Amendment #511 to H3400
Office of Commonwealth Performance, Accountability and Transparency
[Sponsors] Representatives Kaufman of Lexington and Linsky of Natick move to amend the bill, in section 2, by inserting after item 1100-1100 the following items:-
“1100-1201 For the operation of the office of commonwealth performance, accountability and transparency; provided, that the activities funded from this item may include, but not be limited to, the operations and maintenance of a performance management program, maximization of federal revenue opportunities and oversight of compliance with federal reporting requirements including the implementation and oversight of the Federal Financial Accountability and Transparency Act section 14c of chapter 7 of the general laws and other statewide transparency initiatives to enhance program integrity and ongoing efforts to prevent fraud, waste and abuse throughout the executive branch………………………………………………………………$650,000
1100-1205 For purposes of performing enhanced economic forecasting and analysis; provided that the unit will review caseload and revenue forecasts developed by state agencies and may develop guidelines and methodologies for agencies to follow in the forecasting of caseloads and revenues………………………………………..$200,000”
and by inserting after section 12 the following section:-
“SECTION 12A. Said chapter 7 is hereby further amended by inserting after section 4F the following section:-
Section 4F 1/2. There shall be established and set up a separate account, to be known as the Commonwealth Performance, Accountability, and Transparency Trust , in this section called the trust. The secretary of administration and finance shall expend funds in the trust without further appropriation to support the purposes of the office of commonwealth performance, accountability, and transparency, established by paragraph (f) of section 4A. The comptroller shall annually transfer to the trust, from the indirect costs charged under section 5D of chapter 29, an amount determined by the secretary for these purposes, not exceeding $500,000 plus the one-time costs of any technology determined by the secretary.”