HOUSE DOCKET, NO. 4891        FILED ON: 3/1/2022

HOUSE  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  No. 4576


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts



David T. Vieira


To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General
Court assembled:

The undersigned legislators and/or citizens respectfully petition for the adoption of the accompanying bill:

An Act amending the charter of the town of Bourne.






Date Added:

David T. Vieira

3rd Barnstable


Steven G. Xiarhos

5th Barnstable


Susan L. Moran

Plymouth and Barnstable


HOUSE DOCKET, NO. 4891        FILED ON: 3/1/2022

HOUSE  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  No. 4576

By Mr. Vieira of Falmouth, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4576) of David T. Vieira, Steven G. Xiarhos and Susan L. Moran (by vote of the town) that the town of Bourne be authorized to amend certain provisions of the charter of said town.  Municipalities and Regional Government.  [Local Approval Received.]


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts



In the One Hundred and Ninety-Second General Court



An Act amending the charter of the town of Bourne.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

SECTION 1. Subsection (a) of section 2-5 of article 2 of the charter of the town of Bourne, which is on file in the office of the archivist of the Commonwealth, as provided in section 12 of chapter 43B of the General Laws, is hereby amended by striking out the words “multiple member body” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- governmental body.

SECTION 2. Subsection (b) of said section 2-5 of article 2 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “25” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- 30.

SECTION 3. Said subsection (b) of section 2-5 of article 2 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the words “majority vote” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- 4/5th vote of members present and voting.

SECTION 4. Said subsection (b) of section 2-5 of article 2 of said charter is hereby amended by inserting, after the word “emergency”, the following words:- or when calling a special town meeting less than 30 days before the date of the special town meeting.

SECTION 5. Subsection (c) of section 2-5 of article 2 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the word “selectmen” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- select board members.

SECTION 6. Said subsection (c) of section 2-5 of article 2 of said charter is further amended by striking out the word “table” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- chart.

SECTION 7. Said subsection (c) of section 2-5 of article 2 of said charter is further amended by inserting, after the word “library,” the following words:- and the town’s website.

SECTION 8. Said subsection (c) of section 2-5 of article 2 of said charter is further amended by inserting, after the word “meeting” in the fourth sentence, the following words:- or any special town meeting. By majority vote the select board may waive the requirements for a special town meeting in case of an emergency or when calling a special town meeting less than 30 days before the date of the special town meeting.

SECTION 9. Section 2-6 of article 2 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the word “officers” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- officials.

SECTION 10. Said section 2-6 of article 2 of said charter is further amended by striking the word “boards and commissions” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- governmental bodies.

SECTION 11. Said section 2-6 of article 2 of said charter is further amended by striking the word “boards, commissions” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- governmental bodies.

SECTION 12. Section 2-9 of article 2 of said charter is hereby amended by inserting after the third sentence the following sentence:- The chairperson of the finance committee may not chair any other governmental body.

SECTION 13. Article 3 of said charter is hereby amended by striking, in the section subtitle, the words “Board of Selectmen” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- Select Board.

SECTION 14. Section 3-1 of said article 3 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the figure “5” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- five.

SECTION 15. Said section 3-1 of article 3 of said charter is further amended by striking the figure “3” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- three.

SECTION 16. Said section 3-1 of article 3 of said charter is further amended by striking the word “serve” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- act.

SECTION 17. Section 3-2 of said article 3 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the word “selectmen” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- the select board.

SECTION 18. Section 3-3 of said article 3 of said charter is hereby amended by inserting, before the word “local”, the following words:- strategic plan and.

SECTION 19. Said section 3-3 of article 3 of said charter is further amended by striking the words “July 1” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- September 1st.

SECTION 20. Said section 3-3 of article 3 of said charter is further amended by striking the word “selectman” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- select board member.

SECTION 21. Paragraph 2 of said section 3-3 of article 3 of said charter is hereby amended by striking, in the second sentence, the word “selectmen” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- select board members.

SECTION 22. Said paragraph 2 of section 3-3 of article 3 of said charter is further amended by striking, in the third sentence, the word “selectmen” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- select board members.

SECTION 24. Said paragraph 2 of section 3-3 of article 3 of said charter is further amended by inserting, after the word “goals,” the following words:- strategic plan goals,.

SECTION 23. Section 3-4 of said article 3 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the words “boards of selectmen” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- select boards.

SECTION 24. Said section 3-4 of said article 3 of said charter is further amended by inserting, after the word “commonwealth,” the following words:- shall have the power and authority to adopt rules and regulations, after public hearing and publication, for the conducting of town business, the use of town real and personal property, and other matters within its jurisdiction and to set the penalties for violations thereof,.

