Budget Amendment ID: FY2012-S3-5


Honoring Veterans of the Commonwealth

Ms. Fargo and Mr. Richard T. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after Section 152, the following new section:-


"SECTION 153. The Ashburton Place Flag Pole Island that is located in proximity to The State House and The John W. McCormack State Office Building bordered by the streets known as Bowdoin Street and Ashburton Place, in the city of Boston, under the care and control of the bureau of state office buildings, shall be dedicated and known as the “Veterans’ Memorial Flag Plaza” in memory of those who have served with courage and honor in the armed forces and national guard during time of conflict in defense of our commonwealth and nation.  The bureau of state office buildings shall erect and maintain an appropriate marker bearing this designation in compliance with the standards of the bureau."