 20. (a) As used in this section, the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings:–
“Historical artifact”, an object commemorating, representing or having specific ties to a significant historical event or era in the history of the commonwealth; provided, however, that “historical artifact” shall not include flags under the care of the superintendent of the state house under section 17A of chapter 8.
“Work of art”, (i) a portrait or other memorial procured under section 19 or 19A of chapter 8; and (ii) a painting, portrait, mural decoration, stained glass, statue, bas-relief, ornament, fountain or other article or structure of a permanent character intended for decoration or commemoration.
(b) There shall be an art commission for the state house consisting of 7 members, 3 of whom shall be appointed by the governor, 2 of whom shall be appointed by the senate president and 2 of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. All of the members shall be residents of the commonwealth qualified by training and experience in public art, museum collections or historic preservation. Commission members shall serve for 5-year terms without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for travel and other expenses necessary for the performance of their duties, as approved by the superintendent of the state house and paid for from the State House Special Event Fund, established in section 35P of chapter 10. The commission may adopt its own rules and elect officers from its own members as may be considered proper.
(c) The governor shall appoint a state house curator from among candidates recommended by the commission. The curator shall be qualified by training and experience in historic preservation and art collections management, care and conservation. The curator shall report to the superintendent of the state house and the commission and shall be responsible for the curatorial, registrarial and administrative duties associated with both the day-to-day oversight of the state house art and artifact collection and the historic preservation of the state house.
(d) The commission shall have the custody and care of all works of art and historical artifacts in the state house art collection, including those inside the state house, on its grounds, on display and in storage. The commission shall oversee the care of such works of art and historical artifacts according to the codes of ethics and standards for practice established by the American Alliance of Museums and the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works.
The commission shall oversee the handling and display of works of art and historical artifacts in public areas and private offices; provided, however, that the commission shall not place in or remove from any space in the state house assigned to the general court any such works of art or historical artifacts without the approval of the committees on rules of the 2 branches, acting concurrently.
(e) The commission shall serve as an advisor to the governor and general court on all artistic matters at the state house, including the historic preservation of the building.
(f) The commission shall direct the process of acquisitions to the state house art collection, from review of all plans to the final approval of completed art works. The art commission shall be advised of any proposal relative to the permanent addition of works of art or historical artifacts to the state house art collection and shall submit its opinion regarding the appropriateness of proposed art work to the governor prior to the approval required under section 21 of chapter 8.
(g) The commission shall review and approve any plan or design relative to the creation, acquisition, construction, erection or remodeling of any work of art in the state house. The commission may consult with sponsors and donors to revise and refine the plans and designs. The commission shall give its final approval upon the arrival of the work of art to the state house. The commission shall file with the governor, within 30 days after submission of a plan or design, its opinion of the proposed work of art together with any suggestions and recommendations as it may consider proper.
(h) The commission may receive grants, gifts, bequests and other contributions for maintenance, restoration and acquisition of works of art and historical artifacts. The funds shall be received by the state treasurer on behalf of the commonwealth and deposited in a special trust account and may be expended, without further appropriation, under the direction of the superintendent and the commission. The special trust account shall be subject to audit by the state auditor under section 12 of chapter 11.

SECTION 7. Section 178D of said chapter 6, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out, in lines 31 and 32, the words:- or level 2.

Governor returned the following section with recommendation of amendment [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 8. Section 178F½ of said chapter 6, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out the first sentence and inserting in place thereof the following 3 sentences:- An incarcerated sex offender finally classified by the board as a level 2 or level 3 sex offender who is required to register under sections 178C to 178P, inclusive, shall appear in person within 2 days of release from the custody of an agency, including the department of correction, the department of youth services or any of the houses of correction, at the local police department in the city or town in which the sex offender lives or, if the sex offender does not reside in the commonwealth, in the city or town in the commonwealth in which the sex offender has a secondary address, works or attends an institution of higher learning, to register. The sex offender shall be informed by, and shall acknowledge in writing to, the agency that has custody of the sex offender of the offender’s duty to appear in person at a local police department within 2 days of release from custody. A sex offender who is finally classified by the board as a level 2 or level 3 sex offender and who is required to register under said sections 178C to 178P, inclusive, shall appear in person annually at the local police department in the city or town in which the sex offender lives or, if the sex offender does not reside in the commonwealth, in the city or town in the commonwealth in which the sex offender has a secondary address, works or attends an institution of higher learning, to verify that the registration data on file remains true and accurate.

SECTION 9. Section 178K of said chapter 6, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 126, the figure “178I” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- 178D, 178I.

SECTION 10. Said section 178K of said chapter 6, as so appearing, is hereby further amended by adding the following 2 subsections:-
(4) The sex offender registry board, in cooperation with the executive office of public safety and security, and with the consultation of the offices of the district attorneys, the department of probation, the department of children and families and the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association Incorporated, shall establish and maintain a system of procedures for the ongoing sharing of information that may be relevant to the board’s determination or reevaluation of a sex offender’s level designation among the board, the offices of the district attorneys and any department, agency or office of the commonwealth that reports, investigates or otherwise has access to potentially relevant information, including, but not limited to, the department of youth services, the department of children and families, the department of mental health, the department of developmental services, the department of correction, the department of probation, the department of early education and care, the department of public health and the office of the child advocate, .
The board shall promulgate any rules or regulations necessary to establish, update and maintain this system including, but not limited to, the frequency of updates, measures to ensure the comprehensiveness, clarity and effectiveness of information, and metrics to determine what information may be relevant. When sharing information through this system, all members shall have discretion to delay sharing information where it is reasonably believed that disclosure would compromise or impede an investigation or prosecution or would cause harm to a victim.
(5) The sex offender registry board shall have access to any information that is determined to be relevant to the board’s determination or reevaluation of a sex offender’s level designation, as defined in subsection (4), through the system of procedures established in said subsection (4).

SECTION 11. Section 178L of said chapter 6, as so appearing, is hereby amended by adding the following subsection:-
(3) The board may, on its own initiative or upon written request by a police department or district attorney, seek to reclassify any registered and finally classified sex offender in the event that new information, which is relevant to a determination of a risk of re-offense or degree of dangerousness, is received. The board shall promulgate regulations defining such new information and establishing the procedures relative to a reclassification hearing held for this purpose; provided that (i) the hearing is conducted according to the standard rules of adjudicatory procedure or other rules which the board may promulgate, (ii) the hearing is conducted in a reasonable time, and (iii) the sex offender is provided prompt notice of the hearing, which includes: the new information that led the board to seek reclassification of the offender, the offender’s right to challenge the reclassification, the offender’s right to submit to the board documentary evidence relative to his risk of reoffense and the degree of dangerousness posed to the public, the offender’s right to retain counsel for the hearing, and the offender’s right to have counsel appointed if the offender is indigent, as determined by the board using the standards in chapter 211D. An indigent offender may also apply for and the board may grant payment of fees for an expert witness in any case in which the board intends to rely on the testimony or report of an expert witness prepared specifically for the purposes of the reclassification proceeding. The failure of the offender to attend the hearing may result in a waiver of the offender’s rights and the board’s recommended reclassification becoming final.
All offenders who are juveniles at the time of notification shall be represented by counsel at the hearing and notification shall also be mailed to the sex offender’s legal guardian or agency having custody of the juvenile in the absence of a legal guardian and the offender’s most recent attorney of record.

SECTION 12. Section 178M of said chapter 6, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out the first sentence and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:- An offender may seek judicial review, in accordance with section 14 of chapter 30A, of the board’s final classification, reclassification and registration requirements.

Governor returned the following section with recommendation of amendment [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 13. Section 178P of said chapter 6, as so appearing, is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph:-
Whenever a police officer, district attorney or agent, employee or representative of the executive office of health and human services has information that may be relevant to the assessment of a sex offender’s risk to reoffend or degree of dangerousness, the police department, district attorney or executive health and human services agent, employee or representative shall forward to the board the information upon which the reasonable suspicion is based; provided, however, that a police department or district attorney shall not forward information to the board that the police department or district attorney believes will compromise an ongoing investigation.

SECTION 14. Said chapter 6 is hereby further amended by inserting after section 208 the following section:-
Section 208A. There shall be an Office for Refugees and Immigrants Trust Fund to be administered by the director of the office for refugees and immigrants. The director shall appoint the trustee of the fund, who shall serve until a successor is appointed. There shall be credited to the trust grants, bequests, gifts or contributions of cash or securities and contributions of services or property in kind from persons or other governmental, nongovernmental, quasi-governmental or local governmental entities made for the purpose of supporting the office for refugees and immigrants. Expenditures from the fund shall not be subject to appropriation and balances remaining at the end of a fiscal year shall not revert to the General Fund. Expenditures from the fund shall be made only for the following purposes: (i) operating costs of the office for refugees and immigrants, including the divisions and programs within the office; (ii) costs related to carrying out the powers of the office under section 207; and (iii) costs associated with refugee and immigrant-related programs, grants and initiatives of the director. For the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt by the fund of revenues and related expenditures, the fund may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify payments from the fund in anticipation of fund receipts based on estimated receipts as certified by the trustee. The trustee shall ensure that no expenditures from the fund shall cause the fund to be in deficiency at the close of a fiscal year.

SECTION 15. Chapter 6A of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 16H the following section:-
Section 16I. (a) There shall be a Housing and Economic Development Trust Fund to be administered by the secretary of housing and economic development. Monies in the fund shall be deposited with the state treasurer in a manner that will secure the highest interest rate available consistent with the safety of the fund and with the requirement that all amounts on deposit be available for immediate use.
(b) The secretary shall appoint the trustee of the fund, who shall serve until a successor is appointed.
(c) There shall be credited to the fund: (i) grants, bequests, gifts or contributions of cash or securities, or contributions of services or property in kind from any persons or other governmental, nongovernmental, quasi-governmental or local governmental entities made for the purpose of supporting the executive office of housing and economic development as set forth in subsection (d); and (ii) all interest earned on monies in the trust.
(d) Expenditures from the fund shall not be subject to appropriation and balances remaining at the end of a fiscal year shall not revert to the General Fund. Expenditures from the fund shall be made only for the following purposes: (i) operating costs of the executive office of housing and community development, including the divisions and programs within the executive office; (ii) operating costs of the Massachusetts marketing partnership and the offices within the partnership, including the Massachusetts international trade office, the commonwealth marketing office, the office of travel and tourism, the Massachusetts film office and the Massachusetts sports partnership; and the Massachusetts office of business development, including the divisions and programs within that office; and (iii) costs associated with housing and economic development programs, grants and initiatives of the secretary.
(e) Funds deposited and expended from the fund shall not be assessed any indirect costs.
(f) For the purpose of accommodating timing discrepancies between the receipt by the fund of revenues and related expenditures, the fund may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify payments from the fund in anticipation of fund receipts based on estimated receipts as certified by the trustee. The trustee shall insure that no expenditures from the fund shall cause the fund to be in deficiency at the close of a fiscal year.

SECTION 16. Said chapter 6A is hereby further amended by striking out section 16O, as amended by section 13 of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012, and inserting in place thereof the following section:-
Section 16O. (a) There shall be a health disparities council located within, but not subject to the control of, the executive office of health and human services. The council shall make recommendations to reduce and eliminate disparities in access to quality health care and health outcomes based on racial, ethnic and disability status. This shall include disparities related to breast, cervical, prostate and colorectal cancers, strokes and heart attacks, heart disease, diabetes, infant mortality, lupus, HIV/AIDS, disability status, asthma and other respiratory illnesses. The council shall make recommendations for ways to address subpopulations with the highest levels of disparity in health care access and outcomes. The council may consider education, environment, housing, employment and other relevant determinants contributing to these disparities.
The council shall make recommendations for development and implementation of quality metrics to be used to better understand the causes of health disparities and strategies for addressing these disparities. The council shall make recommendations to increase diversity in the health care workforce, including doctors, nurses and physician assistants, so that it includes more people from racial, ethnic and disability populations.
(b) The council shall consist of the following: 3 members of the house of representatives, 1 of whom shall be designated as co-chair by the speaker of the house of representatives; 3 members of the senate, 1 of whom shall be designated as co-chair by the senate president; the secretary of health and human services or a designee, who shall serve ex officio; the commissioner of public health or a designee, who shall serve ex officio; the director of multicultural health in the department of public health or a designee, who shall serve ex officio; the director of Medicaid or a designee, who shall serve ex officio; the commissioner of the Massachusetts rehabilitation commission or a designee, who shall serve ex officio; the commissioner of developmental services or a designee, who shall serve ex officio; the commissioner of the Massachusetts commission for the blind or a designee, who shall serve ex officio; the commissioner of the Massachusetts commission for the deaf and hard of hearing or a designee, who shall serve ex officio; the attorney general or a designee, who shall serve ex officio; 8 persons from communities disproportionately affected by health disparities, 4 of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and 4 of whom shall be appointed by the senate president; and 20 persons who shall be appointed by the co-chairs, 1 from each list of nominees submitted by each of the following organizations: the American Cancer Society, Massachusetts Division, Inc.; the American Heart Association, Massachusetts Affiliate, Inc.; the Massachusetts General Hospital; Brigham and Women's/Faulkner Hospitals, Inc.; the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Inc.; the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, Inc.; the Massachusetts Medical Society; the Massachusetts Hospital Association, Inc.; the Boston public health commission, established in chapter 147 of the acts of 1995; the health department of the city of Springfield; the health department of the city of Worcester; the Massachusetts School Nurse Organization, Inc.; the Massachusetts Association of Public Health Nurses, Inc.; the Massachusetts Association of Health Plans, Inc.; Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc.; the Program to Eliminate Health Disparities at the Harvard School of Public Health; the Boston Medical Center Corporation; Massachusetts Advocates for Children, Inc.; the Disability Policy Consortium Inc.; and the Massachusetts Public Health Association. The representatives of nongovernmental organizations shall serve staggered 3-year terms. Vacancies of unexpired terms shall be filled within 60 days by the appropriate appointing authority.
(c) The council shall meet at least bimonthly, at other times as determined by its rules and when requested either by both co-chairs or by 1 co-chair and any 9 members. Council members with disabilities shall be provided reasonable accommodations based on identified needs.
(d) The council shall submit a report annually by July 1 to the governor, the health care cost and quality council and the general court, by filing the report with the clerks of the senate and house of representatives, the joint committee on health care financing and the joint committee on public health. The report shall include: (i) data on disparities in health care access and health outcomes; (ii) data on diversity in the health care workforce; (iii) recommendations for designing, implementing and improving programs and services; (iv) proposals for statutory and regulatory changes to reduce and eliminate disparities in access to quality health care services and health outcomes; and (v) recommendations for improving diversity and cultural competency in the health care workforce.

SECTION 17. Said chapter 6A is hereby further amended by inserting after section 16U the following section:-
Section 16V. (a) There shall be within the executive office of health and human services, but not subject to the control of the office, a bureau of program integrity. The inspector general shall appoint a director of the bureau, who shall serve as an assistant inspector general, under the supervision of the inspector general, and shall serve for a term of 4 years. The inspector general may remove the director for cause and designate an interim director until a new director is appointed. The director shall devote full time and attention to the duties of this office.
(b) The director may appoint such persons as are necessary to perform the functions of the bureau; provided, however, that section 9A of chapter 30 and chapter 31 shall not apply to any person holding any such appointment. The director may appoint and remove, subject to the approval of the inspector general, such expert, clerical and other assistants as the work of the bureau may require. Employees shall devote their full-time and attention to their duties while employed with the bureau and shall be subject to the rules and regulations established for employees of the office of the inspector general pursuant to section 4 of chapter 12A.
(c) The bureau shall monitor the quality, efficiency and integrity of programs administered by the executive office of health and human services. The bureau shall seek to prevent, detect and correct fraud, waste and abuse in the expenditure of public funds for benefit programs including, but not limited to, MassHealth, transitional aid to families with dependent children, emergency assistance to elders, disabled and children, the supplemental nutrition assistance program and other assistance benefits distributed via electronic benefit cards.
(d) In addition to the responsibilities set forth in subsection (c), the bureau shall: (i) review current eligibility intake and determination procedures for public benefit programs administered by the office of health and human services; (ii) assist in the development of any new intake procedures and regulations for eligibility determination; (iii) monitor whether eligibility regulations are being followed by the administering agency; (iv) assist with the coordination with other state agencies to transmit and collect data on beneficiaries; (v) coordinate with the program integrity division under the department of transitional assistance; (vi) provide training to employees serving under the office of health and human services on methods of intake procedures and beneficiary determination; and (vii) automate reporting of indicators of potential fraud cases.
(e) The bureau shall coordinate and consult with the executive office of health and human services on the efforts to verify eligibility for recipients of benefit programs through the sharing of information with other agencies and departments, including but not limited to, the department of revenue, the department of elementary and secondary education, the department of unemployment assistance, the department of industrial accidents, the registry of motor vehicles, the department of criminal justice information services and the department of correction.
(f) The director may report and refer instances of fraud, waste or abuse of public benefits to the inspector general for investigation pursuant to section 8 of chapter 12A and the results of such investigation may be referred to the attorney general or state auditor for appropriate action.

SECTION 18. Said chapter 6A is hereby further amended by inserting after section 18L the following section:-
Section 18M. (a) There shall be a standing commission to study the commonwealth’s criminal justice system which shall include: 3 members of the house of representatives, 1 of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader; 3 members of the senate, 1 of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader; the secretary of public safety and security, who shall serve as chair; the attorney general or a designee; the chief justice of the supreme judicial court or a designee; the president of the Massachusetts Sheriffs Association, Inc. or a designee; the president of the Massachusetts District Attorneys Association or a designee; the chief counsel of the committee for public counsel services or a designee; a representative from the Massachusetts Bar Association; a representative from the Boston Bar Association; a representative from the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Inc.; and 3 persons to be appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall have experience in mental health and substance abuse and addiction treatment, 1 of whom shall have experience in providing services or supervision for offenders and 1 of whom shall have experience in juvenile justice.
(b) In reviewing the commonwealth’s criminal justice system, the commission shall examine a variety of areas including, but not limited to: the prisoner classification systems; mandatory minimum sentences and sentencing guidelines, including the authority of the sentencing commission to revisit such sentences and guidelines; the provision of cost-effective healthcare in corrections settings; the probation and parole systems, with particular emphasis on their relative roles in pretrial diversion and post-release supervision; the operations of the offices of the sheriffs; conditions of confinement, including overcrowding in state prisons and houses of correction and the provision of health care and mental health and substance abuse treatment; recidivism rates; the treatment of juveniles within the criminal justice system; the impact of mental health and substance abuse issues; and best practices for reintegrating prisoners into the community, including an investigation of expanded community supervision.
(c) Where feasible, the chair of the commission shall apply for technical assistance from nationally-recognized criminal justice reform programs with a data-driven approach in order to develop legislation that would reduce corrections spending and utilize the savings to reduce crime, strengthen public safety and fund other budget priorities; provided, however, that the commission shall give priority in applying to those programs in which technical assistance comes at no cost to the commonwealth.
(d) The commission shall have access to information related to both adults and juveniles including, but not limited to, crime, arrest, conviction, jail, prison, probation and parole supervision data provided by state and local agencies; provided, however that any information sharing shall be in compliance with chapter 66A and shall be provided in a manner that meets all applicable federal and state privacy and security requirements. As necessary, the commission shall: (i) meet with affected stakeholders; (ii) partner with nongovernmental organizations that have expertise that can benefit the commission; and (iii) create advisory subgroups that include affected stakeholders as necessary.
(e) The commission shall issue annual reports not later than March 31 on its activities. The report shall include recommendations for legislation to reduce recidivism, improve overall public safety outcomes, provide alternatives for defendants with drug-addictions or mental illness, increase communication and cooperation among public safety entities, reduce overcrowding of facilities, increase reliance upon evidence-based criminal justice methods, improve the collection and reporting of data on adults and juveniles in the corrections system, contain correction costs and otherwise increase efficiencies within the commonwealth’s public safety entities. The report shall also list methods used by the department of correction and sheriffs to measure recidivism rates for persons released from the state prison or a house of correction, including after the expiration of a sentence or if approved for parole. The report shall also include a uniform standard for comparing recidivism rates among the department of correction and the houses of correction. The data shall include, where available, a comparison to prior calendar years and any other information the commission deems relevant to measuring recidivism.

