Budget Amendment ID: FY2012-S3-204.1

Further ECO 204.1

Special Commission to Study Not-for-Profit Board Compensation

Mr. Berry moved that the amendment be amended Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, there shall be a special commission to make an investigation and study relative to the compensation of board members for not-for-profit public charities in the commonwealth.  The commission shall be comprised of the attorney general, or her designee, who shall act as chair of the commission; three representatives to be appointed by the governor, which shall include one representative of a college or university incorporated as a public charity in the commonwealth; one representative of a health plan which is a not-for-profit public charity licensed in the commonwealth who does not compensate its board; one representative of a health plan which is a not-for-profit public charity licensed in the commonwealth who compensates its board; the Senate President, or her designee; the Speaker of the House, or his designee.

The commission shall examine the policies of not-for-profit public charities, both within the commonwealth and nationwide, with respect to board compensation, the potential for conflicts of interest, potential impacts on consumers, and the need for not-for-profit public charities to attract qualified board members with appropriate expertise.  The commission shall compile a report, including recommended legislation, if any, and file it with the clerks of the House and Senate not later than December 31, 2011.