Amendment #7 to H2015

Reports of Committees

Mr. Jones of North Reading moves to amend the order in proposed Rule 1  by striking out in lines 89 through 98, inclusive, the following:-

“The Senate and House chairmen of a joint committee may appoint subcommittees to investigate and study any matter referred to said subcommittee. Any subcommittee so established shall be co-chaired by a majority member of the Senate and a majority member of the House who are members of the joint standing committee appointing the subcommittee. The composition of the subcommittee shall be proportional to the composition of the appointing joint committee; provided, however, that not less than 10 per cent of the subcommittee’s members shall be from the minority party. Chairmen of subcommittees shall not be considered chairmen under section 2 of chapter 3 of the acts of 2005. A subcommittee may, upon completion of an investigation and study, report the results of the investigation and study together with legislation, if any, by filing the same with the Senate and House chairmen of the appointing joint committee.”

; and further in proposed Rule 10 by inserting in line 434, after the word “report” the following:- “, either favorable or adverse,”

; and further in proposed Rule 10 by inserting in rule 447, after the word “rule.” the following:-

“If such matter fails to appear in the Orders of the Day by the end of the legislative day next following the expiration date, the bill or resolution may be petitioned out of committee by the original sponsor.”.



Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #7 to H2015

Reports of Committees


Bradley H. Jones, Jr.