Amendment #343 to H4100

Tax Credit for New Plug In Hybrid Car Purchases

Mr. Chan of Quincy moves to amend the bill by adding at the end thereof the following section:


SECTION ______. Section 6 of chapter 64H of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding the following paragraphs:

(yy) sales of new plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

(1) As used in this section, the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meaning:

"Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle" means a motor vehicle, as defined in Massachusetts General Laws chapter ninety, section one, which:

(i) draws propulsion using a traction battery with at least 4 kilowatt hours of capacity,

(ii) uses an external source of energy to recharge such battery,

(iii) the original use of which commences with the taxpayer,

(iv) which is acquired for use or lease by the taxpayer and not for resale, and

(v) which is made by a manufacturer.

(2) This exemption is capped at $1,000,000 per fiscal year

(3) This exemption shall expire on December 31, 2018