Amendment #491 to H4100

Establish a Study Commission for post-seconday public instutions

Representatives DiNatale of Fitchburg, Pignatelli of Lenox, Rosa of Leominster, Ferguson of Holden, Fresolo of Worcester, O'Day of West Boylston, Mahoney of Worcester, Gobi of Spencer and Benson of Lunenburg move to amend the bill by striking out section 91 and inserting in place thereof the following section:

Section 91. A study commission is hereby established for the purpose of recommending guidelines and procedures for post-secondary public institutions. The recommendations shall include but not be limited to  Community College presidential appointment, evaluation, removal and compensation; transfer of credits; equity in finances; distribution of scholarship monies; coordination of grant opportunities; coordination and regionalization of courses and programs; appropriate performance metrics; accountability and governance measures.  This commission shall consist of 19 members including the Secretary of Education, the Commissioner of Higher Education, the Chair of the Board of Higher Education, two Community College Trustees selected by the Community College Trustee Association, two Trustees selected by the  State and University Trustee Association, the President of the University of Massachusetts (or his  designee), a president of a state university, selected by the Council of Presidents, the president of a community college, selected by the Council of Community College Presidents, the Student Trustee of the Board of Higher Education, one member of a faculty union (selected by the MTA), two members selected by the Governor of the Commonwealth who shall have backgrounds in public higher education , two members of the House, and two members of the Senate, selected by the Senate President and the Speaker of the House

The commission shall be chaired by the Commissioner of Higher Education (or his designee).  Recommendations developed by this commission along with proposed legislation shall be reported to the Governor of the Commonwealth, the Senate President, the Speaker of House and the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means no later than March 1, 2013