Amendment #757 to H4100

Career Center Amendment 7003-0803

Mr. Mark of Hancock moves that the bill be amended in section 2, in item 7003-0803, by deleting "for the one-stop career centers, $4,480,122" and inserting the following:


"7003-0803 One-Stop Career Centers chartered by local workforce investment boards are a major source of information, training, labor exchange and job placements in Massachusetts. Each career center shall inform unemployed or underemployed residents and individuals with low educational skill levels or limited English proficiency who seek assistance from the center of the full range of education and training programs that are available to them, the availability of jobs in the professions for which such programs prepare participants, and the average wage rates in such professions within the commonwealth. The department of career services shall conduct an evaluation of the use of one-stop career centers including, but not limited to, the numbers of individuals and employers served in each region; the services provided by each one stop career center; the number of persons and costs of connecting unemployment insurance claimant in one-stops; the costs of providing each of the range of one-stop career services; provided further, the department shall provide an analysis of the level of funds needed to adequately support the services at one-stop career centers. The director shall annually, by September 30, report to the secretary of administration and finance, the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on economic development and emerging technologies, and the joint committee on labor and workforce development on the status of the evaluation herein required and the allocation of said funds. Said appropriation shall support the operations of existing one-stop career centers; provided further a subsidized employment program shall be developed for adults and youth in the commonwealth; provided further that funds shall be allocated for subsidized employment to the commonwealth corporation through an interagency service agreement and managed by local workforce investment boards consistent with current state policy for workforce investment act and youth works funding; provided further, that funds shall be available for expenditure through September 30, 2013;”


Strike "$4,480,122" and replace with "$4,752,323"