SENATE DOCKET, NO. 2159        FILED ON: 7/15/2015

SENATE  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  No. 1968

Message from His Excellency the Governor (pursuant to Article LVI, as amended by Article XC, Section 3 of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) returning with recommendation of amendment the engrossed Bill further regulating the Community Events Fund in the town of Wareham (see Senate, No. 1099)

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts



Office of the Governor

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

· , MA









July 15, 2015


To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives,


Pursuant to Article LVI, as amended by Article XC, Section 3 of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I am returning to you for amendment Section 2 of Senate Bill No. 1099, “An Act Further Regulating the Community Events Fund in the Town of Wareham.”

This bill is intended to amend an act establishing a community events fund for the town of Wareham in accord with a vote taken at the fall annual town meeting held on October 27, 2014.  The effect of the vote, in part, was to reduce the annual deposit of the proceeds of the Wareham parking meter fund into the community events fund from 40% to 25%.  This legislation, however, provides that only 20% of the parking proceeds be credited to that fund.

To ensure that this enacted home rule bill accurately reflects the town’s authorization and intentions, I recommend that Senate Bill No. 1099 be amended by striking out, in line 3 of Section 2, the figure “20” and inserting in place thereof the figure:- 25.

Thank you for your prompt consideration.

Respectfully submitted,


Charles D. Baker,