Governor returned the following section with recommendation of amendment [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 19. The second paragraph of subsection (a) of section 13 of chapter 6D of the General Laws, as appearing in section 15 of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by adding the following sentence:- The cost and market impact reviews by the commission, as provided for under section 11N of chapter 112, shall be completed within 150 days from the date that the provider or provider organization has submitted notice to the commission.

SECTION 20. Subsection (c) of said section 13 of said chapter 6D of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by adding the following 3 sentences:- The commission may require that any provider, provider organization or payer submit documents and information in connection with a notice of material change or a cost and market impact review under this section. The commission shall keep confidential all nonpublic information and documents obtained under this section and shall not disclose the information or documents to any person without the consent of the provider or payer that produced the information or documents, except in a preliminary report or final report under this section if the commission believes that such disclosure should be made in the public interest after taking into account any privacy, trade secret or anti-competitive considerations. The confidential information and documents shall not be public records and shall be exempt from disclosure under clause Twenty-sixth of section 7 of chapter 4 or section 10 of chapter 66.

Governor returned the following section with recommendation of amendment [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 21. Section 49 of chapter 7 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out subsection (a) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-
(a) There shall be within the executive office of administration and finance, but not subject to its control, a public employee retirement administration commission which shall consist of 9 members, 3 including the governor or a designee; 2 persons to be appointed by the governor; 1 of whom shall be a representative of a public safety union and 1 of whom shall be qualified by training and experience in the investment of funds as a result of having been principally employed in such occupation for at least 10 years; the state auditor or a designee; 1 person to be appointed by the state auditor who shall be a representative of the Massachusetts Municipal Association; 1 person to be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives who shall be a representative of a county, city or town contributory retirement system with assets above $500,000,000 at the time of appointment; 1 person to be appointed by the senate president who shall be a representative of a county, city or town contributory retirement system with assets above $500,000,000 at the time of appointment; the president of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO or a designee; and 1 person to be appointed by the first 8 members who shall be the chairperson. Each member of the commission shall serve for a term of 5 years; provided, however, that in making initial appointments, the governor and the state auditor shall each appoint 1 member for a term of 3 years and 1 member for a term of 4 years. The members shall serve without compensation but shall receive their necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their official duties. Upon the expiration of the term of an appointed member, including the chairperson, or upon a vacancy otherwise created in those positions, the successor for that position shall be appointed in the manner aforesaid or for the remainder of said term, whichever is applicable. In the event the representative of a public safety union or the designee of the president of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO is a public employee, he or she shall be granted leave, without loss of pay or benefits and without being required to make up lost time, if on duty, for regularly scheduled work hours while in the performance of responsibilities of the commission. The public employee retirement administration commission shall select an executive director and enter into an employment contract with said director. The provisions of sections 9A, 45, 46, and 46C of chapter 30, chapter 31, and chapter 150E shall not apply to the executive director or any other employee of the commission.

SECTION 22. Section 6A of chapter 8 of the General Laws, inserted by section 14 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by striking out the figure “$1,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $5,000.

SECTION 23. Section 9 of said chapter 8, as most recently amended by section 15 of said chapter 139, is hereby further amended by inserting after the first sentence the following sentence:- The superintendent shall also be responsible for oversight of the immediate state house loading dock spaces.

SECTION 24. Section 35P of chapter 10 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out the fifth sentence, as amended by section 20 of said chapter 139, and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:- All monies, grants, gifts, bequests or other contributions received by the superintendent under this section shall be made payable to and deposited in the fund; provided, however, that the superintendent may retain funds to be expended after consultation with the committee on rules of the 2 branches, acting concurrently, for the restoration, equipment repair and replacement and educational and cultural programs and tours at the state house; and provided further, that funds shall be used for the maintenance of the military history museum pursuant to section 14 of chapter 8.

SECTION 25. Section 35V of chapter 10 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after the second sentence the following sentence:- The fund shall consist of 100 per cent of any fee increase collected on or after July 1, 2013.

SECTION 26. Said section 35V of said chapter 10, as so appearing, is hereby further amended by striking out the sixth sentence and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:- Moneys deposited into the trust fund that are unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, and that total not more than 50 per cent of the division's expenditures for the previous fiscal year, shall not revert to the General Fund.

SECTION 27. Section 35PP of chapter 10 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 9, the figure ‘$2’ and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $3.

SECTION 28. Subsection (c) of section 5G of chapter 12 of the General Laws, as appearing in section 29 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by inserting after the words “dismiss an action” the following words:- or claim.

SECTION 29. The second paragraph of subsection (a) of section 7 of chapter 15D of the General Laws, added by section 1 of chapter 459 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by striking out the first sentence and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:- As part of the department’s licensure and background record check process, the department shall obtain from the sex offender registry board all available sex offender registry information associated with the address of the program, center or home and conduct fingerprint-based checks of the state and national criminal history databases pursuant to 42 U.S.C. section 16962 before issuing a license.

SECTION 30. The second paragraph of subsection (b) of said section 7 of said chapter 15D, added by section 2 of said chapter 459, is hereby amended by striking out the first sentence and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:- As part of the department’s approval process, the department shall obtain from the sex offender registry board all available sex offender registry information associated with the address of the center, home or facility and conduct fingerprint-based checks of the national crime information databases pursuant to 42 U.S.C. section 16962 before issuing any approval.

SECTION 31. Section 8 of said chapter 15D, as most recently amended by section 5 of said chapter 459, is hereby further amended by adding the following subsection:-
(k) The board shall adopt regulations establishing the conclusiveness of information obtained by the department in an address search of the sex offender registry for purposes of licensing, license renewal or approval of school-aged child care programs, child care centers, family child care homes, placement agencies or large family child care homes, family foster care that is not supervised and approved by a placement agency, group care facilities or temporary shelter facilities, including the conditions in which the address search of the sex offender registry shall be sufficient cause for the department to deny an application for a license, license renewal or approval.

SECTION 32. Chapter 19A of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding the following section:-
Section 41. There shall be established upon the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Veterans Independence Plus Initiative Trust Fund. The secretary shall be the trustee of the fund and may expend monies in the fund, without further appropriation, for the administration of the Veterans Independence Plus Initiative, a joint initiative of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and the Administration on Aging in the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Revenues collected by the department from this initiative shall be deposited in the fund. The department may incur expenses and the comptroller may certify for payment amounts in anticipation of expected receipts, provided that expenditure shall be made from the fund which shall cause the fund to be in deficit at the close of a fiscal year. Any remaining balance in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not revert to the General Fund but shall remain in the fund and be available to the department during the following fiscal year for the purposes of this section. The secretary may expend from the fund for services provided in prior fiscal years.

SECTION 33. Chapter 19B of the General Laws is amended by striking out section 18, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, and inserting in place thereof the following section:-
Section 18. Subject to approval by the secretary of health and human services, the commissioner may enter into interagency agreements with the commissioner of mental health or the office of Medicaid for the coordinated regulation of or for the coordinated or joint management of certain services that are required or that shall be provided by the department of developmental services and the department of mental health or the office of Medicaid. Such an agreement may be entered into where it is determined by the commissioners of the departments and the director of Medicaid that the services require coordinated regulation to ensure development of substantially similar standards consistent with certain shared needs of persons with a mental illness and persons with an intellectual disability or persons enrolled in the commonwealth's money follows the person demonstration waiver or related waivers or that the services will be more efficiently and effectively provided by a single, unified management system than by 2 separate management systems. These services may include, without limitation, transportation, laundry, data processing, certain services to mixed populations of persons with a mental illness and persons with an intellectual disability with common needs for care and treatment or to persons who have been diagnosed as having both an intellectual disability and a mental illness, research activities, program monitoring and services provided to persons enrolled in the commonwealth's money follows the person demonstration waiver or related waivers. Coordinated regulation of these services may include, without limitation, issues such as restraint, charges for care, investigations and case management. Under these agreements, the department of developmental services may assume responsibility for the provision of these services to the department of mental health or the office of Medicaid. These agreements may delegate responsibility to the department of mental health to provide those services to the department of developmental services. These agreements may provide for the expenditure of appropriated funds consistent with the joint management service systems and may further provide for assignment of certain staff to the joint management service system. These agreements shall not conflict with the department of developmental services' primary responsibility for persons with an intellectual disability regardless of whether those persons also have a mental illness or are enrolled in the commonwealth's money follows the person demonstration waiver or related waivers.

SECTION 34. Subsection (d) of section 6C of chapter 20 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph:-
(4) The council may accept and expend funds for projects consistent with its purpose, including but not limited to, the development of a strategic food policy plan. Such funds shall be administered by the department of agricultural resources.

SECTION 35. Section 22 of said chapter 20, as so appearing, is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph:-
Non-development covenants for terms of limited duration shall be exempt from any regulations that require an appraisal, an environmental site assessment and a survey. The department may require other expedited requirements appropriate for the duration of the non-development covenant.

Governor returned the following section with recommendation of amendment [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 36. Subsection (c) of section 22 of chapter 21A of the General Lawsis hereby amended by striking out paragraph (1), as amended by section 33 of chapter 68 of the acts of 2011, and inserting in place thereof the following paragraph:-
(1) The department shall provide, by regulation, that all allowances issued under the program shall be offered for sale by auction. The proceeds recovered from the allowance auctions shall be deposited in the RGGI Auction Trust Fund established in section 35II of chapter 10. The proceeds shall be used without further appropriation for the following purposes only and shall be in a proportion to be determined by the department of energy resources with the approval of the secretary:
(i) to reimburse a municipality in which the property tax receipts from an electric generating station, including, for the purposes of this clause, payments in lieu of taxes and other compensation specified in an agreement between a municipality and an affected property owner, are reduced due to full or partial decommissioning of the facility or other change in operating status of the facility if such action also reduces the commonwealth’s greenhouse gas emissions from the electric generator sector under the goals established pursuant to chapter 21N; provided, however, that the amount of such reimbursement shall be determined by calculating the difference between the amount of the tax receipts, including payments in lieu of taxes or other compensation paid by the electric generating station in the current tax year and the amount of the tax receipts, including payments in lieu of taxes or other compensation paid by the electric generating station in the year prior to the full or partial decommissioning or other change in operating status of the facility; provided further, that no reimbursement shall be made if, in a tax year, the aggregate amount paid to a municipality by the owner of an electric generating station, including, but not limited to, payments in lieu of taxes and other compensation, exceeds the aggregate amount paid to that municipality by that owner in the year prior to the full or partial decommissioning or other change in operating status of the facility; provided further, that after full or partial decommissioning or other change in operating status of the facility, the electric generating station’s tax obligation shall be based, on an annual basis, on tax receipts, including payments in lieu of taxes or other compensation that have been negotiated in good faith by the electric generating station and municipality on or before January 30 of the current tax year; provided further, that if the electric generating station and municipality have not negotiated in good faith payments in lieu of taxes and other compensation in the nature of property tax payments by said January 30, then the facility’s tax obligation shall be determined by an independent third party assessor paid by said facility, but selected jointly by the municipality and the facility, or if they are unable to arrive at a joint selection, by the department of revenue; provided further, that the municipality shall be entitled to reimbursement for the difference between the amount called for in such assessment and the amount of the tax receipts, including payments in lieu of taxes or other compensation paid in the year prior to the full or partial decommissioning or other change in operating status of the facility; provided further, that such independent assessment shall be filed with any request for funds under this clause; and provided further, that payments from the fund shall be prioritized so that the first payments from the fund shall be made to municipalities under this clause;
(ii) to reimburse a municipality in which the property tax receipts from an electric generating station, including, for the purposes of this clause, payments in lieu of taxes and other compensation specified in an agreement between a municipality and an affected property owner, are reduced due to a reduction in capacity factor, occurring after July 1, 2012, at a dual coal and oil fired facility of at least 50 per cent from the average capacity factor of the previous 10 years, if such action also reduces the commonwealth’s greenhouse gas emissions from the electric generator sector under the goals established pursuant to chapter 21N; provided, however, that the amount of such reimbursement shall be determined by calculating the difference between the amount of the tax receipts, including payments in lieu of taxes or other compensation paid by the electric generating station in the current tax year and the amount of the tax receipts, including payments in lieu of taxes or other compensation paid by the electric generating station in the year prior to the full or partial decommissioning or other change in operating status of the facility; provided further, that no reimbursement shall be made if, in a tax year, the aggregate amount paid to a municipality by the owner of an electric generating station including, but not limited to, payments in lieu of taxes and other compensation, exceeds the aggregate amount paid to that municipality by that owner in the year prior to the full or partial decommissioning or other change in operating status of the facility; and provided further, that the amount of such reimbursement shall not exceed $3,000,000 in a calendar year;
(iii) to fund the green communities program established in section 10 of chapter 25A;
(iv) to provide zero interest loans to municipalities, which are not green communities pursuant to said section 10 of said chapter 25A for energy efficiency projects;
(v) to promote energy efficiency, conservation and demand response; and
(vi) to reimburse the commonwealth for costs associated with the administration of the cap and trade program.

Governor disapproved of the following Section [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 36A. Section 21 of chapter 22 of the General Laws, inserted by section 35 of chapter 68 of the acts of 2011, is hereby repealed.

Governor disapproved of the following Section [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 37. Said chapter 22 is hereby further amended by adding the following section:-
Section 22. (a) The commissioner may issue a written notice of violation, which shall be a written warning or a citation to assess civil monetary fines of not more than $5,000 for a violation of the following laws or of any regulations adopted thereunder:
(1) section 13A; provided, however, that an inspector assigned to the building division or a designee of the architectural access board may also issue a warning or citation under this section;
(2) sections 1, 2 and 64 of chapter 105;
(3) section 205A of chapter 140; provided, however, that an inspector assigned to the building division or the engineering division of the department may also issue a warning or citation under this section;
(4) sections 3V, 9 and 50 of chapter 143; provided, however, that an inspector assigned to the building division of the department may also issue a warning or citation under these sections;
(5) sections 65, 71 and 71D of chapter 143; provided, however, that an inspector assigned to the elevator division of the department may also issue a warning or citation under this section;
(6) the regulations of the state building code governing licensing of construction supervisors under section 94 of chapter 143; provided, however, that an inspector assigned to the building division of the department may also issue a warning or citation under such regulations;
(7) sections 5 to 41, inclusive, sections 53 to 54A, inclusive, sections 70 to 80, inclusive, or section 89 of chapter 146; provided, however, that an inspector assigned to the engineering division of the department may also issue a warning or citation under these sections; and
(8) sections 57 and 60 of chapter 147.
(b) The commissioner may issue a written notice of violation, which shall be a written warning or a citation to assess civil monetary fines of not more than $1,000 for a violation of sections 71K and 71N of chapter 143; provided, however, that a designee of the recreational tramway board may also issue a warning or citation under said sections 71K and 71N.
(c) The commissioner may adopt regulations for the administration and enforcement of this section.
(d) The individual issuing the written notice of violation shall indicate on the notice that it is for: (i) a written warning or a citation; and (ii) a violation of the specific law or regulation referenced in subsection (a).
(e) A person, firm or corporation who is issued a citation in a written notice of violation may appeal to a hearing officer designated by the secretary of public safety and security within 30 days after receipt of the notice. All appeal hearings shall be held in accordance with the standard rules governing informal adjudicatory proceedings adopted pursuant to section 9 of chapter 30A.
(f) A person, firm or corporation who is issued a citation in a written notice of a violation and who fails to: (i) pay the fines assessed within 30 days after receipt of the notice; (ii) appeal within the 30 days; or (iii) appear at a scheduled appeal hearing, shall be deemed responsible for the violation as stated in the notice. The finding of responsibility shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of responsibility for the violation in any civil proceeding regarding the violation, in any proceeding to suspend or revoke a license, permit or certificate and in any criminal proceeding.
(g) The commissioner may assess a fee for appeals filed pursuant to this section, to be determined by the secretary of administration and finance pursuant to section 3B of chapter 7.

SECTION 38. Section 63 of chapter 23A of the General Laws, as appearing in section 11 of chapter 238 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by striking out subsection (a) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-
(a) There shall be established within the executive office of housing and economic development a MassWorks infrastructure program to issue public infrastructure grants to municipalities and other public instrumentalities for design, construction, building, land acquisition, rehabilitation, repair and other improvements to publicly-owned infrastructure including, but not limited to, sewers, utility extensions, streets, roads, curb-cuts, parking, water treatment systems, telecommunications systems, transit improvements and pedestrian and bicycle ways. The program shall also provide for commercial and residential transportation and infrastructure development, improvements and various capital investment projects under the growth districts initiative administered by the executive office of housing and economic development. The grants shall be used to assist municipalities in advancing projects that support job creation and expansion, housing development and rehabilitation, community development, and small town transportation projects authorized pursuant to subsection (e); provided, however, that preference shall be given to projects supporting smart growth initiatives that are consistent with sustainable development practices in the commonwealth. The program may also be used to match other public and private funding sources to build or rehabilitate transit-oriented housing located within 0.25 miles of a commuter rail station, subway station, ferry terminal or bus station, at least 25 per cent of which shall be affordable.

SECTION 39. Section 8A of chapter 23H of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out, in lines 2 and 3, the words “Medical Security Trust Fund established in section 14G of chapter 151A” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- employer medical assistance contribution established in section 189 of chapter 149.

SECTION 40. Section 1 of chapter 29 of the General Laws, as appearing in section 112 of chapter 165 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by striking out the definition of “Balanced budget” and inserting in place thereof the following definition:-
“Balanced budget”, an annual general appropriation act resulting in a consolidated net surplus that is not less than 0.

SECTION 41. Section 2OOO of said chapter 29, as so appearing, is hereby further amended by striking out the words “(a) all contributions collected under section 188 of chapter 149; (b) all revenue from surcharges imposed under section 18B of chapter 118G; (c) any transfers from the Health Safety Net Trust Fund established in section 36 of said chapter 118G” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- (a) employer medical assistance contributions under section 189 of chapter 149; (b) all revenue from surcharges imposed under section 18 of chapter 176Q; (c) any transfers from the Health Safety Net Trust Fund established in section 66 of chapter 118E.

SECTION 42. Said chapter 29 is hereby further amended by inserting after section 2IIII the following section:-
Section 2JJJJ. There shall be established and set upon the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Public Safety Training Fund. The fund shall be used for the instruction of public safety personnel including, but not limited to, the recruitment of additional state police classes and for the municipal police training committee, under section 116 of chapter 6, as necessary, to preserve and promote the public safety. The fund shall be credited with all revenues collected from the surcharge imposed by section 12 of chapter 89 and the seventh paragraph of section 20 of chapter 90. The fund shall not be subject to section 5C of chapter 29 and shall be subject to appropriation.

SECTION 43. Said chapter 29 is hereby further amended by striking out section 5C, as appearing in section 112 of chapter 165 of the acts of 2012, and inserting in place thereof the following section:-
Section 5C. The comptroller shall annually, on or before October 31, certify to the secretary of administration and finance the amount of the consolidated net surplus in the budgetary funds at the close of the preceding fiscal year. Except as otherwise provided by law, the amounts so certified shall be transferred to the Commonwealth Stabilization Fund. This transfer shall be made from the undesignated fund balances in the budgetary funds proportionally from those undesignated fund balances; provided, however, that no such transfer shall cause a deficit in any of those funds. Before certifying the consolidated net surplus under this section, the comptroller shall, to the extent possible, eliminate deficits in any fund contributing to the surplus by transferring positive fund balances from any other fund contributing to the surplus.

SECTION 44. Section 20A of said chapter 29 is hereby repealed.

