Amendment ID: H4456-1

Amendment 1

Peter E. McCauley Pavilions

Mr. Petruccelli moves to amend the bill striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the following text:-

SECTION 1.  The area between pavilions numbered 3 and 4, located on Revere Beach Boulevard near its intersection with Chester avenue in the city of Revere shall be designated and known as the Peter E. McCauley Memorial Plaza in honor of Revere historian Peter E. McCauley. The department of conservation and recreation shall erect and maintain a suitable marker on the clock located between the 2 pavilions bearing that designation in compliance with the standards of the department.

SECTION 2.  Said pavilions numbered 3 and 4 shall be designated and known as the Peter E. McCauley Memorial Pavilions in his honor.  The department of conservation and recreation shall erect and maintain suitable markers bearing that designation in compliance with the standards of the department.