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Bill Number | Amend. Number | Filed By | Result Summary |
S.2800 |
Jehlen, Patricia D. |
Ensuring Participation of Those Most Impacted
from a list of not less than 5 nominees generated by Families for Justice as Healing, Inc ... from a list of not less than 5 nominees generated by the New England Area Conference of ... |
S.2378 |
O'Connor, Patrick M. |
Investing in OPEB
following figure:- "85" Said Section 5 is hereby further amended by striking out the figure "5" in Line 556 and inserting thereof the ... |
S.2546 |
Spilka, Karen E. |
Corrective Amendment
and the fourth paragraph”; and in said section 5, by striking out, in line 38, the words ... the wage theft claim”; and in said section 5, by inserting after the word “may”, in line ... |
S.34 |
Gifford, Susan Williams |
Water Commission Repeal
by striking out SECTION 5 and inserting in place thereof the following sections:- "SECTION 5. Chapter 258 of the Acts of 1938 is ... |
H.4661 |
Parisella, Jerald A. |
Veterans Tax Exemption
SECTION X. Section 5 of said chapter 59 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is further ... SECTION X. Section 5 of chapter 59, as so appearing, is further amended by striking out ... |
S.2279 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Ipswich liquor licenses
of Ipswich and Christopher DeStefano, located at 5 Depot Square in the town of Ipswich ... located at 20 Mitchell road and to an establishment located at 5 Depot square |
H.4673 |
Speliotis, Theodore C. |
Floor Amendment
by inserting after section 5 the following section: “SECTION 5A ... Section 5 shall take effect upon passage of this act |
H.4000 |
Barber, Christine P. |
Offshore Wind Innovation Ecosystem
moves that the bill be amended in SECTION 5 by deleting (5) of subsection b and inserting the following:- (5) To provide grants to non-profit organizations to ... |
S.2546 |
Friedman, Cindy F. |
Lead contractor affirmative defense
, in section 5, by inserting after the word “owed”, in line 73, the following words:- “or incurred”; and in said section 5, by inserting after the word “defense”, in ... |
S.2546 |
Feeney, Paul R. |
Timely Stop Work Order
in section 5, by striking out, in line 175, the figure “72” and inserting in place thereof ... the order is served”; and in said section 5, by striking out, in line 184, the figure ... |
H.4437 |
Speliotis, Theodore C. |
Floor Amendment
said clause Forty-first C of said section 5 to the amount of $1,500 to individuals meeting the qualifications contained in said clause Forty-first C of said section 5 |
S.2308 |
Creem, Cynthia Stone |
Removal of Beverage Containers from the Solid Waste Stream
SECTION 6. Section 5 of this act shall take effect on January 1, 2023; provided, however ... is less than or equal to 450 pounds per capita, then Section 5 will not go into effect |
H.4030 |
Rodrigues, Michael J. |
Fall River Fire Department
by striking out section 5 and inserting in place thereof the following 2 sections:- “SECTION 5. Chapter 189 of the acts of 2008 is ... SECTION 6. This act shall take effect upon its ... |
H.3806 |
Jones, Bradley H. |
MAP Effective Date
by striking SECTION 5 and inserting, in place thereof, the following: “SECTION 5. Section 4 shall take effect 90 days after ... |
H.4377 |
McMurtry, Paul |
Utility Data Transparency and Access
tract level for up to 5 prior years; (4.) Daily 15-minute peak ... the written request for data within 5 working days, and respond with the requested data ... |
H.4367 |
Blais, Natalie M. |
Ensuring Proper Public Notification
2 sections: “SECTION 4. Subsection (b) of section 5 of chapter 94G of the General Laws, as ... SECTION 5. Said section 5 of said chapter 94G, as so appearing, is hereby further amended ... |
H.3400 |
Kocot, Peter V. |
Modernizing uniform procurement
$5,000" with the figures "$10,000"; in section 5(c), subsection (5), and section 16(c), subsections (1) and ... |
H.3746 |
Fattman, Ryan C. |
Housing authority appointments
the following section:- “SECTION 1. Subsection 4-5-1 of section 5 of chapter 4 of the charter of the ... |
H.4200 |
Fiola, Carole A. |
Funds for certain Level 4 districts
Language Learners exceeding state average by >5%, and Students Whose First Language Is Not English greater than 5% above the state average"; and in said item ... |
H.3969 |
Speliotis, Theodore C. |
Floor Amendment
shall be a housing authority composed of 5 members who shall be elected and appointed in accordance with the requirements of sections 5 and 5A of chapter 121B of the General ... |
H.4789 |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon |
Hawker and Peddler License
is hereby amended by striking out, in lines 5 and 6, the words “one year” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- 5 years |
H.3944 |
DiZoglio, Diana |
Opioid prescriptions for children
prescription to a minor for more than a 5-day supply at any time and shall discuss with ... judgment of a practitioner more than a 5-day supply of an opiate is required to stabilize ... |
H.3944 |
DiZoglio, Diana |
Five-Day Prescription Limit
prescription to a minor for more than a 5-day supply at any time and shall discuss with ... judgment of a practitioner more than a 5-day supply of an opiate is required to stabilize ... |
H.1288 |
Devers, Marcos A. |
Devers Amendment
with the penalty as described in section 5 or prosecuting criminal or civil actions in the ... SECTION 5. A person found responsible in a civil action for a violation of section 1 or 2 ... |
S.3 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
education to be at levels 3, 4, and 5 with preference for schools and districts at levels 4 and 5 |