Amendment #158 to H3400
Middle School Targeted Assistance
[Sponsors] Mr. O’Day of West Boylston moves to amend the bill in section 2, in item 7061-9408, at the end thereof by adding the following: “provided further, that in carrying out the provisions of this item, the department may contract with vendors that have an established record of working with schools to target and enhance middle school academic support services, provided the department shall give priority to programs that have the capacity to serve not less than 25% of a district’s middle school population, make available documentation of a minimum of $1 in private sector local or federal funds for every $1 in state funds, extend the learning day for students on site in the same building where students attend school during the day by a minimum of 10 hours per school week, provided further, said programs shall have conducted at least one independent longitudinal study demonstrating gains in student performance in any of the following areas; MCAS scores, school attendance, student grades, or long-term high school graduation rates, teach students in groups with ratios no larger than one to eighteen, integrate an extended school faculty which includes an on-site leader, and further, said program shall develop data sharing agreements and MOUs with middles schools to ensure the timely and effective sharing of grade progress and other formative or diagnostic measurement of student progress;”