Amendment #300 to H4100

Long-Term Services and Supports Advisory Committee

Representatives Kane of Holyoke and Collins of Boston move to amend H 4100 by adding at the end the following outside section:


SECTION  xxx.  Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, for the purpose of developing incentive based programs for providers of community-based long-term services and supports, the following shall apply:


The Joint Committee on Health Care Finance, in consultation with the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs and the Joint Committee on Children, Families, and Persons with Disabilities, shall create a Long-Term Services and Supports Advisory Committee comprised of the following 16 members and jointly chaired by a member of the House and Senate:


2 representatives of the House; 2 representatives of the Senate; one representative from each of the following agencies: MassHealth, the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, the Division of Health Care Finance and Policy, the Department of Public Health, and the Executive Office of Administration and Finance; 2 consumer representatives, and 5 representatives of community-based long-term care providers, of which at least two of them are for-profit entities, all of which represent services approved by the Medicaid State Plan.


The Committee shall evaluate and report out on opportunities to improve cost and quality through value-based purchasing strategies and the development and deployment of an electronic community care record for community-based long-term care services.  The Committee shall report out to the Joint Committee on Health Care Finance by the later of September 1 or four months following the final passage this act.