SECTION 25. Said article 3 of said charter is further amended by striking the text of section 3-5 and inserting in place thereof the following words:- The select board shall appoint the town administrator, town counsel, registrars of voters, and constables. The board shall also have the power to appoint other governmental bodies for whom no other appointment provision is made in this charter or by by-law. Representatives of governmental bodies specified as members of a governmental body shall be designated by their respective governmental body. Governmental bodies established by the select board shall possess and exercise all powers given to them under the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth and shall possess and exercise such additional powers and duties as may be authorized by this charter, by-law or vote of town meeting. This charter names those governmental bodies which (1) are mandated or authorized by the laws of the Commonwealth and (2) exercise regulatory or other authority. All governmental bodies appointed by the select board shall be responsible to the select board.

SECTION 26. Section 3-6 of said article 3 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the words “town board or committee” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- governmental body.

SECTION 27. Section 3-7 of said article 3 of said charter is hereby amended by inserting, after the first sentence, the following sentence:- The select board shall maintain an active list of the governmental bodies and representation and make accessible to the public on the town’s website.

SECTION 28. Section 4-1 of article 4 of said section 1 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the figure “5” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- five.

SECTION 29. Said section 4-1 of article 4 of said charter is further amended by striking the figure “9” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- nine.

SECTION 30. Paragraph 2 of said section 4-1 of article 4 of said charter is hereby amended by inserting, after the first sentence, the following sentence:- The town administrator’s contract will not automatically renew each contract period. The select board, by an affirmative vote of four of its members, shall renew the contract.

SECTION 31. Said section 4-1 of article 4 of said charter is further amended by striking the figure “7” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- seven.

SECTION 32. Said section 4-1 of article 4 of said charter is further amended by striking the words “when appointed but shall establish primary residence in the town of Bourne within 1 year after the date of appointment; provided, however, that the board of selectmen may, by simple majority vote of the selectmen in office at the time of appointment, extend the time for establishing residence or otherwise allow the town administrator to reside elsewhere. Once a residency exemption is granted to a specific town administrator, it shall not be rescinded in future contracts with that town administrator.”

SECTION 33. Section 4-3 of said article 4 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the words “some other” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- a.

SECTION 34. Section 4-4 of said article 4 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the words “some other” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- a.

SECTION 35. Said section 4-4 of article 4 of said charter is further amended by inserting, after the last sentence, the following sentence:- The select board reserves the right to limit the powers and duties of the acting or interim town administrator by a majority vote of the select board.

SECTION 36. Paragraph 1 of section 4-5 of said article 4 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the figure “4” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- four.

SECTION 37. Said paragraph 1 of section 4-5 of said article 4 of said charter is further amended by striking the figure “5” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- five.

SECTION 38. Said paragraph 1 of section 4-5 of said article 4 of said charter is further amended by striking the figure “7” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- seven.

SECTION 39. Paragraph 2 of said section 4-5 of article 4 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the figure “5” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- five.

SECTION 40. Said paragraph 2 of section 4-5 of said article 4 of said charter is further amended by striking the figure “4” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- four.

SECTION 41. Subsection (a) of section 4-6 of said article 4 of said charter is hereby amended by inserting, after the words “board of selectmen”, the following words:- and inclusion of the strategic plan.

SECTION 42. Subsection (c) of said section 4-6 of article 4 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the words “program and” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- plan and capital improvement.

SECTION 43. Subsection (i) of said section 4-6 of article 4 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the word “personnel” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- human resource.

SECTION 44. Subsection (k) of said section 4-6 of article 4 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the word “insuring” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- ensuring.

SECTION 45. Subsection (l) of said section 4-6 of article 4 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the figure “3” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- three.

SECTION 46. Subsection (n) of said section 4-6 of article 4 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the word “coordinate” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- oversee.

SECTION 47. Said subsection (n) of section 4-6 of article 4 of said charter is further amended by striking the words “boards, committees and commissions” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- governmental bodies.

SECTION 48. Said subsection (n) of section 4-6 of article 4 of said charter is further amended by striking the words “may require elected boards and individuals” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- may require elected governmental bodies and individuals.

SECTION 49. Said subsection (n) of section 4-6 of article 4 of said charter is further amended by striking the words “for the purpose of coordination and financial planning”.

SECTION 50. Section 5-1 of article 5 of said section 1 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the words “table of organization”, each time they appear, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following words:- organizational chart.

