Further Amendment #385.1 to H3400
Further Amendment to #385
Mr. Conroy of Wayland Mr. Conroy of Wayland moves to amend amendment 385 to House Bill 3400 by adding at the end thereof the following:-
Notwithstanding any special or general law to the contrary, the provisions of section 15 and sections AA to GG, inclusive, shall not take effect until such time as (i) the department of transitional assistance, in consultation with the executive office of administration and finance, has furnished a report detailing how the department will incorporate the findings and concerns of the Cashless Payment System Commission established by section 5 of chapter 161 of the Acts of 2012, including the costs to the commonwealth and the time needed for implementation of systems for cashless benefit distribution, online payment, point of sale product and out-of-state restrictions and retailer registration for acceptance of electronic benefit transfer cards, including, but not limited to, an assessment on the current technological capability of the commonwealth, related industries and any improvements necessary to implement the systems listed above; a distributional analysis showing the impact on retailers, including small businesses, and recipients; the current practice of other states; any anticipated change in employment and ancillary economic activity; a detailed report of efforts to implement provisions of said chapter 161, including enforcement and education mechanisms for clients and retailers, such asĀ random checks on card usage in prohibited establishments and publicizing results and financial penalties collected for violations, to the house and senate committees on ways and means; and (ii) necessary legislation pursuant to the report has been filed and passed pursuant to Part 2, Chap. 1, Sec. 1, Art. II of the Constitution.