Amendment #301 to H4100

Innovation in Community-based Long-term Services and Supports

Representatives Kane of Holyoke and Collins of Boston move that House Bill 4100 be amended in section 2, in item 4000-0600, by adding the following language at the end thereof:


provided further, that EOHHS shall expend $1.4 M from this item, or items 4000-0500 or 4000-0700, as performance incentive payments to providers of community-based long-term services and supports as approved by the State Plan, that can demonstrate, according to standards to be established by January 1, 2013 by MassHealth, in collaboration with community-based providers, the following: that they use electronic records to support MassHealth members who are clinically eligible for nursing facility services by capturing a member’s care status, relevant health assessment and care plan information;  improved quality of services provided to members;  and enhanced communication with primary care and other involved providers.