Governor returned the following section with recommendation of amendment [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 45. Chapter 30 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 38 the following section:-
Section 38A. Contracts for road, bridge, water and sewer projects awarded as a result of a proposal or invitation for bids under chapter 7C, section 11C of chapter 25A, section 39M of this chapter and sections 44A to 44H, inclusive, of chapter 149 shall include a price adjustment clause for each of the following materials: fuel, both diesel and gasoline; asphalt; concrete; and steel. A base price for each material shall be set by the awarding authority or agency and shall be included in the bid documents at the time the project is advertised. The awarding authority or agency shall also identify in the bid documents the price index to be used for each material. The price adjustment clause shall provide for a contract adjustment to be made on a monthly basis when the monthly cost change exceeds plus or minus 5 per cent.

SECTION 46. Section 3 of chapter 30B of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 2, the words “five thousand dollars” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $10,000.

SECTION 47. Section 4 of said chapter 30B, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out, in lines 3 and 14, the figure “$5,000” and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following figure:- $10,000.

SECTION 48. Section 15 of said chapter 30B, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 20, the figure “$5,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $10,000.

SECTION 49. Section 17 of said chapter 30B, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 1, the words “five thousand dollars” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $10,000.

SECTION 50. Section 58 of chapter 31 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after the word “town”, in line 33, as so appearing, the following words:- ; provided, however, that a city or town may increase the 10 mile residency limit under a collective bargaining agreement negotiated under chapter 150E.

SECTION 51. Subsection (a) of section 6D of chapter 40J of the General Laws, as appearing in section 38 of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by adding the following sentence:- The corporation and the institute shall maintain responsibility for fulfilling the obligations under the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Challenge Grant Program and the Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program.

SECTION 52. Subsection (d) of said section 6D of said chapter 40J, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out the second and third sentences and inserting in place thereof the following 2 sentences:- Before issuing requests for proposals relating to contracts to be entered into under this section, the institute's director shall consult with the council regarding the content of the requests for proposals. Nothing in this section shall be construed to provide the corporation or the institute any authority with respect to any contract relating to the development and implementation of the statewide health information exchange by the executive office of health and human services under section 2 of chapter 118I; provided, however, that the corporation shall maintain authority over contracts entered into by the corporation that the institute deems necessary: (i) to implement its responsibilities under the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Challenge Grant Program and the Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program; or (ii) in conjunction with any grants or other funding authorized under subsection (e) or any loan arrangements authorized under section 6E ½.

SECTION 53. Section 6 of chapter 62 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out, in line 273, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, the figure “2013” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- 2018.

SECTION 54. Said section 6 of said chapter 62 is hereby further amended by striking out, in line 278, as so appearing, the figure “2014” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- 2019.

SECTION 55. Subsection (k) of section 16 of chapter 62C of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by adding the following 5 sentences:- In addition, each such person shall annually, on or before March 20, file an information return for the prior calendar year in such form and containing such information as the commissioner may, by rule or regulation, require including, but not limited to, the total monthly sales amount to each person to whom sales have been made, exclusive of deposits required by sections 321 to 327, inclusive, of chapter 94, and identifying information for such purchasers. If any person fails to file the information return required by this subsection, the person shall be liable for a penalty of $1,000 for each failure. The penalty shall be considered assessed upon the issuance by the commissioner of a notice to the taxpayer setting out the amount of the penalty and the period for which the information return was due. No other notice or demand for payment shall be required as a prerequisite to the imposition or collection of a penalty imposed under this subsection, and the penalty shall be collected in the same manner as a tax. A penalty imposed by the commissioner for a failure to file an information return under this subsection shall be subject to subsection (f) of section 33 relative to waiver of penalties.

SECTION 56. The first paragraph of section 24 of said chapter 62C, as so appearing, is hereby amended by adding the following sentence:- The taxpayer shall provide to the commissioner all accounting records and information in a searchable electronic format, as requested by the commissioner, to the extent that the taxpayer maintains such records in electronic format.

SECTION 57. Said chapter 62C is hereby further amended by striking out section 24A, as so appearing, and inserting in place thereof the following section:-
Section 24A. (a) Members or indirect owners of a pass-through entity shall report items of income, expense or credit derived from the pass-through entity in a manner consistent with the reporting of the pass-through entity, except to the extent that a taxpayer member or indirect owner makes a declaration of inconsistency with its original return.
(b) The commissioner shall establish by regulation unified audit procedures. The commissioner may audit, in a unified proceeding, a pass-through entity 1 or more of whose members or indirect owners are subject to tax under chapters 62 or 63; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall limit the ability of the commissioner to audit or assess individual members or indirect owners with respect to items derived from a pass-through entity or the ability of the commissioner to inspect books and records of a pass-through entity outside of a unified audit procedure. The determination of pass-through entity items shall be binding on all members and indirect owners participating in the unified audit procedure. For purposes of this section, “members and indirect owners participating in the unified audit procedure” shall mean all members and indirect owners of a pass-through entity subject to audit in a unified proceeding pursuant to this section, other than members and indirect owners that elect not to participate in the unified audit proceding under subsection (e). The regulations shall establish the types of pass-through entities subject to unified audit proceedings which may include, but shall not be limited to, partnerships and S corporations. The regulations shall also require the pass-through entity to designate a tax matters partner who may represent all the members and indirect owners participating in the unified proceeding. The authority of the tax matters partner in a unified audit procedure shall include, but not be limited to, the following on behalf of members and indirect owners participating in the unified audit procedure: (i) receiving tax notices; (ii) representing members and indirect owners during the unified audit proceding and in administrative appeals with the commissioner; (iii) entering into settlement agreements with the commissioner under section 37C with regard to pass-through entity items; and (iv) filing petitions with the appellate tax board and pursuing any subsequent judicial appeal with respect to a determination of pass-through entity items by the commissioner. So far as practicable, the commissioner's regulations shall be modeled on federal rules.
(c)(1) A unified audit procedure shall begin when the commissioner so notifies the tax matters partner. Except as otherwise provided, the commissioner shall begin a unified audit procedure and issue a notice of determination of pass-through entity items within 3 years after the later of the date on which the entity’s return for the taxable year was either filed or required to be filed, taking extensions into account. The 3-year period shall be extended to the extent the statute of limitations for audit or assessment is extended under subsection (d). It shall be the responsibility of the tax matters partner to provide notice to members and indirect owners of the pendency of the unified audit procedure. Such notice shall be provided in the manner and to the extent required in the partnership or other agreement governing the pass-through entity and its members and indirect owners. The failure of the tax matters partner to provide notice shall not affect the validity of the unified audit procedure with respect to all members and indirect owners participating in the unified audit procedure. The determination of pass-through entity items after the commencement of a unified audit procedure shall be made exclusively under the unified audit process which, except as specified in this section, shall supersede the assessment and abatement process otherwise applicable under this chapter to members and indirect owners with respect to pass-through entity items. If, in the course of a unified audit procedure, it appears to the commissioner that the statement of pass-through entity items on the entity’s return will result in a tax liability of members and indirect owners that is different from the correct amount, the commissioner shall give notice of proposed adjustments to the tax matters partner and other members specified in regulations issued by the commissioner. Within 30 days after the notice, the tax matters partner or other members specified in regulations issued by the commissioner may request a conference with regard to proposed adjustments of pass-through entity items. After unified audit administrative proceedings are concluded, the commissioner shall issue a notice of determination of pass-through entity items to the tax matters partner. The tax matters partner or other members specified in regulations issued by the commissioner may petition the appellate tax board for review of the determination of pass-through entity items within 60 days after the determination has been sent to the tax matters partner. The appellate tax board shall have jurisdiction to decide petitions under this section and its decision shall be a final decision of the board for the purpose of the right to a judicial appeal.
(2) If no petition is filed with the appellate tax board as provided in this subsection, the determination of pass-through entity items shall become a final determination the day after the last date on which the pass-through entity may appeal the determination of pass-through entity items. If a timely petition is filed with the appellate tax board, the determination of pass-through entity items shall become a final determination on the later of: (i) the date of the appellate tax board decision or subsequent final judicial decision; or (ii) the day after the date on which the right to any further appeal expires. After a final determination of pass-through entity items is made, the commissioner shall assess or abate members and indirect owners in accordance with the final determination. The commissioner shall not be required to issue a notice of intent to assess prior to assessment.
(d)(1) Except as provided in this subsection, the statute of limitations for the assessment of tax of a member or indirect owner with respect to a pass-through entity item or an item affected by a pass-through entity item for a taxable year to which pass-through entity items relate shall not expire before the later of: (i) the assessment period, including subsections (d) or (h) of section 26, applicable to the taxpayer member or indirect owner for tax periods to which pass-through entity items relate; or (ii) 1 year after the date the determination of pass-through entity items becomes a final determination under paragraph (2) of subsection (c).
(2) Subsections (d) and (h) of section 26 shall apply to returns filed by a pass-through entity. In such cases, the commissioner may conduct a unified audit of pass-through entity items and reach final determination of those items during such extended time periods as are consistent with those described in said subsections (d) and (h) of said section 26.
(3) The tax matters partner or other person authorized by a pass-through entity may enter into a written agreement with the commissioner following the procedures under section 27 to extend the statute of limitations for the conduct of a unified audit procedure and determination of pass-through entity items.
(4) A member or indirect owner participating in the unified audit procedure may, within 6 months after an assessment or abatement made after a final determination of pass-through entity items in accordance with paragraph (2) of subsection (d), challenge the computation of tax as it applies to that taxpayer by filing an application for abatement under section 37; provided, however, that the application shall be limited to computational matters on the member’s or indirect owner’s return attributable to pass-through entity items and shall not contest the underlying determination of the pass-through entity items.
(e) Members or indirect owners of a pass-through entity may elect not to participate in a unified audit procedure by providing notice to the commissioner in such time and manner as the commissioner may require. Members or indirect owners who elect not to participate in the unified audit procedure shall follow the procedures under section 26 for pre-assessment conferences and procedures under section 37 for abatement requests and appeals with respect to determining and disputing tax related to pass-through entity items; provided, however, that the statute of limitations for assessment of tax to members or indirect owners who have elected not to participate in the unified audit procedure with respect to pass-through entity items and affected items derived from a pass-through entity that is subject to a unified audit procedure shall not expire in any event sooner than the end of 1 year after the date the determination of pass-through entity items becomes a final determination under paragraph (2) of subsection (c).

SECTION 58. Section 1 of chapter 62D of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out, in lines 5, 42 and 43, as so appearing, the words “division of employment and training” and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following words:- department of unemployment assistance.

SECTION 59. Said section 1 of said chapter 62D is hereby further amended by inserting after the word “debtor”, in line 20, as so appearing, the following words:- ; an amount owed to the department of unemployment assistance.

SECTION 60. Said section 1 of said chapter 62D is hereby further amended by inserting after the word “bankruptcy”, in line 48, as so appearing, the following words:- ; any individual owing a debt certified by the comptroller.

SECTION 61. Said section 1 of said chapter 62D is hereby further amended by inserting after the definition of “Debtor” , as so appearing, the following definition:-
“Department”, the department of revenue.

SECTION 62. Said section 1 of said chapter 62D is hereby further amended by striking out the definition of “Refund”, as so appearing, and inserting in place thereof the following 2 definitions:-
“Person”, an individual, vendor, contractor, partnership, society, association, joint stock company, limited liability company, corporation, estate, receiver, trustee, assignee or any other person acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity, whether appointed by a court or otherwise, or any combination of persons.
“Refund”, an overpayment of a tax, including interest and penalties, that may be returned or credited to the taxpayer pursuant to section 30, 31A, 36, 36A, 37 or 39 of chapter 62C, section 27 or 27A of chapter 65, section 6 of chapter 65A or any other general or special law that authorizes such a return or credit; provided, however, the commissioner shall not offset any refunds under this chapter payable to an operator as defined in section 1 of chapter 64G, a vendor as defined in section 1 of chapter 64H or section 1 of chapter 64I or a direct broadcast satellite service provider as defined in section 1 of chapter 64M to the extent that the person is obligated under those chapters to repay the purchaser the amount for which the application for refund is made.

SECTION 63. Section 13 of said chapter 62D is hereby amended by striking out, in lines 6 and 7, as so appearing, the words “division of employment and training” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- department of unemployment assistance.

SECTION 64. Said section 13 of said chapter 62D is hereby further amended by striking out, in line 12, as so appearing, the word “and”.

SECTION 65. Said section 13 of said chapter 62D is hereby further amended by inserting after the figure “7A”, inserted by section 14 of chapter 142 of the acts of 2011, the following words:- ; (x) unpaid federal nontax liabilities to a federal agency under section 15; and (xi) unpaid tax liabilities of another state under section 16.

SECTION 66. Said chapter 62D is hereby further amended by adding the following 2 sections:-
Section 15. (a) As used in this section, the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings:-
“Federal nontax liability”, a delinquent nontax liability certified by a federal official including, but not limited to, any interest, penalty, fine, fee or other nontax assessment imposed by or payable to the federal government that is finally determined to be due and owing.
“Federal official”, a unit or official of the federal government charged with the collection of federal nontax liabilities payable to the federal government and with the authority to enter into the offset agreement.
“Offset agreement”, the agreement between the commissioner, the state comptroller and the Secretary of the Treasury authorized by this section and section 19 of chapter 7A.
“State tax liability”, a delinquent tax liability certified by the commissioner including, but not limited to, any tax, interest, penalty or other addition to a tax imposed by or payable to the commonwealth that is finally determined to be due and owing pursuant to chapter 62C.
(b) Notwithstanding any other general or special law to the contrary, in coordination with the comptroller pursuant to section 19 of chapter 7A, the commissioner may enter into an offset agreement with the Secretary of the Treasury to participate in a reciprocal Treasury Offset Program pursuant to 31 U.S.C. section 3716 for the collection of any state tax liabilities owed to the commonwealth from federal payments to vendors and contractors. The offset agreement may provide for the United States to submit federal nontax liabilities owed to federal agencies for offset against refunds otherwise due and owing to taxpayers.
(c) Under the offset agreement, a federal official may: (1) certify to the commissioner the existence of a person's delinquent federal nontax liability, owed by the person to the federal government, by providing: (i) the full name and address of the person and any other names known to be used by the person; (ii) the social security number or federal tax identification number of the person; (iii) the amount of the federal nontax liability; (iv) a statement certifying that the liability is past due, that due process has been provided and that the liability is legally enforceable in the amount certified, which may be provided in procedures for certifying payments in the offset agreement; and (v) any other information needed under the agreement; (2) request the commissioner to withhold any refund to which the person is entitled; and (3) retain a portion of the proceeds of any federal administrative setoff authorized by the federal offset program.
(d) As required or permitted by state law, federal law or the offset agreement, the commissioner shall: (1) determine if a person for whom a certification is received is due a refund; (2) withhold a refund that is due a person whose name has been certified by a federal official; (3) notify the person of the amount withheld in satisfaction of the federal nontax liability certified by a federal official; and (4) pay to the federal official the lesser of the entire refund or the amount certified plus any fee due under subsection (g) and pay any refund in excess of such amount to the person.
(e) The commissioner may certify to a federal official a person's delinquent state tax liability owed to the commonwealth by providing the federal official: (i) the full name and address of the person and any other names known to be used by the person; (ii) the social security number or federal tax identification number of the person; (iii) the amount of the state tax liability; (iv) a statement certifying that the state tax liability is past due, that due process has been provided and that the liability is legally enforceable in the amount certified, which may be provided in procedures for certifying payments in the offset agreement; and (v) any other information required by state statute or regulation applicable to the collection of the state tax liability by offset of federal payments to vendors and contractors.
(f) The commissioner may request that the federal official withhold the lesser of any federal vendor or contractor payment to which the person is entitled under the offset agreement or the amount certified plus any fee due under subsection (g).
(g) The commissioner shall establish a reasonable administrative fee to be charged to the person for the state offset of a federal nontax liability or the federal offset of a state tax liability. The fee shall be a separate charge and may be withheld from any refund. State administrative fees may be retained by the commissioner and shall be deposited in a separate revolving fund to be used by the commissioner, without further appropriation, for the costs in operating the offset program.
(h) Notwithstanding section 21 of chapter 62C or any other law prohibiting disclosure by the department of the contents of a taxpayer's records or information, all information exchanged to accomplish and effectuate the intent of this section shall be lawful.
(i) If an individual filed a joint income tax return and the federal nontax liability certified by a federal official is not the liability of both parties to the joint income tax return, the commissioner may not withhold or pay to the federal official that portion of the income tax refund attributable to the individual not owing the liability. The commissioner shall adopt procedures notifying parties to a joint income tax return of a proposed offset of a refund for a federal nontax liability certified by a federal official. The parties to the return shall have 60 days to assert, in writing, that a portion of the income tax refund is attributable to the individual not owing the federal nontax liability. If no such assertion, by a party to the joint return, is made within 60 days of notice, all of the refund shall be deemed attributable to the individual owing the liability.
Section 16. (a) As used in this section the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings:-
“Other state tax liability”, a delinquent tax liability certified by the tax officer of the reciprocal state, including but not limited to, any tax, interest, penalty or other addition to a tax imposed by or payable to the participating state that is finally determined to be due and owing under the laws of that state.
“State”, any state or the District of Columbia which extends a like comity for the collection of taxes owed to the commonwealth and participates in the reciprocal offset program.
“State offset agreement”, the agreement between the commissioner and the tax officer of the state which allows the department and the state to participate in a reciprocal offset program.
“State refund”, an overpayment of any tax that is returned or credited to the taxpayer under the laws of the state.
“State tax liability”, a delinquent tax liability certified by the commissioner including, but not limited to, any tax, interest, penalty or other addition to a tax imposed by or payable to the commonwealth that is finally determined to be due and owing pursuant to chapter 62C.
“Tax officer”, a unit or official of a state, or the duly authorized agent of such unit or official, charged with the imposition, assessment or collection of taxes in that state.
“Taxpayer”, a person identified by the commissioner or a tax officer as owing tax liabilities to the department or a state.
(b) Notwithstanding any other general or special law to the contrary, the commissioner may enter into a state offset agreement with a tax officer to participate in a reciprocal offset program for the collection of state tax liabilities owed to the commonwealth from state refunds due a taxpayer of the reciprocal state. The state offset agreement may provide for the state to submit other state tax liabilities to be offset against refunds due to commonwealth taxpayers.
(c) The commissioner may establish, in the state offset agreement, procedures and methods to be employed by the department and a state to safeguard information and implement this section. No state shall request the collection of taxes through the remedy established pursuant to this section unless the tax is at least $50.
(d) Under the state offset agreement, a tax officer may: (1) certify to the commissioner the existence of a person's delinquent other state tax liability, owed by the person to the state, by providing: (i) the full name and address of the person and any other names known to be used by the person; (ii) the social security number or federal tax identification number of the person; (iii) the amount of the other state tax liability due to the state, including interest and penalties; (iv) a statement certifying that the liability is past due, that due process has been provided and that the other state tax liability is legally enforceable in the amount certified, which may be provided in procedures for certifying payments in the state offset agreement; and (v) any other information needed under the agreement; (2) request the commissioner to withhold any refund to which the person is entitled; and (3) retain a portion of the proceeds of any setoff authorized by the state offset program.
(e) As required or permitted by state law and the state offset agreement, the commissioner shall: (1) determine if a person for whom a certification is received is due a refund; (2) withhold a refund that is due a person whose name has been certified by a tax officer; (3) notify the person of the amount withheld in satisfaction of the other state tax liability certified by a tax officer; (4) pay to the state the lesser of the entire refund or the amount certified plus any fee due pursuant to subsection (h); and (5) pay any refund in excess of such amount to the person.
(f) The commissioner may certify to a tax officer a person’s delinquent state tax liability owed the commonwealth by providing the tax officer: (i) the full name and address of the person and any other names known to be used by the person; (ii) the social security number or federal tax identification number of the person; (iii) the amount of the state tax liability; (iv) a statement certifying that the state tax liability is past due, that due process has been provided and that the liability is legally enforceable in the amount certified, which may be provided in procedures for certifying payments in the state offset agreement; and (v) any other information required by state statute or regulation applicable to the collection of the state tax liability by offset of state refunds due a taxpayer.
(g) The commissioner may request that the tax officer withhold the lesser of any state refund to which the person is entitled under the state offset agreement or the amount certified plus any fee due pursuant to subsection (h).
(h) The commissioner and the state may establish a reasonable administrative fee to be charged to the person for the provision of the offsets. The fee shall be a separate charge and may be withheld from any refund or state refund due to the person. Any applicable administrative fees may be retained by the commissioner and shall be deposited in a separate revolving fund to be used by the commissioner, without further appropriation, for the costs in operating the state offset program.
(i) Notwithstanding section 21 of chapter 62C or any other law prohibiting disclosure by the department of the contents of a taxpayer's records or information, the exchange of information to accomplish and effectuate the intent of this section is lawful.
(j) If an individual filed a joint income tax return and the other state tax liability certified by a tax officer is not the liability of both parties to the joint income tax return, the commissioner shall not withhold or pay to the state that portion of the income tax refund attributable to the individual not owing the liability. The commissioner shall adopt procedures notifying parties to a joint income tax return of a proposed offset of a refund for the other state tax liability certified by a tax officer. The parties to the return shall have 60 days to assert in writing that a portion of the income tax refund is attributable to the individual not owing the liability. If no such assertion by a party to the joint return is made within 60 days of notice, all of the refund shall be deemed attributable to the individual owing the liability.

