Amendment #701 to H4100

DTA - Asset Provision, Outside Section 102

Representatives Khan of Newton, Forry of Boston, Farley-Bouvier of Pittsfield, Sannicandro of Ashland, Smith of Everett, Lawn of Watertown and Andrews of Orange move to amend the bill in the OUTSIDE SECTION by inserting after OUTSIDE SECTION 98 the following section:

“OUTSIDE SECTION 102. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, with respect to the programs of emergency aid to elders, disabled and children under chapter 117A of the general laws and transitional aid to families with dependent children under chapter 118 of the General Laws, the department of transitional assistance shall treat as noncountable with regard to any maximum countable resource limits and the lump sum income rule, up to $10,000 that has been expended or is placed in an Individual Asset Account for later expenditure for costs related to education or training, transportation to work or to other activities of daily living including the purchase or repair of a vehicle, obtaining or retaining or maintaining housing, debt reduction, starting a business, health care, basic household necessities, or other responsible expenses as identified by the department.”