Amendment #103 to H4100

Statewide Quality Advisory Committee

Mr. Murphy of Weymouth moves to amend the bill by inserting after section 90 the following section: Section 54 of Chapter 288 of the Acts of 2010 is hereby amended by striking the second paragraph in its entirety and replacing it with the following new language:-

“The department of public health shall convene a statewide advisory committee which shall recommend to the department by November 1, 2010 the Standard Quality Measure Set. The statewide advisory committee shall consist of the commissioner of health care finance and policy or the commissioner’s designee, who shall serve as the chair; and up to 8 members, including the executive director of the group insurance commission and the Medicaid director, or the directors designees; and up to 6 representatives of organizations to be appointed by the governor including at least 1 representative from an acute care hospital or hospital association, 1 representative from a provider group or medical association or provider association, 1 representative from a medical group, 1 representative from a private health plan or health plan association, 1 representative from the Massachusetts Association of Health Plans, 1 representative from an employer association and 1 representative from a health care consumer group.”