Amendment #487 to H3400

School to Career Connecting Activities

[Sponsors] Representative Martin J. Walsh of Boston and Representatives O’Day of West Boylston, McMurtry of Dedham, Swan of Springfield, Brownsberger of Belmont, Fox of Boston, Torrisi of North Andover, Dwyer of Woburn, and Stanley of Waltham move that the bill be amended in Section 2, by adding line item 7027-0019. For school-to-career connecting activities; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the board of elementary and secondary education, in cooperation with the department of workforce development and the state workforce investment board, may establish and support a public-private partnership to link high school students with economic and learning opportunities on the job as part of the school-to-work transition program; provided further, that such program may include the award of matching grants to workforce investment boards or other local public-private partnerships involving local community job commitments and work site learning opportunities for students; provided further, that the grants shall require at least a 200 per cent match in wages for the students from private sector participants; provided further, that the program shall include, but not be limited to, a provision that business leaders commit resources to pay salaries, to provide mentoring and instruction on the job and to work closely with teachers; provided further, that public funds shall assume the costs of connecting schools and businesses to ensure that students serve productively on the job........................ $2,000,000