Budget Amendment ID: FY2012-S3-161-R1

Redraft GOV 161

Direct Care Salary Reserve

Mr. Rodrigues and Ms. Spilka and Mr. Knapik and Ms. Jehlen and Messrs. Michael Moore and Welch and Ms. Fargo and Ms. Chang-Diaz and Messrs. Petruccelli, Kennedy and DiDomenico and Ms. Clark and Messrs. Eldridge and Keenan and Ms. Candaras and Messrs. Donnelly and Richard Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting at the end thereof the following new section:-

"Section XX.  Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the commonwealth health insurance connector authority shall conduct a procurement in fiscal year 2012 for personnel, including direct care workers, earning less than $40,000 in annual compensation who are employed by private human service providers that deliver human and social services under contracts with departments within the executive office of health and human services and the executive office of elder affairs.  The procurement shall be released no later than January 1, 2012 for coverage effective in fiscal year 2012. In developing regulations as necessary for the procurement, bid, the administration of, and the procedures of this section the Connector shall consult with the Massachusetts council on human service providers.  Any purchaser of health insurance coverage pursuant to this section shall pay the commonwealth health insurance connector authority for 100% of the costs of such coverage, including reasonable administrative expenses."