Amendment #106 to H3400
Clear cutting ban in state forests
[Sponsors] Mr. Kocot of Northampton moves to amend the bill by adding the following new section:
Section 1. Section 7 of Chapter 21a of the general Laws is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following:-“…provided, that the secretary shall prohibit the clear cutting of any forested lands under his care and custody, unless necessary to eradicate harmful and invasive insect species. For the purposes of this section, clear cutting shall be defined as the harvesting of more than seventy-five percent of trees within an area greater than one acre.”
Section 2. Section 40 of Chapter 132 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following:-“…therefore, it is the policy of the Commonwealth to prohibit clear cutting on all state owned lands and lands under the authority of all public and quasi-public authorities, including, but not limited to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife and all municipal watershed properties with conservation protection easements purchased by the commonwealth.”