HOUSE DOCKET, NO. 1297 FILED ON: 1/13/2009
HOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 3481
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
In the Year Two Thousand Nine
An Act relative to emergency planning ..
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
SECTION . In order to assess the present preparedness in Barnstable County and to determine the need for, and appropriateness of, any additional specific steps for a radiological accident at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency shall report to the Governor and the Legislature by January first, two thousand eleven, its findings, recommendations and proposed legislation and assessments where appropriate concerning:
1. The need for and appropriateness of additional specific state and local activities or programs beyond those required by the accepted radiological emergency preparedness plans or provided for under existing law, including but not limited to:
a) Plume transport and dose assessment models;
b) Radiological and meteorological monitoring equipment;
c) Emergency Notification, Methods and Procedures;
d) Emergency Communications;
e) Public Information and Education;
f) Emergency Facilities and Equipment;
g) Accident Assessment;
h) Protective Response, Sheltering: Assessment of Shelters in Barnstable County suitable in a radiological emergency;
i) Protective Response, Evacuation: Evacuation Routes, Evacuation Time Estimates, Traffic Control, Impediment Removal, Security Patrols, Reception Centers, monitoring and decontamination capability, Mass Care Shelters, Ingestion Exposure pathway Protective Measures;
j) Transportation for transportation dependent;
k) Medical and Public Health Support;
l) Relocation, Re-Entry, and Return Planning and Post Accident Operations;
m) Exercises and Drills;
n) Radiological Emergency Response Training; and
o) Responsibility for Planning Effort: development, Periodic review and Distribution of Emergency Plans.
SECTION 2. Any such recommendations shall be developed in consultation with all concerned public and private parties and shall:
(a) Take into account proven safety effectiveness;
(b) Outline any proposed costs and the means for meeting such costs;
(c) Consider related activities of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission or others; and
(d) When appropriate, discuss alternatives and various implementation stages.