Amendment #8 to H4196

Storm Response - Technical Changes

Mr. Golden of Lowell moves to amend the amendment making the following changes:


In SECTION 2, subsection (1) in lines 13 and 14 by striking the words “service workers”


and inserting in place thereof the word “crews”;


In SECTION 5, subsection (e) in line 38 by striking the number “4” and inserting in place


thereof the number “5”,  and in line 43 by striking the words “local officials” and


inserting in place thereof the words “management staff responsible for company


operations”; and in subsection (f)  lines 45, 48, and 51 by striking the word


“transmission” wherever it appears; and in line 54 by striking the words “general public”


and inserting in place thereof the words “designated emergency management official”