The executive office of education and the executive office of administration and finance, in consultation with the department of correction, shall conduct a comprehensive assessment of the status of the delivery of postsecondary education programs in correctional facilities for the purpose of expanding the high-quality provision of such. This assessment shall include, but need not be limited to:
(a) the current provision of postsecondary education programs (degree and non-degree, for- and non-credit), enrollments, Pell Grant utilization, completions, and equity measures related thereto, (b) a determination of the level of unmet demand for postsecondary education among incarcerated persons, informed by facility populations, educational assessment data, and other indicators of current and potential readiness for program participation, (c) a needs assessment of the facilities, materials and staffing required for expanding the delivery of high-quality, workforce-aligned postsecondary education programs in correctional facilities in line with potential demand, including an inventory of the correctional facilities, including, but not limited to, classrooms, multipurpose rooms, libraries and study rooms, staffing, and materials and learning infrastructure, including, but not limited to, education technology and internet access that is currently available for the delivery of postsecondary education, (d) recommendations for and a cost analysis of the improvement of such programs, facilities, staffing, materials, and infrastructure to meet the unmet demand for postsecondary education and support program innovation and expansion, (e) an analysis of the policies of the department of correction impacting the postsecondary education of incarcerated persons, including, but not limited to: (i) classification regulations and processes, (ii) facility transfer policies and practices, (iii) data systems and reporting, (iv) a listing of any other specific barriers to the effective delivery of postsecondary education programs to incarcerated persons, and (v) a survey of (1) students of postsecondary education programs in correctional facilities, (2) former students of such programs, conducted in consultation with regional reentry programs, and (3) any group or person the division deems necessary, and (f) a solicitation of feedback from institutions of higher education that provide postsecondary education programs in correctional facilities to understand current needs, program delivery costs, credit transferability, and other issues impacting program access and completion, (g) a survey of other state agencies regarding staff, programs, policies, resources, and funding relevant to expanding delivery of postsecondary education programs in corrections facilities the results of which would serve to generate: (i) recommendations for establishing ongoing inter-agency planning and cooperation to expand and support the delivery and completion of postsecondary education programs during and after incarceration (including efforts related to developing processes for timely access to the transcripts and academic records incarcerated individuals need to enter collegiate coursework), (ii) recommendations for increasing access for corrections staff to professional development and postsecondary education programs, (iii) recommendations for a process of regular executive and legislative review of progress toward expanding program delivery and completion of postsecondary education.
The survey will target an array of relevant agencies including, but not limited to: the executive office of education, the department of elementary and secondary education, the department of higher education, the office of student financial assistance, the department of labor and workforce development, commonwealth corporation, the executive office of health and human services, the executive office of veterans services, division of capital asset management and maintenance, and the executive office of housing and livable communities.
(b) Not later than January 1, 2026, the secretary of administration and finance shall issue a report regarding the needs assessment conducted pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. The report shall be submitted to the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate.
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