Amendment #126 to H3400

Solid Waste Master Plan

[Sponsors] Representatives Wolf of Cambridge, Smizik of Brookline, and Atkins of Concord move to amend the bill by inserting after item 2200-0102 the following item:


2200-0107.. For recycling and related purposes consistent with the recycling plan of the solid waste master plan which includes municipal equipment, a municipal recycling incentive program, recycled product procurement, guaranteed annual tonnage assistance, recycling transfer stations, source reduction and technical assistance, consumer education and participation campaign, municipal household hazardous waste program, the recycling loan program, research and development, recycling market development and recycling business development and the operation of the Springfield materials recycling facility; provided, that funds may be expended for a recycling industry reimbursement program pursuant to section 241 of chapter 43 of the acts of 1997…………$275,000