SECTION 1. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department of elementary and secondary education shall conduct a study into the causes of and remedies for frequent student absences in the public schools of the commonwealth. The study shall include, but not be limited to, an analysis of: (i) disparities, if any, in rates of absenteeism based on region, socioeconomic status or student age; (ii) disparities, if any, in rates of absenteeism between students enrolled in a career pathway program, as opposed to a program of general education; (iii) common causes of absences among students missing not less than 7 school days in an academic year; and (iv) causes of absences, if any, that are specific to the commonwealth or individual regions of the commonwealth. As part of the study, the department shall consult with the department of transitional assistance, the department of children and families, the Massachusetts Teachers Association, the Massachusetts Federation of Teachers, the Massachusetts Charter Public School Association, public school districts located in gateway cities and public school districts with above average student populations missing not less than 10 per cent of school days according to the most recent end of year attendance report compiled by the department. The department shall report on its findings and submit any recommendations to the clerks of the house and senate and the joint committee on education no later than 180 days after enactment; provided, however, that the secretary of education may grant up to 1 extension of not more than 90 days.
SECTION 2. Section 1 shall take effect upon enactment.
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