SECTION 67. Section 12 of chapter 62E of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out, in lines 23 and 24, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, the words “fair share employer contribution requirement under section 188” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- employer medical assistance contribution under section 189.

SECTION 68. Section 38Q of chapter 63 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 3, the figure “2013” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- 2018.

SECTION 69. Said section 38Q of said chapter 63, as so appearing, is hereby further amended by striking out, in line 8, the figure “2014” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- 2019.

SECTION 70. Subsection (d) of section 2C of chapter 64C of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out the second sentence and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:- Such fund shall consist of all certification fees submitted by manufacturers and shall, in addition to any other monies made available for such purpose, be expended by the secretary, without further appropriation, and shall be used to support state processing, testing, enforcement, and oversight activities related to implementation of sections 2B to 2F, inclusive, and for a senior awareness of fire education program which shall include, education about the risk of fire to seniors and the purchase of safety devices for the benefit of at risk seniors.

SECTION 71. Chapter 70 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 6 the following section:-
Section 6A. (a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, upon the request of the board of selectmen in a town, the city council in a city with a plan E form of government or the mayor in any other city, within any fiscal year, the department of revenue may recalculate the minimum required local contribution for that year. Based on the criteria established in this section, the department of revenue shall recalculate the minimum required local contribution for a municipality's local and regional schools and shall certify the amounts calculated to the department of elementary and secondary education.
(b) A city or town that used qualifying revenue amounts in a fiscal year which are not available for use in the next fiscal year, or that is required to use revenue for extraordinary non-school-related expenses for which it did not have to use revenues in the preceding fiscal year or that has an excessive certified municipal revenue growth factor which is greater than or equal to 1.5 times the state average municipal revenue growth factor may appeal to the department of revenue, not later than October 1, for an adjustment of its minimum required local contribution and net school spending for that fiscal year.
(c) If an appeal is determined to be valid, the department of revenue may reduce proportionately the minimum required local contribution amount based on the amount of shortfall in revenue or based on the amount of increase in extraordinary expenditures in the current fiscal year; provided however, that no adjustment to the minimum required local contribution on account of an extraordinary expense in the budget for the fiscal year in which the waiver is granted, shall affect the calculation of the minimum required local contribution in subsequent fiscal years. Qualifying revenue amounts shall include, but not be limited to, extraordinary amounts of free cash, overlay surplus and other available funds.
(d) If upon submission of adequate documentation, the department of revenue determines that a municipality's appeal regarding an excessive municipal revenue growth factor is valid, the department of revenue shall recalculate the municipal revenue growth factor and the department of elementary and secondary education shall use the revised growth factor to calculate the preliminary local contribution, the minimum required local contribution and any other factor that directly or indirectly uses the municipal revenue growth factor. Any relief granted as a result of an excessive municipal revenue growth factor shall constitute a permanent reduction in the minimum required local contribution.
(e) The board of selectmen in a town, the city council in a city with a plan E form of government, the mayor in any other city or a majority of the member municipalities of a regional school district, which used qualifying revenue amounts in a fiscal year that are not available for use in the next fiscal year, may appeal to the department of revenue, not later than October 1, for an adjustment to its net school spending requirement for that fiscal year. If an appeal is determined to be valid, the department of revenue shall reduce the net school spending requirement based on the amount of the shortfall in revenue and reduce the minimum required local contribution of the member municipalities accordingly. Qualifying revenue amounts shall include, but not be limited to, extraordinary amounts of excess and deficiency, surplus and uncommitted reserves.
(f) If the regional school budget has already been adopted by two-thirds of the member municipalities then, upon a majority vote of the member municipalities, the regional school committee shall adjust the assessments of the member municipalities in accordance with the reduction in minimum required local contributions approved by the department of revenue or the department of elementary and secondary education in accordance with this section.
(g) Notwithstanding clause (14) of section 3 of chapter 214 or any other general or special law to the contrary, the amounts determined under this section shall be the minimum required local contribution described in this chapter. The department of revenue and the department of elementary and secondary education shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on education of the amount of any reduction in the minimum required local contribution amount.
(h) If a city or town has an approved budget that exceeds the recalculated minimum required local contribution and net school spending amounts for its local school system or its recalculated minimum required local contribution to its regional school districts as provided in this section, the local appropriating authority shall determine the extent to which the community shall avail itself of any relief authorized by this section.
(i) The amount of financial assistance due from the commonwealth in any fiscal year, under this chapter or any other law, shall not be changed on account of any redetermination of the minimum required local contribution pursuant to this section.
(j) The department of revenue and the department of elementary and secondary education shall issue guidelines to implement their respective duties pursuant to this section.

SECTION 72. Section 37O of chapter 71 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after the word “students”, in line 6, the following words:- or by a member of a school staff including, but not limited to, an educator, administrator, school nurse, cafeteria worker, custodian, bus driver, athletic coach, advisor to an extracurricular activity or paraprofessional.

SECTION 73. Said section 37O of said chapter 71, as so appearing, is hereby further amended by inserting after the word “student”, in line 43, the following words:- or a member of a school staff including, but not limited to, an educator, administrator, school nurse, cafeteria worker, custodian, bus driver, athletic coach, advisor to an extracurricular activity or paraprofessional.

SECTION 74. The first paragraph of subsection (d) of said section 37O of said chapter 71, as so appearing, is hereby further amended by inserting after the first sentence the following sentence:- The plan shall apply to students and members of a school staff, including, but not limited to, educators, administrators, school nurses, cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers, athletic coaches, advisors to an extracurricular activity and paraprofessionals.

SECTION 75. Chapter 89 of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding the following section:-
Section 12. There shall be a surcharge of $5 on a fine assessed against a person convicted of or found responsible for a motor vehicle violation under this chapter or a violation of a special regulation lawfully made under the authority of this chapter. The surcharge shall be transferred by the registrar of motor vehicles to the state treasurer for deposit into the Public Safety Training Fund established in section 2JJJJ of chapter 29.

SECTION 76. Section 8 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition is hereby amended by inserting after the tenth paragraph the following 2 paragraphs:-
A license shall include the word “Veteran” upon presentation of sufficient evidence, as determined by the registrar, that a person is a veteran as defined in clause Forty-third of section 7 of chapter 4. A fee for a license that includes the word “Veteran” shall be equal to or less than the fee required for a license without such designation.
Any fees associated with applying for an amended license for the purpose of obtaining a veteran’s indicator shall be equal to or less than the fee required for a license without such designation and may be waived for any veteran over the age of 70.

SECTION 77. Section 8E of said chapter 90, as amended by section 1 of chapter 170 of the acts of 2012, is hereby further amended by adding the following 2 paragraphs:-
An identification card shall include the word “Veteran” upon presentation of sufficient evidence, as determined by the registrar, that a person is a veteran as defined in clause Forty-third of section 7 of chapter 4. A fee for a card that includes the word “Veteran” shall be equal to or less than the fee required for a card without such designation.
Any fees associated with applying for an amended identification for the purpose of obtaining a veteran’s indicator shall be equal to or less than the fee required for an identification without such designation and may be waived for any veteran over the age of 70.

SECTION 78. Section 20 of said chapter 90, is hereby amended by striking out the figure “$37.50”, inserted by section 96 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $50.00.

SECTION 79. Said section 20 of said chapter 90, as most recently amended by said section 96 of said chapter 139, is hereby further amended by adding the following paragraph:-
There shall be a surcharge of $5 on a fine assessed against a person convicted of or found responsible for a motor vehicle violation pursuant to this chapter or a violation of a special regulation lawfully made under the authority of this chapter. The surcharge shall be transferred by the registrar of motor vehicles to the state treasurer for deposit into the Public Safety Training Fund established in section 2JJJJ of chapter 29.

SECTION 80. Paragraph (a) of subdivision (2) of section 24 of said chapter 90 is hereby amended by striking out the figure “$187.50”, inserted by section 97 of said chapter 139, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following figure:- $250.

Governor returned the following section with recommendation of amendment [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 81. Section 14 of chapter 91 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph:-
An ethanol storage or blending facility that stores or blends or is intended to store or blend more than an average of 5,000 gallons of ethanol per day and is located within 1 mile of a census block that has a population density of greater than 4,000 people per square mile shall not be granted a license under this chapter. For the purposes of this section, ethanol shall be defined as any mixture composed of not less than 30 per cent ethanol.

SECTION 82. The first sentence of subsection (b) of section 184C of chapter 94 of the General Laws, as appearing in section 1 of chapter 138 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by inserting after the words “display price” the following words:- shelf tag.

SECTION 83. The second sentence of subsection (c) of said section 184C of said chapter 94, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the words “display price” the following words:- shelf tag.

SECTION 84. Subsection (b) of section 184D of said chapter 94, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out the third and fourth sentences and inserting in place thereof the following 3 sentences:- Notwithstanding the method for determining the amount of civil fines under section 29A of chapter 98, a civil citation may be issued for $200 for each violation, up to a maximum of $5,000 per inspection, for a food store or a food department utilizing a consumer price scanner system. Notwithstanding the method for determining the amount of civil fines under said section 29A of said chapter 98, a civil citation may be issued for $100 per violation, up to a maximum of $2,500 per inspection, for a food store or food department utilizing an individual item pricing system. For a food store or a food department utilizing a consumer price scanner system, if an item is advertised either in a food store, food department or in a circular as on sale or discounted because of a loyalty card price and the item registers at a higher price at the checkout counter than indicated by a sale or loyalty card price, a civil citation shall be issued for $300 per violation, up to a maximum of $5,000 per inspection.

SECTION 85. Subsection (d) of section 184E of said chapter 94, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out the fourth sentence and inserting in place thereof the following 2 sentences:- A food store or food department with more than 5,000 square feet but less than 20,000 square feet shall have 1 fully operational consumer price scanner capable of producing an individual item pricing tag, located at the front of the food store or food department. A food store or food department with more than 20,000 square feet shall have 2 fully operational consumer price scanners capable of producing an individual item pricing tag, with at least 1 located at the front of the food store or food department.

SECTION 86. Subsection (d ½) of section 18 of chapter 94C of the General Laws, as amended by section 2 of chapter 8 of the acts of 2013, is hereby further amended by adding the following paragraph:-
Nothing in this subsection shall be interpreted to prohibit a retail pharmacy operating within the commonwealth from filling prescriptions for a narcotic substance contained in schedule II of section 3 to residents of states other than Maine and the states contiguous with the commonwealth, provided, however, that:
(1) the pharmacy shall be licensed for retail by the commonwealth and, if applicable, registered with the appropriate regulatory authorities in the state from which the prescription is received and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, as applicable, for the dispensing of controlled substances;
(2) the prescription shall be filled by a pharmacist licensed and registered in the state from which the prescription originates, if the state of the prescription’s origin requires such registration and licensing, and shall be written by a physician licensed to practice medicine and registered in the same state or a contiguous state to where the prescription is to be delivered and registered under federal law to write prescriptions;
(3) the prescription shall be received by the retail pharmacy via mail or commercial carrier or through an equivalent electronic means as may be authorized by federal law;
(4) a registered pharmacist filling a prescription under this subsection shall determine, in accordance with professional standards and personal judgment, that such prescription is authentic, valid, legitimate and legal in the state from which it is received and shall verify the prescription by telephonic or other means; provided, however, that a pharmacist shall not fill a prescription for which verification cannot be obtained; and provided further, that any delivery of controlled substances to residents of another state shall be in full compliance with all laws and regulations of that state relative to the issuance and filling of prescriptions;
(5) the pharmacy shall comply with all reporting requirements of the state to which the prescription is delivered including, but not limited to, enrollment in and adherence to the rules, regulations and requirements of the state’s prescription monitoring program or any program equivalent thereto, where applicable; and
(6) any substances delivered under this subsection shall be delivered via mail or by a commercial carrier to a verified address in the state of residence of the person for whom the prescription was written and shall not enter into the hands of any person in the commonwealth not directly associated by employment or subcontract with the United States Postal Service or commercial carrier selected for such purpose.

SECTION 87. Subsection (c) of section 24A of said chapter 94C is hereby further amended by striking out the second paragraph, added by section 8 of chapter 244 of the acts of 2012, and inserting in place thereof the following paragraph:-
The department shall promulgate rules and regulations relative to the use of the prescription monitoring program by registered participants, which shall include requiring participants to utilize the prescription monitoring program prior to the issuance, to a patient for the first time, of a prescription for a narcotic drug that is contained in schedule II or III. The department may require participants to utilize the prescription monitoring program prior to the issuance, to a patient for the first time, of benzodiazepines or any other schedule IV or V prescription drug, which is commonly abused and may lead to physical or psychological dependence or which causes patients with a history of substance dependence to experience significant addictive symptoms. The regulations shall specify the circumstances under which such narcotics may be prescribed without first utilizing the prescription monitoring program. The regulations may also specify the circumstances under which support staff may use the prescription monitoring program on behalf of a registered participant. When promulgating the rules and regulations, the department shall also require that pharmacists be trained in the use of the prescription monitoring program as part of the continuing education requirements mandated for licensure by the board of registration in pharmacy, under section 24A of chapter 112. The department shall also study the feasibility and value of expanding the prescription monitoring program to include schedule VI prescription drugs.

SECTION 88. Section 25A of chapter 111 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out the last paragraph and inserting in place thereof the following paragraph:-
The department of public health may establish an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis registry, to be known as the Argeo Paul Cellucci Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Registry, by areas and regions of the commonwealth, with specific data to be obtained from urban, low and median income communities and minority communities of the commonwealth.

Governor disapproved of the following Section [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 89. The third paragraph of subsection (b) of section 25N 1/2 of said chapter 111, as appearing in section 72 of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by inserting, after the world “shall” the first time it appears, the following words:- offer a 9 to 12 month residency program and.

SECTION 90. Chapter 111K of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out section 9, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, and inserting in place thereof the following section:-
Section 9. To provide the monies necessary to establish and meet the purposes of the fund, the commission shall receive out of the employer medical assistance contribution under section 189 of chapter 149, $1 annually for each employee whose wages determine such employer’s total employer medical assistance contribution under said section 189 of said chapter 149. Said contribution shall be collected by the director of unemployment assistance and paid over to the state treasurer for deposit in the fund annually as provided by the commission.

SECTION 91. Clause (f) of the sixth paragraph of section 5 of chapter 112 of the General Laws, as appearing in section 115 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by inserting after the words “that are pending” the following words:- ; provided, however, that payments made as part of a disclosure, apology and early offer program, shall not be construed to be reportable to or by the board against the physician, absent a determination of substandard care rendered on the part of said physician.

SECTION 92. The definition of “General health supplies, care or rehabilitative services and accommodations” in section 8A of chapter 118E of the General Laws, as appearing in section 115 of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by inserting after the word “surgical” the following word:- , chiropractic.

SECTION 93. Subsection (e) of section 9D of said chapter 118E, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph:-
(6) The executive office shall direct MassHealth to provide each beneficiary age 65 and older with an annual notice of the options for enrolling in voluntary programs including Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly or PACE plans, Senior Care Option or SCO plans, Home and Community-Based Services Waiver program for frail elders or any other voluntary, elective benefit to which they are entitled to supplement or replace their MassHealth benefits. If MassHealth receives approval from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, MassHealth shall arrange for the annual notice to include the names and contact information for the program providers, general contact information for MassHealth and a general description of the benefits of joining particular programs in clear and simple language and a method to request the same information in a language other than English. The notice shall include a method for the beneficiary to indicate interest in receiving additional information on any programs identified that may be of interest to them. A draft of the proposed language and format for providing information to beneficiaries shall be circulated to the providers contracted to provide each of these programs for review and comment prior to finalization. The division shall work with the program providers and other appropriate stakeholders to assess whether and to what extent barriers to program enrollment shall be alleviated through modifications to the program or the enrollment process.

SECTION 94. The definition of “Managed care organization” in section 64 of said chapter 118E, as appearing in section 131 of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by inserting after the figure “9D” the following words:- or an integrated care organization as defined in section 9F.

SECTION 95. Clause (1) of the definition of “Payments subject to surcharge” in said section 64 of said chapter 118E, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the figure “65” the following words:- who are not enrolled in an integrated care organization.

SECTION 96. Said definition of “Payments subject to surcharge” in said section 64 of said chapter 118E, as soappearing, is hereby further amended by striking out the word “division” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- executive office.

SECTION 97. Said section 64 of said chapter 118E, as soappearing, is hereby further amended by inserting after the definition of “Surcharge payor” the following 2 definitions:-
“Total acute hospital assessment amount”, an amount equal to $160,000,000 plus 50 per cent of the estimated cost, as determined by the secretary of administration and finance, of administering the health safety net and related assessments in accordance with sections 65 to 69, inclusive.
“Total surcharge amount”, an amount equal to $160,000,000 plus 50 per cent of the estimated cost, as determined by the secretary of administration and finance, of administering the health safety net and related assessments in accordance with sections 65 to 69, inclusive.

SECTION 98. Said chapter 118E is hereby further amended by striking out section 66, as so appearing, and inserting in place thereof the following section:-
Section 66. (a) There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a fund to be known as the Health Safety Net Trust Fund, in this section and in sections 67 to 69, inclusive, called the fund, which shall be administered by the health safety net office, hereinafter the office. Expenditures from the fund shall not be subject to appropriation unless otherwise required by law. The purposes of the fund shall be to: (i) maintain a health care safety net by reimbursing hospitals and community health centers for a portion of the cost of reimbursable health services provided to low-income, uninsured or underinsured residents; (ii) support the estimated expenses of the executive office in administering the health safety net and related assessments under sections 65 to 69, inclusive; and (iii) support a portion of the costs of the Medicaid program under this chapter and the commonwealth care health insurance program under chapter 118H. The office shall administer the fund using methods, policies, procedures, standards and criteria for the proper and efficient operation of the fund and programs supported by it in a manner designed to distribute the fund resources as equitably as possible. The secretary of administration and finance, in consultation with the secretary of health and human services, shall determine annually the estimated expenses to administer the fund.
(b) The fund shall consist of: (i) all amounts paid by acute hospitals and surcharge payors under sections 67 and 68; (ii) all appropriations for the purpose of payments to acute hospitals or community health centers for health services provided to uninsured and underinsured residents; (iii) any transfers from the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund, established under section 2OOO of chapter 29; and (iv) all property and securities acquired by and through the use of monies belonging to the fund and all interest thereon. The office shall expend amounts in the fund, except for amounts transferred to the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund, for payments to hospitals and community health centers for reimbursable health services provided to uninsured and underinsured residents of the commonwealth, consistent with the requirements of this section and section 69 and the regulations adopted by the office. The office shall also annually expend monies from the fund for the expenses of the executive office, including the health safety net office under subsection (a), for the administration of the health safety net and related assessments. The office shall also expend not more than $6,000,000 annually from the fund for demonstration projects that use case management and other methods to reduce the liability of the fund to acute hospitals. Any amounts collected from surcharge payors in any year in excess of the total surcharge amount, adjusted to reflect applicable surcharge credits, shall be transferred to the General Fund to support a portion of the costs of the Medicaid program and commonwealth care health insurance program. Any annual balance remaining in the fund after these payments have been made shall be transferred to the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund. All interest earned on the amounts in the fund shall be deposited or retained in the fund. The director shall from time to time requisition from the fund amounts that the director considers necessary to meet the current obligations of the office for the purposes of the fund and estimated obligations for a reasonable future period.

