The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Office of the Comptroller

One Ashburton Place, Room 901

Boston, Massachusetts 02108 








PHONE (617) 727-5000

FAX (617) 727-2163







April 6, 2015


Chairman Brian S. Dempsey

House Ways & Means Committee

State House, Room 243

Boston, MA  02133


Chairwoman Karen Spilka

Senate Ways & Means Committee

State House, Room 212

Boston, MA  02133



Dear Chairman Dempsey and Chairwoman Spilka:


In accordance with the requirement in M.G.L. Chapter 29, Section 6B I am submitting the quarterly report on the status of federal funds applied for, received and expended.


This report details the second quarter status of federal grants applied for during fiscal year 2015 as well as the status of new grants received and expended in the second quarter of fiscal year 2015.








Martin J. Benison





Enc:  Legislative Reporting Requirements for Federal Grants—FY15 Q2


cc:Kristen Lepore, Secretary, ANF

Martha Walsh, Assistant Secretary, ANF

Eric Rebello, Assistant Secretary for Budget, ANF

Kathryn Kendall, Budget Director, HWM

Adriana Campos, Budget Director, SWM

Howard Merkowitz, Deputy Comptroller, CTR

Taneka Simmons, Federal Grants and Cost Allocation Bureau Director, CTR