Amendment #222 to H3400

HCQCC Reporting

[Sponsors] Representative Basile of East Boston moves to amend the bill by adding the following new section:


“SECTION XX. Chapter 6A, Section 16K (e) is amended by adding the following at the end of the final paragraph: -


The council, in conjunction with the division of health care finance and policy, shall develop an annual report to be posted on the website that will display the top 20 Diagnosis Related Groups by Hospital, with the charge information for those top twenty, as well as the top 20 Clinical Classifications Software, with the charge information for those top twenty. This report shall be in a format that is understandable to and usable by consumers and that enables consumers to compare hospital charges to statewide mean and median charges for those Diagnosis Related Groups by Hospital and Clinical Classifications Software. This report shall be posted on the website no later than October 1 of each year, using the most recent data available from the division of health care finance and policy.”