Budget Amendment ID: FY2012-S3-72

LOC 72

Charter School Funding

Ms. Clark and Mr. DiDomenico moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after Section __, the following new Section:-

Section __.

"SECTION __. Section 89(ff) of Chapter 71 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking the first sentence of the second paragraph and inserting in place thereof the following:

In calculating the per pupil foundation budget component, the department shall calculate a foundation budget for the students from each sending district attending the charter school in the previous fiscal year, pursuant to the provisions of section 2 of Chapter 70; provided, that the department shall not include in said calculation the assumed tuition-out special education enrollment, nor any amounts generated by said assumed enrollment, as defined by said section 2; provided further, that the calculation for assumed in-school special education enrollment pursuant to said section 2 shall reflect the individual student full-time equivalent enrollment and only the actual amounts generated by said enrollment in the previous fiscal year."