Amendment #653 to H3400
Residential Placement Prevention Program, Maximizes Federal Reimbursement
[Sponsors] Representatives Khan of Newton, Garlick of Needham moves that the bill be amended in Section 2, in item 7061-0012, by inserting on the last line after the word “audit” the following: -
“provided further that the department shall provided not less than the amount authorized in fiscal year 2008 to the department of developmental services for the voluntary residential placement prevention program administered by said department; provided further that the department of developmental services shall take all steps necessary to maximize federal reimbursement for the cost of services provided through the residential placement prevention program, including filing any necessary amendments to existing waivers or filing an application for a new home and community-based services waiver with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services if determined appropriate to do so; provided further that the department of elementary and secondary education shall fully cooperate in providing information and assistance necessary for the department of developmental services to maximize federal reimbursement and to effectively serve students in less restrictive settings.”