HOUSE DOCKET, NO. 4212        FILED ON: 3/20/2009

HOUSE  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  No. 3971



The Commonwealth of Massachusetts



In the Year Two Thousand Nine



An Act creating a lean enterprise department in the Executive Office of Administration and Finance..


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

SECTION 1.  Chapter 7 of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding the following section:-

For purposes of this section, “lean” means a performance oriented system for organizing and managing public sector services, products, operations, suppliers and customer relations to create measurable results, to improve public value and enhance service delivery.  Such results, value and delivery may be expressed as providing goods and services with higher quality and fewer defects and errors, with less human effort, less space, less capital and less time than more traditional systems.

The department of lean enterprise is established in the executive office of administration and finance. The function of the department is to ensure state wide implementation of lean tools and techniques as a component of a performance management system for all executive branch agencies.  Staffing for the department of lean enterprise shall be administered by a commissioner appointed by the governor.  Additional staff may be hired, subject to the availability of funding.  Funding for the department shall be made via annual fiscal appropriations contained within the executive office of administration and finance.

The responsibilities of the department of lean enterprise shall include, but not to be limited to, the following:

Create strategic and tactical approaches for lean implementation, including integration into State governance and operational systems.

Lead and develop the commonwealth’s capacity to implement lean concepts,  principles and methods within existing state government entities, including design and development of instructional and training materials as needed with the goal of integrating continuous improvement into the state wide organizational culture.

Create demand for lean concepts, principles and methods across various state agencies and departments.  Communicate with agency secretariats, commissioners, directors, board, commissions and management to create interest and organizational skills to implement lean to improve specific  departmental or agency results.  Provide direction and advice to department heads and senior management to plan and implement a departmental lean program: direct and review plans for leadership and assist with the selection of process improvement projects of key importance to agency goals, programs and missions that are focused on eliminating waste and inefficiencies and improving public services flow.

Identify and assist departments in identifying .potential lean projects, continuously evaluate organizational performance in meeting objectives, identify and structure the direction the lean implementation should take to provide greatest effectiveness, and justify critical and far reaching changes.

Lead the collection and reporting data and learning related to lean accomplishments throughout the enterprise.  Widely disseminate lean results and learning goals with the public, stakeholders and other audiences both at local and national levels to demonstrate the service outcomes, public benefits and returns on investment.

Evaluate the effect of unforeseen developments on plans and programs and present to top leadership suggested changes in overall direction or redirection. Provide input related to proposals regarding new or revised legislation, regulations and related changes which have a direct impact over the implementation.

Lead the development of alliances and partnerships with the business community, associations, consultants and other stakeholders to enhance external support and advance the implementation of lean concepts, principles and methods in Massachusetts state government.

Coordinate outreach and education efforts among the leadership and members of the general court and staff to build support for and understanding of the continuous nature and efforts relative to the department.