Budget Amendment ID: FY2013-S4-389-R1

Redraft EDU 389

Tuition Retention

Mr. Rosenberg moved that the proposed new text be amended , in section 46, in proposed section 42 of chapter 15A of the General Laws, by adding the following subsection:- “(f) This section shall apply only to those campuses for which the local board of trustees has approved by majority vote to accept this section.”; and


in section 75, by striking out, in line 1088, the words “March 1” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “June 30”; and


in said section 75, in proposed section 8A of chapter 75 of the General Laws, by adding the following subsection:- “(d) This section shall apply to the university only if the board of trustees has approved by a majority vote acceptance of this section.”; and


by striking out section 126; and


in section 127, by striking out, in lines 1772 and 1773, the words “the state universities and the campuses of the University of Massachusetts shall not” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “no state university or the University of Massachusetts that has voted to adopt an in-state tuition retention program under section 42 of chapter 15A of the General Laws or section 8A of chapter 75 of the General Laws, as applicable, shall be”; and


by striking out section 129 and inserting in place thereof the following section:-

“SECTION 129. Not later than October 1, 2012, the commissioner of higher education, in consultation with the secretary of education, the president of the University of Massachusetts and the presidents of the state universities shall submit to the board of higher education a report that includes a review of: (1) the effectiveness of all tuition and fee waivers; (2) the merits and feasibility of changing the name of waivers to “scholarships”; (3) the policies governing and costs related to continuing education programs; and (4) the method in which funds will be appropriated to the University of Massachusetts and the state universities that have approved by majority vote to accept section 8A of chapter 75 or section 42 of chapter 15A of the General Laws to cover the  value of tuition and fee waivers authorized by the board of higher education, by the board of trustees of the University of Massachusetts, by the boards of trustees of individual state universities and by the campuses of the University of Massachusetts.  The report shall examine the extent to which these waivers are being used by the intended beneficiaries, the cost to the state universities, the University of Massachusetts and the commonwealth of these waivers, and the relative benefits of maintaining these waivers as compared to providing additional support to students through the scholarship programs authorized in section 16 of said chapter 15A.  The report shall include recommendations to the board concerning the extent to which such waiver programs should be continued, modified, discontinued or replaced by providing additional support to the state scholarship program and further recommendations to enable campuses to alter the proportion of student charges that are represented by tuition and fees so that fees represent no more than 25 per cent of total student charges.  The report shall also include any recommendations for pertinent regulatory or statutory changes.  A copy of the report shall be provided to the joint committee on higher education, the house and senate committees on ways and means, the board of trustees of the University of Massachusetts and the secretary of education at the time the report is submitted to the board of higher education.”; and


by striking out section 130; and


by inserting after section 131, the following section:-

“SECTION 131A.  The board of higher education, in consultation with the board of trustees of the University of Massachusetts and the board of trustees of each state university shall study and make recommendations on the best method in which to balance the interests of each participating campus and the commonwealth in regard to the payment of fringe costs. The method shall ensure that the state appropriation of each campus that has elected to participate reflects the tuition retained and includes sufficient funding to allow the participating campus to pay the fringe costs.  The board of higher education shall submit its report, together with drafts of legislation, to the secretary of education, the secretary of administration and finance, the joint committee on higher education and the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than December 31, 2012.”; and


in section 157, by striking out, in lines 2288, the words “board of higher education” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “the University of Massachusetts board of trustees”.