SECTION 51. Section 5-2 of said article 5 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “1” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- one.

SECTION 52. Said section 5-2 of article 5 of said charter is further amended by inserting, after the words “authorized in this charter”, the following words:- or transferred to another agency in accordance with the provisions of 5-3.

SECTION 53. Said section 5-2 of article 5 of said charter is further amended by striking out, in the last sentence, the figure “3” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- three.

SECTION 54. Section 5-3 of said article 5 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “1”, each time it appears, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following word:- one.

SECTION 55. Said section 5-3 of said article 5 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “7” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- seven.

SECTION 56. Said section 5-3 of article 5 of said charter is further amended by striking out the sentence “The proposed organization shall become effective not sooner than 60 days following the selectmen’s vote on the final plan.”

SECTION 57. Subsection (a) of section 5-4 of said article 5 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the words “board of selectmen”.

SECTION 58. Subsection (b) of said section 5-4 of article 5 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the word “superintendent”, each time it appears, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following word:- director.

SECTION 59. Said subsection (b) of said section 5-4 of article 5 of said charter is further amended by striking out the word “superintendent’s”, each time it appears, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following word:- director’s.

SECTION 60. Said subsection (b) of said section 5-4 of article 5 of said charter is further amended by striking out the words “and board of selectmen”.

SECTION 61. Said section 5-4 of article 5 of said charter is further amended by striking out subsection (d) in its entirety.

SECTION 62. Subsection (a) of section 5-5 of said article 5 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the words “board of selectmen”.

SECTION 63. Subsection (c) of said section 5-5 of article 5 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the words “and board of selectmen”.

SECTION 64. Said section 5-5 of article 5 of said charter is further amended by striking out subsection (e) in its entirety.

SECTION 65. Item (10) of subsection (a) of section 5-6 of said article 5 of said charter is hereby amended by inserting, after the word “related”, the following word:- financial.

SECTION 66. Said item (10) of subsection (a) of section 5-6 of said article 5 of said charter is further amended by inserting, after the word “functions,”, the word:- financial.

SECTION 67. Subsection (c) of said section 5-6 of said article 5 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “3”, each time it appears, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following word:- three.

SECTION 68. Subsection (d) of said section 5-6 of said article 5 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “3” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- three.

SECTION 69. Article 6 of said section 1 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the words “Town Boards and Officers”, each time they appear, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following words:- Governmental Bodies and Officials.

SECTION 70. Subsection (a) of section 6-1 of said article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the word “officers” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- officials.

SECTION 71. Subsection (b) of said section 6-1 of article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the words “Town boards” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- Governmental bodies.

SECTION 72. Item (6) of said subsection (b) of section 6-1 of article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by inserting, after the word “Bourne”, the word “Public”.

SECTION 73. Item (9) of said subsection (b) of section 6-1 of article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the words “multi-member” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- governmental.

SECTION 74. Section 6-2 of said article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “1” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- one.

SECTION 75. Said section 6-2 of article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the word “officer” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- official.

SECTION 76. Section 6-4 of said article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “3” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- three.

SECTION 77. Section 6-5 of said article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “7” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- seven.

SECTION 78. Said section 6-5 of article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “3” and inserting in place thereof the following words- three.

SECTION 79. Section 6-6 of said article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “5” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- five.

SECTION 80. Said section 6-6 of article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “3” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- three.

SECTION 81. Section 6-7 of said article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “9” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- nine.

SECTION 82. Said section 6-7 of said article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “3” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- three.

SECTION 83. Section 6-8 of said article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “5”, each time it appears, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the word:- five.

SECTION 84. Said section 6-8 of said article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “4” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- four.

SECTION 85. Said section 6-8 of said article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “1” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- one.

SECTION 86. Section 6-9 of said article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “5” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- five.

SECTION 87. Said section 6-9 of article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “4” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- four.

SECTION 88. Said section 6-9 of article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “3” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- three.

SECTION 89. Section 6-10 of said article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by inserting, after the word “Bourne” in the first sentence, the following word:- public.

SECTION 90. Said section 6-10 of article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out, in the first sentence, the figure “6” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- six.

SECTION 91. Said section 6-10 of article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out, in the first sentence, the figure “3” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- three.

