Amendment #863 to H4100

An Amendment to Help Massachusetts lobstermen

Representatives Orrall of Lakeville and O'Connell of Taunton Move to amend the bill in Section 44 of chapter 130 of the General Law, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, by striking out the third paragraph and inserting in place thereof the following paragraph:  If the measurement of any such lobster taken from one or the other eye sockets is of the required length, such lobster shall be deemed to be a legal lobster. The possession of lobster parts at sea or bringing ashore any mutilated lobster in a manner that affects its measurement as aforesaid shall be prima facie evidence in all prosecutions that the lobster was or is less than the required length. The director, with the approval of the marine fisheries advisory commission, shall promulgate rules and regulation permitting

the on-shore possession, on-shore processing or sale of frozen lobster parts by wholesale dealers. Provided, that said processing shall be conducted only by wholesale dealers whose facilities are certified by the Department of Public Health. Provided further, any licensed dealer or restaurant may possess and offer for sale and any consumer may possess frozen lobster parts, provided the product is clearly identified

and labeled with the licensed number of the processor and the place of origin. This section shall not apply to common carriers possessing mutilated lobster parts for the purpose of transportation.