HOUSE DOCKET, NO. 2810 FILED ON: 1/17/2019
HOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 468
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Carmine Lawrence Gentile and Paul Brodeur
To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General
Court assembled:
The undersigned legislators and/or citizens respectfully petition for the adoption of the accompanying resolve:
Resolve creating a special commission to study school starting times and schedules.
Name: | District/Address: | Date Added: |
Carmine Lawrence Gentile | 13th Middlesex | 1/17/2019 |
Paul Brodeur | 32nd Middlesex | 1/29/2019 |
James Arciero | 2nd Middlesex | 2/1/2019 |
Ruth B. Balser | 12th Middlesex | 1/25/2019 |
William N. Brownsberger | Second Suffolk and Middlesex | 1/29/2019 |
Tackey Chan | 2nd Norfolk | 2/1/2019 |
Daniel R. Cullinane | 12th Suffolk | 1/29/2019 |
Julian Cyr | Cape and Islands | 2/1/2019 |
David F. DeCoste | 5th Plymouth | 1/24/2019 |
Diana DiZoglio | First Essex | 1/28/2019 |
Shawn Dooley | 9th Norfolk | 1/22/2019 |
Carolyn C. Dykema | 8th Middlesex | 1/28/2019 |
Nika C. Elugardo | 15th Suffolk | 1/30/2019 |
Dylan A. Fernandes | Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket | 1/28/2019 |
Denise C. Garlick | 13th Norfolk | 1/30/2019 |
Carlos González | 10th Hampden | 2/1/2019 |
Danielle W. Gregoire | 4th Middlesex | 2/1/2019 |
Richard M. Haggerty | 30th Middlesex | 1/28/2019 |
Steven S. Howitt | 4th Bristol | 2/2/2019 |
Bradley H. Jones, Jr. | 20th Middlesex | 1/28/2019 |
Patrick Joseph Kearney | 4th Plymouth | 2/1/2019 |
Mary S. Keefe | 15th Worcester | 1/30/2019 |
James M. Kelcourse | 1st Essex | 1/30/2019 |
Kathleen R. LaNatra | 12th Plymouth | 1/30/2019 |
David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf | 17th Worcester | 1/28/2019 |
Jason M. Lewis | Fifth Middlesex | 2/1/2019 |
David Paul Linsky | 5th Middlesex | 1/25/2019 |
Elizabeth A. Malia | 11th Suffolk | 1/31/2019 |
Paul McMurtry | 11th Norfolk | 1/30/2019 |
Mathew J. Muratore | 1st Plymouth | 1/28/2019 |
Tram T. Nguyen | 18th Essex | 1/27/2019 |
Elizabeth A. Poirier | 14th Bristol | 1/31/2019 |
Rebecca L. Rausch | Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex | 1/30/2019 |
Maria Duaime Robinson | 6th Middlesex | 1/21/2019 |
David M. Rogers | 24th Middlesex | 1/28/2019 |
John H. Rogers | 12th Norfolk | 2/1/2019 |
Jon Santiago | 9th Suffolk | 1/31/2019 |
José F. Tosado | 9th Hampden | 1/25/2019 |
HOUSE DOCKET, NO. 2810 FILED ON: 1/17/2019
HOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 468
By Messrs. Gentile of Sudbury and Brodeur of Melrose, a petition (accompanied by resolve, House, No. 468) of Carmine Lawrence Gentile, Paul Brodeur and others for the establishment of a special commission (including members of the General Court) to study school starting times and schedules. Education. |
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
In the One Hundred and Ninety-First General Court
Resolve creating a special commission to study school starting times and schedules.
Resolved, there shall be a special commission established pursuant to section 2A of chapter 4 of the General Laws to review the health, safety and academic impact of deficient sleep in adolescents; summarize the scientific literature supporting later school start times as an important public health measure to mitigate those effects; and identify and generate concrete solutions to potential challenges faced by school districts in Massachusetts in changing school start times. The commission shall: (i) conduct a review of the scientific findings relative to sleep needs of adolescents and the effect that middle school and secondary school day start times have on the health and academic performance of students; (ii) determine the number of districts in the commonwealth that have implemented later school day start times for middle schools and secondary schools and examine the health and safety impacts and academic performance of students, including performance on statewide tests; (iii) identify resources and opportunities to assist districts in implementing minimum standards for healthy school day start times for middle schools and secondary schools consistent with the recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics; and (iv) recommend legislation as required to implement said recommendations.
The commission shall consist of: 2 members of the senate, 1 of whom shall serve as co-chair; 2 members of the house of representatives, 1 of whom shall serve as co-chair; the commissioner of elementary and secondary education or a designee; the secretary of health and human services or a designee; a medical doctor specializing in sleep medicine from Boston Children’s Hospital; the President of the American Psychological Association or a designee; the executive director of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees, Inc. or a designee; the executive director of the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, Inc. or a designee; the executive director of the Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administration Association, Inc. or a designee; the Massachusetts Chapter Leader of Start School Later, Inc. or a designee; the executive director of the Massachusetts Association of School Business Officials, Inc. or a designee; a representative from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine; a representative from the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics; a parent of a high school student who is a member of a school council, as defined in section 59C of chapter 71 of the General Laws; a superintendent from a district which has implemented later school day start times; a representative of a school bus transportation organization; an individual representing the interests of students with disabilities.
The commission shall convene not later than 60 days after the effective date of this act.
The board shall submit a report, detailing the results of its investigation and study, any recommended legislative or regulatory action and a timeline for implementation to the governor, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives and the clerks of the house of representatives and senate not later than 180 days after the effective date of this act.