Amendment #14 to H3379

Regional Equity

Representatives Sannicandro of Ashland, Fernandes of Milford and Walsh of Framingham moves to amend the bill by inserting the following section:

The bill is amended in SECTION 5 in line 65 by striking the words

“2 members of the board, 2 members from the Massachusetts Municipal Association, 2 members from different regional planning agencies, 1 member from the construction industry, and 1 member from a business association.”

And further amend the bill in SECTION 5 in line 65 by inserting after the words “secretary:” the following words

“2 members of the board; 1 member from the construction industry; 1 member from a business association; and 2 members from the Massachusetts Municipal Association and 2 members from different regional planning agencies, all 4 of whom shall be from different geographic regions. ”

And further amend the bill in SECTION 5 by inserting the following words:

“The plan shall include an analysis of capital needs and the projected spending in the catchment area of each regional planning agency, and in the case of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council each subregion.”


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #14 to H3379

Regional Equity


Tom Sannicandro

John V. Fernandes

Chris Walsh