SECTION 99. Subsection (a) of section 67 of said chapter 118E, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out clause (ii) and inserting in place thereof the following clause:- (ii) the total acute hospital assessment amount.

SECTION 100. The fourth sentence of subsection (a) of section 68 of said chapter 118E, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out the figure “$160,000,000” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- the total surcharge amount.

SECTION 101. The fifth sentence of said subsection (a) of said section 68 of said chapter 118E, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out the words “less than $150,000,000 or more than $170,000,000 in surcharge payments,” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- less than the total surcharge amount minus $10,000,000 or more than the total surcharge amount plus $10,000,000.

SECTION 102. Subsection (b) of section 3 of chapter 118I of the General Laws, as appearing in section 134 of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by striking out clauses (ii) to (iv), inclusive, and inserting in place thereof the following 2 clauses:-
(ii) implement, operate and maintain the statewide health information exchange; and
(iii) develop and implement statewide health information exchange infrastructure, including, without limitation, provider directories, certificate storage, transmission gateways, auditing systems and any components necessary to connect the statewide health information exchange to provider electronic health records systems.

SECTION 103. Section 10 of said chapter 118I, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out the last sentence.

SECTION 104. Section 26 of chapter 121B of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by adding the following clause:-
(p) Notwithstanding this section or section 34 to the contrary, to dispose of or demolish any part or all of an existing housing project assisted by the commonwealth pursuant to chapter 689 of the acts of 1974, chapter 167 of the acts of 1987 or chapter 705 of the acts of 1966, if: (1) the department and the housing authority have determined that it is not financially feasible to bring the units up to a reasonable program standard for occupancy or permissible to convert the units to another low-rent housing program; (2) the inventory of available housing units remaining in the surrounding community is not substantially diminished as a result of such demolition; and (3) for units financed pursuant to chapter 705 of the acts of 1966, the units were vacant as of November 1, 2012, or, for units financed by the chapter 689 of the acts of 1974 or chapter 167 of the acts of 1987, the department has received written confirmation from both the department of developmental services and the department of mental health that those units are obsolete and inappropriate for housing their respective clients. Upon approval by the department, the authority may dispose of the property by sale, ground lease or other transfer of its interest in the property; provided, that the department shall review and approve of any appraisal and request for proposals related to the disposition, as well as the selection of the selected bidder. The request for proposals shall provide that, in reviewing responses to the request for proposals, first priority for selecting from among the responsive and responsible bidders shall be those bidders that offer a feasible plan to provide housing on the site that is permanently affordable to households under 80 per cent of area median income as defined by the department. Those bidders shall obtain the property for $1, subject to an enforceable agreement to meet the requirements of its proposal. If no responsive and responsible bidder meets the above standard, the property shall be sold to the bidder offering the highest price for the property. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this chapter, proceeds from the disposition, after paying for the costs of the disposition, shall be deposited in an expendable trust controlled by the department, the purpose of which shall be to fund capital improvements that the department determines are necessary and appropriate at existing housing developments that serve households that would have been eligible for occupancy of the units that had been sited on the property.

SECTION 105. Subsection (b) of section 31 of said chapter 121B, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out the second and third sentences and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:- The department shall approve such a project only if it makes the following determinations: (i) the design and layout of the proposed project is appropriate to the neighborhood in which it is to be located; and (ii) an adequate supply of dwelling units for low-income families is not then available in the private market and the housing authority, after reasonable effort, has been unable to obtain such units either through reconstruction, remodeling or repair of existing buildings or by the purchase of completed dwelling units.

SECTION 106. Said chapter 121B is hereby further amended by adding the following section:-
Section 60. (a) There shall be a Housing Preservation and Stabilization Trust Fund, which shall be administered by the undersecretary of housing and community development. Monies in the trust fund shall be deposited with the state treasurer in a manner that will secure the highest interest rate available consistent with the safety of the trust fund and with the requirement that all amounts on deposit be available for immediate use.
(b) The undersecretary shall appoint the trustee of the fund, who shall serve until a successor is appointed.
(c) There shall be credited to the trust fund: any unexpended funds from items 7004-0100, 7004-0101, 7004-0108, 7004-9024 and 7004-9316, which shall not revert to the General Fund but instead shall be deposited in the trust fund; other funds appropriated or transferred to the trust fund by the general court; and all interest earned on monies in the trust fund.
(d) Expenditures from the fund shall not be subject to appropriation and balances remaining at the end of a fiscal year shall not revert to the General Fund. Expenditures from the fund shall be made only for providing affordable housing for low-income families and individuals in the commonwealth, particularly those most at risk of becoming homeless.
(e) Before making expenditures from the fund, each fiscal year the undersecretary shall submit a spending plan to the secretary of administration and finance, the house committee on ways and means and the senate committee on ways and means. Spending from the fund shall be subject to the approval of the secretary of administration and finance. For the purpose of accommodating discrepancies between the receipt of revenues and related expenditures, the undersecretary may incur obligations and the comptroller may certify payment amounts not to exceed the most recent revenue estimate submitted by the undersecretary and approved by the secretary of administration and finance but the fund shall be in balance by the close of each fiscal year.
(f) The undersecretary shall determine eligibility and benefit levels for programs supported by the fund, but programs shall be structured in a sustainable manner.
(g) Eligible grantees of the fund shall include, but are not limited to: local housing agencies, regional housing centers, private housing providers of affordable housing, other state agencies and municipalities.

SECTION 107. Section 44 of chapter 130 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out the third paragraph and inserting in place thereof the following paragraph:-
If the measurement of any such lobster taken from 1 or the other eye sockets is of the required length, such lobster shall be deemed to be a legal lobster. In all prosecutions under this section, any mutilation of any lobster which affects its measurement as aforesaid shall be prima facie evidence that the lobster was or is less than the required length; provided, however, that the director shall, by regulation approved by the marine fisheries advisory commission, allow the on-shore processing in the commonwealth of live lobsters of legal length into frozen shell-on lobster tails by wholesale dealers that are licensed by the department of public health under section 77G of chapter 94. Processed frozen lobster tails may be possessed, sold or offered for sale in the commonwealth by any wholesale dealer, retail dealer or food establishments and such food product may be possessed by a consumer. The processing, possession or sale of said frozen lobster tails pursuant to this section shall be limited to lobster tails weighing 3 ounces or more. The packaging of processed frozen lobster tails pursuant to this section as a food product shall be labeled in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations. This section shall not apply to common carriers having lobster in possession for the purpose of transportation.

SECTION 108. Section 188 of chapter 149 of the General Laws is hereby repealed.

SECTION 109. Said chapter 149 is hereby further amended by adding the following section:-
Section 189. (a) Each employer, subject to sections 14, 14A and 14C of chapter 151A, shall pay, in the same manner and at the same times as the director of unemployment assistance prescribes for the contribution required by said section 14, an employer medical assistance contribution. The employer medical assistance contribution shall be computed by multiplying the wages the employer paid its employees by the employer medical assistance contribution rate of .36 per cent; provided, however, that employers who employ 5 or fewer employees shall not be required to pay such employer medical assistance contribution. The purpose of the employer medical assistance contribution shall be to support the provision of subsidized health care services funded by the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund, established under section 2OOOO of chapter 29, and the Health Safety Net Trust Fund, established under section 66 of chapter 118E.
(b) The receipts from such contributions shall be placed in the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund, or any successor fund; provided, however, that $1 for each employee whose wages determine each employer's total employer medical assistance contribution shall be deposited annually in the Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund, established by section 2ZZ of chapter 29; and provided further, that the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund shall transfer not less than $30,000,000 of these funds annually to the Health Safety Net Trust Fund. Prior to depositing the amounts collected under this section, the director of unemployment assistance may deduct all administrative costs incurred by the department as a result of this section, including an amount as determined by the United States Secretary of Labor under federal cost rules; provided, however, that in no calendar year may such deduction exceed 5 per cent of the amounts collected under this section.
(c)(1) For the purposes of this section, the term “wages” shall not include that part of remuneration which, after remuneration equal to the employer medical assistance contribution wage base with respect to employment with such employer has been paid to an individual during the calendar year, is paid to such individual during such year. For the purposes of this paragraph, remuneration shall include remuneration paid to an individual during the calendar year with respect to employment with a transferring employer, as that term is used in subsection (n) of section 14 of chapter 151A.
(2) For the purposes of this section, the term “employer medical assistance contribution wage base” shall have the same meaning as the term "unemployment insurance taxable wage base” as defined in paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of section 14 of chapter 151A.
(d)(1) This section shall not apply to an employer newly subject to chapter 151A, until such employer has been an employer for a minimum of 12 consecutive months, as specified in paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of said section 14 of said chapter 151A.
(2) Notwithstanding the contribution rate set forth in subsection (a), during the first calendar year in which this section shall apply to an employer under paragraph (1), the employer's employer medical assistance contribution rate shall be .12 per cent.
(3) Notwithstanding the contribution rate set forth in subsection (a), during the second calendar year in which this section shall apply to an employer newly subject to this chapter under paragraph (1), the employer's employer medical assistance contribution shall be .24 per cent.
(e) Except where inconsistent with this section, the terms and conditions of chapter 151A that are applicable to the payment and collection of contributions or payments in lieu of contributions shall apply to the same extent to the payment of and the collection of such employer medical assistance contribution; provided, however, that such contributions shall not be credited to the employer's account or to the solvency account established under section 14, 14A or 14C of chapter 151A.
(f) There shall be an employer medical assistance contribution rate review board composed of the: (i) director of the health safety net office or a designee; (ii) director of the department of unemployment assistance or a designee; (iii) executive director of the commonwealth health insurance connector authority or a designee; and (iv) the commissioner of insurance or a designee. Annually, on or before November 30, the board shall determine if the employer medical assistance contribution rates established under this section shall be adequate to provide for the estimated costs of providing subsidized health care to low-income residents of the commonwealth. The board shall file a report detailing its cost review determination with the general court and the executive office for administration and finance on or before December 31 of each year. If the board determines that the costs to the commonwealth in providing subsidized care have increased from the previous fiscal year, the board may, by a majority vote, recommend an increase to the employer medical assistance contribution rate and submit its recommendations, with its annual report, to the general court.
(g) The director of unemployment assistance, the director of the health safety net office and the executive director of the commonwealth health insurance connector authority shall report annually, after the end of each calendar year, to the governor, the house committee on ways and means and the senate committee on ways and means. The report shall include the number of employers paying an employer medical assistance contribution, the amount collected in the fund, the amount needed to administer the fund, the amount transferred and how the funds were used by the program. The report may also make recommendations for changes in the law and regulations governing the fund.
(h) Any employer notified of a liability determination under this section by the director of unemployment assistance may request a hearing on such determination. The request for hearing shall be filed within 10 days after mailing of the notice of the determination. If a hearing is requested, the director shall give the employer a reasonable opportunity for a fair hearing before an impartial hearing officer designated by the director. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures in subsection (b) of section 39 of chapter 151A. Any employer aggrieved by the decision following the hearing may appeal such decision as prescribed by sections 40 to 42, inclusive, of said chapter 151A. Unless action is taken under said section 40 of said chapter 151A, the decision of the director shall be final on all questions of fact and law.

SECTION 109A. Subsection (b) of section 188 of said chapter 149 is hereby amended by striking out the first sentence, inserted by section 141 of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012, and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:-
To more equitably distribute the costs of health care provided to uninsured residents of the commonwealth, each employer that: (1) employs 11 or more full-time equivalent employees in the commonwealth and (2) is not a contributing employer shall pay a per-employee contribution at a time and in a manner prescribed by the director of unemployment assistance, in this section called the fair share employer contribution.

SECTION 109B. Subsection (c) of said section 188 of said chapter 149, amended by section 142 of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012, is hereby further amended by striking out clause (11).

Governor disapproved of the following Section [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 110. Subsection (d) of section 7 of chapter 150E of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after clause (p) the following clause:-
(p 1/2) the third paragraph of section 58 of chapter 31;

SECTION 111. Section 14G of chapter 151A of the General Laws is hereby repealed.

SECTION 112. Section 8 of chapter 161B of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out subsection (g) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-
(g) The authority shall on or before October 1 of each year deliver to the chief financial and accounting officer of the department of transportation, the secretary of administration and finance, the state treasurer, the state comptroller, the regional advisory board, the house committee on ways and means, the senate committee on ways and means, the joint committee on transportation, the clerk of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives a report of its operations for the preceding fiscal year, including a description of organization for the authority, its comprehensive program for mass transportation as most recently revised and its audited financial statements for the most recently completed fiscal year. The financial statements shall be audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and government auditing standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. The financial statements shall include the opinion of the independent auditor thereon.

SECTION 113. Section 17 of chapter 176Q of the General Laws, inserted by section 215 of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by striking out subsection (b) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-
(b) Employers with 11 or more full-time equivalent employees shall notify all employees, in a manner and form prescribed by the connector, of the employer’s compliance with subsection (a) and the opportunity for eligible employees to enroll in the employer’s sponsored health insurance plan or the employer’s cafeteria plan that is in compliance with chapter 151F.

Governor returned the sections 114 thru 134, inclusive with recommendation of amendment [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 114. Section 22 of chapter 211 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 1, the figure “$151,239” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $166,239.

SECTION 115. Said section 22 of said chapter 211 is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$166,239”, inserted by section 114, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $176,239.

SECTION 116. Said section 22 of said chapter 211 is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$176,239”, inserted by section 115, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $181,239.

SECTION 117. Said section 22 of said chapter 211, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby further amended by striking out, in line 2, the figure “$145,984” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $160,984.

SECTION 118. Said section 22 of said chapter 211 is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$160,984”, inserted by section 117, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $170,984.

SECTION 119. Said section 22 of said chapter 211 is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$170,984”, inserted by section 118, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $175,984.

SECTION 120. Section 2 of chapter 211A of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 1, the figure “$140,358” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $155,358.

SECTION 121. Said section 2 of said chapter 211A is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$155,358”, inserted by section 120, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $165,358.

SECTION 122. Said section 2 of said chapter 211A is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$165,358”, inserted by section 121, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $170,358.

SECTION 123. Said section 2 of said chapter 211A, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby further amended by striking out, in line 2, the figure “$135,087” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $150,087.

SECTION 124. Said section 2 of said chapter 211A is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$150,087”, inserted by section 123, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $160,087.

SECTION 125. Said section 2 of said chapter 211A is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$160,087”, inserted by section 124, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $165,087.

SECTION 126. Section 4 of chapter 211B of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 3, the figure “$129,694” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $144,694.

SECTION 127. Said section 4 of said chapter 211B is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$144,694”, inserted by section 126, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $154,694.

SECTION 128. Said section 4 of said chapter 211B is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$154,694”, inserted by section 127, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $159,694.

SECTION 129. Said section 4 of said chapter 211B, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby further amended by striking out, in line 5, the figure “$135,124” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $150,124.

SECTION 130. Said section 4 of said chapter 211B is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$150,124”, inserted by section 129, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $160,124.

SECTION 131. Said section 4 of said chapter 211B is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$160,124”, inserted by section 130, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $165,124.

SECTION 132. Said section 4 of said chapter 211B is hereby further amended by striking out, in line 6, as amended by section 50 of chapter 93 of the acts of 2011, the figure “$140,358” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $155,358.

SECTION 133. Said section 4 of said chapter 211B is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$155,358”, inserted by section 132, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $165,358.

SECTION 134. Said section 4 of said chapter 211B is hereby further amended by striking out the figure “$165,358”, inserted by section 133, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $170,358.”

Governor disapproved of the following Section [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 135. The second paragraph of section 5A of chapter 252 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by adding the following sentence:- The certification shall not give the board the authority to modify the budget approved by a mosquito control project without the mosquito control project’s approval.

SECTION 136. Section 1 of chapter 258C of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting before the definition of “Claim” following definition:-
“Catastrophic injury”, an injury that creates a permanent impairment for the victim, including: (i) a spinal cord injury involving paralysis; (ii) amputation of an arm, hand, foot or leg; (iii) severe brain injury; (iv) second or third degree burns on 25 per cent or more of the total body surface or third degree burns on 5 per cent or more of the face and hands; (v) total or functional loss of vision or hearing; (vi) severe communication, sensory or motor disturbances; or (vii) any other injury that would otherwise qualify pursuant to this chapter.

SECTION 137. Section 3 of said chapter 258C is hereby amended by striking out subsection (a), as so appearing, and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-
(a) The maximum award for compensation to a claimant pursuant to this chapter shall be $25,000; provided, however, that the maximum award for compensation to a claimant with a catastrophic injury pursuant to this chapter shall be $50,000. If there are 2 or more claimants eligible for compensation arising out of a crime committed against 1 individual for the same crime, each claimant shall be entitled to the out-of-pocket losses of every other claimant. The cumulative total of all awards based on such crime shall not exceed $25,000; provided, however, that the cumulative total of all awards based on such crime for catastrophic injuries shall not exceed $50,000.

SECTION 138. Said section 3 of said chapter 258C is hereby further amended by striking out, in line 12, as so appearing, the figure “$6,500” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $8,000.

SECTION 139. Said chapter 258C is hereby further amended by adding the following section:-
Section 14. When a person files a claim pursuant to this chapter, no health care provider, as defined in section 1 of chapter 111, that has been given notice of the claim shall conduct any debt collection activities relating to medical or dental treatment received by the person in connection with the claim until an award has been made on the claim or until the claim has been denied. The period during which the health care provider shall be prohibited from conducting debt collection activities pursuant to this section shall be excluded in determining the applicable limitations period for commencing an action to collect the debt. For the purposes of this section, “debt collection activities” shall mean repeatedly calling or writing the claimant or threatening to turn the matter over to a debt collector, as defined in section 24 of chapter 93, for collection, enforcement or filing of other process; provided, however, that “debt collections activities” shall not include the routine billing or inquiries about the status of a claim.

SECTION 140. Section 4 of chapter 773 of the acts of 1960 is hereby amended by striking out subsection (n), as appearing in section 5 of chapter 708 of the acts of 1983, and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-
(n) To invest funds held by it, pending disbursement, which may be made pursuant to an investment policy established annually by the board, consistent with best investment practices and their fiduciary obligation.

SECTION 141. Chapter 208 of the acts of 1979 is hereby amended by striking out section 1 and inserting in place thereof the following section:-
Section 1. Thomas Farrington, Joseph Burnett, George S. Jones, and all such persons as are now members of an association known as “MCPHS University”, or shall hereafter become members of the same, are hereby constituted a corporation and body politic, in law and in fact, by the name “MCPHS University”, for the purpose of cultivating, improving, and making known the principles of pharmacy and allied health professions and their collateral branches of science and giving instruction in the same.

SECTION 142. Subsection (2) of section 95 of chapter 173 of the acts of 2008 is hereby amended by striking out the figure “2014”, inserted by section 140 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- 2015.

SECTION 143. Section 23 of chapter 5 of the acts of 2009 is hereby amended by striking out the figure “2013”, inserted by section 143 of said chapter 139, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- 2014.

SECTION 144. Section 195 of chapter 131 of the acts of 2010 is hereby amended by striking out the figure “2013”, inserted by section 146 of said chapter 139, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- 2014.

SECTION 144A. Section 89 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012 is hereby repealed.

