Amendment #9 to H3382

Regional Transit Authority Board Membership & Voting Privileges

Mr. Moran of Boston moves to amend the bill in section 5 of chapter 161B, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition of the General Laws, by striking out the first sentence of the second paragraphs and inserting in place thereof:

One representative of the disabled commuter population shall serve on the advisory board as a voting member for a 1 year term. Each representative shall have one vote on the advisory board.


and to amend the bill in section 5 of chapter 161B as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition of the General Laws, by inserting after the first paragraph the following two paragraphs:

One representative of the transit riding population shall serve on the advisory board as a voting member for a 1 year term. Each representative shall have one vote on the advisory board. Every city or town in the region, on a rotating basis as determined by the board, shall appoint a transit rider representative successively. The mayor or city manager and the chairman, town manager or town administrator shall appoint a transit rider resident of their city or town. This transit rider representative shall be a regular rider of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority public transit service. Such determination of regularity shall be made by each regional authority in accordance with sound guidelines developed in consultation with the department. The representative of a city or town may be reappointed after representatives from the other cities and towns within the region have served their 1 year terms.


The governor shall appoint 1 person to each advisory board who is a representative of labor unions, from a list of at least 5 persons nominated by the Massachusetts State AFL-CIO and its regional councils. Each appointment shall be for a 1 year term. Such persons shall each have one vote on the advisory board. The representative of a city or town may be reappointed after representatives from the other cities and towns within the region have served their 1 year terms.