HOUSE DOCKET, NO.                 FILED ON: 2/3/2014

HOUSE  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  No. 3893



The Commonwealth of Massachusetts






House of Representatives,


In the Year Two Thousand Fourteen




Ordered, the following rules of procedure shall be followed by the House concerning a report of the House Standing Committee on Ethics with relation to the reprimand, censure or expulsion of a member of the House who stands accused of violating the ethical standards of the House, to wit: —

1. When the question on adopting the resolution offered by said House Standing Committee on Ethics is under debate the Speaker shall receive no motion that does not relate to the same, except a motion to recess or adjourn, and shall receive no other motion relating to the same except: —

(a) to postpone to a day certain; or

(b) to amend.

These motions shall have precedence in the order in which they stand.

2. The accused shall be allowed to address the House subsequent to the opening remarks of the vice-Chairman of the Committee on Ethics; and from time to time thereafter if the floor is available but not in preference to members who have not spoken.

3. The degree of vote to reprimand the member shall be a majority of the members present and voting, a quorum being in attendance.

4. The degree of vote to censure a member shall be a majority of the members present and voting, a quorum being in attendance.

5. The degree of vote to expel a member shall be a majority of the members present and voting, a quorum being in attendance.

6. When any vote has been ordered, the accused must withdraw from the Chamber, and cannot, for reasons of conflict, vote on the report or on any other votes in relation to the same.

7. When the report has been accepted or rejected, there shall be no right of reconsideration or appeal.

8. If a report for expulsion is accepted, the seat shall be presumed vacated immediately.