Amendment #669 to H3400

Homeless Families- Technical Amendment

[Sponsors] Ms. Fox of Boston , Ms. Wolf of Cambridge, and Representatives Collins of Boston, Swan of Springfield, Madden of Nantucket, Brady of Brockton, Provost of Somerville, Atkins of Concord, Henriquez of Boston, O'Day of Worcester, Sciortino of Medford, Andrews of Orange, Sullivan of Fall River, Hecht of Watertown, Smizik of Brookline, Canavan of Brockton, Forry of Boston, Malia of Boston, Brownsberger of Belmont, Sannicandro of Ashland, Gobi of Spencer, Devers of Lawrence, Holmes of Boston, and Cabral of New Bedford hereby move to amend the bill in item 7004-0101 of section 2

by striking out the words “provided further, that families may receive temporary assistance from this item to compensate for timing placement issues with item 7004-0108;” and inserting in place thereof the words: --

provided further, that other families who meet eligibility requirements in effect on April 15, 2011 shall receive temporary assistance from this item pending placement in housing under item 7004-0108;

by striking out the words “provided further, temporary assistance under this item shall be terminated upon the offer of housing assistance under 7004-0108; provided further, a family may not decline an offer for housing assistance provided the offer adequately accommodates the size of the family and the new housing placement shall not result in a job loss for the client; provided further, any family that declines an adequate offer of housing assistance shall become ineligible for housing assistance from this item;” and inserting in place thereof the following words: --

provided further, temporary assistance under this item may be terminated when housing, including housing assisted under 7004-0108, becomes available; provided further, a family may not decline an offer for housing, including housing assisted under 7004-0108, provided the offer adequately accommodates the size and disabilities of the family and the new housing placement shall not result in a job loss for the family or interruption of special education services provided pursuant to an individualized education plan; provided further, any family that declines an offer of adequate and actually available housing, including housing supported through item 7004-0108, shall become ineligible for housing assistance from this item; and

by striking out “fiscal year 2011” and inserting the words: --

fiscal year 2012.