Amendment #203 to H3400
Adult Dental Restoration
[Sponsors] Representatives Scibak of South Hadley, Atkins of Concord, Brownsberger of Belmont, Canessa of New Bedford, Coakley-Rivera of Springfield, Forry of Dorchester, Garlick of Needham, Khan of Newton, Linksy of Natick, Madden of Nantucket, Mark of Hancock, Murphy of Weymouth, O’Day of West Boylston, Peake of Provincetown, Provost of Somerville, Puppolo of Springfield, Sciortino of Medford, Smizik of Brookline, Speranzo of Pittsfield, Sullivan of Fall River, Swan of Holyoke, and Torrisi of North Andover move to amend the bill in section 2, item 4000-0700, by striking the figures "$2,026,206,633" and inserting in the place thereof the figures "$2,033,469,092"; and in section 99, in lines 1389 and 1390, by striking out the following: "dental benefits provided to clients of the department of developmental services who are age 21 or over" and inserting in the place thereof the following: "dental benefits for all persons who are age 21 or over and are pregnant women, or with developmental disabilities, or HIV/AIDS".