SECTION 92. Said section 6-10 of article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out the second paragraph in its entirety, and inserting in place thereof the following:-

a)The trustees shall have the custody and management of the library and all property of the town related thereto.

b)The selection of the library director consistent with the General Laws; and this charter.

c)Provide an annual review of performance of the library director and submit to the town administrator.

d)Review and advise the library director regarding preliminary budget prior to being submitted

to the town administrator’s budget report to the select board.

e)All money raised or appropriated by the town for its support and maintenance shall be

expended by the trustees and all money or property that the town may receive for the library by gift or bequest shall be administered by the trustees in accordance with the gift or bequest.

f)The trustees will establish and act upon their policies and by-laws consistent with the General Laws, town by-laws and this charter.

g)The trustees of the Jonathan Bourne public library shall have all of the powers and duties given to boards of library trustees under the Constitution and General Laws and such additional powers and duties as may be authorized by this charter, by by-law or by other town meeting vote.

SECTION 93. Section 6-11 of said article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “6” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- six.

SECTION 94. Said section 6-11 of article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “5” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- five.

SECTION 95. Said section 6-11 of article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “3” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- three.

SECTION 96. Said section 6-11 of article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “1” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- one.

SECTION 97. Section 6-12 of said article 6 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “2” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- two.

SECTION 98. Said section 6-12 of article 6 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “4” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- four.

SECTION 99. Section 7-1 of article 7 of said section 1 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the word “program”, each time it appears, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following words:- improvement plan.

SECTION 100. Said section 7-1 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by striking the words “capital budget” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- capital improvement budget.

SECTION 101. Said section 7-1 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by inserting, after the first sentence, the following sentence:- The school committee budget shall be submitted to the town administrator in sufficient time to enable the town administrator to consider the effect of the school department’s requested appropriation on the total town budget and make recommendations on same.

SECTION 102. Said section 7-1 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by striking the words “work programs” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- expected outcomes, delivery of services, and initiatives.

SECTION 103. Said section 7-1 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by striking the words “capital plan” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- capital improvement plan.

SECTION 104. Said section 7-1 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by striking the sentence “The school committee budget shall be submitted to the town administrator in sufficient time to enable the town administrator to consider the effect of the school department’s requested appropriation on the total town budget and make recommendations on same.”

SECTION 105. Section 7-2 of said article 7 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the word “program”, each time it appears, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following word:- plan.

SECTION 106. Said section 7-2 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by inserting, after the word “selectmen”, the following words:- ten days.

SECTION 107. Said section 7-2 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “5” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- five.

SECTION 108. Said section 7-2 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by striking out the words “and the estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the facilities included”.

SECTION 109. Said section 7-2 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by inserting, after the second sentence, the following sentence:- The first year’s budget would be the capital budget and include the estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the facilities included.

SECTION 110. Section 7-3 of said article 7 of said charter is hereby amended by inserting, after the word “annually”, a comma followed by the words:- in a format the town administrator deems desirable or as the select board requires,.

SECTION 111. Said section 7-3 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by striking out the words “Board of Selectmen” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- select board.

SECTION 112. Said section 7-3 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “5” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- five.

SECTION 113. The first sentence of section 7-4 of said article 7 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the word “program”, each time it appears, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following word:- plan.

SECTION 114. Said first sentence of section 7-4 of said article 7 of said charter is further amended by striking out the words “capital budget” each time they appear, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following words:- capital improvement budget.

SECTION 115. Said section 7-4 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “1” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- one.

SECTION 116. Said section 7-4 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by striking out the words “capital budgets” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- capital improvement budgets.

SECTION 117. Said section 7-4 of article 7 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “21” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- 20.

SECTION 118. The third paragraph of said section 7-4 of article 7 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the word “program” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- budget.

SECTION 119. Subsection (b) of section 8-1 of article 8 of said section 1 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “5” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- five.

SECTION 120. Said subsection (b) of section 8-1 of article 8 of said charter is further amended by striking out the word “immediately”.

SECTION 121. Said subsection (b) of section 8-1 of article 8 of said charter is further amended by inserting, after the second sentence, the following sentence:- The select board may extend time to the charter review committee by majority vote to meet the duties and responsibilities of article LXXXIX enacted to implement said article LXXXIX.

SECTION 122. Section 8-5 of said article 8 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the word “officers” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- officials.

SECTION 123. The caption of section 8-6 of said article 8 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the words “Multiple Member Bodies” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- Governmental Bodies


SECTION 124. Said section 8-6 of said article 8 of said charter is further amended by striking out the words “multiple member bodies”, wherever they appear, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following words:- governmental bodies.

SECTION 125. Said section 8-6 of said article 8 of said charter is further amended by striking out the words “multiple member body”, wherever they appear, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following words:- governmental body.

