There shall be established an Animal Advisory Board constituted for the general purpose of advising the Massachusetts Department of Agriculture (MDAR).
The members of the advisory board shall include the shelter and rescue coordinator at MDAR or their designee, who shall serve as chair. The Governor shall appoint 8 additional persons, 1 of whom shall be a member of a small foster-based rescue; 1 of whom shall be a member of a larger animal welfare organization; 1 of whom shall be a member of a national animal welfare organization that provides interstate transport; 1of whom shall be a veterinarian who is certified by the Association of Shelter Veterinarians; 1 if whom shall be a veterinarian experienced with companion animal work; 1 of whom shall be a veterinarian with livestock and/or farm experience; 1 of whom shall be a lawyer with animal welfare experience, and 1 of whom shall be an Animal Control Officer operating in the Commonwealth with at least five years of experience.
The advisory board shall meet quarterly and at the call of the commissioner or upon the written request of any two members. The board is charged with advising the commissioner on issues relating, but not limited to, shelters, animal control officers, animal inspectors, training and best practices. The Animal advisory board, in conjunction with the department, shall make an annual report to the joint committee on the environment, natural resources and agriculture as to their activities under this section.
All members of the advisory board will serve without compensation.
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