FILED ON: 10/2/2013

HOUSE  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  No. 3676



The Commonwealth of Massachusetts



In the Year Two Thousand Thirteen



An Act conveying a certain parcel of land to the city of Medford for municipal use.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

SECTION 1. The commissioner of the division of capital asset management and maintenance may, subject to sections 34and 38 of chapter 7C of the General Laws, convey by deed a certain parcel of land located in the City of Medford to the City of Medford.

The parcels, being a portion of the land described in Layout No. 4981 and Order of Taking, dated June 14, 1960 and recorded in the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds in Book 9622, Page 361.

            The property to be conveyed hereunder is described as follows:

Parcel One

Commencing at a point on Swan Street at the southwesterly corner of land owned by the grantor abutting the land presently owned by the grantee, thence:

Along the westerly line of the land of the grantor, N19°12’28” E a distance of 52.92 feet to the northwesterly corner of the land of the grantor; thence;

Along the northerly line of the land of the grantor, S52°01’45” E a distance of 67.86 feet to a stone bound, thence;

Continuing along a tangent 177.37’ having a radius of 1280 feet, a distance of 352.49 feet, thence;

Continuing along the northerly line of the land of the grantor, S36°15’03” E , a distance of 191.61 feet, thence;

Southwesterly, S50° 22’ 28” W, a distance of 15.5 feet; thence;

Northerly, N39°37’32”W,  a distance of  192.46 feet; thence;

Continuing along a tangent 39.51’ having a radius of 148.16 feet, a distance of 77.22 feet, thence;

Continuing along a tangent 9.12’ having a radius of 7 feet, a distance of 12.83 feet, thence;

Northerly, N05° 30’ 18” E, a distance of 49.22 feet; thence;

Northerly, N69° 10’ 12” W, a distance of 50.70 feet; thence;

Continuing along a tangent 9.20’ having a radius of 7 feet, a distance of 12.88 feet, thence;

Northerly, N05°22’28”E, a distance of 5.96’, thence;

Continuing along a tangent 6.20’ having a radius of 15 feet, a distance of 11.76 feet, thence;

Northerly, N39°33’37”E, a distance of 104.86 feet, thence;

Northerly, N70°47’47”E, a distance of 135.34 feet, to the point of beginning.

Said parcel containing 11,533 square feet, more or less.

Parcel Two

Commencing at a point on the northwesterly corner of land owned by the grantor, thence:

Southerly, S36°15’03”W,  a distance of  191.61 feet; thence;

Continuing along a tangent 95.91’ having a radius of 1000.00 feet, a distance of 191.24 feet, thence;

Southerly, S54°57’23”W,  a distance of  51.22 feet; thence;

Northerly, S16°19’40”E,  a distance of  68.04 feet; thence;

Continuing along a tangent 155.19’ having a radius of 787.90 feet, a distance of 306.46 feet, thence;

Northerly, N50°22’28”E,  a distance of  68.04 feet; to the point of beginning;

Said parcel containing 7325 square feet, more or less.

           The first parcel consists of 11,115 square feet of land and the second consists of 7,325 square feet of land, more or less.

The parcel shall be used for municipal purposes to enhance and connect adjacent property or properties under the ownership of the City of Medford which are to be used for the facilities of the City of Medford Department of Public Works. The exact boundaries and corresponding square footage of these parcels shall be determined by the commissioner after completion of a survey.

SECTION 2. The consideration for the conveyance of the parcel described in section 1 shall be one dollar [$1.00].

SECTION 3. The grantees shall be responsible for all costs associated with any appraisal or appraisals, survey or other expense incurred by the commonwealth relative to the conveyance authorized by section 1.

SECTION 4. If the parcel described in section 1, or any portion thereof, ceases to be used at any time for the purpose and use required by this act, upon notice by the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance, the parcel shall revert to the commonwealth upon such terms and conditions as the commissioner may determine