Amendment #606 to H3400
Community Policing in the City of Lawrence
[Sponsors] Representatives Adams of Andover and Devers of Lawrence move to amend the bill, in section 2, by inserting after item 8000-0000, the following item: -
“8000-XXXX For community policing grants to be administered by the executive office of public safety and security; provided no such grants shall be awarded to the department of state police; provided further that such grants shall be provided for community policing in the 10 communities having a population of at least 50,000 with the highest average violent crime rate between 2000 and 2009; provided further that no less than $3,000,000 shall be provided for community policing in any of the qualifying 10 communities that experienced no less than a 30 per cent reduction in its sworn full-time police personnel in 2010; provided further, that grants shall only be expended on items that are related to community policing activities, programs, purchases or construction; provided further, that grant funds shall not be expended on food and beverages, recruit training academy tuition, salaries and benefits for non-community policing personnel and payments for non-related overtime; provided further that no less than $500,000 shall be expended for community policing activities in the city of Lawrence; provided further, that not later than March 16, 2012, the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security shall submit a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing the amount of grants awarded to these grant recipients and descriptions of these grants………………………………………..….$5,000,000”.