SECTION 145. Section 155 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012 is hereby amended by striking out subsection (a) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-
(a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, after certifying the amount of consolidated net surplus in the budgetary funds at the close of the preceding fiscal year under section 5C of chapter 29 of the General Laws, the comptroller shall dispose of the consolidated net surplus in the budgetary funds for fiscal year 2013 in the following order to the extent that funds are available: (i) $25,000,000 to the Massachusetts Community Preservation Trust Fund, established by section 9 of chapter 44B of the General Laws; (ii) $19,500,000 to the Massachusetts Life Sciences Investment Fund established by section 6 of chapter 23I of the General Laws; (iii) $10,000,000 to the Housing Preservation and Stabilization Trust Fund, established by section 60 of chapter 121B of the General Laws (iv) $11,500,000 to the department of early education and care to be distributed to increase reimbursement rates for subsidized early education and care, for salaries, benefits and stipends for professional development of early education and care workers or programmatic quality improvements; (v) $11,500,000 to private human and social services providers for a 1 time rate reserve payment; provided, however, that item 1599-6901 of section 2 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012 shall remain in effect in fiscal year 2014; (vi) $7,500,000 to the Social Innovation Financing Trust Fund, established by section 35VV of chapter 10 of the General Laws; and (vii) transfer the remaining undesignated fund balances from the budgetary funds contributing to the consolidated net surplus to the Commonwealth Stabilization Fund, established by section 2H of chapter 29 of the General Laws.

SECTION 146. The last sentence of the second paragraph of section 186 of said chapter 139 is hereby amended by striking out the words “on or before December 31, 2013” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- by June 30, 2014.

SECTION 147. Said chapter 139 is hereby further amended by striking out section 204 and inserting in place thereof the following section:-
Section 204. There shall be a special commission to make an investigation and study of elder protective services and to make recommendations to enhance said services where appropriate and necessary. The special commission shall consist of the house and senate chairs of the committee on elder affairs, or their designees, who shall serve as co-chairs; the secretary of elder affairs, or a designee; the commissioner of public health, or a designee; the attorney general, or a designee; a district attorney as designated by the Massachusetts District Attorneys Association; the president of the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association, or a designee; the executive director of the Massachusetts Association of Home Care Programs, or a designee; the head of the elder, health and disability unit of Greater Boston Legal Services, Inc., or a designee; the state director of AARP Massachusetts, or a designee; the executive director of the Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging, or a designee; the executive director of Jane Doe, Inc., or a designee; the executive director of the Massachusetts office of victim assistance, or a designee; the president of the Alzheimer’s Association, or a designee; and 5 members appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall be a member of the Massachusetts bar who practices in the area of elder law, 1 of whom shall be an expert in financial services, 1 of whom shall be a representative of a visiting nurse association, 1 of whom shall be an expert in geriatric mental health, and 1 of whom shall be chosen from a list consisting of 2 candidates submitted by the speaker of the house and 2 candidates submitted by the senate president.
The commission shall examine strategies to increase public awareness of elder abuse and mechanisms for reporting said abuse. The commission shall assess the funding and programming needed to enhance elder protective services to the growing elder population and examine best practices for the prevention and detection of elder abuse. The commission shall also examine methods for addressing the high cost of financial exploitation investigations and expanding the availability of affordable legal services and financial advisory services for elders. The commission shall also examine the development of elder abuse multidisciplinary teams to provide consultation on protective services cases and perform critical incident case reviews.
The commission, in formulating its recommendations, shall take into account the best policies and practices in other states and jurisdictions, including, but not limited to, those relating to elder abuse prevention strategies. The commission shall be empowered to hold regular public meetings, fact-finding hearings and other public forums as it considers necessary.
The commission shall file its recommendations, together with recommendations for legislation, if any, with the clerks of the house of representatives and senate on or before December 31, 2013.

SECTION 148. Section 221 of said chapter 139 of the acts of 2012, as most recently amended by section 18 of chapter 3 of the acts of 2013, is hereby repealed.

SECTION 149. Section 301 of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012 is hereby repealed.

SECTION 150. Paragraph (1) of subsection (c) of section 241 of said chapter 224 is hereby amended by striking out the words “reimbursements from Title XIX” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- gross patient service revenue from Title XIX or Title XXI.

SECTION 151. Section 253 of said chapter 224 is hereby amended by inserting after the words “health care services” the following words:- , group insurance commission.

SECTION 152. Section 268 of said chapter 224 of the acts of 2012 is hereby amended by inserting after the word “ACOs”, each time it appears, the following words:- patient-centered medical homes.

SECTION 153. The second paragraph of section 270 of said chapter 224 is hereby amended by inserting after the word “methodologies” the following words:- including, but not limited to, standard payment per discharge (SPAD) and payment per episode (PAPE) to disproportionate share hospitals with gross patient service revenue (GSPR) greater than 63 per cent from governmental payers and free care, as determined by executive office of health and human services.

SECTION 154. There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a Substance Abuse Services Fund. The commissioner of public health shall serve as the fund’s trustee. Funds in the fund shall be used to expand inpatient treatment facilities and ongoing case management for individuals civilly committed under section 35 of chapter 123 of the General Laws. Prior to the end of fiscal year 2012, the comptroller shall transfer $10,000,000 from the General Fund to the Substance Abuse Services Fund. Upon the submission of a spending plan for this fund to the secretary of administration and finance, the house and senate committees on ways and means and the clerks of the house and senate, the commissioner may make expenditures from the fund for the purpose of expanding inpatient treatment facilities and ongoing case management. In developing the spending plan, the commissioner shall hold at least 1 public hearing and shall consult with the commissioner of mental health, the court administrator of the trial court, a representative of the Massachusetts Medical Society, a representative of the Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery and a representative of the Association for Behavioral Healthcare. The commissioner shall submit a draft spending plan to the house and senate committee on ways and means 45 days prior to the submission of the final plan. This fund shall be in effect until June 30, 2014.

SECTION 155. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, for fiscal year 2014 the department of public utilities shall be authorized to add resources as needed to implement section 94 of chapter 164 of the General Laws, the costs of which shall be assessed directly on the gas and electric distribution companies on a proportional basis, based on historical distribution revenues.

SECTION 156. (a) Notwithstanding chapter 150E of General Laws, positions and employees of the sexual assault nurse examiner program within the department of public health shall maintain salary and benefits in effect prior to the transfer of such positions and employees under subsection (a) of section 191 of chapter 139 of the acts of 2012 and shall not be subject to collective bargaining agreements within the department of public health. Nothing in this section shall confer upon any employee of the department’s sexual assault nurse examiner program any right not held immediately before the date of the transfer.

(b) Notwithstanding chapter 150E of the General Laws, the department may fill vacancies in positions transferred under said subsection (a) of said section 191; provided, however, that the salaries and benefits of individuals hired to fill vacant positions shall be comparable to the salaries and benefits of individuals transferred into the same or similar positions within the department’s sexual assault nurse examiner program.

SECTION 157. Notwithstanding sections 2 and 65A of chapter 128 of the General Laws, sections 8 and 9 of chapter 262 of the acts of 2012 or any other general or special law to the contrary, any ordinance or by-law relative to nutrient management or establishing fertilizer guidelines enacted or adopted by a city or adopted by a town between July 31, 2012 and July 31, 2013 shall be enforceable by that city or town, notwithstanding any disapproval under section 32 of chapter 40 of the General Laws occurring prior to July 1, 2013.

SECTION 158. Notwithstanding subsection (e) of section 20 of chapter 304 of the acts of 2008, the net cash proceeds of the sale of the former Edward J. Sullivan Courthouse in the city of Cambridge shall be deposited in the General Fund.

SECTION 159. (a) Notwithstanding section 53 of chapter 118E of the General Laws, for fiscal year 2014, the executive office of health and human services may determine the extent to which to include within its covered services for adults the federally-optional dental services that were included in its state plan or demonstration program in effect on January 1, 2002 and the dental services that were covered for adults in the MassHealth basic program as of January 1, 2002; provided, however, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, at least 45 days before restructuring any MassHealth dental benefits, the executive office of health and human services shall file a report with the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing the proposed changes and the anticipated fiscal impact of the changes.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of section 6 of chapter 118H of the General Laws, for fiscal year 2014, medically necessary dental services covered through health insurance plans procured by the board of the commonwealth health insurance connector authority for any resident with a household income that does not exceed 100 per cent of the federal poverty level shall include preventative procedures but shall exclude those categories of services that are not provided through MassHealth.

SECTION 160. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, in hospital fiscal year 2014, the office of the inspector general may continue to expend funds from the Health Safety Net Trust Fund, established in section 66 of chapter 118E of the General Laws:
(1) to conduct a study and review of the MassHealth program; provided that the study shall include, but not be limited to, a review of the program's eligibility requirements, utilization, claims administration and compliance with federal mandates; provided further that the inspector general shall report any preliminary findings to the secretary of health and human services and the house and senate committees on ways and means on or before October 30, 2013 and issue a final report on or before March 1, 2014; and
(2) for costs associated with maintaining a pool audit unit within the office; provided that the unit shall continue to oversee and examine the practices in all hospitals including, but not limited to, the care of the uninsured and the resulting free charges; provided further that the inspector general shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means on the results of the audits and any other completed analyses not later than March 1, 2014; and provided further, that for the purposes of these audits, allowable free care services shall be defined under said chapter 118E and any regulations adopted pursuant to that chapter.

SECTION 161. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, upon receiving a written request from the secretary of administration and finance, the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund all or part of the unexpended balance of a fund, trust fund or other separate account, in existence on April 1, 2013, whether established administratively or by law, including a separate account established under section 6 of chapter 6A of the General Laws or section 4F of chapter 7 of the General Laws. The request shall certify that the secretary, in consultation with the comptroller, has determined that this balance, or the specified part of it, is not necessary for the purposes for which it was made available. The secretary and comptroller shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means 45 days before any such transfer; provided, however, that the comptroller may submit an alternative plan to further maximize revenue generation from additional trust fund balance transfers to the General Fund to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than October 1, 2013.

SECTION 162. (a) Notwithstanding any special law to the contrary, if, upon the University of Massachusetts receiving the full allotment of their base appropriation in line item 7100-0200, in an amount not less than $478,691,873 for fiscal year 2014, the University of Massachusetts shall not increase mandatory curriculum fees for students at the University of Massachusetts for the fall 2013 school year; and if, upon the University of Massachusetts receiving the full allotment of their base appropriation in line item 7100-0200, in an amount not less than $518,755,373 for fiscal year 2015, the University of Massachusetts shall not increase mandatory curriculum fees for students at the University of Massachusetts for the school year beginning in the fall of 2014.
(b) The University of Massachusetts shall annually report to the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on higher education, the secretary of administration and finance and the secretary of education: (i) the status of the percentage of student education costs placed upon the student and subsidized by the commonwealth with the goal of providing education costs to students at an equal 50/50 share between the commonwealth and the students; and (ii) a comprehensive document articulating the efficiencies and effectiveness of initiatives and programs at the University of Massachusetts that save the commonwealth and students money and make the 5 campus system operate more efficiently.
(c) The University of Massachusetts shall report on or before December 1, 2013, to the senate and house committees on ways and means, the joint committee on higher education, the secretary of administration and finance and the secretary of education on how it will achieve the goal of providing education costs to students at an equal 50/50 share between the commonwealth and the students at each of the Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth and Lowell campuses of the university.

SECTION 163. (a) There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth, a separate fund to be known as the Essex Regional Emergency Communications Center Fund to be administered by the Essex county sheriff. The fund shall be used for the operation of the Essex Regional Emergency Communications Center to provide centralized emergency communication services to participating communities.
(b) There shall be credited to the fund amounts from the following sources:
(i) the per capita assessment based on population on each member city or town that has accepted and executed the RECC intermunicipal agreement for the joint provision of public safety communications, dispatch and operations services, or IMA;
and (ii) any other funding, including, but not limited to, appropriation, gift, grant, contribution, transfer or investment.
(c) The Essex county sheriff shall annually assess on each member city or town its proportionate share of the net costs of operating the RECC in accordance with the annual budget approved by the finance advisory board established by the IMA. The sheriff shall certify such costs for the ensuing fiscal year to the department of revenue to be included as an assessment on each participating city or town’s cherry sheet.
(d) Amounts credited to the fund shall be available for expenditure by the Essex county sheriff, without further appropriation. Expenditures from the fund shall be made for the operating costs of the RECC in compliance with the annual operating plan and budget adopted by the finance advisory board under the IMA; provided, however, that funds shall not be used toward the capital budget requirements of the Essex County Regional Emergency Communications Center. Any unexpended balance in the fund shall not revert and shall be available in the subsequent fiscal year; provided, however, that any unexpended balance from the state 911 department funding shall revert to said department.
(e) The Essex county sheriff, in consultation with the director of the RECC, shall report annually to the general court: its planned expenditures for the next fiscal year; the expenditures made in the last fiscal year; and the balance remaining in the fund. The report shall be filed on or before October 31 with the clerks of the house of representatives and senate and forwarded to the house and senate committees on ways and means.

SECTION 164. (a) There shall be a special commission on dental insurance. The commission shall review carrier contracts with dental providers and the methods by which dental providers are reimbursed for services provided to persons covered under the carriers' dental plans. The commission shall study all facets of fees charged by dentists within network dental plans, including those limited by the terms of a dentist's contract with carriers. The commission shall make recommendations to ensure that contract terms and methods of reimbursing dental providers promote the delivery of quality and affordable dental care in the commonwealth.
(b) The commission shall be comprised of the following 21 members: the undersecretary of the office of consumer affairs and business regulation, or a designee, who shall serve as chair; the commissioner of insurance, or a designee; the executive director of the group insurance commission, or a designee; the executive director of the commonwealth health insurance connector authority, or a designee; the MassHealth director or a designee; the executive director of the health policy commission, or a designee; 2 members of the senate appointed by the senate president; 2 members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house; 1 member of the senate and 1 member of the house of representatives appointed by the minority leader of each; 2 dentists appointed by the Massachusetts Dental Society, 1 of whom shall be a general dentist and 1 of whom shall be a specialist; 1 representative of each of the following 4 organizations: the Retailers Association of Massachusetts, the Life Insurance Association of Massachusetts, Health Law Advocates and Health Care for All; and 3 persons to be named by the chair, 1 of whom shall represent a medical service corporation authorized to operate pursuant to chapter 176B of the General Laws, and 1 of whom shall represent a dental service corporation authorized to operate pursuant to chapter 176E of the General Laws.
(c) The commission shall hold its first meeting within 60 days after passage of this act. The commission shall file a report detailing its work and findings, including any legislative recommendations, with the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate on or before December 31, 2013.

SECTION 165. (a) There shall be a special commission on higher education quality, efficiencies and finance to consist of: the secretary of education, or a designee, who shall serve as chair; the commissioner of higher education or a designee; the president of the University of Massachusetts system or a designee; the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on higher education or their designees; and 6 persons to be appointed by the secretary of education, 1 of whom shall be selected from a list of 3 nominees submitted by the Massachusetts Teachers Association, 1 of whom shall be selected from a list of 3 nominees submitted by the council of presidents of the state university system, 1 of whom shall be selected from a list of 3 nominees submitted by the Massachusetts Community Colleges executive office, 1 of whom shall be selected from a list of 3 nominees submitted by the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts, 1 of whom shall be selected from a list of 3 nominees submitted by the Massachusetts Competitive Partnership and a student representative currently enrolled in a public higher education institution in the commonwealth.
(b) The commission shall seek to define the requirements of a high quality system of public higher education that meets the needs of students and the commonwealth and to define a sustainable model of financing such a system and the appropriate relative contributions of students and families, the commonwealth, and all other sources, including federal grants.
(c) The commission shall examine, report on and make recommendations on the full range of issues affecting public higher education quality and financing including, but not limited to: (i) leveraging current efficiencies and reforms, including performance incentive grants and the partnership for collaboration and efficiencies initiative; (ii) working to better understand and allocate all available resources to the campuses, including understanding current revenue structures; (iii) enhancing operational efficiencies in the areas of human resources, purchasing and information technology and eliminating redundancies; (iv) rationalizing the definition of tuition and fees in a manner that is transparent and consumer friendly; (v) re-evaluating the historical financing mechanisms that now restrict coherent fiscal planning, including, but not limited to, tuition retention and the fiscal structure of continuing education classes; (vi) reviewing currently offered tuition and fee waivers, including: (1) which waivers are still of policy value; (2) which should be the fiscal responsibility of campuses and which should be the fiscal responsibility of the commonwealth; and (3) addressing the loss of revenue to campuses from the implementation of tuition retention and a redefinition of tuition and fees; (vii) integrating campus capital planning with operating expenditures, including an itemized review of expenditures of $50,000 or greater; (viii) evaluating the appropriate adjunct faculty to full-time faculty ratio, with a review of the use of adjunct or part-time faculty, adjunct faculty under the current system, the number and use of full-time and tenure-track faculty across the system and the ability of the current system to attract and retain highly qualified faculty and staff; (ix) assessing the number of developmental students being served under the current system and at which institutions, and the adequacy of academic and related support systems in place for both the number and types of students served; and (x) maximizing student investment while attending an institution for public higher education. In particular, the commission shall recommend improved efficiencies of operation in public higher education that could lead to cost savings and improvements to fiscal controls, planning and cost allocation. Subject to appropriation, the commission may hire temporary staff or consultants to assist with the research and development of any policy recommendations of the commission. The first meeting of the commission shall take place within 45 days after the effective date of this section. The commission shall file a report detailing its recommendations, including legislation necessary to carry out its recommendations, with the clerks of the senate and house of representatives on or before June 30, 2014.

SECTION 166. (a) There shall be a special commission to make an investigation and study of the cost of administering early education and care services in the commonwealth and make recommendations to enhance said services where appropriate and necessary. The special commission shall consist of the commissioner of early education and care, who shall serve as chair; the secretary of administration and finance, or a designee; the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on education, or their designees, and the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on children, families, and persons with disabilities, or their designees; the ranking minority members of the house and senate on the joint committee on education, or their designees; the child advocate, or a designee; the commissioner of elementary and secondary education, or a designee with experience in elementary school transition; the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Head Start Association, or a designee; a representative of the Massachusetts Early Education and Care Association; the commissioner of transitional assistance, or a designee; the commissioner of children and families, or a designee; and 3 members appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall be a provider of early education and care, and 1 of whom shall be a social worker with experience in serving families with children; a representative of the Massachusetts Teachers Association; and a representative of the American Federation of Teachers-Massachusetts.
(b) The commission shall collect and examine data relative to the need for greater access to affordable, quality early education and care and the timely placement of children in early education and care programs. The commission shall assess the funding and programming needed to enhance early education and care services, including maximizing cost-savings through targeted efficiency measures and entering into public-private partnerships to bolster the timely placement of children in affordable, quality early education and care programs. The commission shall also examine methods for addressing the high cost of child care and expanding the availability of affordable child care services for families receiving transitional assistance, including an examination of methods for determining initial and continuing eligibility for such services.
(c) The commission, in formulating its recommendations, shall take into account the best policies and practices related to financing and administering early education and care in other states and jurisdictions, including but not limited to, those relating to budgeting and assessment strategies. The commission shall be empowered to hold regular public meetings, fact-finding hearings and other public forums as it considers necessary. The commission may, subject to appropriation, hire an independent consultant to conduct the research and assist with the preparation of any recommendations. The commission shall file its recommendations, together with recommendations for legislation, if any, with the clerks of the house of representatives and senate on or before December 31, 2013.

SECTION 167. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, MassHealth shall, not later than October 1, 2013, file a report with the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means identifying savings initiatives and cash management strategies that the executive office of health and human services will pursue in fiscal year 2014 in order to operate the MassHealth program within the amounts appropriated in items 4000-0430, 4000-0500, 4000-0600, 4000-0700, 4000-0870, 4000-0875, 4000-0880, 4000-0890, 4000-0895, 4000-0940, 4000-0950, 4000-0990, 4000-1400 and 4000-1405 of this act; provided, that MassHealth shall notify the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means not less than 15 days in advance of any deviation from the planned implementation of savings initiatives and cash management strategies included in this initial report; and provided further, that MassHealth shall notify the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means not less than 45 days in advance of implementing any proposed rate cuts to providers or service cuts to members.

