Amendment #514 to H3400

Youth-At-Risk Employment Program

[Sponsors] Representatives Malia of Boston and Dorcena Forry of Boston, Collins of Boston, Smizik of Brookline, McMurtry of Dedham, Fox of Boston, O’Day of West Boylston, Swan of Springfield, Wolf of Cambridge, Khan of Newton, Provost of Somerville, Hecht of Watertown, Conroy of Wayland, Stanley of Waltham, Cariddi of North Adams, Michlewitz of Boston, Henriquez of Boston, Honan of Boston, Basile of Boston, Rushing of Boston, DiNatale of Fitchburg, Devers of Lawrence, and Cabral of New Bedford move to amend the bill in section 2 by inserting after item 7002-0901 the following item:

“7002-0012 For a youth-at-risk program targeted at reducing juvenile delinquency in high risk areas; provided, that these funds may be expended for the development and implementation of a year-round employment program for at-risk youth as well as existing year-round employment programs; provided further, that $500,000 of these funds shall be matched by private organizations     … $4,400,000”.