HOUSE DOCKET, NO. 5056        FILED ON: 6/1/2010

HOUSE  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  No. 4846



The Commonwealth of Massachusetts



In the Year Two Thousand Ten



An Act Authorizing the Placement of a Certain Question on the Ballot to be Used at the November 2010 Biennial State Election in the Town of Pepperell Relative to the Sale of all Alcoholic Beverages..


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

SECTION 1.  (a) Notwithstanding any limitations imposed by section 11 of chapter 138 of the General Laws as to the time and manner of voting on the question, the state secretary shall cause to be placed on the official ballot to be used in the town of Pepperell at the biennial state election to be held in November in the year 2010 the following question:Shall licenses be granted  in this town for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages (whiskey, rum, gin, malt beverages, wines and all other alcoholic beverages)?

Yes________        No________.

(b)  If a majority of the votes cast in answer to the question is in the affirmative, the town of Pepperell shall be authorized to grant licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages. The licenses shall be subject to all the other provisions of said chapter 138.(c)  The town counsel of the town of Pepperell shall cause a summary of the question to be printed on the ballot along with the question as stated in subsection (a).

SECTION 2.  This act shall take effect upon its passage.