Ordered that The Town Charter, Article II, Legislative Branch Section 2-13 (a) Annual Stipend shall be amended to reflect that each member of the Town Council shall receive and annual stipend, payable in arrears, in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) and the Town Council President shall receive an annual stipend, payable in arrears, in the amount of seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500). Incumbent Councilors shall receive a stipend as above set forth as of each annual Town Election Day. A Councilor who vacates their office will be entitled to receive a pro-rated stipend as of the last date of their service. Regardless of compensation, members of the Town Council shall not be eligible for benefits from the Town. Any modification of the stipend amounts set-forth herein may be adopted by ordinance duly adopted by the Town Council, provided however that no increase or reduction in such stipends shall take effect during the year in which such increase or reduction is voted, and no change in such ordinance shall be made between the election of a new council and the qualification of the new council. Persons elected to serve as councilors by special town election or appointment shall be eligible for payment of an annual stipend payable in arrears in the amount of $5,000 reduced on a pro-rated basis commensurate with the number of days beginning with the date of the special election or appointment. Such ordinance shall be subject to the provisions of MGL Chapter 39, Section 6A.
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