SECTION 168. Notwithstanding section 1 of chapter 29D of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, all payments received by the commonwealth in fiscal year 2014 under the master settlement agreement in Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Philip Morris, Inc. et al., Middlesex Superior Court, No. 95-7378, shall be deposited into the General Fund. Notwithstanding section 3 of said chapter 29D or any general or special law to the contrary, the comptroller shall transfer 100 per cent of the earnings generated in fiscal year 2014 from the Health Care Security Trust, as certified under paragraph (f) of said section 3 of said chapter 29D, to the General Fund.

SECTION 169. (a) Whenever the secretary of administration and finance determines that procurement reforms or initiatives have resulted in cost savings for an agency of the executive department during fiscal year 2014, the secretary may reduce allotments under section 9B of chapter 29 of the General Laws to reflect some or all of the amounts saved; provided, however, that within 15 days of reducing allotments, the secretary shall notify the house and senate committees on ways and means in writing.
(b) If as of October 1, 2013 the secretary of administration and finance determines that allotment reductions related to procurement reforms or initiatives in fiscal year 2014 shall be insufficient to generate $30,000,000, the secretary may submit to the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means a cost saving plan to reduce allotments under said section 9B of said chapter 29; provided, however, that no allotment reductions shall be made under this subsection before the submission of a cost savings plan.
(c) The total amount of allotment reductions under this section shall not exceed $30,000,000 in fiscal year 2014.

SECTION 170. The salary adjustments and other economic benefits authorized by the following collective bargaining agreements shall be effective for the purposes of section 7 of chapter 150E of the General Laws:
(1) between the commonwealth and the Coalition of Public Safety, Unit 5;
(2) between the commonwealth and the Massachusetts Nurses Association, Unit 7;
(3) between the commonwealth and the Professional Firefighters of Massachusetts, Unit 11;
(4) between the Hampden sheriff and the National Correctional Employees Union, Unit SH4;
(5) between the Hampden sheriff and the Non-Uniform Correctional Association, Unit SH2; and
(6) between the Hampden sheriff and the Superior Correctional Officer Association, Unit SH3.

SECTION 171. Notwithstanding clause (xxiii) of the third paragraph of section 9 of chapter 211B of the General Laws, or any other general or special law to the contrary, the court administrator may, from the effective date of this act through April 30, 2014, transfer funds from any item of appropriation within the trial court; provided, however, that the court administrator may transfer not more than 5 per cent of funds from items 0339-1001 and 0339-1003 to any other item of appropriation within the trial court. These transfers shall be made in accordance with schedules submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means. The schedule shall include: (1) the amount of money transferred from any item of appropriation to any other item of appropriation; (2) the reason for the necessity of the transfer; and (3) the date on which the transfer shall be completed. A transfer under this section shall not occur until 10 days after the revised funding schedules have been submitted in written form to the house and senate committees on ways and means.

SECTION 172. (a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the comptroller may, on or before June 30, 2014, transfer $350,000,000 to the General Fund from the Commonwealth Stabilization Fund; provided, however, the comptroller shall transfer a lesser amount if the secretary of administration and finance so requests in writing. The comptroller, in consultation with the secretary of administration and finance, may take the overall cash flow needs of the commonwealth into consideration in determining the timing of any transfer of funds. The comptroller shall provide a schedule of transfers to the secretary of administration and finance and to the house and senate committees on ways and means.
(b) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the comptroller shall, on or before June 30, 2014, transfer the interest earned from the Commonwealth Stabilization Fund during fiscal year 2014 to the General Fund.

SECTION 173. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the comptroller shall transfer to the Commonwealth Care Trust Fund established by section 2OOO of chapter 29 of the General Laws all of the unexpended balance in the Medical Security Trust Fund.

SECTION 174. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, nursing facility and resident care facility rates effective July 1, 2013, under section 13D of chapter 118E of the General Laws may be developed using the costs of calendar year 2005.

SECTION 175. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the nursing home assessment established by subsection (b) of section 63 of chapter 118E of the General Laws shall be sufficient in the aggregate to generate $220,000,000 in fiscal year 2014.

SECTION 176. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, on or before October 1, 2013 and without further appropriation, the comptroller shall transfer from the General Fund to the Health Safety Net Trust Fund established pursuant to section 66 of chapter 118E of the General Laws the greater of $45,000,000 or one-twelfth of the total expenditures to hospitals and community health centers required pursuant to this act, for the purposes of making initial gross payments to qualifying acute care hospitals for the hospital fiscal year beginning October 1, 2013. These payments shall be made to hospitals before, and in anticipation of, the payment by hospitals of their gross liability to the fund. The comptroller shall transfer from the fund to the General Fund, not later than June 30, 2014, the amount authorized by this section and any allocation of that amount as certified by the director of the health safety net office.

SECTION 177. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the executive office of health and human services, acting in its capacity as the single state agency under Title XIX of the Social Security Act and as the principal agency for all of the agencies within the executive office and other federally-assisted programs administered by the executive office, may enter into interdepartmental services agreements with the University of Massachusetts medical school to perform activities that the secretary of health and human services, in consultation with the comptroller, determines appropriate and within the scope of the proper administration of said Title XIX and other federal funding provisions to support the programs and activities of the executive office. The activities may include: (1) providing administrative services including, but not limited to, providing the medical expertise to support or administer utilization management activities, determining eligibility based on disability, supporting case management activities and similar initiatives; (2) providing consulting services related to quality assurance, program evaluation and development, integrity and soundness and project management; and (3) providing activities and services to pursue federal reimbursement or avoid costs, third-party liability and recoup payments to third parties. Federal reimbursement for any expenditure made by the University of Massachusetts medical school relative to federally-reimbursable services the university provides under these interdepartmental service agreements or other contracts with the executive office shall be distributed to the university and recorded distinctly in the state accounting system. The secretary may negotiate contingency fees for activities and services related to pursuing federal reimbursement or avoiding costs and the comptroller shall certify these fees and pay them upon the receipt of this revenue, reimbursement or demonstration of costs avoided. Contracts for contingency fees shall not exceed 3 years and shall not be renewed without prior review and approval by the executive office for administration and finance. The secretary shall not pay contingency fees in excess of $40,000,000 for state fiscal year 2014; provided, however, that contingency fees paid to the University of Massachusetts medical school under an interagency service agreement for recoveries related to the special disability workload projects shall be excluded from that $40,000,000 limit for fiscal year 2014. The secretary of health and human services shall submit to the secretary of administration and finance and the senate and house committees on ways and means a quarterly report detailing the amounts of the agreements, the ongoing and new projects undertaken by the university, the amounts expended on personnel and the amount of federal reimbursement and recoupment payments that the university collected.

SECTION 178. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the bureau of purchased services in the operational services division which, under section 22N of chapter 7 of the General Laws is responsible for determining prices for programs under chapter 71B of the General Laws, shall authorize the annual price for out-of-state purchasers requested by a program, not to exceed a maximum price determined by the bureau by identifying the most recent price calculated for the program and applying the estimated rate of inflation for each year, as determined by the bureau under said section 22N of said chapter 7, in which the rate of inflation is frozen beginning with fiscal year 2004, in a compounded manner for each fiscal year.

SECTION 179. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the formula for application of funds provided in section 35J of chapter 10 of the General Laws shall not apply in fiscal year 2014.

SECTION 180. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the amounts transferred under subdivision (1) of section 22C of chapter 32 of the General Laws shall be made available for the Commonwealth’s Pension Liability Fund established by section 22 of said chapter 32. The amounts transferred under said subdivision (1) of said section 22C of said chapter 32 shall meet the commonwealth’s obligations under said section 22C of said chapter 32, including retirement benefits payable by the state employees’ and the state teachers’ retirement systems, for the costs associated with a 3 per cent cost of living adjustment, under section 102 of said chapter 32, for the reimbursement of local retirement systems for previously authorized cost of living adjustments under said section 102 of said chapter 32 and for the costs of increased survivor benefits under chapter 389 of the acts of 1984. The state board of retirement and each city, town, county and district shall verify these costs, subject to the rules adopted by the state treasurer. The state treasurer may make payments upon a transfer of funds to reimburse certain cities and towns for pensions to retired teachers, including any other obligations which the commonwealth has assumed on behalf of any retirement system other than the state employees’ or state teachers’ retirement systems and also including the commonwealth’s share of the amounts to be transferred under section 22B of said chapter 32 and the amounts transferred under clause (a) of the last paragraph of section 21 of chapter 32 of the General Laws. All payments for the purposes described in this section shall be made from the fund and any distribution and the payments for which distributions are required shall be detailed in a written report filed quarterly by the secretary of administration and finance with the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on public service in advance of this distribution. Distributions shall not be made in advance of the date on which a payment is actually to be made. The state board of retirement may expend an amount for the purposes of the board of higher education’s optional retirement program under section 40 of chapter 15A of the General Laws. To the extent that the amount transferred under said subdivision (1) of said section 22C of said chapter 32 exceeds the amount necessary to adequately fund the annual pension obligations, the excess amount shall be credited to the Pension Reserves Investment Trust Fund, established by subdivision (8) of section 22 of said chapter 32, to reduce the unfunded pension liability of the commonwealth.

Governor disapproved of the following Section [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 181. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department of correction shall reprocure food and commissary services provided at all institutions with a contract to decrease expenses and increase efficiencies throughout the department. The department shall solicit new bids for such services and reprocurement shall be subject to an open and competitive bid process. The department of correction shall file a report with the house and senate committees on ways and means on the reprocurement progress and projected cost-savings on or before January 15, 2014. In executing the reprocurement of such services, the department shall notify each county sheriff who may elect to participate in the reprocurement of such services.

SECTION 182. There shall be a special commission to study the economic impact of the illegal tobacco market in the commonwealth which shall consist of: the commissioner of revenue or a designee, who shall serve as the chair; the state treasurer or a designee; 1 member of the house of representatives; 1 member of the senate; the secretary of administration and finance or a designee; the attorney general or a designee; the executive director of the Northeast Association of Wholesale Distributors or a designee; the executive director of the New England Convenience Store Association or a designee; and 1 person to be appointed by the governor.
The commission shall study and report on the illegal tobacco distribution industry in the commonwealth and the resulting loss of tax revenue. The commission shall investigate, report and make recommendations relative to: (1) the regulation, oversight, distribution and sale of all tobacco products sold in the commonwealth; (2) the illegal tobacco market in the commonwealth; (3) the loss of tobacco excise and sales tax revenues in the commonwealth as a result of the illegal tobacco market; (4) methods to maximize the collection of tobacco excise and sales tax revenues being lost to the illegal market; and (5) enforcement and penalties for violations of laws relative to the collection and reporting of all tobacco taxes under chapter 64C of the General Laws.
The commission shall convene not later than November 1, 2013. The commission shall prepare a report detailing its findings and recommendations, together with drafts of legislation necessary to carry those recommendations into effect, by filing the same with the clerks of the senate and house of representatives, the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means and the senate and house chairs of the joint committee on revenue not later than March 1, 2014.

SECTION 183. There shall be established a public-private partnership commission that shall review and evaluate the administration and fiscal impact of public-private partnership policies or other alternate finance and delivery methods in the commonwealth, including, but not limited to, design-build-finance-operate-maintain services or design-build-operate-maintain services, as defined in section 62 of chapter 6C. The commission shall make recommendations to the general court on the current practices, administrative efficiency and cost benefit of increased usage of public-private partnerships or alternate finance and delivery methods. A report of the commission’s findings shall be filed with the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate on or before June 30, 2014, which shall include any recommendations regarding changes to the administration or evaluation of the current policies governing public-private partnerships or other alternate finance and delivery methods in order to maximize opportunities to meet public infrastructure needs. The report shall also include an examination of how public-private partnerships and alternate finance and delivery methods may be applied to various types of infrastructure projects including but not limited to transportation, higher education facilities and housing and economic development projects.
The commission shall have 15 members: the secretary of administration and finance or the secretary’s designee, who shall serve as chair; the state treasurer and receiver general or the treasurer’s designee; the inspector general or the inspector general’s designee; the secretary of housing and economic development or the secretary’s designee; the secretary of transportation or the secretary’s designee; 1 of whom shall be appointed by the president of the senate; 1 of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; 1 of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader of the senate; 1 of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives; and 6 members to be appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall represent organized labor; 1 of whom shall be a representative of the business community; 1 of whom shall be a representative of public higher education; 1 of whom shall be a representative of the Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers and Scientists; 1 of whom shall be a representative of the Massachusetts chapter of the American Institute of Architects; and 1 of whom shall be a representative of a regional planning agency.

SECTION 184. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the director of the bureau for program integrity shall review the management and operations of the department of transitional assistance, including any reports conducted by external consultants, and recommend whether the current organizational structure is effective for ensuring that only those persons who are eligible receive public benefits. In examining the organizational structure, the director shall study and report on whether the department would benefit from additional investigators to work with caseworkers to identify cases of waste or abuse. The director shall also make recommendations on a standardized filing system for case file organization to be implemented throughout all of the department’s offices. The director shall make a report to the general court on the director’s recommendations by filing the same with the clerks of the senate and the house of representatives on or before March 1, 2014.

SECTION 185. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department of revenue shall examine and report on the fiscal impact to the revenues of the commonwealth in providing an exemption from the sales and use tax to medical equipment that is deemed medically necessary and prescribed by a physician. Such medical equipment may include infusion pumps used to deliver drugs to patients who require intravenous fluids, antibiotics, chemotherapy, pain management, blood products, biotechnology agents and any other intravenous infusions ordered by a physician and related disposables including administration sets, extension sets, filters, needle-less connectors, sterile covers, syringes/needles, alcohol wipes, gloves, tape, and sharps containers; central venous catheters, peripherally inserted central catheters, ports or peripheral intravenous catheters, central venous dressing kits, venous access device kits, Huber needles, and securing devices; continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and Bi-level positive airway pressure (BIPAP) supplies, including tubing, headgear, nasal masks, full masks, and filters; suction machines used in the care of a patient's tracheostomy, including suction canisters, suction connecting tubing, suction catheters, trach care kits, peroxide, sterile sponges, sterile q-tips, and gloves; and other durable medical equipment, including bathroom commodes, nebulizers, and aerosol-generating devices. The department shall submit a report to the joint committee on revenue and the house and senate committees on ways and means on or before October 1, 2013.

SECTION 186. There shall be a special commission established pursuant to section 2A of chapter 4 of the General Laws to investigate, analyze and study the health, housing, financial, psychosocial and long-term care needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, hereinafter LGBT, adults and their caregivers and to make recommendations to improve access to benefits and services where appropriate and necessary. The special commission shall consist of 20 members: the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on elder affairs or their designees, who shall serve as co-chairs; the secretary of elder affairs or a designee; the director of housing and community development or a designee; the commissioner of public health or a designee; the director of the LGBT Aging Project or a designee; the president of Fenway Health or a designee; the executive director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders or a designee; a representative of the National Association on HIV Over Fifty, Inc.; the executive director of MassEquality or a designee; the executive director of the Mass Home Care or a designee; the director of AARP Massachusetts or a designee; the executive director of the Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging, Inc. or a designee; the director of the Massachusetts Senior Care Association or a designee; the director of the Massachusetts Council for Home Care Aides Services, Inc. or a designee; and 5 members appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall be a member of the Massachusetts bar who practices elder law, 1 of whom shall be an expert in LGBT public policy or research and 3 LGBT elders, at least 1 of whom shall be transgender. The governor’s appointees shall ensure that the commission has at least 1 representative from each of the following areas: Cape Cod, western Massachusetts and central Massachusetts.
The commission shall: examine the impact of state policies and regulations on LGBT older adults and make recommendations to ensure equality of access, treatment, care and benefits; examine strategies to increase provider awareness of the needs of LGBT older adults and their caregivers and to improve the competence of and access to treatment, services and on-going care, including preventive care; assess the funding and programming needed to enhance services to the growing population of LGBT older adults; examine best practices for increasing access, reducing isolation, preventing abuse and exploitation, promoting independence and self-determination, strengthening caregiving, eliminating disparities and improving quality of life; examine whether certain policies and practices, or the absence thereof, promote the premature admission of LGBT older adults to institutional care; recommend, as appropriate and necessary, lower cost and culturally appropriate home and community-based alternatives to institutional care; examine the feasibility of developing statewide training curricula to improve provider competency in the delivery of health, housing and long-term support services to older LGBT adults and their caregivers; and examine outreach protocols to reduce apprehension among LGBT elders and caregivers of utilizing mainstream providers.
The commission, in formulating its recommendations, shall take into account the best policies and practices in other states and jurisdictions. The commission may hold regular public meetings, fact-finding hearings and other public forums as it considers necessary. The commission shall file its recommendations, together with recommendations for legislation, if any, with the clerks of the house of representatives and senate, not later than 12 months after the first time the commission is convened.

SECTION 187. There shall be a special commission established pursuant to section 2A of chapter 4 of the General Laws to make an investigation and study of elder economic security and to make recommendations to increase elder economic security where appropriate and necessary. The special commission shall consist of the house and senate chairs of the committee on elder affairs or their designees, who shall serve as co-chairs; the secretary of elder affairs or a designee; the undersecretary of consumer affairs and business regulation or a designee; the executive director of Mass Home Care or a designee; the state director of AARP Massachusetts or a designee; the executive director of the Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging Inc. or a designee; the president of the Alzheimer’s Association or a designee; the executive director of Massachusetts Senior Action Council or a designee; the executive director of Massachusetts Association of Older Americans or a designee; the director of the Gerontology Institute at the University of Massachusetts at Boston or a designee, a legal services attorney specializing in elder law or a designee; and 4 members to be appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall be a member of the Massachusetts bar who specializes in the area of elder law, 1 of whom shall be an expert in geriatric mental health, 1 of whom shall be an expert in financial services and 1 of whom shall be an expert in home care service delivery.
The commission shall examine strategies to increase elder economic security and enable older residents to remain in the commonwealth and in their communities. The commission shall assess older adults’ current levels of economic security, identify the policy and program options now available to older adults and consider best practices for enhancing elder economic security including, but not limited to, using measures such as the Massachusetts Elder Economic Security Standard. The commission shall assess current state and local programming and related funding needed to increase economic security for the growing elder population.
The commission, in formulating its recommendations, shall take into account the best policies and practices in other states and jurisdictions. The commission may hold regular public meetings, fact-finding hearings and other public forums as it considers necessary.
The commission shall file its recommendations, together with drafts of legislation necessary to carry those recommendations into effect, with the clerks of the senate and house of representatives not later than June 30, 2014.

SECTION 188. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 14 and 34 of chapter 91 of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, an exemption is hereby authorized from the harbor lines in the vicinity established by chapter 204 of the acts of 1849, chapter 344 of the acts of 1887 or otherwise adopted as state harbor lines. The approximate location of the exemption to the harbor lines hereby established is as shown on a plan entitled, “Proposed Area of Exemption from Harbor Lines in Chelsea Creek”, dated April 10, 2013. A final plan showing the specific location of the exemption area shall be incorporated in the waterways license to be issued subsequent to the effective date of this section.

SECTION 189. The department of public health’s office of oral health and the center for health information and analysis shall submit a report not later than December 31, 2013 to the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on public health, the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on health care financing, the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means on the oral health care needs of residents living with disabilities. The report shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: (i) barriers to accessing dental health care for persons living with disabilities; (ii) the capacity of the current dental health care system to address the oral health needs of persons living with disabilities, with a focus on the availability of specialized equipment, the extent of provider training to treat this population and any geographic disparities that may exist; and (iii) a projection of what additional resources, if any, are necessary to fully address this need.