SECTION 126 Subsection (c) of said section 8-6 of article 8 of said charter is further amended by inserting, after the first sentence, the following sentences:- The Open Meeting Law requires public bodies to create and approve minutes in a timely

manner. A “timely manner” is considered to be within the next three public body meetings or 30 days from the date of the meeting, whichever is later, unless the public body can show good cause for further delay.

SECTION 127. Said subsection (c) of section 8-6 of article 8 of said charter is further amended by striking the last period and inserting, after the word “clerk”, a comma followed by the words:- once approved by the governmental body as outlined above.

SECTION 128. Said section 8-6 of article 8 of said charter is further amended by striking out the text of subsection (d) and inserting in place thereof the following words:- Meetings of the select board, the school committee, the board of health and the planning board shall be televised, recorded, livestreamed or broadcasted on the local cable channel or recorded and posted on the town’s website. The town shall choose the most effective method but technical difficulties with equipment shall not cause a meeting to be postponed.

SECTION 129. Section 8-7 of said article 8 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the text of the article and inserting in place thereof the following words:- In computing times under this charter, “days” will be defined as calendar days unless otherwise specified.

SECTION 130. Said article 8 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out section 8-8 in its entirety.

SECTION 131. Section 8-9 of said article 8 of said charter is hereby amended by inserting, alphabetically among the existing definitions, the following definitions:-

“Governmental Body”, means any federal, state, local, municipal or other government; any governmental, regulatory or administrative agency, commission or other authority lawfully exercising or entitled to exercise any administrative, executive, judicial, legislative, police, regulatory or taxing authority or power; and any court or governmental tribunal.

“Gender Neutrality”, any reference to gender in this charter shall be construed as meaning any person, people, individual or individuals.

“Local Comprehensive Plan”, is an important planning tool used to guide the growth and direction of the town while balancing a wide variety of needs, including economic growth, protection of environmental resources, quality of life and community character.

“Strategic Plan”, the long-term vision, goals and objectives for the town of Bourne codified in a document accepted by the select board.

SECTION 132. Said section 8-9 of article 8 of said charter is further amended by inserting, after the word “Bourne” in the definition of the word “Library”, the following word:- public.

SECTION 133. Said section 8-9 of article 8 of said charter is further amended by striking the words “Town officer” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- Town official.

SECTION 134. Section 9-2 of article 9 of said section 1 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the figure “1” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- one.

SECTION 135. Said section 9-2 of article 9 of said charter is further amended by striking the figure “5” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- five.

SECTION 136. Section 9-3 of said article 9 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “5” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- five.

SECTION 137. Section 9-4 of said article 9 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the first sentence and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:- Any official whose recall is sought may be a candidate for re-election to the same office, and, unless the individual requests otherwise in writing, the town clerk shall place that official’s name on the ballot without nomination.

SECTION 138. Section 9-5 of said article 9 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the figure “5” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- five.

SECTION 139. Section 9-6 of said article 9 of said charter is hereby amended by striking the word “officer”, wherever it appears, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following word:- official.

SECTION 140. Section 9-7 of said article 9 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “6”, wherever it appears, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following word:- six.

SECTION 141. Section 9-8 of said article 9 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “1”, and inserting in place thereof the following word:- one.

SECTION 142. Section 10-2 of article 10 of said section 1 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the word “officers” and inserting in place thereof the following word:- officials.

SECTION 143. Section 10-3 of said article 10 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the word “his”, wherever it appears, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following word:- their.

SECTION 144. Said article 10 of said charter is further amended by striking out section 10-5 in its entirety.

SECTION 145. Article 11 of said section 1 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out the figure “7”, wherever it appears, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following word:- seven.

SECTION 146. Said article 11 of said charter is further amended by striking out the figure “3”, wherever it appears, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following word:- three.

SECTION 147. The first paragraph of said article 11 of said charter is further amended by striking out the words “board or committee” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- governmental body.

SECTION 148. The second paragraph of said article 11 of said charter is further amended by striking out the words “board or committee” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- governmental body.

SECTION 149. The first sentence of the third paragraph of said article 11 of said charter is further amended by striking out the word “committee” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- governmental body.

SECTION 150. The fourth paragraph of said article 11 of said charter is further amended by striking out the words “board or committee” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- or governmental body.

SECTION 151. The fifth paragraph of said article 11 of said charter is further amended by striking out the words “board or committee” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- or governmental body.

SECTION 152:- Said chapter 117 of the acts of 2012, is hereby amended by striking out the words “board of selectmen”, each time they appear, and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the following words:- select board.

SECTION 153. This Act shall take effect upon its passage.