SECTION 190. The division of insurance and the office of Medicaid, under sections 254 and 265 of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012, shall implement regulations by October 1, 2013 that shall include: (i) a process for carriers and the office of Medicaid’s programs to certify and specifically outline how the plans are compliant with the applicable federal and state mental health parity laws; (ii) a requirement that carriers notify consumers of their rights under the applicable federal and state parity laws, including their right to file a complaint or grievance with the commonwealth alleging noncompliance and the avenues to file such a complaint; and (iii) details on how the division of insurance and the office of Medicaid shall review consumer complaints and grievances alleging carrier noncompliance with applicable federal and state mental health parity laws, including timelines.

SECTION 191. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation shall report to the joint committee on transportation a transition plan for the existing toll collection workforce before the department implements an open road tolling system. The report shall include a plan to offer training to the employees for new positions available in the department under any open road or free flow system. The report shall be filed with the joint committee on transportation not later than January 1, 2014.

SECTION 192. Notwithstanding section 11 of chapter 22C of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary or the certification of a successor eligible list created from the 2013 police officer entrance examination, all active candidates for appointment to the eighty-first recruit training troop of the state police shall reserve all rights and privileges associated with their placement on the 2009 eligible list; provided, that all such rights and privileges provided by this section shall expire within 15 days of the start of the eighty-first recruit training troop.

SECTION 193. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, no grant applications shall be accepted by the executive office of health and human services under item 4000-0005 of section 2 or by the executive office of education for grants distributed under item 7009-6400 of said section 2 in fiscal year 2014 before the competitive selection of an independent program evaluator by each administering agency. The independent evaluator chosen for each program shall provide assistance with the evaluation of grant applications and, to the extent possible, in developing the requirements for grant recipients. The independent evaluator shall be responsible for a multi-year evaluation of each program’s implementation and outcomes; provided, however, that the evaluator shall be responsible for evaluation design. Each program shall select an evaluator based on a competitive process. The selected evaluator shall demonstrate: (i) prior experience in evaluating the impact of social programs on low-income urban youth and communities using either random assignment of treatment or regression discontinuity methods; (ii) prior experience in field evaluation; and (iii) demonstrated skill in using quantitative analysis relevant for program evaluation. When selecting an independent evaluator, the administering agency shall consider: (1) a sample of previous similar work; (2) the ability to perform requested services; and (3) a proposed evaluation budget; provided, however, that the administering agency shall give preference to nonprofit research organizations. Each administering agency shall develop a request for proposals for program evaluators based on the criteria included in this section not later than August 15, 2013, and shall select an evaluator not later than October 1, 2013. Once selected, evaluators shall assist the administering agency with reviewing and, to the extent possible, developing requests for proposal for grant funds that ensure that grant recipients: (A) fully cooperate with the independent evaluator; (B) commit to seeking the informed consent of program clients and their families to share data relevant to evaluation; and (C) provide access to program and administrative data necessary for evaluation. The evaluators shall provide quarterly progress updates to the house and senate committees on ways and means that shall inform the committees on the progress of implementing the evaluation plan and shall identify in those updates any obstacles encountered in implementing the evaluation plan; provided, however, that the first quarterly report shall detail the evaluation plan for each program, data required for analysis and outcomes measured. The evaluators shall provide an annual report on relevant findings and analysis not later than March 15, 2014.

SECTION 194. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, all secretariats, departments and agencies required to submit reports under this act shall file their reports by the dates required in this act via electronic means to the chairs of any committees named as recipients as well as with the clerks of the senate and the house of representatives; provided, however, that the house and senate clerks shall develop procedures and requirements for secretariats, departments and agencies for the preparation of the reports to facilitate their collection and storage and the reports shall be made available to the public on the general court’s website.

SECTION 195. (a) There shall be a tourism formula commission established pursuant to section 2A of chapter 4 of the General Laws to examine the distribution of funds in the Massachusetts Tourism Fund. The commission shall review and evaluate the current funding formula and determine if any revisions are necessary for achieving a fair and equitable funding formula that will ensure funding is cost-effective and that funds are distributed in the most cost-effective manner to the office of travel and tourism, the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority, the tourist promotion agencies listed under section 14 of chapter 23A of the General Laws, the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund and the Massachusetts international trade office.
(b) The commission shall report the results of its examination, review and evaluation with the clerks of the senate and the house of representatives, the senate and house committees on ways and means and the joint committee on tourism, arts and cultural development not later than May 1, 2014. The commission shall hold 1 or more public hearings before issuing the report.
(c) The commission shall consist of the following members or their designee: 3 members of the senate, 1 of whom shall be the senate chair of the joint committee on tourism, arts and cultural development, who shall serve as co-chair of the commission, and 1 of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader; 3 members of the house of representatives, 1 of whom shall be the house chair of the joint committee on tourism, arts and cultural development, who shall serve as co-chair of the commission, and 1 of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader; and 3 persons to be appointed by the governor. The commission shall convene not later than 60 days after the effective date of this section.

SECTION 196. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the term of the sitting members of the art commission for the commonwealth established in section 19 of chapter 6 of the General Laws shall expire 90 days after the effective date of this section.
The initial membership of the art commission for the state house to be appointed under section 20 of chapter 6 of the General Laws shall be appointed as follows: the members to be appointed by the governor shall be appointed for 2-year terms; of the members to be appointed by the senate president, 1 shall be appointed for a 3-year term and 1 shall be appointed for a 4-year term; of the members appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, 1 shall be appointed for a 3-year term and 1 shall be appointed for a 4-year term. The governor, senate president and speaker of the house of representatives shall make these appointments to the commission within 90 days after the effective date of this act.
Nothing in this section shall preclude a sitting member of the art commission for the commonwealth established in section 19 of chapter 6 of the General Laws from being appointed to the art commission for the state house established in section 20 of said chapter 6.

SECTION 197. (a) Notwithstanding sections 40E to 40J, inclusive, of chapter 7 of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance, with the consent and approval of the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, shall convey to the city of Lowell a parcel of land formerly owned by the city of Lowell in the city of Lowell and, as more particularly described below, to the city of Lowell for municipal purposes.
The parcel to be conveyed contains approximately 171,294 square feet. The parcel is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Pawtucket Boulevard at an angle in the southerly line, easterly of the easterly line of Boulevard Street about Station 27685.46 as shown on Sheet 6 of Layout 4478 dated August 28, 1956, as shown on plan entitled “The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Plan of Road in the city of Lowell, Middlesex County, laid out as a state highway by the department of public works, Scale 40 feet to an inch”; thence easterly along the southerly line of Pawtucket Boulevard four hundred ninety-seven (497) feet plus or minus to a point; thence southerly at an interior angle with the last described line through land of the city of Lowell four hundred and eighteen (418) feet feet plus or minus to the Merrimack River; thence westerly at an interior angle with the last described line along the Merrimack River four hundred and five (405) feet plus or minus to a point; thence northerly at an interior angle with the last described line three hundred and forty-eight (348) feet plus or minus to the point of beginning. Containing 171,294 square feet plus or minus and being the same premises as shown on plan entitled, “Compiled Subdivision of Land in Lowell, Mass., belonging to the City of Lowell, - Parcel A to be conveyed to Lowell Technological Institute – Compiled October 7, 1963, Scale 100 ft. = 1 inch, City Engineer’s Office, Lowell, Mass., George M. McDonough, City Engineer”.
(b) Conveyance of the parcel described in subsection (a) shall represent the final remaining property transfer between the University of Massachusetts at Lowell and the city of Lowell with respect to the property transactions concerning the 2010 University of Massachusetts at Lowell acquisition of the Tsongas Arena from the City of Lowell.

SECTION 198. Section 156 is hereby repealed.

SECTION 199. (a) Notwithstanding sections 40E to 40J, inclusive, of chapter 7 of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance, in consultation with the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, may convey to the Massachusetts Port Authority a certain parcel of land shown as lot 2 on a plan on file with the division and described in a deed from the Massachusetts Port Authority to the commonwealth, acting through its metropolitan district commission, recorded with the Suffolk registry of deeds at book 11738, page 82, subject to and with the benefit of all easements and restrictions of record. The Massachusetts Port Authority previously conveyed lot 2 to the commonwealth, acting by and through its metropolitan district commission, for consideration of $1 by deed recorded with the Suffolk registry of deeds at book 11738, page 82. The Massachusetts Port Authority shall acquire the property thereon in its present condition.

(b) The Massachusetts Port Authority shall demolish the existing pump station located on the parcel of land that was previously operated by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority shall reimburse the Massachusetts Port Authority for an amount equal to one half the actual costs of the demolition but not than $50,000.
(c) Following the demolition of the existing pump station, the Massachusetts Port Authority shall include the parcel described in subsection (a) as part of a marsh overlook amenity within the Greenway Connector bike and pedestrian trail.
(d) The consideration for the conveyance under subsection (a) shall be $1. The Massachusetts Port Authority shall be responsible for all costs and expenses of the transaction authorized in this section including, without limitation, any engineering, survey, title examination, recording fees and deed preparation, and all costs, liabilities and expenses of any nature and kind for its ownership.
(e) The parcel shall be conveyed by deed without warranties or representations by the commonwealth other than quitclaim covenants of title.

SECTION 200. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, there shall be a special commission on coastal erosion defense to consist of the secretary of energy and environmental affairs or a designee, the director of coastal zone management, the commissioner of conservation and recreation, the commissioner of environmental protection or a designee, and 10 persons to be appointed by the governor, 3 of whom shall be elected municipal officials from coastal communities, 2 of whom shall be conservation agents from coastal communities, 1 of whom shall be a representative of a membership-based environmental organization, 1 of whom shall be a representative of coastal property owners, 1 of whom shall be a coastal geologist with relevant experience and knowledge pertaining to coastal erosion, 1 of whom shall be a civil engineer with relevant experience and knowledge pertaining to coastal erosion and 1 of whom shall be a representative of the citizens of the commonwealth, to investigate and document the levels and impacts of coastal erosion in the commonwealth. The commission shall also develop a strategy and recommendations to reduce, minimize or eliminate the magnitude and frequency of coastal erosion and its adverse impacts on property, infrastructure, public safety and beaches and dunes.
In the performance of its investigation, the commission shall make a reasonable assessment of coastal erosion and a corresponding appraisal of the financial amount of damage to property, infrastructure and beach and dune resources which has been sustained from 1978 to the present and a reasonable estimate of the value of damages likely to occur in the next 10 years under current conditions, regulations and laws.
Based on those assessments, the commission shall evaluate all current rules, regulations and laws governing the materials, methodologies and means which may be used to guard against and reduce or eliminate the impacts of coastal erosion and shall examine any possible changes, expansions, reductions and laws which would improve the ability of municipalities and private property owners to guard against or reduce or eliminate the impacts of coastal erosion without undue adverse environmental impacts. The commission shall focus particularly on increasing the availability of cost-effective measures to protect against coastal erosion.
The executive office of energy and environmental affairs and its subdivisions shall provide technical support to the commission.
The commission shall file its report, together with recommendations for changes to improve protection against coastal erosion with the clerk of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives not later than March 1, 2014.

SECTION 201. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the catastrophic illness in children relief fund commission, established pursuant to chapter 111K of the General Laws, may expend funds in the Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund, in consultation with the secretary of administration and finance, in anticipation of revenue in fiscal year 2014.

SECTION 202. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, in fiscal year 2014, prior to certifying the consolidated net surplus under section 5C of chapter 29 of the General Laws, the comptroller shall transfer from the Commonwealth Stabilization Fund, established pursuant to section 2H of chapter 29 of the General Laws, to the General Fund the lesser of: (i) 1/2 the amounts transferred to the Commonwealth Stabilization Fund under the third paragraph of said section 2H of said chapter 29 in fiscal year 2014; or (ii) $35,000,000.

SECTION 203. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, section 152 of chapter 68 of the acts of 2011 shall not apply in fiscal year 2014; provided that the deposit to the State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund required under said section 152 of said chapter 68 for fiscal year 2014 shall be met under section 204.

SECTION 204. Notwithstanding section 1 of chapter 29D of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, the unexpended balances in items 0699-0014, 0699-0015, 0699-0019, 0699-2005 and 0699-9100 shall be deposited into the State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund, established by section 24 of chapter 32A of the General Laws, not later than June 30, 2014. The amount deposited shall be an amount equal to 20 per cent of all payments received by the commonwealth in fiscal year 2014 under the master settlement agreement in Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Philip Morris, Inc. et al., Middlesex Superior Court, No. 95-7378; provided, however, that if, in fiscal year 2014, the unexpended balances of items 0699-0014, 0699-0015, 0699-2005 and 0699-9100 is less than 20 per cent of all payments received by the commonwealth in fiscal year 2014 under the master settlement agreement payments, an amount equal to the difference shall be transferred to the State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund from payments received by the commonwealth under the master settlement agreement in Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Philip Morris, Inc. et al., Middlesex Superior Court, No. 95-7378.

SECTION 205. Notwithstanding section 108, the director of unemployment assistance shall have the authority to collect any outstanding fair share employer contributions established pursuant to section 188 of chapter 149 of the General Laws for obligations arising prior to July 1, 2013. The collection of any outstanding contributions shall be conducted in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the department of unemployment assistance pursuant to said section 188 of said chapter 149.

SECTION 206. Notwithstanding section 108, the department of unemployment assistance shall maintain the “Fair Share Unit” until all fair share employer liabilities through June 30, 2013, are accounted for.

Governor returned the following section with recommendation of amendment [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 207. The commissioner of revenue, in consultation with the commissioner of energy resources, shall file a report not later than December 1, 2013, regarding any statutory, regulatory and administrative changes, arrangements and calculations that may be required if the commonwealth’s taxation of sales of gasoline is broadened to include taxation of sales of all carbon-based fuels. The report shall be filed with the joint committee on revenue, the joint committee on environment, natural resources and agriculture and the house and senate committees on ways and means.

SECTION 208. There shall be a special commission established pursuant to section 2A of chapter 4 of the General Laws to investigate and study the most reliable protocols for assessing and managing the risk of recidivism of sex offenders. The commission shall develop the Massachusetts authorized risk assessment protocols for sexual offenders including, but not limited to, any special assessment protocols for juveniles, female offenders and persons with developmental, intellectual, psychiatric or other disabilities. The commission shall assess the effectiveness and necessity of sections 178C to 178P, inclusive, of chapter 6 of the General Laws and the guidelines promulgated by the sex offender registry board, pursuant to section 178K of said chapter 6, as those sections relate to: (i) determining a sex offender’s risk of re-offense; (ii) degree of dangerousness posed to the public; and (iii) the general public’s access to information based upon the offender’s risk of re-offense and the degree of dangerousness.
The commission shall consist of: 2 members of the senate, 1 of whom shall serve as co-chair; 2 members of the house of representatives, 1 of whom shall serve as co-chair; the chairman of the sex offender registry board or a designee; the commissioner of probation or a designee; the commissioner of mental health or a designee; the secretary of public safety and security or a designee; the secretary of health and human services or a designee; and 6 persons to be appointed by the governor, 3 of whom shall have expertise in the assessment, treatment and risk management of adult sex offenders and familiarity with the research on recidivism of sex offenders, 1 of whom shall have experience in the assessment, treatment, and risk management of juvenile sex offenders and familiarity with the research on recidivism of juvenile sex offenders, 1 of whom shall be a representative of the Massachusetts District Attorneys Association, and 1 of whom shall be a representative of the committee for public counsel services. The commission shall convene not later than 60 days after the effective date of this act.
The board shall submit a report, detailing the results of its investigation and study, any recommended legislative or regulatory action and a timeline for implementation to the governor, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives and the clerks of the house of representatives and senate not later than 180 days after the effective date of this act.

SECTION 209. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, in consultation with the Massachusetts office on disability, shall investigate alternatives to the current eligibility review for The Ride program for those living in nursing homes and other institutional settings. The authority shall review feasible alternatives that would reduce the burdens associated with applying for eligibility for those living in nursing homes and other institutional settings, including, but not be limited to, eliminating the required trip to The Ride eligibility center, holding eligibility screenings in various locations, waiving the in-person interview for residents of certain facilities and holding eligibility screenings at nursing homes and other institutional settings. The authority shall submit its findings to the joint committee on elder affairs and the joint committee on transportation not later than January 1, 2014.

SECTION 210. (a) Notwithstanding sections 32 to 37, inclusive, of chapter 7C of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance may convey in fee simple a certain parcel of land and any improvements and structures located thereon, which is the site of the former National Guard armory, located at 44 Salisbury street in the city of Worcester bounded in part by Grove street and Salisbury street to Veterans Inc. for the construction of additional housing for homeless veterans and providing services related thereto. The exact boundaries of the parcel shall be determined by the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance after the completion of a land survey. The consideration for the conveyance shall be $1. The parcel shall be conveyed by deed without warranties or representations by the commonwealth.
(b) The commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance shall establish the value of the property for both the highest and best use of the property as currently encumbered and for the purposes described in subsection (a). The commissioner shall place notification in the central register of the conveyance, the amount of such transaction and the difference between the calculated value and the price received.
(c) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, Veterans Inc. shall be responsible for all costs and expenses including, but not limited to, costs associated with any engineering, appraisals, surveys and deed preparation related to the conveyance authorized in this section as such costs may be determined by the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance.
(d) The deed or other instrument conveying the property described in subsection (a) to Veterans Inc. shall provide that if for any reason the property ceases to be used solely for the purposes described in said subsection (a), then following a written notice and an opportunity to cure in accordance with a procedure to be specified in the deed conveying the property and upon the recording of a notice by the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance with the Worcester district registry of deeds, title to the property shall revert to the commonwealth under the care and control of the division of capital asset management and maintenance and any further disposition shall be subject to sections 32 to 37, inclusive, of chapter 7C of the General Laws.

SECTION 211. (a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the health policy commission shall enter into an interagency agreement with the executive office of health and human services to provide, without further appropriation, up to $32,307,769 in available funding from the Healthcare Payment Reform Fund, established in section 100 of chapter 194 of the acts of 2011, during fiscal year 2014, for payments required by section 262 of chapter 224 of the acts of 2012. Such payments shall be subject to sufficient funds received under such interagency agreement, and subject to all required federal approvals and the availability of federal financial participation. The comptroller shall transfer from the General Fund to the Healthcare Payment Reform Fund an amount equal to all federal revenue claimed by the executive office of health and human services and deposited into the General Fund that is attributable to any payments made pursuant to this section.
(b) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the office of Medicaid shall expend from any funds received under an interagency agreement under this section, subject to all required federal approvals and the availability of federal financial participation and subject to sufficient funds received under such interagency agreement, $12,307,769 to provide additional payment for inpatient and outpatient behavioral and mental health services provided by any acute care hospital that that has greater than 63 per cent of its gross patient service revenue from governmental payers and free care as determined by the executive office of health and human services; provided, however, that subject to all required federal approvals and the availability of federal financial participation and sufficient funding through the interagency agreement, such add on amounts shall be prioritized for services provided to children and adolescents.
(c) The interagency agreement under subsection (a) shall be effective upon deposit of sufficient funds into the Healthcare Payment Reform Fund under section 93 of chapter 194 of the acts of 2011.

SECTION 212. Sections 39, 41, 67, 90, 109, 114, 117, 120, 123, 126, 129 and 132 shall take effect on January 1, 2014.

SECTION 213. Sections 42, 75 and 79 shall take effect on December 1, 2013.

SECTION 214. Sections 78 and 80 shall take effect on March 1, 2014

SECTION 215. Sections 93, 111 and 173 shall take effect on December 31, 2013.

Governor returned the sections 216 and 217 with recommendation of amendment [for message, see H.3566]
SECTION 216. Sections 115, 118, 121, 124, 127, 130 and 133 shall take effect on July 1, 2014.

SECTION 217. Sections 116, 119, 122, 125, 128, 131 and 134 shall take effect on July 1, 2015.

SECTION 218. Section 198 shall take effect on June 30, 2014.

SECTION 219. Except as otherwise specified, this act shall take effect on July 1, 2013.

Approved (in part), July 12 , 2013.